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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #241
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - 1964

    Picture from a book or magazine, posted on Facebook by Dave Howell,
    a good selection of Kiwi engineering and well known drivers.. read the caption below;

    Name:  Pukekohe Saloon car field - D A Howell.jpg
Views: 2407
Size:  129.5 KB

    Would like to know the source of the picture ; Jack Inwood, or Euan Sargeson perhaps, the mention of 8 years means was written and published around 1972

  2. #242
    Just love Garth Souness Coupe-155.... where is it now ,and the other Coupes, did any survive. ?
    Coupes did it for me everytime.
    (wonder why no one has got one of these bodies and put a NASCA engine in to run in CMC ? (LOL)
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 09-01-2016 at 08:12 AM.

  3. #243
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Picture from a book or magazine, posted on Facebook by Dave Howell,
    a good selection of Kiwi engineering and well known drivers.. read the caption below;

    [ATTACH=CONFIG] the mention of 8 years means was written and published around 1972
    Looks like about 63/64

  4. #244

    Garth Souness 32 Coupe

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Just love Garth Souness Coupe-155.... where is it now ,and the other Coupes, did any survive. ?
    Coupes did it for me everytime.
    (wonder why no one has got one of these bodies and put a NASCA engine in to run in CMC ? (LOL)
    John McKechnie was wondering what happened to the Garth Souness 32 Ford coupe. Its in a shed near Auckland awaiting restoration. I have a picture in its current state but don`t know how to attach it. I could send it to someone by e-mail who does know how if anyone is interested.

    Regards, Trevor Benton, Brisbane.

  5. #245
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Benton View Post
    John McKechnie was wondering what happened to the Garth Souness 32 Ford coupe. Its in a shed near Auckland awaiting restoration. I have a picture in its current state but don`t know how to attach it. I could send it to someone by e-mail who does know how if anyone is interested.

    Regards, Trevor Benton, Brisbane.
    Trevor, send to me " ", and i will, as John and others would like to see it .. cheers .. and I am in QLD, just North of Brisbane .. Bellara, Bribie Island.. small world ..

  6. #246
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Garth Souness Coupe..

    Picture from Trevor Benton..

    Name:  NSCC Garth Souness 32 Ford  (2).jpg
Views: 1822
Size:  84.8 KB

    Trevor also wrote this " The Souness coupe when imported new had a 4 cylinder engine later converted to flathead power & when raced a 283 ci [genuine] Corvette was fitted. It was one of the very early possibly the earliest coupe to have ohv V8 power & raced on NZ circuits. As you can see by the attachment which was taken about 3 years ago its had a hard life & from Garth Souness it went through several hands in Auckland & was turned into a hot rod at one point. The present owner in Sth Auckland has most of the sheet metal much of it in poor condition especially the doors but no running gear & the intention is to restore it as it was when raced with a 283 ci Chev resembling a Corvette. A lot of these restorations are started & never finished but hopefully this will be an exception as it was very unique in its day. "

    John Mck this is for you, Mate ..

  7. #247
    Wow, another race car with history saved and patiently waiting its turn.
    Trevor- thanks so much for giving us this pic and info on this car.

  8. #248
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - The Fleetwood Mustang

    It appears that Steve Twist and myself were at the meetings when the Segedin / Fleetwood Mustang ran although my shot of it on the trailer shows it without the grille and other chrome, maybe it was at the end of the days racing ??.

    Steve Twist photos -
    Name:  Fleetwood Mustang Steve Twist #2,  06 Early Pukekohe f008.jpg
Views: 1612
Size:  102.4 KB

    Name:  Fleetwood Mustang Steve Twist Part 2 pic.jpg
Views: 1611
Size:  139.5 KB

    My photo ;

    Name:  Pukekohe April 1966 Mustang Ivan Segedin -stack pipes CCI12102015_0001 (800x790).jpg
Views: 1636
Size:  139.8 KB

    and of course the Boat front - David Mckinney picture

    Name:  Fleetwood Mustang 66 - David Mckinney.jpg
Views: 1642
Size:  110.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-12-2016 at 04:37 AM.

  9. #249
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    The pictures are my own taken with a basic Kodak Camera with no adjustments possible, just point and shoot;.

