Slightly better...
and a dig into the archives, in an effort to file older stuff that has been scanned but sitting around on the computer.
I believe 1989 January 15th, but happy to be corrected. Apologies if these have been posted previously.
Slightly better...
and a dig into the archives, in an effort to file older stuff that has been scanned but sitting around on the computer.
I believe 1989 January 15th, but happy to be corrected. Apologies if these have been posted previously.
Last edited by ERC; 06-17-2021 at 09:27 PM.
Thanks Milan. Bruce Manon ran 181 and the Alfetta (in white) running #9. Roger Freeth #2, Peter Meadows #14
Last edited by ERC; 06-18-2021 at 09:01 PM.
In 2005, we were in the South Island for a surprise 60th birthday in Queenstown, but stayed on to drive the lower part of the south island, which just happened to have a race meeting on at Teretonga. After a week of temperatures in the early to mid 30s, the weather was far from kind at the track, so one day, I'd love to go back when the weather is better.
Shane Drake's dad.
Last edited by ERC; 06-28-2021 at 01:29 AM.
Pity NZ doesn't seem to have permanent hillclimb and sprint courses
Prescott - owned by the Bugatti Owners Club
Curborough Farm - owned by the Shenstone & District Car Club.
Gentleman racer Bob Fowler also ran an Aston Martin DB4 GT.
Cyril Baxter was the first driver I ever spoke to, at my first sprint at Cadwell Park.
What is interesting about this is that the V12 E Type had only been released a matter of a week or two before this appearance.
Last edited by ERC; 07-01-2021 at 09:33 PM.
January 2004
Push me - Tony Herbert
Pull you - Alan Lacey
"Pass me the Tommi gun Al..."
May 2021 Caffeine & Classics
Another mix
1991 Whenuapai
2004 Pukekohe
2005 Taupo
Good to see Donn White in the 1973 " Bathurst Spec " Mini Clubman. he has still got it.
Ray———- re Herb Deeks Wire Wheels. Do a Google search on that. Might help——- seems to be some there
I've tried chaindrive but no luck. One set where they wanted $33 postage! I'm putting out feelers for anyone with 3D drawing/printing skills to come up with a file, then I'll go out and buy a 3D printer and knock out a few sets!
I'll be in touch Rhys.
Just managed to secure MIQ (quarantine) for my original planned return date from the UK, September 23rd, so my original plans stay, meaning a call at Curborough September 5th!
It means I'll take even more photographs than usual whilst away, as 14 days in quarantine will give me some time to get stuck into the deleting, cropping, sorting and filing, which usually takes me about three months.
So far, that means photographs at:
Caister Museum (previously visited but photography was banned)
Possibly the Silverstone experience and maybe a call at Bicester
Three days of Goodwood
Maybe a return to either Haynes, or Brooklands - still debating that.
Whatever, the chance for several thousand pics and who knows, that may be my last opportunity to visit the UK as no plans for 2022 and just a cruise call in for 2023.
Last edited by ERC; 07-10-2021 at 11:35 PM.
Images disappeared, so hope these are the right ones!
2005 Taupo
Smales Farm Caffeine & Classics 2021
Last edited by ERC; 07-12-2021 at 08:53 PM.
Something completely different. My much loved dad was in some respects, a better diarist than Samuel Pepys!
He used to assist at a local garage, and somehow or other, managed to record vehicles he'd probably filled with petrol or at least observed.
This one page extract from his notebook shows that he started recording in 1930 (aged 15), to 1936.
The detail is staggering and must have been transposed later.
If anyone wants another indexed page scanning, just let me know.
I hadn't even heard of a Cluley until I read this. Another forgotten Coventry make from 1920-1928.
Last edited by ERC; 07-21-2021 at 12:16 AM.
Another lucky dip.
From 1969