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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #461
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Back to the beginning - 1942

    Some time ago on this thread photos from Arthur Siddall a founding member of NSCC were published.
    They came from an Album that Duncan Fox found at the Whitford Tip well over 20 years ago.

    The images were just photos of the pages of the Album.

    Yesterday I was given the Album as " Custodian " by Duncan Fox and will progressively scan /photograph the images.
    I am going to try and restore the Album to some extent - photos need re-attaching and also the Covers are well used.

    The front cover on the inside has a handwritten note -
    " A Siddall "
    " 5 A Emerald St "
    " Epsom "
    The cover will be retained but trimmed slightly .

    How the Album looks at the moment and the first two photos.

    Name:  NSCC 1942 #142 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 The Cover Duncan Fox R Dowding (.jpg
Views: 678
Size:  167.8 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1942 #143 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 inside The Cover w A Siddall wri.jpg
Views: 720
Size:  183.8 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1942 #145 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 1942 Photos w Notes as in Album .jpg
Views: 658
Size:  177.2 KB

    To save having to turn your device - the two photos and notes turned.

    Name:  NSCC 1942 #144 B NSCC Archives Album Arthur Siddall 1942 - 1947 1942 Photos w Notes Duncan Fox R.jpg
Views: 655
Size:  176.7 KB

    The top photo I have a very small copy of from my Uncles Eddie Dowding's archives - given to me in the 1970's.

    Many of the photos in the Album are larger than as already posted.

    Apologies for the repetition.

    More to come once I process the photos.

  2. #462
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Don Tilsley - RIP 1 January 1929 - 12 April 2023

    I have just received an Email, via Don Tilsley's email from his son Russell Tilsley that Don passed away on the 12th of April 2023 after a short illness. He had gone into care about a month ago.

    RIP Don Tilsley, a serious competitor with Northern Sports Car Club and others in the 1950's in both his own cars the "Singford " of which there were several, and also driving for others at Ohakea, Ardmore and elsewhere.

    A couple of photos.
    Don in the " Singford II " with the late Laurie Powell on the back bumper at the Mt Eden Hillclimb in April 1952

    Name:  Singford #025 sml Don Tilsley #5 ACC Mt Eden Hill Climb April 1952 Laurie Powell at rear Don Til.jpg
Views: 628
Size:  158.7 KB

    Don standing talking to Rob Williams at the NSCC " 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms " Reunion in August 2022.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #811 sml Don Tilsley standing Rob Williams with Album R Dowding (800x600) (2).jpg
Views: 640
Size:  147.3 KB

    A service will be held for Don at Schnapper Rock, North Shore, Auckland as detailed by Russell.

    " There will be a service for Don on Friday the 21st of April at 1pm, at the North Shore Memorial Park Chapel, Schnapper Rock, Auckland.
    For those unable to attend there will be a live video stream available, details yet to be confirmed. "

    Extract from the New Zealand Herald;
    " DONALD TILSLEY OBITUARY. TILSLEY, Donald Noel. Born 1 January 1929. Passed away on Wednesday 12th April 2023 after a short illness. "

  3. #463
    Don Tilsley was one of the very first to build and drive, what was a very significant shoe string, home
    brew, Ford ten special. The car showed the way to factory MG TD and a Morgan sports cars, imported at a time when an import license decided the outcome of an event. He was a "special" builder and competitor in the true sense of the word.
    Last edited by Trevor Sheffield; 04-17-2023 at 07:28 AM.

  4. #464
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Well said Trevor,Don was indeed a serious and successful competitor
    - " The car showed the way to factory MG TD and Morgan sports cars, " He beat them more than a few times

    Had a message a couple of days ago from John Windelburn, fellow NSCC and ACC Club member and competitor at the time. regarding Don's passing.
    John is 90, another competitor from the era that you raced in too !! .

    Cheers Trevor,

    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-21-2023 at 06:28 AM.

  5. #465
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC The Early Years - 1942 - 1949 The Arthur Siddall Album

    Slow progress with the Album as my Old Laptop does not talk to my scanner anymore - however, we have bought a new laptop for general use and I will get the newer Laptop, with huge capacity to do my Motoring Stuff and Emails etc, plus store my photo archive of many thousand photos, largely mine but with a lot of " borrows ".

    Another image of the " Early Years " 1942 the first events .. from the Album, the third photo had become unstuck but I have recently re-attached all the loose photos ..

