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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #421
    OK Roger,

    I have it in my mind that Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti rather than the Alfa and this could account for his name being crossed out. I can't recall the Alfa having being used in a hill-climb. Whatever, I could be wrong.

    Without doubt the open wheel buckler entered, was the first in New Zealand. I can't remember it at the event and I would say that it did not show. What is more, I can't recall Arthur Harris ever driving it in serious competition, with this at first being left to his son.

    During those early days, crash hats were in short supply and I did not own one. During the running of a hill-climb, a car would return helmets to the finish in order to facilitate the their loan.

  2. #422
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 some new [old ] images.

    Motorsport Day was held on 28th January 1978, by NSCC for the first time.
    A 4 event day.
    3 Speed events a Gymkhana, at the field by the Mt Richmond Clubrooms, a Club Circuit Sprint at Pukekohe and the Hillclimb at Cosseys Farm, Drury.
    The travel between, Mt Richmond Domian, Otahuhu and Pukekohe, then from Pukekohe to Drury was a Trial in two sections.
    Much of the event programme has been published as have the results.

    Following is the "Club Torque " article written by Rod and Judy Peat, and the results as seen in the Clubs magazine I guess in February 1978.

    The Cover of the Instruction / Regulation / Trial Instructions Booklet that had the entrants Officials and the ASR's
    Name:  NSCC 1978 #201 Motorsport Day 1978 Front Cover Programme and Regs  07-05-2015 02;23;43PM.jpg
Views: 1768
Size:  46.8 KB

    The Entrants List - posted before ;

    Name:  NSCC #204 Motorsport Day 1978 #4 p2 List of drivers CCI21122015_0001 (562x800) (1).jpg
Views: 1497
Size:  117.8 KB

    Club Torque article - from Milan Fistonic archives ;
    3 pages including the results.

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #221 C sml Motorsport Day 1978 Club Torque article P1 story Milan Fistonic  (471x640) .jpg
Views: 1880
Size:  161.5 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #222 B sml Motorsport Day 1978 Club Torque article P2 story Rod Peat Milan Fistonic (8.jpg
Views: 1115
Size:  135.6 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #223 B sml Motorsport Day 1978 Club Torque article P3 results Milan Fistonic (800x548).jpg
Views: 1975
Size:  157.2 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-19-2022 at 03:13 AM.

  3. #423
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 some competitors.

    A set of photos from Dennis Green archives - as processed by Ross BMC BOY Cammick.
    Ross is unsure who took the photos as Dennis appears in some of the set and in a photo below.

    Competitors in Numerical order;

    Number 5 - from the entrants list.
    On the Gymkhana.

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #238 NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Gymkhana Triumph GT6 FP4651 B W RC Dennis Green  (750x53.jpg
Views: 1820
Size:  141.3 KB

    on Cosseys Farm Road Hillclimb - Number 17 - the photo archivist.

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #240 B sml Motorsport Day Dennis Green Ford Escort RC Dennis Green (800x500) (2).jpg
Views: 1263
Size:  98.5 KB

    also on Cosseys - in the smaller class - Number 22

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #242 B sml Motorsport Day Simca 1000 Cosseys Hillclimb RC Dennis Green (800x500) (2).jpg
Views: 1182
Size:  98.7 KB

    again on Cosseys - the story writer. - Number 14 - was also second place-getter

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #247 B sml Motorsport Day Rod Peat Mazda RX2 Cosseys Hillclimb RC Dennis Green (900x59.jpg
Views: 1274
Size:  120.4 KB

    The detailed results - Class Placings and Overall.

    Name:  NSCC #205 Motorsport Day 1978 #5 Class and overall results points CCI21122015 (564x800) (1).jpg
Views: 1088
Size:  97.3 KB

    The Winners trophy [ posted before - but makes the story more complete. ]
    The winner - Peter Levet in his Mini 1275cc ..

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #220 Motorsport Day 1978 Trophy to Peter Levet M Fistonic CCI21122015 (1).jpg
Views: 1107
Size:  59.3 KB

    More to come when downloaded..

