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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #441
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    NSCC The Clubrooms 1972 a big year for the Club 50th Anniversary 20 August 2022

    TRS people - the Event is on next Saturday.

    Just to repeat the details ;

    " The event is definitely on at the Clubrooms, Mt Richmond Domain, next Saturday 20th August - starting at 1;30pm with a speech or two around 2;00pm and then afternoon tea..
    You need to register - Email to Rod Peat .. " ".

    The non- refundable $20.00 deposit needs to go to this Bank Account.
    " NSCC Account 01-0221-0010851-00 - with reference - your name ".

    When payment is made you need to advise Jill Greenland at
    " ". "

    To those who are going, look forward to seeing you there ..

    Copy of an old Club Brochure cover - from Milan Fistonic archives

    Name:  NSCC #092 Brochure page 1 M Fistonic img574 (3) (388x800) copy.jpg
Views: 836
Size:  142.0 KB

  2. #442
    Further to the photo of Bruce with the Ford special, how about this one?
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  3. #443
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Further to the photo of Bruce with the Ford special, how about this one?
    " Rhys " - thank you for that - not seen that one before

    Ford is it a " Y " series in the background ??

  4. #444
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    TRS people - the Event is on next Saturday.

    Just to repeat the details ;

    " The event is definitely on at the Clubrooms, Mt Richmond Domain, next Saturday 20th August - starting at 1;30pm with a speech or two around 2;00pm and then afternoon tea..
    You need to register - Email to Rod Peat .. " ".

    The non- refundable $20.00 deposit needs to go to this Bank Account.
    " NSCC Account 01-0221-0010851-00 - with reference - your name ".

    When payment is made you need to advise Jill Greenland at
    " ". "

    To those who are going, look forward to seeing you there ..

    Copy of an old Club Brochure cover - from Milan Fistonic archives

    Name:  NSCC #092 Brochure page 1 M Fistonic img574 (3) (388x800) copy.jpg
Views: 836
Size:  142.0 KB
    Have just found out that the Deposit of $20.00 is the full cost, for the function. That includes the afternoon tea.

    Only extra is if you want a drink from - the " Cash Bar " !!.

  5. #445
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Northern Sports Car Club The 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms 20th August 2022..

    The event has been and gone. In this building.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #850 The Clubrooms 50th Anniversary Reunion the building  event 20 Aug 2022 photo Geof.jpg
Views: 772
Size:  170.8 KB

    There was a great turnout, and I personally caught up with people I hadn't seen for up to 40 years.

    A general view of the event, during the speeches.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #831 The Speechs w Roger in the photo -not my beer 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff Riddick.jpg
Views: 761
Size:  150.5 KB

    Geoff Ridder [ Photography ] took over 80 photos which have been posted on the Reunion Facebook page and also on the " NZ Rallying History " Fb page.

    As noted on the " Ralph Watson In Memoriam " thread, Trevor Sheffield was there, as was I but we failed to see each other to have a chat.

    There were Club Members from 1950's through the 1960's and into the 1980's and 1990's.
    Quite a few former Presidents were there, as was the current President Vickie Burnitt.

    Here they are at the moment of the presentation of a Painting by the McLaren Trust -presented by Jan McLaren on behalf of the Trust.
    Left to right, Bob Mitchell, Rod Peat, Morrie Chandler, Jan McLaren, Vicki Burnitt, Bob Kidd and the gentleman on the right I do not know [ make that remember ]

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #830 Presidents current Vicki Burnitt and former ones with Jan McLaren - the presentat.jpg
Views: 770
Size:  138.0 KB

    My old neighbours from the 1950's were there Colleen and Allan Woolf ;

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #825 Roger Dowding with Colleen and Allan Woolf Reunion event 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff .jpg
Views: 754
Size:  118.1 KB

    Rob Williams was there as was his Ford V8 Coupe that has featured in this thread a few times. Rob on the left.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #837 Rob Williams left with others Reunion - event 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff Ridder.jpg
Views: 755
Size:  130.4 KB

    Don Tilsley former racer of the " Singford " cars seen here with Rod Peat and others.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #838 Rod Peat Don Tilsley left with others Reunion - event 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff Rid.jpg
Views: 772
Size:  107.4 KB

    [ Note; I incorrectly typed Geoff Riddick on the photos but it is Geoff Ridder as seen on the images ]
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-26-2024 at 02:46 AM.

