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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #3821
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Good stuff ERC, Ray,
    1973 - had started a couple of years before doing speed events in an 848 cc Mini.
    Only mods 4.5 inch ( x 10 ) reverse rim Cooper S style wheel made by Dunlop [ same rim and centre ] -centre reversed to make the offset different to go over the drum brakes. Made them look like widened wheels ..
    My results were not as good, but huge fun.

  2. #3822
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I'm trying to catch up on some scanning and using a couple of borrowed non-35mm cameras back in 1965/66 hasn't made scanning easy, despite having different sized negative holders.

    For Shelsey August 1965, I not only had an ancient camera from dad's collection, probably an Ilford Ensign, (he'd grabbed the Leica of course), but the film was also 30 year's old, 80mm x 60mm negs.

    These pics are unmodified (i.e. not photoshopped), just cropped from the original negatives.

    Ian Sievwright's Ferrari heading back down the hill. Cottam's Connaught behind.
    Name:  165_0829_081 Ferrari 625.JPG
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    Tony Marsh's Marsh Special - FTD
    Name:  165_0829_84 Marsh Special.JPG
Views: 1343
Size:  87.6 KB

    Frazer Nash
    Name:  165_0829_89.JPG
Views: 646
Size:  112.2 KB
    Last edited by ERC; 03-05-2021 at 11:26 PM.

  3. #3823
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I was always a BRM fan (Dad's patriotic influence) and in 1966, attended the ORMA (Owen Racing Motor Association) awards night in London, heading down from Nottingham on my LE Velocette, staying at Baden Powell House. Using a borrowed camera (with just 10 flash bulbs in my pocket for the weekend) I did manage a few shots.

    ORMA Secretary, Molly Wheeler hands the trophy to Graham Hill via Olympian Mary Rand, the first British female to win an Olympic gold medal in track and field. She remains the only Great Britain female athlete to win three medals in a single Games.

    Name:  166_0318_02 Graham Hill Mary Rand.JPG
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    Jackie Stewart before long hair became fashionable

    Name:  166_0318_04 Jackie Stewart.JPG
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    Tony & Pina Brooks

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Views: 732
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    Last edited by ERC; 03-06-2021 at 04:44 AM.

  4. #3824
    Somewhere in the region of 125 miles on the LE Ray, M1 by car now suggests 2 hours and 37 minutes! That would have been some trip, you deserved an award for "True Fan".

  5. #3825
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Back then Rhys, the LE had a top speed of 50mph (80kph). Actual distance was 138 miles. Left Nottingham 7:30am arrived at BP House (Kensington) 12:35. For true fan, you could also add impecunious! Fortunately, I had Scout and Guide friends at Baden Powell House for the weekend.

    Naughty me. Did some slipstreaming on the M1 behind trucks travelling a bit quicker.

  6. #3826
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    From the 1966 Racing car Show - using a borrowed Rolleiflex and 2.25 square film.

    Marsh Climax
    Name:  166_0121_04 Marsh Climax.JPG
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Size:  119.7 KB

    Prototype Cooper Maserati
    Name:  166_0121_05 Cooper Maserati.JPG
Views: 710
Size:  126.3 KB

    1965 Le Mans Austin Healey Sprite - and no need to comment Roger or that you have borrowed it!
    Name:  166_0121_07 Austin Healey.JPG
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    1965 Le Mans MGB
    Name:  166_0121_08 MGB.JPG
Views: 646
Size:  116.9 KB

  7. #3827
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Like the MGB too !!
    Cheers, Ray

  8. #3828
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    From one of Dad's negatives. (Film, not glass plate). I have no idea when, where, who or what!
    *If anyone can confirm, not guess the make of car, I'd be grateful.

    I do have a poor photograph of a car being winched at the docks (pic may need flipping horizontally), which looks to be the same car, so it could well have been England or even Germany, as great grandad was a lace mechanic/engineer and worked in Leipzig, installing lace making machinery. I do know that one of his children was born in Germany, so this could have been his wife.

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    Name:  133 Craned - small.jpg
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    1965 Every Sunday morning, about 10am, this lovely Bentley used to rumble past the house and return about 12 noon, so I took the camera to church and snapped it on its way back!
    Name:  165_0919_01 Bentley.JPG
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    1965 The Lord Mayor's Rolls, parked outside the Council House in Nottingham's Old Market Square.
    Name:  165_0923_01 Rolls.JPG
Views: 573
Size:  69.9 KB
    Last edited by ERC; 03-12-2021 at 04:49 AM.

  9. #3829
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    *If anyone can confirm, not guess the make of car, I'd be grateful.