    Plate history the GT6, the Simca and others - Plates are no longer current or even in the archives.
    The plate on the escort of one D Green - photographer, I cannot decipher.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-26-2022 at 03:47 AM. Reason: Entry numbers and plates ###47

  4. #424
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 more competitors.

    More photos from Dennis Green archives - all at the same corner on Cosseys Farm Road - The Hillclimb.

    John Coker -Mazda

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #250 B sml Motorsport Day Mazda RX3 GX9820 #3 John Coker  RC arch Dennis Green (800x52.jpg
Views: 1132
Size:  109.1 KB

    Thought to be David Thexton Datsun 1200 SSS..

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #251 B sml Motorsport Day Datsun 1200 SSS plate FV4461 David Thexton Q Cosseys  RC arc.jpg
Views: 1264
Size:  106.6 KB

    One of several Ford Escorts

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #252 B sml Motorsport Day Ford Escort plate GT1599 Cosseys  RC arch Dennis Green (800x.jpg
Views: 1183
Size:  95.3 KB

    Another Escort

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #253 B sml Motorsport Day Ford Escort plate FG2702 #30 Q Cosseys  RC arch Dennis Green.jpg
Views: 1190
Size:  107.0 KB

    another Datsun 1200 - think just a 1200 not an SSS

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #254 Motorsport Day Datsun 1200 plate GB5290 # Cosseys  RC arch Dennis Green (800x500).jpg
Views: 1234
Size:  101.9 KB

    One of several Mini's entered .. unsure whose ??

    Name:  NSCC 1978 #255 B sml Motorsport Day Mini plate ED622 #Q Cosseys  RC arch Dennis Green (800x468) .jpg
Views: 1131
Size:  99.0 KB

    As an aside ; None of the plates are current - well it was 1978 some 44 years ago.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-26-2022 at 03:44 AM. Reason: Plates ###47

  5. #425
    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor Sheffield View Post

    I have it in my mind that Ron Roycroft ran the Bugatti rather than the Alfa and this could account for his name being crossed out. I can't recall the Alfa having being used in a hill-climb. Whatever, I could be wrong.
    Roycroft at a Muriwai hill climb.

    Name:  Roycroft Alfa Muriwai.jpg
Views: 1271
Size:  102.0 KB

  6. #426
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    It is Official - It IS ON ..Saturday 20th August 2022 - the celebrations.

    Posted on NZ Rallying History and Old new Zealand Motor Racing by Rob Scott.

    " Northern Sports Car Club are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the building of their clubrooms in Mount Richmond Domain, Otahuhu.
    The clubrooms have provided a social hub for not just NSCC members, but a number of marque clubs and has been the home of Rally New Zealand for many years. It's also seen its share of drama and triumph as the finish venue for a number of NZRC rallies and Gold Star trials.
    The celebrations are scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Saturday 20th August 2022.
    Further details will be available closer to the date. For more information, please contact Rod Peat ( "

    Articles in South Auckland newspapers.

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #043 Early years Clubrooms news South Auckland Courier 1 March 1972 1_.jpg
Views: 1063
Size:  103.6 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1972 #044 Early years the Clubrooms construction early 1972 .jpg.jpg
Views: 1297
Size:  85.0 KB

    The Official Function in August 1972.

    Name:  NSCC #045 1972 Clubrooms opening Club Torque Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 1511
Size:  96.8 KB

  7. #427
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Early History a well known car at both NSCC and ACC events

    The Singford - with the Tilsley brothers - Don Tilsley racing in NSCC and ACC events
    Note from Don Tilsley, which I received today with a photo.
    The photo appears in the Graham Veroce book Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand with an incorrect caption.

    Don notes ;
    " Auckland Car Club.Mt Eden Hill-climb 5th.April 1952.The A.C.C. always ran the class
    1101-2000cc.The International class was 1101-1500cc. The N.S.C.C. always stuck to the
    International classes and their handicapping was far superior as well.Competed against
    Ron Roycroft in the Bug and Herb Gilroy in the Rubber Duck on the day and got 3rd.
    Herb 1st in 34.0sec. Ron 35.2 and me in 36.6. FTD George Smith GCS 31.0sec.
    Cheers Don. "

    Name:  Singford #025 sml Don Tilsley #5 ACC Mt Eden Hill Climb April 1952 Laurie Powell at rear Don Til.jpg
Views: 1476
Size:  158.7 KB

    Caption in the book says " Don Tilsley on the startline at Mt Eden in the Singford [ MkII ], with bother Glen holding down the tail " - Event is correct but the Gentleman " holding down the tail " is Laurie Powell.