  6. #446
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC The Clubrooms 1972 reunion 50th Anniversary 20 August 2022

    A couple of my own photos.

    Don Tilsley standing with Rob Williams looking at Don's Album - a real Gem of NSCC History - Don's racing exploits in the 1950's.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #811 sml Don Tilsley standing Rob Williams with Album R Dowding (800x600) (2).jpg
Views: 731
Size:  147.3 KB

    Robs Ford Coupe and Rod Peats Cortina GT wagon.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #812 sml Rob Williams Ford V8 Coupe AY3880 NSCC Reunion R Dowding (800x600) (2).jpg
Views: 768
Size:  152.2 KB

    Club Torque - 1975 - a double page of photos by Dennis Green mostly.

    Name:  NSCC 1975 #062 Photo Montage w FD8739 1965 A H Sprite Woodhill Grass Sprint 1975 NSCC Club Torqu.jpg
Views: 738
Size:  122.5 KB

    That Sprite is there again.. with others ..

  7. #447
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Clubrooms 50th Anniversary Celebration - Mount Richmond Domain in August 2022

    A few more photos of people and the cake ; Geoff Ridder photography.

    Names I know and some I don't.

    They gave you a swinger Ticket with your name and the Clubs Logo.
    Should keep it - for next year as I understand that Bob Mitchell, former President and some others are looking at holding the " 80th Anniversary of Northern Sports Car Club " - which will be July next year [ 2023 ]Officially

    The Cake and a couple of Cars;
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #820 Cars and the Cake 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Clubrooms photo Geoff Ridde.jpg
Views: 741
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    The Cake;
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #821 The Cake 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Clubrooms  Geoff Ridder .jpg
Views: 758
Size:  129.7 KB

    People; Colleen and Allan Woolf with Jan McLaren
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #826 Collen and Allan Woolf with Jan McLaren - event 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff Ridder.jpg
Views: 746
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    Mark Donaldson admiring the Trophies
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #828 The Club Trophys with Mark Donaldson looking the McLaren ones 20 Aug 2022 photo G.jpg
Views: 775
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    Morrie Chandler - President at the time of the building of the Clubrooms and a prime mover of the idea to have the Club's own premises.
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #832 Morrie Chandler cuts the cake Rob Williams Ford V8 at back 20 Aug 2022 photo Geof.jpg
Views: 737
Size:  133.9 KB

    More photos to come.

  8. #448
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Clubrooms 50th Anniversary Celebration - August 2022

    More images -mainly Geoff Ridder photography.

    The Swinger you got; and my Album that was among several taken to the event.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #804 sml Photo Album and Guest Tag Roger Dowding R Dowding  (731x800) (2).jpg
Views: 753
Size:  117.1 KB

    The Painting that was presented to the Club by the McLaren Trust - for " Services Rendered " in connection with the saving of a McLaren Can-Am car.

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #834 The Bruce McLaren painting - gifted  from the McLaren Trust 20 Aug 2022 photo Geo.jpg
Views: 729
Size:  110.8 KB

    The Rally Skoda that was rescued and restored by Colin Waite [ RIP Colin ] and arranged to be at the event by son Gary Waite.
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #806 Colin Waite restored Works Skoda rally car - Gary Waite 20 Aug 2022 photo Geoff R.jpg
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    Woolfie and Robbo
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #842 Allan Woolf Graeme Roberston Robbo w Rod Peat Cortina GT wagon - Reunion event 20.jpg
Views: 743
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    Woolfie looking at cars - His Triumph Vitesse was there too - was recently restored.
    Name:  NSCC 2022 #835 Allan Woolf at the reunion Rod Peat Cortina GT wagon - event 20 Aug 2022 photo Ge.jpg
Views: 771
Size:  150.1 KB

  9. #449
    Roger. As you've told us that at one time you lived in Green Bay, you might be interested in this NSCC Gymkhana held there in January 1967.

