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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #461
    I'm not sure if I've posted this track map before. It's from a Motorman magazine from early 1962.

    It would seem that the "Elbow" would have taken the track behind the stables rather than in front.

    Interesting that even at that early stage a club circuit was included in the plans.

    Name:  img382 (2).jpg
Views: 1197
Size:  152.9 KB

  2. #462
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Before Pukekohe, Ardmore and Seagrove there was Beach Racing

    Have just heard from Don Tilsley that the planned Centenary Celebrations for 100 Years of the New Zealand Motor Cup, originally held in 1921, at Muriwai Beach has been cancelled.
    The event was planned for 2021 but delayed by the Pandemic and now the NZIGP and and Historic Racing Club have cancelled the event.

    I also understand that the Motorsport New Zealand 75th Gala Dinner has been cancelled as well.

    Originally ANZCC [ Association of New Zealand Car Clubs ] later MANZ [ Motorsport Association of New Zealand ] and now MSNZ was formed in 1947.

    The message sent via Don Tilsley states that MSNZ and the other groups hope to have a display of Cars and the New Zealand Motor Cup at the Ellerslie Concours on Sunday 12th February 2023.

  3. #463
    pretty cool Milan, the layout of the stands shows the person who did it didn't look at the fact that they indeed more in line with the horse track rather than 45 degrees away. Pick up the hairpin computer style and swing it around and drag the rest with it and it's not too far off.

  4. #464
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Other North Island Events - except Auckland -[ Ardmore Muriwai Seagrove Pukekohe ]

    " " Have put a lot of other North Island Tracks, Levin, Matamata, Napier, Ohakea the Mount Maunganui Street Circuit that preceded Baypark, and Paritutu, New Plymouth on the " Dunedin 1984 " thread and will continue to do that.
    -revised September 6th 2022.

    The " Dunedin 1984 " Thread is already used for other South Island Events."

    Have found a few John Larry Lawton images from Paritutu in 1965.
    Will post on the " Dunedin 1984 " Thread as noted in the first post on this thread.

    Also some from Ryal Bush - from Classic Autonews archives of Allan Dick

    More to come;

  5. #465
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe in 1964 and 1965

    A few images from the Auckland Car Club meeting April 1964 - from the ACC's magazine the Bulletin.
    Photos by Barry Person in the Bulletin - from Milan Fistonic archives.

    Holden versus Ford - but not in the traditional " Australian " way
    Graeme Harvey leads Garth Souness.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #050 April 1964 ACC Graeme Harvey Holden #150 Garth Souness Ford Corvette #155 ACC.jpg
Views: 1101
Size:  54.9 KB

    Which way should I go TRS member Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250 in front of the Triumph TR3 of Murray Lucas

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #051 April 1964 ACC Trevor Sheffield Daimler #41 Murray Lucas TR3 #43 ACC Bulletin.jpg
Views: 1100
Size:  45.2 KB

    Morgan's a trio - must be from one of the later races at the event as two Morgans are 1340 cc Ford powered and one is 1991 cc Triumph [ TR3 motor ] powered in the over 1500 cc class.
    Terry Waterfield in his 1340 leads W R Darling 1991 cc plus 4 and M R Brown 1340 cc 4/4.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #052 April 1964 ACC Terry Waterfield 1340 #21 W R Darling +4 #46 M W Brown 4-4 #20.jpg
Views: 1115
Size:  58.2 KB

    Entry List for the up to 1500 cc Sports Cars Race 3 - has two of the Morgans.
    The above race must have been a later race when they had mixed classes based on speed not capacity ..
    The Entry lists for races from Race 8 on had none or only a few entries.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #433 1964 April ACC Race 3 Entry List Sports Car up to 1500cc Race 3 Pukekohe J Ha.jpg
Views: 1083
Size:  65.7 KB

    For the over 1500 cc Sports cars see post #467 by Milan Fistonic.