    On the same page of the Vercoe book is another photo of Don at Ohakea noted " Stripped for the track, the guardless Singford at Ohakea in 1952, Don Tilsley driving.

    Programme Cover for the ACC Mt Eden Hillclimb Don Tilsley archives.

    Name:  NSCC 1952 #021 ACC Mt Eden Hill Climb programme 5 April 1952 cover Don Tilsley .jpg
Views: 1081
Size:  100.2 KB

    According to Dons own records it was the 1953 event with notes as follows ;
    Singford at " Ohakea Trophy Race 14 March 1953. D.N.F Don Tilsley 24th lap of 25 holding 2nd place broke steering arm. Could have finished 3rd or 4th. Don received 10 pounds for completing 23 laps! "

    Name:  Singford #032 Ohakea Trophy Race 14 March 1953. D.N.F Don 24th lap of 25 holding 2nd place broke.jpg
Views: 1728
Size:  87.2 KB

    Don competing at A couple of NSCC events -posted before but brings them together.

    Seagrove in November [ 11th ] 1951.

    Name:  NSCC 1951 #231 Singford Special NSCC Club Championship meeting Seagrove 18 Nov 1951. Don Tilsley.jpg
Views: 1068
Size:  39.2 KB

    Wairamarama Hill, NSCC North Island Championship Hill Climb January 16th 1954.

    Name:  NSCC 1954 #234 Don's car Singford Special 1st Class F 1101-1500cc North Island Hill Climb Champi.jpg
Views: 1516
Size:  104.2 KB

    Don came first in Class F 1001 - 1500 cc.
    ** now have more details of the meeting and also events at Seagrove from Don - a story is building.

    All photos Don Tilsey's own archives.
    Thanks Don

    In another comment about the Mt Eden photo Don notes : " Ref. Laurie Powell a regular competitor in
    his Ford V8 Roadster. Was a past N.S.C.C. Club Captain and President 1955-56. Also
    well known at Western Springs in his midget car. I note the Club Auditor was one H.Dowding.
    Cheers Don. "

    H Dowding was Hector Macdonald Dowding [ 23/3/1917 to 11/09/1999 ] my late father. I knew he was Honorary Auditor for the Club, as he told me, but never known any record of it
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-01-2022 at 04:40 AM. Reason: Programme cover added Singford Don T.

  8. #428
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC events at Mount Wellington course December 1952

    Details of the events which were held a week apart by NSCC -

    Information from Don Tilsley - who competed in his Singford 11 -

    Don writes ;

    " “7/12/1952. Mt.Wellington circuit races.( 1.25 miles). Due to the narrow track mostly rough loose metal (and extremely dusty)
    surface with a short and much cambered tar-sealed uphill section it was restricted to cars up to 1500cc. although some time trials were held for bigger capacity cars.
    Event one.4 lap scratch race for Specials.
    Starters. Winter Spec., Riley Spec., Standard Spec., BSA., Aitken Spec.,Mk2., McHugh Spec., Singford Spec.
    Results.Singford 1st.7'-3" , BSA 2nd.7'-14.8", Aitken 3rd.7'-34.8"
    Event Two. 4 Lap. Open Handicap. 3 Specials Versus 3 MG's..
    Starters. Singford, Aitken, BSA. TD M.G.x3.
    Results. Singford 1st.8'-02.8"(H/cap 1'-20"), BSA 2nd.8-03.8(H/cap 1'-15") TD Somervell 3rd.8'-05"( H/cap 1'-15")
    Event Three..4 Lap. 1sts. and 2nds. from previous events athough the Jupiter driven by Gordon Brown replaced the BSA.
    Results. Singford !st.8'05.3"(H/cap 1'-30"), Jupiter 2nd.8'-05.8"(H/cap1-15") Somervell TD 3rd.8'-06" (H/cap1'-15")
    Event.Four.4 Lap. MG v Specials Scratch race.
    Results. Singford 1st. 6'-59.2", Somervell TD 2nd. 7-01.6", Greenwell TD 3rd.7-18.9".
    During one of these events the Singford on passing Jock's special on the short uphill section contact occured between the cars.
    The Singford's L.H. front hub taking out all the hub cap clips on Jocks R.H. front wheel and removing the grease cap on the Singfords.hub
    not noticed till the races end! It was quite an effort I can ensure you for the scratch car to pass other competitors in the dust and
    flying metal.

