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Thread: Team Cambridge Monaro

  1. #441
    Yeah they're great looking cars aren't they John. Having written the story on the #06 1964 Galaxie John has just completed, I gained a better understanding of the amount of work that went into transforming these cars from road cars to race cars. In 1964, the cars were still road cars, supplied to Holman-Moody by Ford, but without motors and gearboxes. From there, H-M did a huge amount of fabrication, including removing the floor, the transmission tunnel, and fitting their own floor and taller trans tunnel to get the driveshaft up higher within the car to lower the whole car further. They also tubbed the rear wheel housings to fit the wheels. Thats how they get them so low, as well as suspension changes. They also feed the exhaust system through tunnels cut in the chassis rails and out through notches cut in the lower bodywork.

    So be interesting to see how the HMC stock cars are built by comparison.

    By the way John, are you running either of your cars at the Festival in January?

  2. #442
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Hey John,
    If I happen to show up in Febuary, can I touch the Monaro or strap me in for a lap ?

    Ken H
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 12-01-2015 at 12:16 AM. Reason: spelling !

  3. #443
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Hey John,
    Will you have the same pit crew as John Goss had ?
    They look very efficient.

    Name:  Ozzie pit crew.jpg
Views: 1085
Size:  115.6 KB


  4. #444
    Ken, was there that year with a group of good ole (young then) boys from Matamata and Auckland. And they were pretty good gear alright. Spent a couple hours over beers with John and those wheels in photo actually came back on same plane as us and are still on a Mustang. We all had Aunger T-Shirts and hats etc. but that's all we got (not for lack of trying). Bet they don't fit those shorts anymore and the ' Pointers would now be Setters ', but yea alright back then.

  5. #445
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    I am glad it was just the wheels that came back on the plane with you !
    Otherwise your career might have changed and I would never had met you at Laguna Seca this year.
    You made the right choice mate.

    (Ken H)

  6. #446
    Not really Ken, think 'they' made the right choice.

  7. #447
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Oh come on Mr Grimwood, there are some moments when life is not so grim !

    Name:  DSCN7902_edited-1.JPG
Views: 1092
Size:  143.6 KB

    (Ken H photo )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 12-08-2015 at 04:07 PM.

  8. #448
    Now that looks & sounds like fun , ha ha ......looks like we are in for a great summer of fun , Ken if your heading back would be great to say hi if your time allows, we can do it the Rod & Grant style & meet for a beer

  9. #449
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Thanks Grant,
    No definite plans yet as situations keep changing back here but I appreciate your offer.

  10. #450
    John, I got this message from Gus McMillan. He is a member here and is happy to help with this. Flick me an email and I'll hook you up:

    "Hi ya TRS I notice John Mc is looking for some Dunlop Decals for Cambridge Monaro. I have some of these original and unused, send me an address and I'll post to him. I'd have replied on Roaring Season but have forgotten my log in and password. Cheers Gus McMillan"

  11. #451
    Looks great! Who made the headers?

  12. #452
    No news yet John?

  13. #453
    The engine is looking great John, nice attention to detail. Keep up the good work.

  14. #454
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Jun 2011
    Left a message to that effect on his answerphone, will flick you a PM with #'s

  15. #455
    Hey Gunner, I finally found a couple of my spare Dunlop decals, (same as on the Firebird) I will see you this week if you still need them,


  16. #456
    Only one month more of being called a Gunna, counting the minutes............

  17. #457
    I heard you were a gunner in the Salvation Army

  18. #458
    Does the Salvation Army still take prisoners?

  19. #459
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Feilding NZ
    I love it John......

  20. #460
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Attachment 32159
    Headers done ,now exhaust system being made .
    Scotty again doing the measuring, cutting,generally laying under the nice clean car, and Brian from FABTECH doing the welding.
    Once again- NO mufflers or sound deadening devices fitted, just will be pure noise.
    Didn't realize you had flogged my bramley axle stands John, must be hundred;s of those sold in the past, car coming along great, can't wait to see it, cheers .

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