    While on the Sports car theme and the Daimler SP250 .. here is another one in February 1965 at Pukekohe from the archives of John Larry Lawton.
    Roger Smith in his SP250 - the car that was in the Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race at the Wills meeting in October 1965.
    The car behind is Brian Aislabie, Jamie Aislabie brother ? in his Cooper Jaguar - Jamie also raced a Cooper at one time the Cooper Holden.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #215 1965 Feb 21 Roger Smith Daimler #32 Brian Aislabie Cooper Jaguar #31 John Lar.jpg
Views: 1090
Size:  52.8 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-04-2023 at 04:02 AM. Reason: Entry List Race 3 added ###47

  6. #466
    I am certain that the second photo showing car number 41 is wrongly captioned. I never ever raced my SP 250 as a sports car with the hard top in place and the wheel centers appear different from those on my car. Furthermore the driver is far too close to the steering wheel in contrast to the way I drive.

  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post
    I am certain that the second photo showing car number 41 is wrongly captioned. I never ever raced my SP 250 as a sports car with the hard top in place and the wheel centers appear different from those on my car. Furthermore the driver is far too close to the steering wheel in contrast to the way I drive.
    The photos were taken at the April 1964 Pukekohe meeting and this is the entry list for the over 1501cc sports cars at that event.

    Name:  img463 (2).jpg
Views: 1092
Size:  171.6 KB

    The incident was probably this one described in Motorman.

    "A further incident at the Elbow occurred during a sports-racing handicap event when Sheffield's Dart spun and was narrowly missed by Thomasen while it was airborne."

    The spin was also mentioned in the ACC Bulletin report.

    Name:  img464 (2).jpg
Views: 1076
Size:  113.9 KB
    Last edited by Milan Fistonic; 12-12-2022 at 07:33 PM.

  8. #468
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Wills Six Hour Races - 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967.

    Had a visit with Lloyd Gleeson, whom I first met at a TACCOC Car Trial in September 1967.
    Lloyd was visiting my next door neighbour, they are old friends from Thames back in the 1960's.
    After a visit to a Vintage Car and Motorcycle Guy here in Omokoroa who now owns Lloyds old Morgan 4/4 - and a Harley Davidson from the 1930's - Lloyd presented me with a collection of Programmes from Pukekohe 1963 to 1967, including the 1964 1965 1966 and 1967 Wills Six Hour events - there are three programmes 1964, 1965, and 1967, the 1966 Booklet is the Supplementary Regulations with an insert of the Eligible Vehicles.

    From the 1964 Programme - the report on the 1963 event and the Trophy Results the Entry List - only the Six hour race in both 1963 and 1964.

    First the Covers of the Programme's..

    1964 - 1967.

    Attachment 73889

    1963 event - the report and results - Class Winners and Trophy Winners

    Attachment 73890

    Name:  Wills 1964 #057 Programme 1963 Results Class and trophies - Page 17 L Gleeson R Dowding (3) (524.jpg
Views: 1066
Size:  115.9 KB

    The entry list for the 1964 Wills Six Hour Saloon Car Race as at 11th September 1964.
    Event held on Saturday 10th October 1964.

    Name:  Wills 1964 #062 1964 Programme Wills Six Hour Race Entry List Page 12 L Gleeson R Dowding (563x7.jpg
Views: 1072
Size:  157.1 KB

    More to come on these events - have posted quite a bit on the 1965 event previously.

    Name:  Wills 1964 #006 Programme Covers Wills Six Hour Races 1964 65 66 67 L Gleeson (3) (563x750).jpg
Views: 1076
Size:  173.9 KB

    Other Programmes are for ACC Meeting in 1963 - 1964 and both Auckland and Northern National Meetings Rothmans and Dunlop 1966 and 1967.
    I went to the meetings from the 1965 Wills Six hour onwards but gave my Programmes away in 2008 - now have a few back.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-20-2022 at 03:20 AM. Reason: Images missing ? ###47.

  9. #469
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    1963 Wills Six Hour race -the report - image keeps dropping off...

    From previous post - the first two images keep vanishing in my viewing..

    Name:  Wills 1964 #055 Programme - Report on 1963 Race Page 15 (571x800) (2).jpg
Views: 1060
Size:  166.7 KB

    Another image of the Programme Covers..