    " *If anyone can confirm, not guess the make of car, I'd be grateful. "

    ERC - The car is an Armstrong - Siddeley 4 / 14. 4 cylinder 14 horsepower, - as advised by Mark Dawber [ Mark D on TRS ].
    A - S cars were usually larger the small four a 1920's model.
    Hope it helps Ray Green

    My photo from Napier in 1972 [ The International VCC Rally ] of a larger Armstrong - Siddeley, a 1927 model of C H Shelley a New Zealand entrant - It has the same style of radiator cap /ornament.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #136 B Armstrong Siddeley 27 CCI06052016_0004 (crop) (2).jpg
Views: 678
Size:  124.2 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 03-13-2021 at 04:15 AM. Reason: photo added ###47

  10. #3830
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    Thanks Roger. Could well be correct, based on the wheels and radiator grille as much as anything.

    From the pile awaiting posting...
    Name:  221_0131_44 Porsche.JPG
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    Name:  221_0214_038 VW.JPG
Views: 600
Size:  94.8 KB
    Last edited by ERC; 03-13-2021 at 09:16 PM.

  11. #3831
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    In 1965/66 I spent a year or so working for the Nottingham City Engineers printing and photographic department. I could already run a Multilith 1250 offset litho machine but wanted to learn the photographic side - waste of time, as my dad could have taught me all I'd learned there in about three days!

    However, I did manage to make a couple of B & W negatives from paintings I'd done.

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    Back to modern times. Two more Riley pics from this years Ellerslie Concours.

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  12. #3832
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I forgot what day it was. This is what I intended posting:

    March 15th 1961, the Daily Mirror arrived before I left to walk to school and I had time to skim through it. Wow! I, (and many others) was totally blown away by the announcement of the E Type Jaguar. I suppose you had to be around then to realise what an impact it made, as overnight, most other cars were seen as grey porridge.

    The original may not have been perfect and as always, some issues needed addressing, but to a 15 year old schoolboy, the E Type just blew my socks off. At Goodwood, they perform really well and seem much quicker now than they were in period.

    Name:  210_0124_281 Jaguar.JPG
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  13. #3833
    The Jags at Goodwood don't "seem to be much quicker than they were in period", like many it's chalk and cheese. It has been interesting talking with folks i supply with seats, Andrew Jordan and the like, they have to be a huge amount so. I find it interesting what the rules require, lever arm shocks for A40.. I'm getting off topic!

  14. #3834
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    A huge entry for this weekend's Living Legends meeting at Hampton Downs (285!) and an opportunity to try the brand new bazooka lens for the first time. I'll be there all day on Sunday, as I am involved in the prizegiving! Can't sneak off after practice or the first race when I've snapped a range of cars as I usually do.
    Last edited by ERC; 03-17-2021 at 05:59 AM.

  15. #3835
    World Champion
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    I am looking forward to your HD "bazooka" shots this weekend.
    I really do enjoy your vast array of photos over all the years and amazingly they are your family photos only.
    We are so spoilt here on TRS to see such a unique collection and I realize how much of your time and energy it must have taken for you to share them with us.
    From afar you are very much appreciated and I thank you.
    With heaps of gratitude,
    Ken H.
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 03-18-2021 at 07:10 AM.

  16. #3836
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Thanks Ken.

    As long as there is an audience, I'll keep posting! Getting more difficult now, as I have to keep note of what I have posted previously.

    Always difficult to know which pics are really appreciated, as TRS members have such diverse interests!

    More and more, I'm appreciating the photographic opportunities from photogenic Goodwood, simply because we will never see most of those cars in NZ, and also realising that since Chris Watson and Tony Roberts - both huge supporters of classics and historics, sold Hampton Downs to Tony Quinn, that it is doubtful we will ever see the likes of the 2010 McLaren Festival, ever again.

  17. #3837
    Ray, like Ken I check in every day to see what you have posted. If there were any repeats, and I haven't noticed any, I would be happy as there has been so much stuff which will never be seen anywhere else.
    Yes we do have diverse interests, not all you post is interesting to me, but someone else will like it, thank goodness we are not all the same.
    The McLaren Festival was a personal highlight of life, helping to run 3 cars meant we were busy, but what a couple of weekends!

  18. #3838
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Thanks Rhys.

    1956 - August, Mallory Park. Dad's pic of course. I always felt it was a shame that you couldn't walk all the way around Mallory. Same applies to Pukekohe, Taupo, Manfeild and Highland's Park. It limits the viewing and photographic options. One of the other reasons I enjoy Goodwood, is being able to walk either clockwise or anti-clockwise around the track for different viewpoints. Hampton Downs is good for photographs, even though turn 1 isn't really accessible, nor the final sweeper.

    Name:  156_0806_22 F500.jpg
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    2018 Goodwood
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  19. #3839
    Many of my Mallory pics are from the inside, I have a spot I like, or from the hairpin, I suspect I stand on almost the same spot as some of your Dad's and yours!
    Photo above with the Buckler tucked over out of the way. Organisers insisted the supercharger had to come off, even though it had been always on the car!

  20. #3840
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I don't understand why.

    Several cars seem to be excluded for 'technical infringements' - and as it isn't a championship meeting, as a paying spectator (and at a hefty overall cost), I just want to see cars on track. If they received an invitation to enter, surely that should have been enough - within reason?)

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