    Name:  img331 (2) - Copy.jpg
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    Name:  img332 (2) - Copy.jpg
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    Name:  img333 (2) - Copy.jpg
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    Name:  img334 (2) - Copy.jpg
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  10. #450
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    " Green Bay, you might be interested in this NSCC Gymkhana held there in January 1967. "
    Just before I joined the Club, don't remember it.
    At the NSCC Reunion they had the magazines back to to 1972 only.

    Thanks for the post Milan.

    The Simca's of Wayne Jones ( pictured ) and Ralph Emson .. - finished 2nd and 3rd..

    Not an NSCC event but an ACC Club Circuit Day at Pukekohe - Ralph in his Simca - a John Larry Lawton photo.Also a 1967 event.
    The Club Circuit was quite new ..

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #063 B ACC Club Circuit April 1967 Simca 1000 Ralph Emson sliding Club Corner John.jpg
Views: 714
Size:  166.1 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-05-2022 at 04:14 AM.

  11. #451
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ostrich Farm Road, an NSCC Hill Climb venue

    Posted details of the HillClimb held there in December 1959 in a previous post.
    John Windelburn sent me this recently.
    John in his Austin A35

    Ostrich Farm event in February 1959.
    The Entrants and class results.
    Trevor Sheffield in his AC V8.
    [ would like to know more about that car too ]
    His great friend Bill W Kelly in a Cooper 500
    Ivy Stephenson in her Buckler Climax - the car well known for her exploits and later with Bruce Sutcliffe.
    Car is now in the UK and was at Goodwood very recently
    ** Photos added to the Buckler thread of the car now with UK Registration DAA300..

    Name:  NSCC 1959 #060 NSCC Hill Climb Ostrich Farm Road 15 Feb 1959 sml arch John Windleburn (2).jpg
Views: 711
Size:  159.1 KB

    John and I had a chat at the NSCC Reunion and are now in contact again.
    Had not seen John since a Bardahl Hill Climb at Bright Road Pukekohe in 1979 a PCC event.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-23-2022 at 04:24 AM. Reason: DAA300 ###47

  12. #452
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    New Zealand Motor Cup - Centennial.

    New Zealand Motor Cup - Centennial. - The Event has been cancelled.
    An event was proposed by the New Zealand Grand Prix Association and the Historic Racing Club to celebrate.
    100 years since the NZ Motor Cup was first competed for at Muriwai Beach in 1921.
    The event had been postponed twice, but was scheduled for December 2nd 2022.

    It is hoped that some cars of the era and the Cup will be at the Ellerslie Concours next year.

    Here is the communication issued through Ticketeck who were responsible for the bookings

    " The Historic Racing Club and NZIGP have today made the difficult decision to cancel its New Zealand Motor Cup Centenary Celebration to be held at Muriwai on Friday 2nd December 2022.

    The decision comes after having to postpone the original event twice over the past 2 years due to COVID and now the rapidly rising costs of hosting events and the increasingly difficult logistics of being able to run the event mean we were left with little option. This coupled with Motorsport New Zealand having to cancel their 75th Gala Dinner on the day after our event due to similar issues means that a lot of the guests we were expecting will now not be attending.

    There are plans to have some of the cars and the New Zealand Motor Cup on display at the Ellerslie Concours on Sunday 12th February 2023

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this decision, however, we hope you understand it is not one we made lightly. "

    The Trophy - photo from Alan Boyle archives..

    Name:  Vintage #111 Muriwai NZ Motor Cup 1925 now NZ GP cup Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 633
Size:  55.0 KB

    A couple of Alan Boyle archive photos form early events where Alan's father Bill was involved as mechanic/rider.

    Name:  Vintage #104 Muriwai 1921 Cadillacs Owen Nattrass Bill Boyle mechanic Cadillac Alan Boyle.jpg
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Size:  74.6 KB

    Name:  Vintage #103 Muriwai 1923 Bert Shorter driver Bill Boyle mechanic Cadillac orig pic Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 638
Size:  157.3 KB

  13. #453
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cossey's Farm, 9th April 1967 - the second Hill Climb at the venue

    Report and Results of the event from the May 1967 NSCC Club Torque.

    Name:  NSCC 1967 #107 May Club Torque April 1967 Hillclimb article Cosseys P1 IMG_20221216_160649 (507x.jpg
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    Name:  NSCC 1967 #108 May 1967 Club Torque April 1967 Hillclimb article Cosseys part 2 IMG_20221216_160.jpg
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    Photos from the event.

