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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #401
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1963 March - Ron Brown and his Morris Minor

    Before the Mini, a Morris Minor.
    Ron Brown - an Auckland Car Club guy - later became Club President and was actively involved as Clerk of the Course at Pukekohe over the years 1970's
    This photo by Alan Boyle, Ron's best Mate, and a Mini racer of note - a couple " Tomato " and " Violet ", then later the Viva GT.

    ." George Johnson on the wheels, Ron Brown under the bonnet."

    Name:  Pukekohe 1960 # Morris Minor Ron Brown George Johnson on wheels Ron under bonnet Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 3334
Size:  85.5 KB

    Comments from Kevin Lancaster, another ACC Guy, Alan and Ron.

    " Looks like Bill Dunster's Austin Healey 3000 and Murray Cox Hillman No.67. I see Ron' s Minor has his three driver observation stripes to qualify for full racing license. I think you had to do three meetings without incident. "

    Alan Boyle
    " Yes with a bit of advice from Eric Mallard and the close scrutiny of Les Rankin. "

    Ron Brown
    " I think this was my first race meeting. I was greeted on the practice start line by C.O.C. Les 'friendly' Rankin with words to the effect of "Brownie, get your bloody helmet on!" Later went on to become his assistant, learning a lot before gaining full coc self accreditation. "

    See details from Milan about the meeting.

    Sadly Eric Mallard passed away in the last day or so - Stalwart of ACC and NZIGP Association - remember going to Ellerslie to get my Tickets for the GP at the Offices. Eric would be there.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-06-2020 at 04:35 AM. Reason: Date added. Eric Mallard

  2. #402
    I think that photo is from the March 1963 meeting as Ron had number 24 on his Minor that day.. If it is then No 67 is John Bernard's Austin A90. There were six Healeys entered but Dunster was not named as a driver of any of those In the Lawrence trailer would have have been the Lola sports car that was to be be shared by Doug and Graeme. Tony Lawrence was also there to race the family Peugeot. The car to left of Ron's looks like another A90 and if the programme is to be believed then it must be Don Hadfield's.

    On another site Alan has identified the Healey as No 108 so that makes the driver R. Cullen.
    Last edited by Milan Fistonic; 04-06-2020 at 03:06 AM.

  3. #403
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    I think that photo is from the March 1963 meeting as Ron had number 24 on his Minor that day.. If it is then No 67 is John Bernard's Austin A90. There were six Healeys entered but Dunster was not named as a driver of any of those In the Lawrence trailer would have have been the Lola sports car that was to be be shared by Doug and Graeme. Tony Lawrence was also there to race the family Peugeot. The car to left of Ron's looks like another A90 and if the programme is to be believed then it must be Don Hadfield's.

    On another site Alan has identified the Healey as No 108 so that makes the driver R. Cullen.
    Thanks Milan,
    Alan also posted a subsequent photo of the Minor and an A90 - on the track together - must put that on here too !!

  4. #404
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Morris Minor Ron Brown Don Hadfield A90 March 1963

    March 1963 meeting - as advised by Milan.
    A wet meeting - Alan Boyle photo - Alan actually titled the first photo - in the paddock " Putting Wets On ".

    Name:  Pukekohe 1963 #17 A90 Hadfield Morris Minor Ron Brown March 63 Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 2983
Size:  57.0 KB

    There were a few Austin A90/95's in Motorsport at the time mainly in Trials and Rally's - Don Hadfield ACC, and Aub Highstead NSCC come to mind - and our own Kevin Hirst had one I believe - think he found one again recently.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-06-2020 at 04:31 AM.

  5. #405
    That 'wet' meeting at Puke was when Jim Boyd raced a front-engined Cooper-Holden which caught fire as he crossed the S/F-line so he slowed it down and pulled onto the grass on the left, then aimed it for the inside fence before jumping-out and the car carried-on to hit the fence. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the same race which Rod Coppins had his accident on the back straight.

  6. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    March 1963 meeting - as advised by Milan.
    A wet meeting - Alan Boyle photo - Alan actually titled the first photo - in the paddock " Putting Wets On ".