    Name:  Wills 1964 #005 Pukekohe 1964 - Programmes Wills Six Hour - 1964 - 1967 copy Lloyd Gleeson  (480.jpg
Views: 1077
Size:  128.1 KB

  10. #470
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1960's Programmes ACC and NSCC Meetings

    Some recently acquired Programmes again from Lloyd Gleeson they are of Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club events. One pre-dates Pukekohe as is the 10th December 1960 meeting which would have been held at Ardmore

    ACC Programmes 10 Dec 1960, 7th Dec 1963 and 4th April 1964 - a second copy of this programme as one was sent to me by John Hatton back around 2015.

    Name:  ACC 1960 #015 ACC Programmes White Dec 1960 Blue Dec 1963 Red Apr 1964 (591x750) (2).jpg
Views: 1045
Size:  149.9 KB

    The White Programme is undated with the only date reference in the Advertisement inside the front cover - article from NZ Herald 6th February 1960. - Milan Fistonic advised it is the ACC 10th December 1960 meeting.

    Name:  ACC 1960 #016 ACC Programmes White 10 Dec 1960 Inside Cover and Presidents Address I Cranch (750.jpg
Views: 1026
Size:  127.6 KB

    President Ivan Cranch wrote the welcoming address which includes some notes on the cars competing

    Name:  ACC 1960 #017 ACC Programmes White 10 Dec 1960 Presidents Address I Cranch Page 1 (563x750) (2).jpg
Views: 1031
Size:  121.1 KB

    Other Programmes are from 1966 and 1967 - when Rothmans and Dunlop sponsored meeting run by both ACC and NSCC.

    The 1966 Programme Covers.

    Name:  NSCC 1966 #022 ACC and NSCC Programmes NSCC Feb 1966 Nov 1966 ACC Dec 1966 L Gleeson (618x750) (.jpg
Views: 1055
Size:  136.0 KB

    The 1967 Programme Covers and an NSCC Club Torque Magazine cover from May 1967 - It includes a report, results and photos from the NSCC Second Hill Climb at Cosseys Farm in April 1967
    The Hill Climb information has been posted on the NSCC The Early Years thread

    Name:  NSCC 1967 #035 NSCC and ACC 1967 Programmes NSCC Feb ACC April NSCC Club Torque May 19 (636x750).jpg
Views: 1063
Size:  142.5 KB

    More details to follow from the Programmes and will help identifying competitors and the races - photos.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-28-2022 at 10:51 PM.

  11. #471
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC more snippets this time 1965

    Some John Larry Lawton photos from NSCC Meetings at Pukekohe in 1965 have emerged and been posted on the thread
    " Northern Sports Car Club ... ".
    " "

    A couple are repeated here but go to page 23 for the complete set - Programme Entry Lists from Milan Fistonic also help identify cars drivers winners and placegetters for some events.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #124 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Scratch Race Modified Production Saloons Cortina Humbers M.jpg
Views: 987
Size:  42.8 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #108 Pukekohe NSCC 6 Nov 1965 Wayne Jones Simca 2nd in Gp1 race w Sunbeam and Cortina .jpg
Views: 1013
Size:  65.2 KB

  12. #472
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe the first Ten Years

    Reports on the first 10 years of the New Zealand Grand Prix at Pukekohe and the annual Wills / Gold Leaf / Benson and Hedges Race meetings appear in these magazines.

    Already had been given [ a couple of years ago ] the 1963 - 1967 Editions of the booklet style -
    " The SHELL Book of New Zealand Motor Racing ".

    Recently was given a full set which is the Lot " 1963 - 1972 ".
    In 1973 there was a Hardback Book also sponsored by SHELL covering the 1972 - 73 season, which also graces my bookshelf(ves).

    Name:  Motoring Books #141 Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing 1963 - 1967 Editions - Rex Corbett sm.jpg
Views: 979
Size:  126.9 KB

    Name:  Motoring books #142 Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing 1968 - 1972 Editions - Rex Corbett  s.jpg
Views: 955
Size:  144.4 KB

    Thanks to the generosity of a neighbour in the townhouse adjacent to where my late Uncle " Eddie " Dowding lived from the 1980's until 2015 RIP Eddie 1919 - 2018.
    Thanks Rex Corbett - a car guy back in the day.

    Some snippets from these will appear on this forum once I have had time to scan / copy and edit.

  13. #473
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - some random John Larry Lawton photos

    NZ Grand Prix meeting, timely as today is the NZ GP at Hampton Downs - on as write this
    Also an Auckland Car Club Meeting.

