46 years old John, yep it has lasted well and now will last for more than 46 years.
46 years old John, yep it has lasted well and now will last for more than 46 years.
Nice addition to the jig saw puzzle of provenance. I guess you are also looking for a T bucket owner who once owned a Monaro.
I thought it was only British Leyland and the Italians that made cars with that degree of built-in obsolescence.
Good to know you can get replacement panels, and a good panel beater girl.
Keep posting those progress pics, helps to motivate the rest of us to pull finger on our own projects.![]()
Great work John and will be a fantastic addition to HMC when finished!! with all the cars get built and coming too HMC it will be a fantastic looking field with the Monaro rite up there in providence as thats what we're all about!!
Hopefully see you at the Speedshow over the weekend
Dale M
John, when Ian used to help Goody he and his wife bought the Jacaranda Motel in Epsom, then like any Ford engine, that all blew up and Ian moved to Aussie. In the early to mid `80s he ran the Spears workshop in East Tamaki, and also helped Bill Adams from Aimco Aerials with his dirt track mini which Ian built a real serious engine with fuel injection on an Ardun head. I often wonder where that motor ended up. Ian was a real nice guy who could get any engine happening.......
Wow, hard to believe it's the same car. Congratulations on an amazing job so far. Can't wait to see this one lifting a wheel around Hampton Downs.
Grouse John
Amazing how a coat of paint helps bring it all together.
Sweet build & awesome seeing it done once, done right first time..... Nice work John
Thanks John re the weatherstrip kits, thats good to know.
Looking good John.....was great to catch you up mate....always have time to talk about such things we love! See ya soon. Kind regards, Tony Rutherford
Terry Marshall photo of Cambridge Monaro 1970/71 season. ( NZ Classic Car article. Dec 2008)
Grady Thompson on the front row at Ruapuna. Against Crosby,Fahey and Dawson and in front of Rod Coppins.
(Ken Hyndman )
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 09-02-2014 at 01:53 AM. Reason: update
John McKechnie,
If you can get this Monaro restored back to its former Team Cambridge condition, that will be a wonderful achievement and I hope all TRS readers can go back through their old photos, magazines and programmes etc.and supply you with any information they can.
Good on ya mate for giving it a go.
(Ken Hyndman )
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 09-02-2014 at 01:52 AM.
Pole position is opposite side on Ruapuna grid..therefore Dawson pole, then Fahey, Crosbie, Thompson...
Thank you John for up date and well done so far............. was looking at [although Paul being shorter] Paul & Croz in escorts you can see how Paul [ex uk race car] sits way lower getting centre of gravity...low ...... huge advantage every corner .....still see this today in club level I guess people ok with the way things are ...I remember
the first pre 65 Anglia I raced it seemed common sence to sit on the floor taking a lot off the bottom off the seat ....seemed to work ok lol ........
Last edited by Grant Sprague; 10-18-2014 at 06:39 AM.