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Thread: Restoration Thread - The Standefer Datsun 1200

  1. #21
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    With that LHD vehicle you could perhaps get a job with the NZ Postal Service delivering Rural Delivery mail as it is taking forever for us to get our mail delivered in NZ.
    (Like the book I sent to you that went to New York first before it came back finally to New Zealand !)

    Ken H
    Ken my Man, we - in a semi-rural area of Omokoroa - can still see green hills but not for much longer, have mail delivery 3 days a week
    Tuesday Thursday Saturday but sometimes Wednesday or Friday, so yes mail is snail mail .. and imagine the Datto doing burnouts at our front gate ..

    PS - There is a real US Postal Service RHD Jeep from the 1960's 6 cylinder Rambler motor here in NZ - I liked USPS when in Fountain Valley Los Angeles [ back in the 1980's for a couple of stays ] as the mail went both ways they delivered and would take your outgoing mail from the letterbox.

    PPS - The " Standefer Datsun " will be great among the existing HVRA ERC cars already here in NZ..
    Good on Steve for getting such and interesting car brought in.

  2. #22
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. This project gets more enjoyable by the day.

    Ron Leonard has just sent me an amazing collection of items relating to the car which I'll upload over the coming days.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Brilliant Steve. If you are prepared to go out of period you know where to get a seat and harness
    Hi Rhys, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed? What seat and harness are you referring to?

  4. #24
    Message coming! Irony! The message system says your inbox is full Steve.
    Last edited by Oldfart; 10-22-2021 at 11:58 AM.

  5. #25
    Hi Rhys, my inbox is always full! Can you please email me:

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Message coming! Irony! The message system says your inbox is full Steve.

  6. #26
    This amazing collection arrived from Ron Leonard a few days ago, relating to the Datsun. Included are various photos of the car, stickers the same as those applied to the car in period, a Road Atlanta badge, and a t-shirt.

    The t-shirt is simply amazing. Just prior to the 1981 SCCA Runoffs at Road Atlanta, Datsun North America rented the Road Atlanta track for all the Datsun owners to get in some pre-race testing. A Datsun representative went around the pits and gave these t-shirts to drivers and crew. Ron never wore his. He took it home, folded it up, and put it away. And it hasn't been touched in 40 years! When I first tracked down Ron and told him I now own his old car, the first thing he did was hunt out this t-shirt. He felt it needed to be with the car. How cool is that! Its a brand new 40 year old t-shirt and an important part of this cars history.

    The SCCA Runoffs (officially called the Champion Spark Plug Road Racing Classic) was essentially the National Championship. For this car, it was the pinnacle of its racing career. Furthermore, Ron had the car for sale at this event, and it was purchased shortly after. This was the last race he did in it. So the t-shirt is a really important part of its history.

    Name:  Datsun 14.jpg
Views: 1101
Size:  83.0 KB

  7. #27
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Wellington, NZ
    Great Story so far Steve!
    I think you enjoy the historic research as much as building the car, as did I with the Falcon Rallye Sprint.
    Keen to see the progress on this one as I am sure many more are.
    Happy to help or support with your build/restoration.

  8. #28
    I've not had a chance to post anything on this thread for several months, but I made this short video a little while back. It provides details on the bodywork restoration. This I did this the car has spent about 2 months at the panel beaters, waiting in a queue to go on a chassis machine.

  9. #29
    That's cool Steve. I'm glad I gave you the nudge

  10. #30
    Another short update:

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