    The third photo is from the First run to Titirangi, which I already had as a small "contact " print but now have a 10 x 8 inch version and can see that my Uncle Eddie's Morris is there, with his new wife Una in the passenger seat. .. The Morris Minor 8hp is on the right in the third photo, second left in the top photo..

    Name:  NSCC 1942 #147 sml NSCC 1942 Early events Arthur Siddall Album 3 photos Duncan Fox R Dowding.jpg
Views: 561
Size:  170.7 KB

    More to come from this Album and moving on to more recent times, more Dennis Green photos have been digitized ** by Ross Cammick of Cosseys Farm Hill Climbs from 1977 - or thereabouts.. will gradually add those too

    ** American autocorrect ...zed !!
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-16-2023 at 10:41 PM. Reason: from grrr.. ###47

  6. #466
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm - wheels off the ground

    " Dennis Green photos from Cosseys Farm 1977 .. must have been a busy period as 3 Hill Climbs there within two months February and March, 2 Club and the Gold Star event ..

    One of the photos - wheels off the ground ...

    Attachment 74897

    and again .. names of drivers dates and entry lists later ..

    Attachment 74898

    There are around 20 photos and most drivers are named.
    Graham Sowden in Datsun 1200 ..
    Ole Sorenson in the Anglia
    The Datsun photo was part of page in Club Torque, April 1977 Issue with a Rally Car Morrie Chandler Mitsubishi - after crash in the lower photo.

    Entry Lists to come from Milan Fistonic vast archives..

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #114 Cosseys Farm and Rally crash -April 1977 Club Torque Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 532
Size:  93.2 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-17-2023 at 11:33 PM. Reason: pictures ..from ..###47

  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    " Dennis Green photos from Cosseys Farm 1977 .. must have been a busy period as 3 Hill Climbs there within two months February and March, 2 Club and the Gold Star event ..

    One of the photos - wheels off the ground ...

    Attachment 74897

    and again .. names of drivers dates and entry lists later ..

    Attachment 74898

    There are around 20 photos and most drivers are named.
    Entry Lists to come form Milan Fistonic vast archives..

    Cossey's Farm got plenty of use around that time. From November 1977 to February 1978 five events were held at the hill.

    Nov 20 - Bardhal Series Round 2
    Dec 4 - Closed Club
    Jan 5 - Gold Star
    Jan 28 - Closed Club Motorsport Day - Night Hillclimb
    Feb 18 - Closed Club - Night Hillclimb

  8. #468
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Jan 28 - Closed Club Motorsport Day - Night Hillclimb ..

    Thanks for those details, with those and three sets of results from early in 1977, a very busy year for the Club.

    " Jan 28 - Closed Club Motorsport Day - Night Hillclimb ".
    Competed in this event in my Triumph GT6, the Four Events on Motorsport Day were :
    - Gymkhana at Mount Richmond Domain - on the field in front of the Clubrooms,
    Two part Trial
    - Part one from Clubrooms to Pukekohe Race Track
    - Part two from Pukekohe to Cosseys Farm Drury.
    Between the parts of the Trial a Sprint was held on the 3/4 mile Club Circuit.
    - Final Event the Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 #001 Front Cover Programme Route Book Regs  07-05-2015 02;23;43PM (2).jpg
Views: 519
Size:  53.4 KB

    Posted before the Booklet with ASR's Trial Instructions and details of the Gymkhana, Sprint and Hill Climb.

    Rod Peat, a competitor wrote a good article in Club Torque, which has been posted on the thread .
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-17-2023 at 11:27 PM.

  9. #469
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm 1977 - wheels mainly on the ground ..

    The Dennis Green photos, as processed by Ross [ BMC BOY ] Cammick.

    They appear to be from the Gold Star Hill Climb of 6th February 1977.
    Ross had the photos in 3 groups, so here are the rest of Part One -
    The Graham Sowden Datsun 1200 SSS was in part 3, and the Ole Sorenson Anglia from Part One.

    Another Datsun IF7492 ..

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #096 Cosseys Farm 1977 IF7492 Datsun 1200 Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 535
Size:  45.4 KB

    Ford Escort HL6076, one of a number of them competing, this is Clive Smith

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #087 Cosseys Farm 1977 HL6076 Clive Smith Ford Escort Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 540
Size:  38.9 KB

    Mazda RX3, Darcy Meier GZ8511 .. a few names were mentioned but Darcy saw himself, so should know !!