    Information from Don Tilsley – Email dated 22 June 2022

    " “14/12/1952. Mt.Wellington.
    Event. Time Trial over 1500cc.
    Results.George Smith G.C.S. 1st.1'-29.2". 2nd. Peter Harrison XK120 1'-32". 3rd. Fred Zambuca De Soto Spec.1'-35.6".
    Event. Time Trials.Under 1500cc
    Starters. Aitken Spec., Jupiter, 3- TD MGs, 1 -TC MG.
    Results. Singford 1st.1'-40", Jupiter (Gordon Brown) 2nd.1'-41", 3rd. Somervell MG TD 1'-42".
    14/12/1952, Mt Wellington – continued;
    Event.Scratch Race. MGs V Specials.
    Results. Singford 1st.6'-48.9", MG TD (Greenwell) 2nd., MG TD (Somervell) 3rd.

    Information from Don Tilsley – Email dated 22 June 2022

    Details of the Track from Don Tilsley Email dated 23 June 2022.

    " The course was the same for both days and was situated in an area to the left of the Southern Motorway
    before it crosses the Mt.Wellington Highway. If you have a road map of the area you will see Commissariat Road, which was the main straight and start and finish line. There was some housing on the north side of this road but the other sides were small farmlets with live stock. I have some video of the events Ex Avery Bros, and Gordon Brown.

    A photo of Dons car with others - at a different event though ; At Muriwai .. Dons car #34 with bonnet askew !

    Name:  Singford #011 group at Muriwai Q Singford #34 Don Tilsley 2nd left Q Rod Brayshaw 1951 -56 plate.jpg
Views: 1354
Size:  178.3 KB

  9. #429
    Hi Roger. I didn't get any PM from you and don't know if you received mine. Let me know here please.

  10. #430
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    Hi Roger. I didn't get any PM from you and don't know if you received mine. Let me know here please.
    Allan, my message box was full and I didn't notice - will now send a new message.


  11. #431
    On their way to you as we speak.

  12. #432
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    On their way to you as we speak.
    Very kind of you Allan,
    Thanks - will be appreciated.


    and on 30th June they were received,
    Thanks again Allan..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-01-2022 at 04:37 AM. Reason: 30 June rec'd

  13. #433
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Ardmore Programmes. NZIGP and an NSCC venue too.

    Have had a look through the Ardmore Programmes.

    Don tells me he has all the Ardmore Programmes from 1954 to 1962, and the 1963 Pukekohe event, first running of the NZ I GP at the
    " new " track.
    They list the Executives and Officials of the NZ Grand Prix Association.
    Lots of great period advertisements too.

    Name:  Ardmore 1957 #006 B sml Ardmore Programmes 1957 1960 1961 1962 Allan Cameron R Dowding (600x800).jpg
Views: 999
Size:  178.2 KB

    Both Auckland Car Club and Northern Sports Car Club ran events seperately to the Grand Prix, which they called
    " Little Ardmore " .. as seen in newspaper clippings on this thread.

  14. #434
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Northern Sports Car Club The 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms 20th August 2022..

    Name:  NSCC #244 NSCC Logo.jpg
Views: 901
Size:  31.3 KB

    More details are to hand about the event - no format yet, but expressions of interest and a deposit [ towards refreshments is sought ]

    " We are now seeking Expressions of Interest and a deposit, to cover the cost of refreshments, from those wishing to help celebrate this momentous occasion, so that we can put the final touches to the day.

