Barry Porter`s old car.
Barry Porter`s old car.
Peter Froggatt's U2?
Looks like what is left of the Tojeiro Jaguar. But I am probably wrong. Those front wheels look a bit special to me.
I will have to contact Steve Ross, as his partner is Leo's sister.
You wouldn't know if it was Jag powered or had the Chev in it by then, Carl.
Like everything back then....shove a Chevy in it.. Looking at the rear wheels suggests that the axle has been changed, yet the exhausts look remarkably Jaguar.....can just get a glimpse of the pipes behind the front wheel. Bonnet doesn't appear to have been bulged!!!!! Dont know.....over to you Carlo.
Can some of you guys post some car info to educate me when you put up some car photos as you lot have the unfair advantage over me and you are all topping up your sun tans too !!
Yes I know Im behind you guys, i like warm beer and it rains a lot here too.
Brent raced it with the Jaguar engine. His "Special" claim to fame was when he raced it in the sports car races at Wigram and then fitted a type of hardtop to it and raced it in the Allcomers saloon car class later in the day.
He and Leo did get a bit of a hard time from Team Timaru over that but it did show that they were innovative.
Someone must have some photos of it at that meeting, it was a bit hard case looking.
I think Brent ran it as an allcomer saloon after he heard Scuderia Veloce were going to be allowed to run their Ferrari 250LM. It had a roof, so it must be a saloon, right?
I'm pretty sure the Tojeiro's owners all resisted the temptation to drop a Chevy V8 in