    A bit loose, Noel Goodwin- sponsored his own car loses his Mark 2 Zephyr.. Grand Prix meeting January 1969.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1969 #009 Pukekohe NZ GP meeting Jan 1969 Zephyr #130 Noel Goodwin spin John Larry Lawt.jpg
Views: 959
Size:  38.7 KB

    Going back to the April 1967 meeting.

    Ross Hollings in his Mini - an Auckland Car Club " Dunlop " meeting

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #117 ACC meeting April 1967 Ross Hollings Mini #137 John Larry Lawton (2).jpg
Views: 947
Size:  45.6 KB

    Marcel Grand in his Anglia #144 - car was a late entry as not in the Programme.

    On his own.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #116 Pukekohe ACC meeting April 1967 Marcel Grand #144 Clevedon Motors Anglia John.jpg
Views: 946
Size:  40.1 KB

    In a group
    Dennis Phillips in the other Anglia

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #115 Pukekohe ACC meeting April 1967 Dennis Phillips #47 Anglia Marcel Grand #144 .jpg
Views: 953
Size:  39.7 KB

    A bit of damage to this Mini - J L Lawton had the caption "Harrington did this "

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #118 Pukekohe ACC meeting April 1967 Dented Mini #165 Q NSCC sticker - Harrington .jpg
Views: 925
Size:  49.5 KB

    A grid start a photo that J L Lawton has in his collection not his photo.
    Milan advises it is the Allcomers race from the meeting in late January 1966 and that it is Frank Radisich in the Dave Simpson Anglia [ not as noted on the photo].

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #076 Pukekohe 1966 Jan or Feb Q Simpson - Radisich Anglia Coppins Zephyr Sounees M.jpg
Views: 942
Size:  95.0 KB

    Have a couple more photos from the NSCC meeting in February 1965 - from J L Lawton will go on the NSCC thread

  14. #474
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - 1964 The Auckland Car Club April 4th meeting

    Some photos taken at the Elbow / Stables corner at the Auckland Car Club meeting.

    Rod Coppins in the lead in the Chev V8 Coupe..

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #044 Coppins Souness Harvey Dawson April 4th 1964 ACC meeting.jpg
Views: 920
Size:  64.3 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #045 Allcomer field April 1964 ACC Coppins Segedin Souness L Cortina Allan Dick ar.jpg
Views: 919
Size:  43.0 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #047 1964 April ACC Saloons at Elbow Coppins Souness Harvey Souness etc Garey Hani.jpg
Views: 921
Size:  103.8 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #048 1964 April ACC Saloons Elbow Coppins Souness Harvey Souness etc Magazine D A .jpg
Views: 892
Size:  136.1 KB

    At the back of the field in the Mark One Zephyr is John H [ John Hatton ] - who sent me the priogramme for this meeting many years ..

    Name:  ACC 1960 #015 ACC Programmes White Dec 1960 Blue Dec 1963 Red Apr 1964 (591x750) (2).jpg
Views: 919
Size:  149.9 KB

    Now have a second copy [ Red ] and these from December 1960[ White ]and a 1963 ACC programme [ Blue ].

  15. #475
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Auckland Car Club a wet Club Circuit meeting in 1967

    Well known Anglia - with a well known Race #105.. well they were the 105E Anglia

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #085 Pukekohe 1967 Club Circuit ACC Jim Richards Anglia - Anglia Mini Anglia John .jpg
Views: 913
Size:  49.7 KB

    A couple of other Anglia's
    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #086 Pukekohe 1967 Club Circuit ACC Anglia Anglia John Larry Lawton  (2).jpg
Views: 945
Size:  37.8 KB

    John Larry Lawton photos..

  16. #476
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - 1965 - When Bob Jane came to town with his 4.2 litre Jaguar Mk 2

    The NZIGP 1965 Meeting - January 1965.

    A series of photos of the Bob Jane Jaguar - which featured in only one Race and was being beaten by Rod Coppins in the Zephyr Corvette and actually was a dnf.
    Most photos taken from the same spot - the Elbow /Stables corner
    - photo credits attached - the first two are from Euan Sarginson and appeared in the 1965 Shell Book of New Zealand Motor Racing - which covered the 1964 - 65 Season.