    So, get in early for this fun-filled event, where the emphasis will be on camaraderie, with plenty of time to catch up, tell lies, recall days past, and to rekindle old friendships made over the past years.

    Hopefully the celebration will appeal not only to past NSCC club members, but anyone that celebrated an event at the clubrooms in days gone by.

    To be in now, Deposit $20.00 (non-refundable) to the NSCC bank account. (add your name as id) and e-mail thru your names, contact details and confirmation of payment please. "

    " NSCC BANK ACCOUNT – ANZ BANK – 01-0221-0010851-00 "

    Committee details and Email to send confirmation of payment -

    " Rod Peat (Chairman), Dennis Green, John Dorking, Bob Mitchell, Jill Greenland by e-mail :-
    Contact - Rod Peat on 021-478914

    The Email again " ". for confirming deposit paid and providing details.

    Rod Peat has his own Email for other correspondence

    " ".

    Cheers from this guy !!.

    Name:  AH Sprite #193 B sml FD8739 Rog Dowding AH Sealed Gymkhana 1974 (800x543) (2).jpg
Views: 945
Size:  101.7 KB

    NSCC Logo's over the years

    Name:  Logo #067 NSCC 1943 Logo from Members Card R Currey arch Bob Kidd.jpg
Views: 945
Size:  102.4 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1953 #052 NSCC Logo fromWairamarama Hillclimb 1953 Programme Cover  Milan Fistonic.jpg
Views: 1286
Size:  54.1 KB

    1960's onwards
    Name:  NSCC #244 NSCC Logo.jpg
Views: 901
Size:  31.3 KB

  15. #435
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Sealed Gymkhana - Mangere Town Centre 1974.

    NSCC usually held Gymkhana events on grass, and often had an Autocross course at the same event.
    In the 1970's there were grass events at Peter Hildreth and Tom Grace Farms at Waimauku and Woodhill,quite close to each other.

    This event was held on a Sunday at the Carpark of the then new Mangere Town Centre.
    Shops were closed on Sundays and carparks were used for all sorts of Sports - some shopping area carparks actually had Netball Courts and other markings for their sports. -

    A selection of cars at the event from Dennis Green images, which have been processed by Ross Cammick, many never seen before.

    This car is not your usual LIP Vauxhall Velox 6..
    Car had twin carburettors and modified manifolds, an Inline Hurst Shifter replacing the Column change shift and as seen Escort flares fitted to the rear guards.
    I rode in this car a few times, it was quite quick in a straight line, but cornering was a bit unusual - these Vauxhalls had a front suspension that rose up under heavy braking.
    Dave Hotham, a school mate of my younger brother owned the car. I knew Dave well also, as his family had a bach at Onetangi, Waiheke Island, not far from my Grandmothers house.

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #057 Dave Hotham GZ2548 Velox Sealed Gymkhana Mangere TC 1974 (1024x670) (2).jpg
Views: 1246
Size:  146.5 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #056 Dave Hotham GZ2548 Velox Rear Sealed Gymkhana Mangere TC. 1974 (1024x719) (2).jpg
Views: 927
Size:  146.6 KB

    This car was there that day too !! - as seen on the Austin Healey thread

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #182 B sml AH Sprite FD8739 Sealed Gymkhana Mangere T Centre 1974 (800x579) (3).jpg
Views: 1286
Size:  151.8 KB

    a mix of cars.

    The BIG,

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #052 B sml Valiant Charger Mangere Gymkhana 1974 Dennis Green  (800x511) (2).jpg
Views: 1041
Size:  130.2 KB

    The Small
    Dave Hughes in the Imp

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #054 B sml Hillman Imp Dave Hughes Mud tyres Mangere Gymkhana 1974 Dennis Green (1024x.jpg
Views: 1470
Size:  169.3 KB

    and smaller - just ..
    Graham Hill in the Mini Clubman.

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #053 B sml Mini Graham Hill Mangere Gymkhana 1974 Dennis Green  (800x548) (2).jpg
Views: 893
Size:  139.9 KB.

    As an aside,
    I understand that Don Tilsley is attending the NSCC Celebration, 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms.
    He is coming with Allan Woolf and John Windleburn.

