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Thread: Hi from Dunedin

  1. #1

    Hi from Dunedin

    Hi everyone,
    Long time reader, first time poster. I've been following the forum for years but had issues getting my account approved to be able to post. I'd concluded Steve needed some help with running the forum and have been pestering him with offers of assistance for the past year or so. Not only do I now have a functioning account to be able to post but Steve has set me up as an admin so I'm able to help with that side of things too. I'll set up a separate thread on what I'm trying to do to upgrade the forum and secure it's future.
    I'm interested in anything on NZ Motorsport history but have a particular fascination with the post war single seater period and NZ Specials especially. I'm collecting whatever programmes, magazines and books I can get my hands on the help learn more about the history and am building up an (as yet unlaunched) online database in the process.
    I live in Dunedin so am lucky to have Teretonga, Highlands and Levels within a few hours drive and like to get out and watch whatever I can. I'm in the early stages of building a period special so I can get out and join the VCC class.

    Thanks to those who have contributed to the forum, it's an amazing resource for folks like myself trying to learn.


  2. #2
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    " Psopho ",

    Re : " particular fascination with the post war single seater period and NZ Specials especially. "
    Me too, have a few 1950's Programmes and a few books, Graham Vercoe's two, the Ron Roycroft Story by Scott Thompson and a couple of booklets about tracks " Dunedin " and " Waimate ", plus many acquired photos.

    If you want images from my posts or more details, please contact me by PM.
    Great that you are helping Steve Holmes, we need this " Forum ". it has viewers around the world.

    Cheers Roger

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Psopho View Post
    Nic H by chance? either way welcome

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    Nic H by chance? either way welcome
    That's me

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