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Thread: Images From My Past - Nigel Watts Collection

  1. #341
    Quote Originally Posted by jim short View Post
    Hi I love these photos .Brian Friend strange not alot about him certanly new he was about,,the Hux shot great is it possible to purchase any of them still Nigel???money is no object!!! thanks
    Glad you're enjoying them Jim. Which photos did you have in mind?

  2. #342
    The ones of the Porsche ahead of the rotary mazdas ,,or call me 078864084 there so many, thanks Jim

  3. #343
    Nigel. You have an amazing personal collection of photos there. Thanks for putting them up. There are some of my Commodore there too that I would never have seen!! (VH SS B&H - Hulme/Janson 1982. 1983 Midgley's B&H and '84 ANZ Series)

  4. #344
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Price View Post
    Nigel. You have an amazing personal collection of photos there. Thanks for putting them up. There are some of my Commodore there too that I would never have seen!! (VH SS B&H - Hulme/Janson 1982. 1983 Midgley's B&H and '84 ANZ Series)
    Then to belbins as their yellow car?????????

  5. #345
    Quote Originally Posted by rogered View Post
    Then to belbins as their yellow car?????????
    Yes Belbin was the 3rd owner. I have no history or pics of it when it was owned by them though. Can you help???

  6. #346
    I think Belbin also had the Neville Crichton, ex-Bruce Fowler car too. Not sure. Rumor was they had an RX7 as well. Hope someone can fill me in. I was owned by a finance company and rego no. changed after that so.....

  7. #347
    RX7 was green and owned new by a local hamilton Dr before them.

    Correct belbins had 2 and im pretty sure they had the black fowler car also. at one point they had both cars at once but think they had the yellow one first.
    I think the black car then went to wayne parry. (pretty sure the car rod Grimwood drove at nissan mobil, but rod will confirm im sure) Then to Hastings (bristow)and i have never seen it again.
    Something like that anyway

  8. #348
    Bristow still owns the car. I did the Te Onepu hillclimb against him in the car back in '07 I think. Spoke to him about it not long ago when he rang me regarding Steve's Australian Muscle car article on the cars.
    My car was painted half yellow for the Midgley's so would have been easy to cover completely in yellow.
    I wonder if anyone has any picture or further info. Might have to start a thread.. Cheers

  9. #349
    Yor are right Rogered, it was the black car and it was raced before me by a mate Rod Downs ( he organized my drive) and Trevor McLean. Rod Downs and Wayne Thompson had North Shore Engine Reconditioners in Wairau Rd back then and did a lot of race work.
    If you want to know what the rear looked like maybe Tony could tell you, he saw it a couple of times. (good bet that one).
    The car did go to Bristow, and last time I saw it was at old Taupo track and I was having a good look and think the guy's must have wondered what is this nosey bugger up to, as funny looks so I just wondered off. Glad to hear it is still around and hopefully will see it one day.

  10. #350
    Rod Downs at Manfield before my drive.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  11. #351
    That Capri of McFarlanes was quick

  12. #352
    Rod,I'll have a dig through my photos and see if I can get one of it as it is today.

  13. #353
    I tend to think it was "VK" ed.
    and i recall he towed it with another road going VHSS.

  14. #354
    Yes it is now a VK Group A. It was never an NZ VH SS 1- 0f- 30. It was an Ozzy SS imported for the B&H. Dont know how Mr Fowler managed to pull that off

  15. #355
    Now you got me.
    I thought it was the ex crighton Radio I car?

  16. #356
    I'll have to get my photos back from Steve Holmes
    Last edited by Mike Price; 02-09-2012 at 10:16 AM.

  17. #357
    Cant remember the sponsor, was the only black one racing at the time.

  18. #358
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  19. #359
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  20. #360
    Weekend Warrior
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    Hi Mike

    Throught these shots would be of interest.Does Dennis Bristow still own the car today.


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