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #086 Cosseys Farm 1977 GZ8511 Darcy Meier Mazda RX3  Dennis Green (3).jpg
Views: 541
Size:  38.7 KB

    Holden Torana FL5057

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #084 Cosseys Farm 1977 FL5057 Holden Torana Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 561
Size:  39.6 KB

    Triumph Herald CZ3698

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #085 Cosseys Farm 1977 Triumph Herald CZ3698 Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 555
Size:  34.2 KB

    More to come and the Entry List Results from the Gold Star Event and others..

  10. #470
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm 1977 - wheels mainly on and off the ground ..

    Part Two of the Dennis Green photos.

    Marty Loughnan Vauxhall Viva

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #088 Cosseys Farm 1977 Marty Loughnan Vauxhall Viva Dennis Green (2).jpg
Views: 550
Size:  48.6 KB

    Ford Escort Warren Hull GB7110

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #089 Cosseys Farm 1977 GB7140 Warren Hull Ford Escort  Dennis Green (2).jpg
Views: 520
Size:  53.8 KB

    A Mini Race #147 .. Driver not known.

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #090 Cosseys Farm 1977 Mini #147 Dennis Green (2).jpg
Views: 538
Size:  43.4 KB

    Ford Escort, HO4628 with the Photographers Sponsorship windscreen banner

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #092 Cosseys Farm 1977 HQ4628 nose dive D Green Photography banner Dennis Green (2).jpg
Views: 517
Size:  44.6 KB

    Ford Escort, with something non-Escort under that bonnet - Max Irwin, V8 powered

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #093 Cosseys Farm 1977 Max Irwin Ford Escort V8 Dennis Green (2).jpg
Views: 515
Size:  44.7 KB

  11. #471
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm 1977 - wheels mainly off the ground .. even more

    Dennis Green photos part 3 - the last set.

    Believed to be Laurie Evans Anglia BE5853

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #095 Cosseys Farm 1977 BE5853 Laurie Evans Q Ford Anglia Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 524
Size:  45.2 KB

    Mazda RX3 Mark Parsons - Airborne ..

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #097 Cosseys Farm 1977 Mark Parsons Mazda RX3 nose up  Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 526
Size:  38.5 KB

    Renault Dauphin CF2791 - what was it powered by ? - It is not the John Miller rear engined V8 one !,

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #098 Cosseys Farm 1977 CF2791 Renault Dauphine  Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 528
Size:  36.7 KB

    Another European - Alan Grout in the Volkswagen Type 1 [ Beetle ] ..all sorts of wheel angles happening.

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #099 Cosseys Farm 1977 BV7792 Alan Grout Volkswagen Beetle Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 530
Size:  39.4 KB

    The Results / Entry List from Club Torque the event 6 February 1977..
    Many of the Entrant names appear but not all ; this from Graham Woods, but Milan Fistonic also had a copy [ and confirmation of the date ] and posted with the Dennis Green / Ross Cammick posts on Old New Zealand Motor Racing.

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #333 1977 Feb 6 Cosseys Hillclimb Gold Star  Club Torque Graham Woods  (2).jpg
Views: 528
Size:  110.5 KB

    The photos could be from several events from 1977 - we know the Hill was well used in that year and into early 1978.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-19-2023 at 03:44 AM.

  12. #472
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cossey's Farm, 1977 Club Torque results ..

    The end of season Hill Climb 13th March 1977.
    archive - Graham Woods

    Name:  NSCC #173 1977 Cosseys Hillclimb end of season Club Torque Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 519
Size:  121.1 KB

    Night Hill Climb February 19th 1977 - Milan Fistonic archives

    Name:  NSCC Night Hill Climb Cosseys Farm Feb 19 1977 M Fistonic.jpg
Views: 530
Size:  77.9 KB.

    Thats all on 1977 Hill Climbs for now, from Cosseys Farm ..

    Have seen another set of photos from Dennis Green of the Ridge Road Hill Climb - perhaps they go on the " Hill Climbs and other events thread ..

    Ken H is winging his way home today, Safe Travels back to your family.


  13. #473
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Not an NSCC Event - A Road Race at Drury using Cossey Road

    A Motorcycle Road Race was held around a loop including Cossey Road and the Roads near to Cosseys Farm that was the NSCC Hill Climb venue from March 1967 until the late 1980's - unsure when the last event was held
    The Motorcycle Race was a one-off event in 1962.