    I hope a few more of the Guys who were seniors in the Club when I joined also attend.

    Will post more details when known.
    NSCC Celebration, 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms
    Date is set ; Saturday 20th August 2022.
    Format is being worked on but understand I will be an afternoon into ealy evening Event

  16. #436
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Celebration " 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms "

    NSCC Celebration

    " 50th Anniversary of the Clubrooms ".
    Saturday 20th August 2022.
    At the Clubrooms,
    Mount Richmond Domain, Great South Road, Otahuhu

    The Details - announced today on the NSCC 50th Anniversary Facebook page;

    " Seeing as the event is only just over a month away, an update is probably required.
    We have had a really good response to the
    celebration and have had a good number submit their registration form.
    Most of these people are staunch NSCC types, but there are quite a few who want to come along to see folk they haven't seen for a while.
    The program starts at 1.30pm on Saturday the 20th August with a mix and mingle and the formalities start at 2.00pm.
    There will be a few speakers including a representative from the McLaren Trust to present NSCC with a gift for storing the orange car for a number of years.
    There will be a few iconic NSCC cars on display as well.
    Afternoon tea will be served after the speeches and the cash bar will be open.
    All in all it should be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and share some tall stories with like minded people.
    If you want to be a part of it and haven't registered yet, PM me your email address and I'll send you the form.
    Rod Peat ,
    On behalf of
    The Anniversary Committee "

    Name:  NSCC 2022 #822 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Clubrooms .jpg
Views: 1032
Size:  99.3 KB

    Not specifically the Anniversary, but the sign above the montage of photos, hangs above the bar kitchen area, up where the pool tables were and maybe still are !!.
    The Clubrooms were Rally Headquarters for Rally New Zealand over many years.

    Will be heading there, in one of these ;

    Name:  MG #040 MG3 PAP431 and MX5 UN7284 fronts July 2022 sml IMG_20220710_161518.jpg
Views: 981
Size:  140.9 KB

    But not driving like this :

    Name:  NSCC 1974 #086 NSCC Autocross 1974 AH Sprite FD78739 Roger Dowding Woodhill sml Dennis Green (80.jpg
Views: 977
Size:  116.8 KB

  17. #437
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    A Ford 10 Special, a Motorway and a famous New Zealand Driver.

    Thanks to Don Tilsley for this image - which is from a publication and has notes on it from a couple of famous NSCC people " Colin Waite and Allan " Woolfie " Woolf.

    Printed on the photo is " the Ford 10 Special, never really liked and owned for only six months "
    Date of the event 30th October 1955.
    Amongst other competitors was an M Roberts driving the BSA Special of Ralph Watson.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #209 Bruce Mclaren Ford 10 Spl Rosebank Rd NSCC Motorway Sprints 30th Oct 1955 notes C.jpg
Views: 868
Size:  153.3 KB

    As noted on the photo " taken at a carpark at the end of Rosebank Road ", Avondale, used as the pit/paddock area for the event which was a Sprint Meeting on the unfinished North western Motorway - the first section from Point Chevalier to Te Atatu.

    Description on the back of the photo ;
    " Bruce at NSCC Sprint meeting on N. W. Motorway near Rosebank Road.
    Ford 10 Special ex Bob Crisp new body built on his Standard 8 Chassis and with Ford 10 engine. The Standard Spec-ial was a very successful car in the 750 -1100cc class
    A rather young looking Bruce McLaren - well, he was born on the 30th August 1937 - so just turned 18.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-18-2022 at 03:42 AM.

  18. #438
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Hiil Climb 1952 - The New Zealand Championships Hill Climb.

    Northern Sports Car Club ran an Event in the " New Zealand Hill Climb Championships " at Wairamarama in the 1950's.
    In 1952 the Event was known as the " New Zealand Hill Climb Championships "
    By 1953 it became part of the " North Island Hill Climb Championships " - the same in 1954 and 1955.
    The Hill had been used as a " Club Event " in September 1951, where Don Tilsley competed for the first time in the Singford Special.

    Here from the archives of Don Tilsley - the Programme Cover and the List of Entrants - which includes handwritten times, which would have been done by Don's wife Muriel Tilsley.

