The white car looks to be a Cooper but whereas many of them ran with a Manx Norton engine, this one appears from the signage and a glimpse of the head to have a 500 JAP speedway single fitted.
The white car looks to be a Cooper but whereas many of them ran with a Manx Norton engine, this one appears from the signage and a glimpse of the head to have a 500 JAP speedway single fitted.
A few more from the 'should post on TRS' folder. October 28th 2016
Another Mix
Brendan Dugan being overtaken by the Ray Smith/Denny Hulme Commodore, Pukekohe B & H October 1984. Note the excellent spectator spots!
I originally dated these 2 as December, but probably should also be October 1984.
'Le Mans' Competitors, January 1985
Maserarri, January 1994. What happened to this car?
Last edited by ERC; 12-23-2016 at 09:10 PM.
Apparently restored and in storage in Auckland, was for sale a couple of years ago. I enquired about the price and think it was circa $80,000. A nice piece of history showing Graham McRae's early engineering talent
Where was the photo of the white car taken Ray? In NZ or the UK?
The front end with it's transverse leaf spring and uprights looks very much like a Cooper 500 EXCEPT it has what appears to be coilovers as well (not usual on Coopers). The rear looks to be a swing axle arrangement characteristic of Kiefts.
Chelsea Hillclimb 1993! As no programme is produced, it is often down to Waitemata VCC members to fill in the gaps for me. Back then, it was a more raucous affair than it is today. Now, we can hardly hear the competitors, even though we are only a couple of streets away, as the crow flies.
I'm sure there are VCC members who know the car and all I really need is a make, otherwise it is destined for the non-classified folder forever.
Having a break from scanning old stuff (negatives and slides) at the moment and I doubt I will ever get them all done, given how long it takes.
A random dip as I try and refine the library and clear out some of the duplicates - a never ending task.
To celebrate my much loved father who passed away December 27th 1989. Another of his 'Merit' construction kits. I think he just polished the plastic on this one, rather than paint. Remember back then it was slow drying brushed Humbrol enamel paints rather than spray cans.
Goodwood Festival of Speed, 2002. It has always been a feature of the Festival that a selection of F1 cars attend and Honda certainly supported the event.
The beautiful Eagle photographed in the Donington collection. I have no idea if it is still there as so many cars have been sold off. By the looks of this pic, it is the pre Weslake V12, Climax powered car.
The famous recreation of the shark nose Ferrari. Such a shame that all the originals were deliberately destroyed on the instructions of Enzo.
Back to Hampton Downs for the 2011 Festival... Apologies if I have posted these before.
So good to see the F1 Amon on track.
Last edited by ERC; 12-30-2016 at 08:22 PM.
Not a Grand Prix racer! 1993 Chelsea Hillclimb again. I am amazed at the variety of Austin 7 based specials in NZ. This one begs a witty caption...
Villeneuve - but this is junior - and a picture that required climbing up a fence to poke the camera through the chicken wire, at the private Ferrari test track. Only in Italy would the police be on hand to control the traffic, as 100's of locals (and NZ visitors) tried to get a glimpse of this familiarisation session.
Our allocated seating for the 2012 Monaco event was down at the front, right behind the wire fence, as cars approached the swimming pool. A terrible place for taking photographs, so we all decamped to the top, rear of the stand, and by standing on the rear seats, looking backwards, I was able to get some of the best pics I have ever taken, but there was only a very short gap between the trees, and cars going past the finishing line at a fair old lick.
I only had the long lens with me so getting the whole car into the shot required panning very quickly.
1954 Lancia Marino
Maserati 6CM/4CM
Fast Forward to Chris Watson's Gardos, I think his debut event with the car in 2015.
Last edited by ERC; 12-30-2016 at 08:59 PM.
Leftovers from October!
Last edited by ERC; 01-01-2017 at 01:41 AM.
Another of Dad's Merit kits. As I recall, the basic Airfix car kit was 2/-, the Merit kits were a whopping 7/6. I think the super kits, with engine detail might have been more. Well out of my price range at the time. I have enjoyed the Tamiya kits though, especially the Jaguar Mk2, with the incredible transfers for the 'walnut' dash.
Chelsea Hillclimb again (2016), with a couple of the stalwarts. John Hartle (pic 1), ace restorer of motorbikes, also rebuilt the steel chassis of Sean Bainbridge's Marcos V6.
Last edited by ERC; 01-01-2017 at 08:47 PM.
Another mix as I try and tidy the library which means being a bit more ruthless...
Muller at Donington 1938 - probably posted before!
Demo run at the 2012 Monaco meeting
Part of the Stirling Moss tribute 2009 at Goodwood
Sliverstone 1973
Another interesting car from the Donington collection. I have no idea if it is still there. Front wheel drive Derby Maserati.
The Begg fitted with the Daimler V8 in 2007. This car is currently for sale on Trade Me.
Last edited by ERC; 01-02-2017 at 08:31 PM.
Jo Bonnier at Silverstone 1963 - another of dad's pics before he let me loose with either my own camera (an Ilford Advocate that was notoriously unreliable...) or later, his Leica.
The Annual Bugatti/Ferrari Prescott hillclimb at the end of May, which I would love to have gone to more than twice. HWM Jaguar.
Museo Ferrari in Maranello 2012
One of the Rush family's well known cars.
Last edited by ERC; 01-03-2017 at 11:58 PM.
Just scanned these. Pukekohe 1983 and 1984. Sorry, no race programme and dates are therefore provisional. Any confirmation or additional info welcomed, especially the identification of single seaters.
It would appear that the last lot of photos you posted are from the December 11, 1983 meeting.
Thanks Milan. Where would I be without your accurate inputs. That takes care of the last 3 pics of that set anyway.
The Mini 7 in this shot is Sel Melville's and it was sponsored by Graeme Lawrence Tryes. It ran as number 8 in the 1982-83 season. I have it in programmes for Dec 82 and Mar 83. Were you at either of those meetings? My NZGP programmes are still in storage so I can't check the 82 GP meeting.
I have that pic as March 5th 1983, which I think was a reunion meeting of some sort. Maybe celebrating 30 years of Pukekohe or 30 years since the end of Ardmore? I arrived in NZ January 17th 1983...
The Formula Pacific has a Canadian flag on it but I'm not such what make of car it is! Ralt?