    April 1966 meeting ; the Reverse Direction one ; never tried again as too dangerous and quite a few accidents including
    Ron Browns Mini; as mentioned Ron was Assistant Clerk of the course that day ; he was the Team Mate of Allan Boyle who also ran a Cooper " S ".
    Attachment 30895

    Attachment 30896

    Attachment 30897
    Dennis Marwood - Cooper
    Attachment 30898
    Ivan Segedin - Mustang [ The Fleetwood Mustang - with the feature of the time stack exhaust pipes, many a good bonnet wrecked ].
    Attachment 30899
    The Sports cars get ready - Bucklers, Daimler SP250 Honda S600 [ another photo later of this car ]
    Attachment 30900
    Interesting article in the latest issue of " Australian Muscle Car " # 89 the back page called in Australia style " Whaddayaknow ", subtitle " Selecting Reverse " about the reverse track meeting held at Oran Park in June [ 8th ] 1986 and then there was an April First announcement in 2014 of a Bathurst meeting for 2015 to be tun in reverse.. Think we did it first at Pukekohe !! .

  10. #250
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Selecting Reverse - the article..Australian Muscle Car #89 ..

    Perhaps a letter to AMC is required ; Does anyone have any action shots mine seem to be all from the pits ..

    Name:  AMC article Issue 89 Aug Sep 2016 CCI12092016 (527x750).jpg
Views: 1637
Size:  173.3 KB

  11. #251
    #248-Was the boat front of this made about the same time as the Custaxie ?

  12. #252
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    #248-Was the boat front of this made about the same time as the Custaxie ?
    John Mck.. think the Custaxie looked better ..

  13. #253
    Yep, that Mustang just didnt look right with that addition.
    My favourite fast front was Jack Nazers......beautiful.

  14. #254
    Good call John.

    Pic from the Gerard Richards Collection here on TRS, Paritutu '65.

    Name:  nazer paritutu 65.jpg
Views: 1653
Size:  111.0 KB

  15. #255
    Thats a really neat pic- and I have never see it before....great post GD66
    Uncle Jack still looks the same, hasnt aged a day.

  16. #256
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe the track 1963

    My time at Pukekohe really started in 1965 at the Wills Six Hour - Gold Leaf Three Hour meeting.. I did see some racing in 1964 from outside the track, as mentioned, think Dad didn't want tp pay in case I didn't like it .. or we just happened to be driving past !!..
    In the thread there is no picture of the track;

    Here from the Rothmans " Book of New Zealand Motor Racing " edited by Des Mahoney [ forward was by one Bruce Mclaren ] are the plan of the Original track, and a couple of scenes from the 1963 Grand Prix meeting - the first NZIGP held there;

    Name:  Pukekohe Race Track 1963 #4, - The Rothmans Book 1963  CCI10102016_0001 (520x700).jpg
Views: 1595
Size:  162.2 KB

    The track

    Name:  Pukekohe Race Track 1963 #3, the track - Rothmans Book 1963 CCI10102016 (800x482).jpg
Views: 1566
Size:  120.6 KB

    Aerial view of the stands and pits at Pukekohe ( top ) and John Surtees Lola and Bruce Mclaren Cooper early in the 1963 GP
    Name:  Pukekohe Race Track 1963 #2, the track pits & racing - Rothmans Book 1963 CCI10102016_0002 (521x.jpg
Views: 1517
Size:  154.0 KB

    " Starter George Smith [ is that Gee Cee Ess George, looks like him ] chats with Bruce Mclaren, while Les McLaren looks thoughtful; John Surtees adjust his helmet at left "
    2nd pic
    ' " Will she, won't she? " Graham Hill looks tense, Innes Ireland anxious, [ standing ] as the Ferguson is push started ". quotes from the book, Italics are mine
    Name:  Pukekohe Race Track 1963 #1, the pits - Rothmans Book 1963 CCI10102016_0003 (524x700).jpg
Views: 1544
Size:  143.1 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-10-2016 at 11:11 PM. Reason: added info #### 47

  17. #257
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - various photos - 1963

    Have names for the people in the lower photos, will edit the post

  18. #258
    World Champion
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    Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?

    Car 29 was Chris Amon's Cooper T 53.

    I was at this race. I remember it being a very hot day and we were parked at the "Loop" corner.
    Just a little "nipper" in short pants.

    (How ya doin mate ? )
    Ken H.
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 10-10-2016 at 11:43 PM.

  19. #259
    World Champion
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?
    Looks awfully like him

  20. #260
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Is that Innes Ireland watching Graham Hill being pushed to the grid in the Rob Walker Team Ferguson P 99- 4WD that retired on the last lap (of 75 ) with gearbox problems ?

    Car 29 was Chris Amon's Cooper T 53.

    I was at this race. I remember it being a very hot day and we were parked at the "Loop" corner.
    Just a little "nipper" in short pants.

    (How ya doin mate ? )
    Ken H.
    Ken, H, and seaqnmac yes it is I have added the comment later to the pictures.. cheers guys.. all good here, hot today 32 deg celsius, not sure what that is in F, Fairly F *** in, hot I would imagine ..

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