    Name:  NSCC 1967 #109 May 1967 Club Torque Hillclimb April 1967 Cosseys photos Page one IMG_20221216_16.jpg
Views: 636
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    Name:  NSCC 1967 #110 May 1967 Club Torque April 1967 Hillclimb Cosseys photos page 2 IMG_20221216_1607.jpg
Views: 618
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    Also in the Magazine is the 1966 - 67 Season Prize List - with the Trophies and the winners.

    Name:  NSCC 1967 #114 Club Torque May 1967 Prize List 1996 - 67 season May 1967 2022 (563x750) (2).jpg
Views: 634
Size:  149.8 KB

    Rob Williams features in one of the photos and in the Prize List with his Ford V8 Coupe- that he still owns and was displayed at the NSCC Reunion in August 2022.

    Lots of well known people in the Prize List - better known today than back then perhaps.. Paul Adams, David Oxton et al ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-12-2024 at 02:02 AM.

  14. #454
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    North Western Motorway Sprints 30th October 1955,

    Have posted the photo of Bruce Mclaren standing beside his Ford 10 Special at Rosebank Road in the Pit Area for the event that was held on the new Motorway - before it opened.
    Thanks to Don Tilsley - passed on by Mark Donaldson I now have the time sheets as written by Don's future wife Muriel at the event.

    Don Tilsley was there and very quick in the " Singford "
    John Windelburn was in his Morris Minor and Bruce McLaren was in the Ford Special - ex Bob Crisp.
    Phil Kerr was there too in his Ford Special and there is a Wolfe in a Ford 10 - is that Allan Woolf.. I am not sure.
    Les McLaren was in the Austin Healey 100 that Bruce had success with in later years 1956 on.
    Les was much quicker and in the top few with a time of 16.4 same as Herb Gilroy and Hugill in a Cooper.. Hugill appears to be the FTD Man at 16.0 seconds

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #218 NSCC Motorway Sprints times part one Don Tilsley - 30 Oct 1955 TRS size MHD.jpg
Views: 612
Size:  175.4 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #220 NSCC Motorway Sprints times part three Don Tilsley - 30 Oct 1955 TRS size MHD.jpg
Views: 599
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    The photo of Bruce in the Pit [ carpark ]. this would be near where the Go-Kart track was in later years.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #221 NSCC Motorway Sprints Bruce Mclaren Ford 10 Spl Rosebank Rd 30th Oct 1955 notes C.jpg
Views: 610
Size:  153.3 KB
    Note that the car has bolt holes in the scuttle where the windscreen would go.

    ** Would like more details on the car and to assist a modelmaker the colour of the Bob Crisp Standard 10 / Ford 10 Special..

    Don Tilsley notes on the back of a reprint of the photo he sent me last year.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #225 NSCC 30 Oct 1955 Sprints Photo Bruce McLaren notes on Photo full sml arch Don Til.jpg
Views: 587
Size:  88.2 KB

    Trying to get details of the cars involved as with some on the lists there is the drivers name only.

    The gathering of this information all happened because of the NSCC 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms,which created the opportunity to meet new friends like Don Tilsley, John Windelburn who I met briefly once before and catch up with Mark Donaldson of Austin Healey Club whom I have known for about 50 years..

    Mark was there with Jan McLaren who I also met for the first time..

    Name:  Roger Dowding and Jan Mclaren NSCC Reunion August 2022 Mark Donaldson.jpg
Views: 603
Size:  58.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-31-2023 at 04:30 AM. Reason: Photo notes added ###47

  15. #455
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe an NSCC Meeting 6th November 1965.

    Some John Larry Lawton photos - with notes by him.

    Will put on Pukekohe thread too !!.

    " Peter Akeroyd in the Heron leads Ivy Stephenson in the ex Bill Caldwell Lola. "
    [ This was Ivy's Racing car after the Buckler - Climax - my notes ]

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #106 Pukekohe 6 Nov 1965 Peter Akeroyd Heron Ivy Stephenson Lola John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 631
Size:  40.8 KB

    " Jack Nazer " - in his Anglia
    - with the " Sabrina " headlights as remarked by others on similar photos.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #107 Pukekohe NSCC 6 Nov 1965 Jack Nazer Anglia John Larry Lawton (2).jpg
Views: 607
Size:  46.0 KB

    " Wayne Jones - Simca 1000 finished 2nd to Ian Runnerstrum in the Group 1 race "
    Sunbeam and Cortina behind
    - trying to picture where this is - by the Elbow where the Stables were.