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #064 Pukekohe Jan 1965 GP Saloon field Fahey Jane colour arch Shell Book Euan Sa.jpg
Views: 838
Size:  43.6 KB

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #065 Pukekohe Jan 1965 GP meeting Fahey Lotus Jane Jaguar photo Euan Sarginson a.jpg
Views: 869
Size:  77.7 KB

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #066 Pukekohe 1965 GP meeting Fahey Lotus Jane Jaguar Coppins Zephyr photog Q ar.jpg
Views: 862
Size:  75.3 KB

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #067 Pukekohe 1965 #053 GP meeting Jane Jaguar Coppins Zephyr Radisich Q Anglia .jpg
Views: 873
Size:  79.7 KB

    More to come including the Programme Cover and the Entry List. - another Australian is in the list.

  17. #477
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1965 The NZIGP Meeting January 1965 The Bob Jane Jaguar

    A couple more photos and the Programme Cover and Race Entry.
    [ the photos from Steve Twist archives may have been posted before ]

    The spinning Cortina is Alwyn Marshall ..a mixed field of Group 2 and Allcomer cars.

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #068 Pukekohe 1965 GP meeting Pukekohe 1965 Saloon field 1965 GP meeting Coppins.jpg
Views: 863
Size:  66.2 KB

    Another photo of the " Alwyn Spin "
    Cortina #123 is John Ward .Old NZ Motor Racing archives

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #060 1965 GP Meeting Saloons Main Race first corner Alwyn Marshall sideways Dawson.jpg
Views: 834
Size:  69.9 KB

    Name:  Jaguar Bob Jane #069 Pukekohe 1965 GP meeting Pukekohe Jan 1965 Saloon field Fahey Jane arch Ste.jpg
Views: 861
Size:  72.7 KB

    The Programme Cover

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #046 NZIGP Programme Cover Jan 1965 arch Sergeants (2).jpg
Views: 835
Size:  64.5 KB

    Entry List -John Climo archives.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #060 NZIGP-9TH JAN 1965-EVENT 8 OPEN SALOONS Entry List sml J Climo.jpg
Views: 852
Size:  147.5 KB

    Motorman Magazine photos GP meeting - John Climo archives.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #047 NZIGP-9TH JAN 1965-EVENT 8 OPEN SALOON -MOTORMAN PICS sml J Climo.jpg
Views: 830
Size:  181.7 KB

    The other Australian entry was Ian " Pete " Geoghegan in a Lotus Cortina .. long way to come for one race or did they compete at other meetings in the Tasman Series at Levin Wigram and Teretonga ?
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 03-21-2023 at 04:48 AM.

  18. #478
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - Jan 1964 Grand Prix meeting - Sports Cars The Auckland Star Trophy Race

    The New Zealand International Grand Prix meeting

    The Auckland Star Trophy Race - and the Ken Wharton Memorial Trophy Race .. Event 9.

    The Entry List - probably seen before but has notes on it for late entries and whar would appear top be placings down the side ..

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 Jan 1964 GP meeting Sports Car Auckland Star Trophy Race #9 entry list Milan Fisto.jpg
Views: 826
Size:  83.1 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 Ivy Stephenson Buckler DD #38 Jaguar XK120 Ted Sweetman R P Grace MGA #40 Graham W.jpg
Views: 818
Size:  43.0 KB

    Roger Smith was there in his Austin Healey, by the end of the year he had moved on the the Daimler " Dart " SP250.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-08-2023 at 04:03 AM.

  19. #479
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ardmore 1960 - The NZ Grand Prix meeting - another Australian visits and stays.

    In 1960 Lou Kingsley with his modified Holden FE.

    Standard Engine size - the original Holden motor
    " Engine: 2.2L GMH '132' I6
    Production: July 1956 – April 1958 ". actually 2171 cc

    The engine was at 2,440cc [ 149 ci ] same capacity as later Holden's had - but presume a modified 132 ci,the next engine size in 1960's was the 138 ci = 2260 cc.

    Lou and the Holden did the New Zealand " Season " from Ardmore to Teretonga, including Levin and the two W's - - -Wigram and finally Waimate,
    according to Allan Dick.