    This is the 1952 Event;
    Programme Cover.

    Name:  NSCC 1952 #121 New Zealand Hill Climb Championships Wairamarama Programme Cover 15031952  arch D.jpg
Views: 836
Size:  99.1 KB

    The Entry List with handwritten times.

    Name:  NSCC 1952 #122 New Zealand Hill Climb Championships Wairamarama 15031952 Entry list with results.jpg
Views: 852
Size:  103.5 KB

    Details on Competitors -

    Name:  NSCC 1952 #124 New Zealand Hill Climb Championships Wairamarama The Competitors notes 15031952 Q.jpg
Views: 981
Size:  132.2 KB

    Previously posted are these from the 1953 event - Milan Fistonic archives.
    Now the " North Island Hill Climb Championships "
    Done to give a timeline to the information.

    Name:  NSCC 1953 #053 NSCC Wairamarama North Island Champs Hillclimb 21 Mar 1953 Programme Cover Milan .jpg
Views: 1484
Size:  136.0 KB

    Name:  NSCC 1953 #054 NSCC 1953 21 March Wairamarama North Island Championship Hillclimb  Entry List an.jpg
Views: 1357
Size:  167.7 KB

    To follow - the information from the 1954 event from Don Tilsley - Don was a competitor again.
    Also information on the 1955 event from Milan Fistonic.

    Trevor Sheffield competed in the 1953 event in his Fiat 509 Special - the story of this car appeared in posts #299 and #300 on page 15 of this thread.

    A photo of Trevor's car when first completed - in another photo it shows the 1951 - 56 number plates;

    Name:  Fiat 509 #25 Special revised body 3-4 view Trevor Sheffield .jpg (2).jpg
Views: 866
Size:  153.0 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-15-2022 at 12:39 AM. Reason: photo added ###47

  19. #439
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    NSCC North Island Hill Climb Championships - 1954 and 1955 - Wairamarama

    To continue the Timeline of the " Championships " Hill Climbs - more form the archives of Don Tilsley - 1954 and copies again the 1955 event from archives of Milan Fistonic;

    1954 the Programme Cover - with a few doodles on it.

    Name:  NSCC 1954 #141 North Island Hill Climb Champsionships Wairamarama 16011954 Programme Cover arch .jpg
Views: 1146
Size:  90.9 KB

    The List of Competitors. With times again handwritten by Muriel Tilsley.

    Name:  NSCC 1954 #145 North Island Hill Climb Championships Wairamarama 16011954_Entry List w times res.jpg
Views: 910
Size:  119.9 KB

    The list again - unedited to show the Competitors Race Numbers better.

    Name:  Don Tilsley #155 North Island Hill Climb Championships Entry list w times 16011954 Don Tilsley  .jpg
Views: 858
Size:  136.5 KB

    " - Note in 1954, a couple of International Competitors, " Horace Gould, Britain - Cooper Bristol and Tom Hawke, Australia - Allard " who would have been here to compete at the New Zealand Racing Events over the summer, at Ardmore, Ohakea, Wigram, the Airfields / Airforce bases and Dunedin the Street Race meeting. "

    1955 the Programme Cover.

    Name:  NSCC 1955 #238 1955 15 January NSCC NZ Hill Climb Champs Wairamarama Hillclimb Programme Cover M.jpg
Views: 1496
Size:  149.8 KB

    - [ must check if Milan Fistonic he has the full Entry List ]

    Wairamarama Hill, Onewhero, sometimes described and the Wairamarama Onewhero Road,and at others times Wairamarama Road, Glen Murray, was used by NSCC for Hill Climbs again in 1956.
    More to come on the events.

    The Event was moved from March to January for 1954 and 1955
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-31-2022 at 03:58 AM.

  20. #440
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Cosseys Farm a competitor - Which Millen is this. ?.

    Through the Top gate, before the sweeper to the finish, the road was narrow through that gate and there was a big bump..

    Name:  NSCC #065 Hillman Husky - Cob Millens NSCC Hill Climb Cosseys Farm 1970's arch Bruce Dyer.jpg
Views: 1105
Size:  40.1 KB

    One for Ken H,

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