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Thread: Can we pick this location?

  1. #1

    Can we pick this location?

    Hi folks...

    A picture of Richard Attwood in a V8 BRM has had a lot of experts guessing...

    I think it might be Teratonga, but I've been wrong before. What do you folk think?

  2. #2
    With Teretonga being an anti-clockwise track I can't think where that photo would have been taken unless the track was being run in reverse. Not sure if that was ever done?

  3. #3
    I suspect from a little study, heavy braking for a left hand corner. The car is at the right hand edge, and flag marshal very close on the opposite side. Does the bank on the left give any clues?

  4. #4
    Possibly an illusion but it also looks to me like there's a downhill slope between the track and where the photo was taken.

  5. #5
    World Champion
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    Looks a lot like Longford

  6. #6
    My gut feeling is not Teretonga, I don't know of a bank as close as that to the track on the left hand side anywhere on the track. Like you Ray, could be wrong, frequently am. I agree with Psopho.

  7. #7
    Attwood didn't run in Australia in 1967, which it seems is the year of this pic...

    I don't think it's at Wigram and I doubt that it's at Levin. It's a real mystery to me.

  8. #8
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Richard Attwood at Teretonga 28th Jan 1967.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bell View Post
    Attwood didn't run in Australia in 1967, which it seems is the year of this pic...

    I don't think it's at Wigram and I doubt that it's at Levin. It's a real mystery to me.
    Ray Bell,

    Looking at the photo - image below - I had a look at the Shell Book for the 1967 Tasman Series.
    Richard Attwood ran BRM #3 at Pukekohe and at Levin his number was #1.

    At Teretonga he was #2. where he came 2nd behind Jim Clark in the Lotus..

    Your image;

    Name:  Motor Racing NZ #266 0325attwood - Richard Attwood BRM V8 in NZ Q location arch TRS Ray Bell.jpg
Views: 50
Size:  179.5 KB

    The page from the Shell Book - photo Euan Sarginson at Teretonga.

    Has the Results on the left above the photo;.

    Name:  Motor Racing NZ #268 Richard Attwood BRM V8 #2 Teretonga 28 Jan 1967 NZ Shell Book 1967 R Dowdin.jpg
Views: 49
Size:  177.1 KB

    Interestingly neither Levin nor Teretonga were part of the " Tasman Championship " on the points table
    The " Tasman " events being - Pukekohe NZIGP, Wigram, - in NZ, then Lakeside, Warwick [ Farm ] Sandown and Longford, Tas.
    The Shell book did not cover the Australian races in any detail as it did in the later Editions - 1968 onwards and they were subtitled " Tasman Series " from 1970 to 1972.

    Cover of the Shell Book;

    Name:  Motor Racing NZ #127 1967 Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing yearbook 5th issue P Webb R Cor.jpg
Views: 49
Size:  179.0 KB

    The Start - on the grid. Hulme #3 Brabham on pole, Clark #6 Lotus, Attwood #2 BRM , Courage #1 BRM ; arch Allan Dick - photog not stated

    Name:  Motor Racing NZ #269 Teretonga 1967 Start International Hulme #3 Brabham pole Clark Lotus Attwoo.jpg
Views: 50
Size:  180.5 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 03-12-2025 at 03:31 AM. Reason: Notes added Tasman series ###47

  9. #9
    The photo Ray Bell supplied looks to be similar to a few I have seen taken by the late Bill Pottinger at Teretonga.
    They were in an area running dowm to the elbow corner which led on to the main straight. In saying that the foreground fits but thats all.
    There are a number of threads on here showing Bill's work.

  10. #10
    Thanks, Kwaussie...

    If you can point me to one of those pics I'd appreciate it.

    Roger, I don't think I ever knew that Teratonga wasn't a round that year. I knew that Levin wasn't counted one year, probably that one.

  11. #11
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bell View Post
    Thanks, Kwaussie...

    If you can point me to one of those pics I'd appreciate it.

    Roger, I don't think I ever knew that Teratonga wasn't a round that year. I knew that Levin wasn't counted one year, probably that one.
    Ray and Kwassie, a note from Milan Fistonic.

    re the photo :
    " That photo of Attwood from 1967 has to be from Teretonga as that was the only time he raced in NZ with the number 2.

    Jackie Stewart drove the No 2 BRM in the first three races then took off to South Africa for tyre testing.

    Attwood then took over the No 2 car and Piers Courage was given a start in the No 1 car at Teretonga. "

    Milan has seen the Bill Pottinger photos too.

    Hope it all helps.

  12. #12
    Milan is one of two people who've been in touch with me about this...

    Yes, I'd willingly accept his explanation of the location as being Teratonga, but the real problem both have is that they can no longer log in to TRS.

    Can something be done? When you try to log in and don't have the right password there is no 'reset your password' option like on all other sites.

    The second one was TerryS

  13. #13
    Can something be done?
    For a start.............
    You must spell Teretonga correctly Ray!
    To aussies it would be like calling it Warwick Farm!

  14. #14
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    As an aside, Attwood was still racing that BRM until very recently - or one very similar!

    Note the days when they started 4 across and three across and the grids were much more condensed than today.
    Last edited by ERC; Yesterday at 08:14 PM.

  15. #15
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Log-in passwords - check with Nic or Steve - see below

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bell View Post
    Milan is one of two people who've been in touch with me about this...

    Yes, I'd willingly accept his explanation of the location as being Teratonga, but the real problem both have is that they can no longer log in to TRS.

    Can something be done? When you try to log in and don't have the right password there is no 'reset your password' option like on all other sites.

    The second one was TerryS
    " Psopho " Nic Hart should be able to help with the log-in.

    He or Steve [ Holmes ] need to send you a new password which you can change and will also confirm your user name, which you chose when you first joined.

    Cheers Roger

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