    A newspaper article on Lou Kingsley from Naomi Tait archives, followed by a photo of the family archives at Ardmore.

    Name:  Ardmore 1960 #026 Ardmore 1960 Article Auckland Star Lou Kingsley Holden driver arch N Tait  (2).jpg
Views: 799
Size:  87.4 KB
    The Saloon Car Race at 9.30 was the under 1500cc - event

    Name:  Ardmore 1960 #027 Ardmore 1960 Lou Kingsly Holden George Dixon Chev coupe Doherty Ford Coupe Arc.jpg
Views: 781
Size:  45.8 KB

    Entry List for the Event.
    The Saloons got one race that day as did most other classes, except the Grand Prix entrants and the competitors who could enter but did not qualify for the Grand Prix itself.
    Three Holden engines in the event with another Saloon 2171 cc and the Holden powered 2171 cc De Joux Coupe of Ferris De Joux.

    Copy of Programme from Allan on TRS, now in my archives.

    Name:  Ardmore 1960 #018 Ardmore 1960 Event 8 Saloon Car Handicap Entry Lou Kingsley Holden A Cameron a.jpg
Views: 771
Size:  75.7 KB

    Entry Lists from the two " W " events,
    The Lady Wigram Trophy Races at Wigram, Christchurch ...
    - and the Waimate " 50 " event at ... Waimate, Canterbury.

    Name:  Motor Racing Wigram #071 sml Wigram 1960 Sports Car and Saloon entry list laptimes placings JW 2.jpg
Views: 810
Size:  171.8 KB

    from the archives of John Windelburn - a typed list and not from the Official Programme

    Name:  Waimate 1960 #017 1960 Saloons Event 7 with notes G Woods.jpg
Views: 779
Size:  64.5 KB

    The Waimate event was for cars over 1550 cc - unlike Ardmore where the cut off was 1500cc - but a similar class structure applied at Wigram 0 - 1100 and 1101 to 1550 cc, the 1551 to 2300 cc [ no entries ?] and the over 2300 class

    Lou Kingsley had signwriting on his car as the Worlds Oldest Racing Driver and the mention of New Zealand when he visited.
    .. I am sure Cyril Hyde would later beat that and a few others since here in New Zealand.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-06-2023 at 03:29 AM. Reason: Notes added. ###47

  20. #480
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe 1968 - An Anglia gets a bit crossed up.

    The NZ Grand Prix meeting and in the small Saloon class a big spin at the top of Rothmans.
    Cyril Hyde in his Anglia hit a patch of oil - a sequence of John Larry Lawton photos.

    Appears to have caused an issue for Roy Harrington in his Imp - did they hit ?

    Cyril and the spin -close to a Marshalls Post.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #038 Cyril Hyde Anglia #79 spins Rothmans 2 J L Lawton  (2).jpg
Views: 959
Size:  52.9 KB

    The Harrington Imp is close - did they hit ?? Looks like it !! First photo no damage to the rear

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #037 Cyril Hyde Anglia #79 spins #69 Roy Harrington Imp 1 J L Lawton  (2).jpg
Views: 960
Size:  48.5 KB

    The Anglia getting loaded up and the Imp on a rope tow.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #039 Jan 68 GP meeting Cyril Hyde Anglia #79 spins #69 Roy Harrington Imp 3 J L La.jpg
Views: 940
Size:  54.2 KB

    Cyril Hyde also entered the Larger capacity Saloon Car Race at the meeting
    Here the Entry list for that race - Event 8 at 2.20 pm

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #043 Group 5 entry list event 8 NZ GP meeting Jan 68 Graham Woods  (400x351) (2).jpg
Views: 738
Size:  179.0 KB

    Colour photo of the start - archives B Marshall.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #048 1968 Jan GP Gp 5 Saloons 0-1000cc on grid B Marshall.jpg
Views: 745
Size:  75.9 KB

    The Entry List for the 0 - 1000 cc Race Event 2. at 10.55 am

    Name:  Pukekohe 1968 #042 1968 Jan GP 5 Saloons Scratch race event 2 Entry list M Fistonic  (2).jpg
Views: 741
Size:  151.9 KB

    *** See Milan's post #482 - Article from Motorman about the race.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-07-2023 at 04:27 AM. Reason: See post #482 ###47

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