    Name:  Pukekohe 1963 #17 A90 Hadfield Morris Minor Ron Brown March 63 Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 2983
Size:  57.0 KB

    There were a few Austin A90/95's in Motorsport at the time mainly in Trials and Rally's - Don Hadfield ACC, and Aub Highstead NSCC come to mind - and our own Kevin Hirst had one I believe - think he found one again recently.
    Yes, was 1956 A90, now have A95, almost ready for final paint then W.O.F. & registration but all on hold at the moment

  7. #407
    Don Hadfield actually won Race 1 that day.

  8. #408
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1966 February meeting

    Rex Rattenbury photos - Rex was a newspaper [ Auckland Star I think ] photographer as well as a Car Club Competitor

    At Stables / Elbow corner three well known cars well two very well known one less so.

    The Morrari - Garth Souness, now on wide wheels and stack pipes out the bonnet / hood.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #21 Feb 66 Garth Souness Morrari stack pipes stables cnr Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 2786
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    Ford V8 Coupe - Robin Tanner

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #22 Feb 66 Robin Tanner Ford V8 stables cnr Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 2543
Size:  121.0 KB

    Zephyr Corvette -Rod Coppins, in its dark paint and stack pipes and bonnet scoop -

    Must be the NSCC meeting as most drivers back in the day belonged to both ACC and NSCC and would enter in the name of the club running the event

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #23 Feb 66 Zephyr Corvette stack pipes stables cnr Rex Rattenbury .jpg
Views: 3200
Size:  115.4 KB

    Graham Woods provided the entry list - borrowed it from " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " Fb page.
    Kevin Hirst in the Austin A90 did enter.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #20 February 1966 Saloon Entry List Milan Fistonic .jpg
Views: 3366
Size:  120.3 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-10-2020 at 01:46 AM. Reason: G Woods entry list oops ###47

  9. #409
    Some events back then had a restricted entry imposed by MANZ, a given number of clubs invited. As a result some of us had to belong to a few clubs.

  10. #410
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    Morrinsville was well represented in the Reserves with the two being from farms within a mile of town.
    Terry Scott, father of Kayne and Ross Douglas, in their Mini Coopers.
    Brian Innes (Not eligible for any award !) lived a bit further away in Tatuanui.

    ( Useful information supplied by Ken H.)

  11. #411
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    " Belong to a few clubs " ANZCC MANZ et al

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Some events back then had a restricted entry imposed by MANZ, a given number of clubs invited. As a result some of us had to belong to a few clubs.
    Too True, Rhys,
    Events were :
    - Closed Club,
    - Restricted Invitation - one or two other clubs, from memory.
    then to
    - Open Invitation
    Events like the Bardahl Hillclimb Series run by 8 Clubs including ACC Hamilton, HCMC, NSCC, Pukekohe, Auckland University, MG and Triumph, - and the Mercury trophy Trial series - which I think was 10 to 12 clubs, the above plus Thames Valley, Te Awamutu, and Volkswagen Owners.
    - Top tier was the National Events, like Gold Star Hillclimbs Trials and the Main Race meetings. and finally International events like the NZ Grand Prix and the Trans Tasman races with drivers from England, Europe Australia and even the USA.

    When I first joined Northern Sports in 1967, our Governing body was Association of New Zealand Car Clubs Inc [ ANZCC ], later MANZ then MSNZ.
    Remember getting my first closed club Speed Licence around 1971 - only did closed club trials before that, and you got this " Pocket Book " with all the Rules and Regulations, including requirements for the Car, - double throttle springs, increased level of seat belt requirements. - Wish I had kept it.
    Still have my 1971 issue Helmet - I notice the outer fibreglass is cracked and the standard for then, NZS1971, no longer applies.
    Part of my " Motorsport and Motoring " collection
    Something else for " SWMBO " to deal with in the future.