    Image from Graeme Staples " jellywrestler " A K A " Spyda " from his Motorcycle Book on NZ Circuits.

    Name:  NSCC #108 Cossey Road Motorcycle Circuit Drury from book132 kb Graeme Staples .jpg
Views: 510
Size:  132.1 KB

    Reading the notes,
    - I remember attending the New Lynn event one year as my brother lived on a road that was one away from the track and we went down a walkway between his house and the Church to watch the action - back in 1977 by the notes.
    Unsure how many years they ran the New Lynn circuit, there were quite a few offs with people having Motorcycles and Sidecars on their front lawn after an OFF ..

  14. #474
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm - NSCC Hill Climb 1975

    Dennis Green photos form an event at Cosseys Farm in 1975 - not sure of the date.
    Wheels on the ground but a few good drifts through the corner.
    Photos processed by Ross Cammick from Dennis Green's vast collection.

    Milan will probably have the Club Torque details ;

    Notes on the drivers from Graham Wing - the Mini and the Datsun 1000, others by the drivers Rod Peat and Mark Parsons, Rod also noted which Skoda Driver it was - one of the works Rally Team from a previous Heatway.

    - Ken Wood

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0175 B Cosseys Hill Climb Mini - Rallisport - Ken Wood 169 kb arch R Cammick ph Denni.jpg
Views: 486
Size:  168.6 KB

    - Rod Peat Datsun 1200., before he moved onto a Mazda RX3,

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0176 B Cosseys Hill Climb Mini - Datsun 1200 Rod Peat 170 kb arch R Cammick ph Dennis.jpg
Views: 499
Size:  169.7 KB

    - Mark Parsons " Skid Mark " Monaro 327

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0177 B Cosseys Hill Climb - Monaro 327 Mark Parsons EF1490 174 kb arch R Cammick ph D.jpg
Views: 494
Size:  173.9 KB

    - Hillman Imp - lots of opposite lock

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0178 B Cosseys Hill Climb Hillman Imp 172 kb arch R Cammick ph Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 500
Size:  172.1 KB

    - Escort Van, not sure who but remember one that used to compete in the Woodhill Rally, and used to carry huge cans of petrol in the back.

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0179 B Cosseys Hill Climb Ford Escort Van 173 kb arch R Cammick ph Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 497
Size:  173.1 KB

    a couple more to follow. and photos of a well known NSCC, ACC, HCMC competitor.

  15. #475
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm - a few more and a Special Competitor

    the 1975 Hill Climb-

    - Datsun 1000, note by Graham Wing - had a Datsun 1200 motor - Driver Steve Little.

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0180 B Cosseys Hill Climb Datsun 1000 w 1200 motor Steve Little 173 kbarch R Cammick .jpg
Views: 473
Size:  173.3 KB

    - Skoda 120 Rallye .. one of the Team cars from the Heatway - what year ?? need to check.
    Morrie Chandler behind the wheel according to Rod Peat.

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #0181 B Cosseys Hill Climb Skoda S120 Rallye Morrie Chandler 170 kb arch R Cammick ph .jpg
Views: 503
Size:  169.9 KB

    RIP - Allan Woolf.
    A couple of photos to commemorate Allan Woolf who passed away recently.
    These are from Allan's last event " Leadfoot Festival " at the Millen Ranch in 2018 - He hung up his helmet after this.

    Richard Opie - " in the forest ".

    Name:  Allan Woolf #006 Leadfoot Festival 2018 Triumph Vitesse his last event Richard Opie .jpg
Views: 484
Size:  31.8 KB

    crossing the finish line " last event, last run of the day, last corner ". Chris Denby notes and photo.

    Name:  Allan Woolf #007 Leadfoot Festival 2018 Triumph Vitesse his last event - finish line Chris Denby.jpg
Views: 475
Size:  38.3 KB

    The Vitesse was at the NSCC Reunion back in August at the Clubrooms.

    Allan Woolf Funeral Service has an invite for Racing / Rally Cars to attend - the note says no trailers, but bring the cars..

    Name:  Allan Woolf #004 Funeral Notice.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  106.4 KB

  16. #476
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm 1976 - another Hill Climb

    More Dennis Green photos, processed by Ross Cammick.
    From the Entries would be an Invitation event, maybe a Bardahl or Gold Star series event.