    Track still the 2.2 mile circuit in November 1965

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #108 Pukekohe NSCC 6 Nov 1965 Wayne Jones Simca 2nd in Gp1 race w Sunbeam and Cortina .jpg
Views: 606
Size:  65.2 KB

    " Herman Munster " is all that J L Lawton had on this image..

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #109 Pukekohe NSCC 1965 described as Herman Munster - Limousine on track John Larry La.jpg
Views: 583
Size:  42.9 KB

  16. #456
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC - some member in the 1950's

    Post of the 1955 Sprint Meeting on the new Motorway at Avondale.
    I posted the photo of Bruce and the Standard Ford 10 Special and decided to do a bit of searching to find out more about the car.

    The Standard 10 Special - as it is described in Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand ", states that Bob Crisp built the car [ around 1951 ] with Standard 10 components, not the Chassis which was a ladder frame.
    When the car was sold to Bruce McLaren it was sold minus the engine.

    Photo from the Vercoe book - shows several NSCC members - they could all be - at Muriwai with
    Don Tilsley, Singford 11, Bruce McLaren Standard / Ford, David Long in Ralph Watson BSA Special, TSL Special and Trevor Sheffield in the Singer Le Mans, that was previously Ralph Watson's.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #234 1955 Q Bruce McLaren Standard Ford 10 Spl w Don Tilsley Singford Watson BSA TSL a.jpg
Views: 588
Size:  105.5 KB

    The article in the Vercoe book - page 273.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #233 1951 Standard 10 - Ford 10 Spl Bob Crisp w Bruce McLaren 1955-56 G Vercoe book p2.jpg
Views: 585
Size:  129.5 KB

    Would like to accurately date the photo as in Trevor Sheffields story about Ralph Watson David Long raced the BSA Special at Muriwai in October 1954 [ 9th October in the Ten Mile Race ]
    Bruce McLaren in his Book "From the Cockpit " talks of selling the Austin 7 Ulster in August 1955 to buy the Standard Ford, which he got without the Standard 10 engine.

    Any information would be appreciated.

  17. #457
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC 1965 21st February 1965 Rothmans meeting

    Photos from John Larry Lawton and Programme - Entry Lists from Milan Fistonic

    Start of the up 1000cc Saloon Car Race - Minis Anglia and an A35 and others.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #125 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Minis Anglia A35 The Start John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 595
Size:  49.1 KB

    Part of the same field Minis and the A35.
    Hugh Kettelwell W Marshall and B Cox in the A35 - Result 1st H Grocott Mini 2nd B Cox A35

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #126 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Minis A35 John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 600
Size:  49.0 KB

    Modified Production Saloons Mudford #134 Cortina

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #124 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Scratch Race Modified Production Saloons Cortina Humbers M.jpg
Views: 554
Size:  42.8 KB

    Fiats and a Vauxhall into Stables - the Elbow corner. Reynolds in the Vauxhall
    John Larry Lawton notes he took all his photos from the " Stewards " stand that day.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #127 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Fiat 1500s Reynolds Vauxhall John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 577
Size:  42.1 KB

    Entry List Race One - Production Saloons with results written Fiats 1st and 2nd, the PA Vauxhall 3rd

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #131 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Entry List Race 1 Production Saloons Unlimited cc Milan Fi.jpg
Views: 560
Size:  48.5 KB

    Entry List Race Three - Modified Production Saloons with results A Cooper S and Anglias in the first 3.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #133 NSCC Feb 1965 Pukekohe Entry List Race 1001 - 1600 cc Modified Prod Saloons Milan.jpg
Views: 566
Size:  57.3 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-14-2023 at 03:48 AM.

  18. #458
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC more snippets this time 1965. Wharepapa Rd Hill Climb

    Wharepapa Hill Climb, the road near Woodhill, West Coast Auckland in 1965.

