I meant to put this site in the last time but I am sure you have done this already.
You will have to use that Cambridge Blue somehow John !
I meant to put this site in the last time but I am sure you have done this already.
You will have to use that Cambridge Blue somehow John !
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 04-23-2015 at 06:10 AM.
Sadly I don't have many photos. My thinking when I was young was that motor racing photography was all about action shots on the track which required a good camera, telephoto lens, lots of film and developing and none of that stuff came cheap. Consequently I never put much value on taking photos of cars standing still which was all my cheap basic camera was capable of.
What photos I did take I still have so will put them up in the near future.
David Hunter
John - I'm only just over a week away from my 67th birthday and you are the first person who has ever called me a legend (lol).
As for Wigram; some mates and I were on a 3 week camping holiday in the South Island (in a triple carbed Mk 2 Zephyr and my EH Holden) and we made sure we got back to Christchurch in good time for race day. We were in such good time we spent about 3 or 4 hours at the circuit on the friday ( practise day) where there was lots of activity, race cars parked all over the place and heaps of people milling around them. It was really hot too - we were Wellingtonians and unaccustomed to tempertures over about 20 degrees.
So we wandered about and I took photos of various cars when I could get a clear shot. One thing I'm fairly sure of, while we were there I never saw the Monaro. Would have got a shot of it if it had been. It might have turned up after we left - or not practised at all.
All I can remember about race day was standing in a sea of people and not seeing much at all, certainly not the Monaro spinning. Either Wigram wasn't much of a spectator circuit or we just found ourselves in the wrong place.
Our 20 year old neighbour Finn came over this evening and scanned the photos into my computer. When he comes back from racing motorbikes at Taupo this weekend I'll get him to post them up. You might be interested in a 3/4 rear view of the Coppins Camaro in Cambridge colours.
I was watching him doing the scanning and said "I suppose I should learn how to do this myself".
He said "don't bother, you can't teach old dogs new tricks"
That's the trouble with kids today - they've got no respect.
Found this Team Cambridge sticker on Sorry about quality but check web site for what appears to be an original.
Some interesting images on this site of Rod Coppins in the Zephyr Corvette on a gravel hillclimb.
Last edited by 45DCOE; 07-23-2015 at 02:44 AM.
Great progress John - looking forward to seeing the car on track again.
Gavin Shaw pic from Grady's Bronze Era...
Hello John, I hope this finds you well..
How is our favorite Monaro coming along ?
I came across this photo I took at Warwick Farm in 1970 and Norm Beechey is chasing Pete Geoghegan's Mustang in his Monaro.
It looks like the Monaro was handling as it should on this high speed corner.
Sorry the quality is not great but it does capture a scene of the fun times we had at the "Farm."
( Ken
Sorry John for not having your Monaro on film.
I did this of Beechey in action just for you.
( Ken Hyndman photo )
Sent you an Email John re the plates....
ьпрушк поылкегбтсб тсмиымоа ьегкшурв пр ?????????
I couldn't have put it better, well said.
Thats a great idea getting replica plates made John. They really help complete the detail of the car and help finish it off. Its that attention to detail that us car nuts love.
This is a Holman-Moody Galaxie stock car I have just finished writing a story on for Muscle Car Digital Magazine. The owner/restorer John Craft did likewise, having replica plates made like those from when his car raced at Riverside in 1964.
Here you go John,
I got my Dunlop decals here and they are dead nuts right.
Now to get hold of some Dunlop and Champion stickers.[/QUOTE]
Here is my latest decal project John.
The shocks are original GM/Pontiac part numbered with the right date code. I'm not sure of the heraldry but now my interest is piqued.
Yes I have seen these on vintage Alfa GTA race cars....bloody expensive to buy from GTA Parts....
Might look different here in Australia but in post #609 the top photo looks like 1362M the lower 1362N surely some one will notice?
Its interesting you guys picked up on the plate! I asked John Craft about this. His attention to detail is AMAZING! This Galaxie, and other stock cars he has previously owned and restored, including the 1965 Daytona 500 winner pictured below, are all totally correct to how they were built in period. He has also written several books on the history of Nascar. But he didn't pick up on the number plate! He is off to have another one made.