    Name:  MX5 #82 Helmet Max Cheshire 586 (594x640) (2).jpg
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    Name:  MX5 #83 and Helmet 587 (640x531) (2).jpg
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    By the mid late 1970's 1976 on I belonged to 2 MANZ affiliated clubs [ NSCC and Triumph for my licence ] and later 2 Classic Car clubs [ Austin Healey 1974 and the NZ Triumph TR Register 1978 ], plus had belonged to the New Zealand Grand Prix Association since 1967 to get preferential tickets and pricing for the Grand Prix and the Wills / Gold Leaf Saloon races, in October .
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-20-2020 at 10:00 PM.

  12. #412
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Elbow .. another pic of the corner.. always action

    Three photos from John ( Larry ) Lawton of the Elbow.
    Our own Trevor Sheffield is in the first one, leading an E-Type in
    his Daimler SP250 [ Dart ] - ACC Dec 11th 1965 - a Gold Star meeting.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #65 Trevor Sheffield leads the E-type of G Bremer elbow 1965 J L Lawton .jpg
Views: 5001
Size:  78.6 KB

    Ivan Segedin in the Fleetwood Mustang - probably its third meeting - first was the Gold Leaf Three Hour in October, presume was at the November NSCC meeting too !!

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #66 Segedin leads Jepson elbow start Group 2  race ACC Dec 65 J L Lawton .jpg
Views: 3039
Size:  93.5 KB

    Roger Smith in another SP250 gets it a bit wrong

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #67 Roger Smith in the bales Elbow ACC Dec 65 J L Lawton .jpg
Views: 2600
Size:  57.9 KB

    Photos borrowed with permission - posted on " Old NZ Motor Racing " Facebook page.

  13. #413
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Orchid Special. a Ford 10 based, De Joux bodied sports car.

    The " Orchid Special " has been in Switzerland for a number of years owned by Michael Rohrmoser and now owned by Richard ....

    The car is mentioned in the Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " having been built by Keith Yeats in ** 1962/63.
    : " Keith Yeats, of Auckland, built up this Ford 10 -based sports car with a Buckler [ read De Joux ] fibreglass body in 1962. **
    It was based on an even earlier Ford 10 Special going back to 1953 with Bruce Lawrence. It had twin SUs and an 8hp head with 7.5;1 compression ratio.
    Yeats scored a number of class wins around 1963 including the Chamberlain Road Hillclimb and the Bombay Hillclimb ** Des Windsor later raced the car and it is now with Barry Suckling ".

    Car raced at Pukekohe - specifically in the ACC April 1964 meeting and at the April 1966 [ reverse track ] meeting as evidenced by these Entry Lists and a photo of mine.

    April 1964 Race 3 [ and 4 ] Entry list from John Hatton

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #5 races 3 & 4 v2, CCI31122015_0004 (2) (750x378).jpg
Views: 1447
Size:  104.1 KB

    April 1966 Entry list from Milan Fistonic
    Keith Yeats still racing the car as in the photo

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #15 B April 1966 Sports Car Race Entry list resize Milan Fistonic  (800x547) (2).jpg
Views: 1944
Size:  152.4 KB

    The car left of picture with Bucklers a Daimler and others in the paddock.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 April 1966 Sports cars Buklers Daimler and others CCI12102015_0002.jpg
Views: 5420
Size:  171.7 KB

    Richard is looking for more information and photos of the car to fully track its history.
    Car has been restored /rebuilt and has it NZ Numbers CY6331 as NZ - CV6331 its Swiss registration.

    An old photo of the car showing it was built in 1959-61 not 1962/63 as mentioned above.

    Name:  Orchid Special #32 1961 The car in NZ 1960's photo Richard Sandman archives .jpg
Views: 6789
Size:  68.5 KB

    Later 13 September 2020.

    A lot more information has come to light about the car and its History from the current owner - Worth a story under the heading " NZ Specials " - will probably go onto the " Dunedin 1984 ... "thread

    A more recent photo of the car - with previous owners / drivers on the side [ hard to read though ].
    NZ American and European names and flags on the car.