    The first running on the " new "venue in December 1965.

    Photo by John Larry Lawton
    L Spitz in his Sunbeam Alpine - there was some comment that it had an MGA Twincam Motor at one stage but a later owner returned it to Sunbeam power - a good motor in 1500 and 1600 cc format anyway.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #060 Wharepapa Hill Climb L Spitz Sunbeam Alpine John Larry Lawton (2).jpg
Views: 560
Size:  58.7 KB

    Motorman cutting from Milan Fistonic - which helped date the event.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #061 Wharepapa Hill Climb Dec 1965 Motorman article w results Milan Fistonic  (2).jpg
Views: 517
Size:  57.0 KB

    Birdwood Road Massey was used by NSCC around this time 1964 / 65 - must go back over the archives.
    By March 1967 the Hill event was of course " Cosseys Farm Road " at Drury.

  19. #459
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC 1965 21st February 1965 Rothmans meeting more photos

    More John Larry Lawton photos - with notes - on the NSCC Pukekohe meeting 21st February 1965
    - follow on from post #457.
    Photos were taken from the Stewards Stand near the Elbow Stables corner - this is before the revised track was built in 1966 to provide the 3 Circuits that were used in later years, The 2.2 mile full circuit, the 1.75 mile circuit that became the Grand Prix Circuit and the Clubmans favourite " Club Circuit ".

    Jim Boyd in the Lycoming.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #131 Pukekohe NSCC 21 Feb 1965 Jim Boyd Lycoming #41 John Larry Lawton (2).jpg
Views: 533
Size:  43.8 KB

    " Black in the Lola in front of Bill Stone " - in the Cooper -Ford.
    Presume Spencer " Spinner " Black in the front engined Lola Racing Car that went to Kenny Smith and others.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #132 Pukekohe  NSCC 21 Feb 1965 Spencer Q Black Lola in front of Bill Stone Cooper Q J.jpg
Views: 497
Size:  35.3 KB

    Sports Cars - is that Trevor Sheffield ?? - in one of the what appears to be two Daimler SP250's followed by a Sports racing car and a Morgan.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #133 Pukekohe NSCC 21 Feb 1965 Daimlers Q and Morgan the elbow John Larry Lawton (2).jpg
Views: 528
Size:  42.9 KB

    " Rod McCallum loses his Humber 80 " - entering the Elbow - he went straight ahead

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #134 Pukekohe NSCC 21 Feb 1965 Rod McCallum loses Humber 80 at Elbow John Larry Lawton.jpg
Views: 528
Size:  37.1 KB

    A Mini - Race #137 damaged and going the wrong way - as J L Lawton notes - the driver would have earned the ire of Les Rankin the Clerk of the Course on the day.

    Name:  NSCC 1965 #137 Pukekohe NSCC 21 Feb 1965 Mini - damaged going wrong way front straight #137 John.jpg
Views: 487
Size:  42.4 KB

    Note that VW Kombi [ Combi ] of the Marshall near the Start Finish - in behind the " Horse Fences ".

    Only have a couple of pages of entries for this event.

  20. #460
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Muriwai - Beach Races 1963

    Believed to be the last of these events, as Pukekohe was now available as a permanent racing circuit and was supported by both the main Auckland Car Clubs Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club.

    These images from 1963 are of the Auckland Car Club meeting.

    Cars on the Beach in the main race ; Allan Dick - Classic Autonews archives
    John(ny) Riley Ferrari Monza, Bill Thomasen Cooper - Climax and Ivan Cranch Maserati 6CM [Ivan was President of ACC around this time.]
    Cars on the second row not stated - on the left looks like one of the Ford Specials from 1950's such as Jock Aitken and Phil Kerr raced [ the same Jock Aitken built car ] or the GBS Gordon Brown Special.

    Name:  NSCC 1963 #110 NSCC or ACC Q -Beach Racing Muriwai 1963 Q John Riley Monza Bill Thomasen Cooper .jpg
Views: 460
Size:  38.6 KB

    Motorman Magazine report on the event - the main placegetters are in the above photo. Graham Woods archives
    Name:  NSCC 1963 #111 ACC Muriwai Beach Races 1963 Motorman report Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 478
Size:  150.2 KB

    Any further information of the event would be appreciated

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