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Thread: Thunder Ridge Circuit, her's hoping for the best.

  1. #1

    Thunder Ridge Circuit, her's hoping for the best.

    It's been all over the news today the new bay of plenty circuit which is underway, the team behind are far from airheads and have been there and done that more than pretty much anyone in new zealand, wish them luck folks

  2. #2
    I agree, I have a feeling that if anyone can make this work, it's the team already in place.

  3. #3
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    No doubt they'll do what they say and concentrate on club level stuff. No point in aiming for the sky and major international events.

    My one wish is that spectators can walk either around the inside or the outside of the track, (or a combination of both) particularly those of us who enjoy taking photographs from different vantage points.

    Certainly Tony & Gary will be able to draw on their experiences of HD. Track days or Play days will no doubt be more affordable again.

    It may well revitalise the local classic scene as many have opted out recently, having been restricted to HD and not willing or able to venture further afield where costs rocket.

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