03-08-2021, 01:48 AM
Knitting small cars is what you do well , VERY WELL
03-27-2021, 10:17 PM
Semi-Pro Racer

End of a fine Summer
04-16-2021, 01:53 AM
Semi-Pro Racer

In For The Winter
05-06-2021, 09:34 PM
Semi-Pro Racer

BRM V16. To go with ERC's post of the BRM
05-07-2021, 04:18 AM
World Champion
The BRM - this time a sketch not a model
Sketch by Winton [ Win ] Bristow of the V16 BRM of Ken Wharton at Ardmore in mid 1950's - I think 1956.
[ Win was a great mate and later neighbour of my Uncle Eddie Dowding and both were early members of Northern Sports Car Club in the 1940's ]

A view of the car and lower a box containing the spare Spark Plugs sitting on the scuttle and a view of the instrument panel.
05-07-2021, 08:26 AM
World Champion

Originally Posted by
Thanks chaindrive. I don't have a model of the V16, just a limited edition Michael Turner framed print.
07-08-2021, 01:17 AM
Semi-Pro Racer
Pat Hoare Ferrari 256 fitted with 250 TR motor-----Lookalike and not really accurate

Last edited by chaindrive; 07-08-2021 at 01:19 AM.
07-08-2021, 08:00 PM
Another fabulous car from Ecurie Chaindrive!
07-09-2021, 12:43 AM
World Champion
Great stuff chaindrive.
Still no joy getting hold of the Deek's wire wheels, so my SMR Talbot and Alfa remain unbuilt.
07-09-2021, 01:02 AM
Semi-Pro Racer
I know he only does them once in while. I’ll keep looking as well. Thanks guys for the comments. Back to the knitting
07-12-2021, 07:06 PM
These models are deeply detailed replicating every aspect of the originals.
12-11-2021, 11:23 PM
12-11-2021, 11:25 PM
Tossing up between Rod Collingwood car, Rodger Anderson Lexington car or another Barry Phillips in either Winfield or NZ Freighters colours. A lot of work to do the graphics for Collingwood car.
01-07-2022, 02:12 AM
Semi-Pro Racer
Ready for 2022---------------Happy New Year all
01-07-2022, 04:44 AM
World Champion
Happy New Year, your good self " Chaindrive ".
07-24-2022, 11:53 PM
World Champion
Thanks to Chaindrive, I managed to get hold of a set of the Herb Deeks wire wheels. I have the Alfa Romeo and Talbot Lago SMER plastic kits and was determined to not start them until I could source appropriate wire wheels.
Even the Deek's wheels aren't 100% what I want - far from it, though much better than the kits. The tread pattern on the tyres is also way incorrect for a 1950's car running Pirellis.
Old Fart's son in the UK is looking at 3D printing and the arrival of the Deeks' wheels has had me digging a bit further.
I have virtually zero CAD (Computer Aided Design) experience but just trying to find the correct wheel and tyre sizes for these models and the correct spoke patterns has occupied a bit of evening laptop time.
What I have decided to do is join the local 'Mens Shed' group, as they have experienced and talented older guys and a staggering range of machinery and equipment, including a 3D printer.
I have zero metalworking/lathe skills so I'm going to work out how best to do a realistic model wire wheel, which may mean getting someone to turn up some hubs and rims.
In the meantime, I sent these two links to Old Fart which may be of interest to other potential model makers. Some clever people around.
Knowing my own shortcomings, this may well drag on a while!
Last edited by ERC; 07-25-2022 at 12:09 AM.
08-04-2022, 02:06 AM
World Champion
Rummaging through old pics.
The Wren 152 slot racing system was to 1/52nd scale and that meant that a fairly convoluted track could be laid out on a baseboard.
The initial cars didn't run a purely DC motor such as found in most other systems. They could be run n either 12v DC or 12vAC. AC gave a much better performance.
However, the ratchet and pawl motors tended to get warm quite quickly. Clever, with a set of points and an electro magnet.
Track was two rails either side of the slot, so the brushes could be set several ways, meaning more than one car could run on the track at the same time.
This pic shows a mix of my cars, Dad's cars and one each for my two brothers. By the time it came to an end, I think we ended up with 60 cars. Dad owned most of them... I have them all - and a box of spares, plus the track, but really need a 12v AC transformer.
Later cars were DC only.
I think I developed RSI from playing too much, as the controller was on or off, not variable like a DC motor. Other teenagers with more cash than I had, chased girls and spent their money on fags/booze.
Pic probably 1965
Last edited by ERC; 08-04-2022 at 02:10 AM.
08-04-2022, 03:04 AM
Semi-Pro Racer
08-04-2022, 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by
Luvly history
08-12-2022, 06:35 AM
Semi-Pro Racer

Roll on Summer!!!!
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