    Have got some of the names - but any details most welcome.

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0176 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Cortina AY848 171 kb arch R Cammick ph Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 482
Size:  170.7 KB

    More than one VW competing in these images - Doug Bremner - " Volks - Vair " - see next post.

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0177 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Corvair - VW Doug Bremner Q BP99478 173 kb arch R Camm.jpg
Views: 483
Size:  173.2 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0178 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Ford Escort HP1218 or 1219 Q 171 kb arch R Cammick ph .jpg
Views: 465
Size:  171.2 KB

    John Steward - in his A40 Ford -

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0179 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Austin A40 - Ford John Steward 172 kb arch R Cammick p.jpg
Views: 484
Size:  172.1 KB

    Well known Triumph Guy - Russ Abbott, who loked after my three Triumphs in the period 1976 - 1984.

    Having an argument with a fence.
    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0180 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Triumph Vitesse Russ Abbott in fence 172 kb arch R Cam.jpg
Views: 490
Size:  172.3 KB

    More to come - including a small car with BIG lights and another VW..

  17. #477
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm 1976 - Hill Climb - a couple more, and the other VW.

    Dennis Green photos as processed by Ross Cammick.

    A Small Car with lots of Big Lights.
    note from Milan " That's Malcolm Michael's Honda Civic "

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0181 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Honda Civic EB Reg GN6861 173 kb arch R Cammick ph Den.jpg
Views: 477
Size:  173.0 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0182 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Mini  ACC sticker BV9799 175 kb arch R Cammick ph Denn.jpg
Views: 455
Size:  175.3 KB

    The Allan Grout VW .. not sure what engine it was using .. a photo from this event and a couple of other events.

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0183 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 VW - modified Allan Grout Q BV7792 174 kb arch R Cammi.jpg
Views: 461
Size:  173.8 KB

    The same car in 1977 .. at Cosseys.

    Name:  NSCC 1977 #099 B Cosseys Farm 1977 BV7792 Alan Grout Volkswagen Beetle 170 kb arch R Cammick pho.jpg
Views: 457
Size:  170.2 KB

    In a montage of photos from the ACC [ Auckland Car Club ] Bardahl Round of the series in 1975 at Chamberlain Road

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #007 B ACC Bardahl Interclub Hillclimb Series Round 2 9 Nov 1975 Alan Grout VW group P.jpg
Views: 461
Size:  174.9 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-21-2023 at 12:26 AM. Reason: note from Milan ###47

  18. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Dennis Green photos as processed by Ross Cammick.

    A Small Car with lots of Big Lights.

    Name:  NSCC 1976 #0181 B Cosseys Hill Climb 1976 Honda Civic EB Reg GN6861 173 kb arch R Cammick ph Den.jpg
Views: 477
Size:  173.0 KB
    That's Malcolm Michael's Honda Civic

  19. #479
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Thanks Milan,
    there was a mention of his name but the writer was not sure. - note added to the post and photo.



  20. #480
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm late 1972 or in 1973 - Rex Rattenbury photos

    Came across these in 2016 on NZ Rallying History page. -
    Rex named some of the drivers but was not totally sure - others may know - and there is an Entry Results List out there I am sure.

    Not the John Crombie Clubman his had a roof rack and was GM799 from memory.

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #0175 B Cosseys Hill Climb Mini Clubman GT FY9872 174 kb Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 422
Size:  174.3 KB

    caption on the photo was " me " -

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #0177 B Cosseys Hill Climb Escort through gate Rex Rattenbury himself 174 kb Rex Ratte.jpg
Views: 431
Size:  174.4 KB

    Is it Paul Adams ?? Yes he had a BMW 2002 with that number plate

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #0179 B Cosseys Hill Climb BMW 2000 Paul Adams Q through gate 171 kb Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 834
Size:  171.0 KB

    Buggy Kevin McNamara - right way up.

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #0180 B Cosseys Hill Climb Buggy Kevin McNamara through gate 173 kb Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 425
Size:  173.1 KB

    Buggy Paul Swan - wrong way is up ..

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #0183 B Cosseys Hill Climb Buggy rolls Paul Swan Q 164 kb Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 408
Size:  164.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-12-2024 at 01:50 AM. Reason: Note BMW P Adams ###47

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