    Name:  Orchid Special #37 2020 The car in Switzerland front 3-4 left view current photo Richard Sandman.jpg
Views: 3439
Size:  103.7 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-30-2022 at 04:22 AM. Reason: more info and pics ####47

  14. #414
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    The " Orchid Special " has been in Switzerland for a number of years owned by Michael Rohrmoser and now owned by Richard ....

    The car is mentioned in the Graham Vercoe book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " having been built by Keith Yeats in ** 1962/63.
    : " Keith Yeats, of Auckland, built up this Ford 10 -based sports car with a Buckler [ read De Joux ] fibreglass body in 1962. **
    It was based on an even earlier Ford 10 Special going back to 1953 with Bruce Lawrence. It had twin SUs and an 8hp head with 7.5;1 compression ratio.
    Yeats scored a number of class wins around 1963 including the Chamberlain Road Hillclimb and the Bombay Hillclimb ** Des Windsor later raced the car and it is now with Barry Suckling ".

    Car raced at Pukekohe - specifically in the ACC April 1964 meeting and at the April 1966 [ reverse track ] meeting as evidenced by these Entry Lists and a photo of mine.

    April 1964 Race 3 [ and 4 ] Entry list from John Hatton

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #5 races 3 & 4 v2, CCI31122015_0004 (2) (750x378).jpg
Views: 1447
Size:  104.1 KB

    April 1966 Entry list from Milan Fistonic
    Keith Yeats still racing the car as in the photo

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #15 B April 1966 Sports Car Race Entry list resize Milan Fistonic  (800x547) (2).jpg
Views: 1944
Size:  152.4 KB

    The car left of picture with Bucklers a Daimler and others in the paddock.
    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 April 1966 Sports cars Buklers Daimler and others CCI12102015_0002.jpg
Views: 5420
Size:  171.7 KB

    Richard is looking for more information and photos of the car to fully track its history.
    Car has been restored /rebuilt and has it NZ Numbers CY6331 as NZ - CV6331 its Swiss registration.

    An old photo of the car showing it was built in 1959-61 not 1962/63 as mentioned above.

    Name:  Orchid Special #32 1961 The car in NZ 1960's photo Richard Sandman archives .jpg
Views: 6789
Size:  68.5 KB

    A more recent photo of the car - with previous owners / drivers on the side [ hard to read though ].
    NZ American and European names and flags on the car.

    Name:  Orchid Special #37 2020 The car in Switzerland front 3-4 left view current photo Richard Sandman.jpg
Views: 3439
Size:  103.7 KB
    We competed against the orchid special when owned by Doug St George in the mid 90's gymkhana's & sprint's etc. I presume it was the same car

  15. #415
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
    We competed against the orchid special when owned by Doug St George in the mid 90's gymkhana's & sprint's etc. I presume it was the same car
    Yes it was the same car. Doug St George owned the car some time after after Barry Suckling had it.

  16. #416
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Orchid Special. a Ford 10 based, De Joux bodied sports car. More info

    Kevin Hirst and Milan Fistonich, thanks for that fills in a gap in the History.

    Have also established that the Original Chassis was built by Roly Levis and sold to Keith Yeats, according to Allan Dick in an article in Classic Driver Magazine. I do not have a date for the article.
    It started with the Orchid then went to write about the Roycroft Ferrari and the De Joux body that went onto the car the went to the
    " Orchid " - this is the Orchid comments.

    Name:  Orchid Special #51 NZ Classic Driver article crop Allan Dick  (800x789).jpg
Views: 1535
Size:  184.1 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-11-2020 at 03:52 AM.

  17. #417
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - 1963 Speeds - The Grand Prix meeting

    January 1963 the first time Pukekohe was used for the New Zealand Grand Prix
    Here are Trap speeds taken by Auckland Car Club on the back straight for the various fields of cars.
    The McLoughlin Ruddspeed 3000 features as the the Yeats Orchid Special.

    Thanks to Kelvin Brown for the images;

    Name:  Pukekohe 1963 #23 January 63 Speeds and entries P1 Kelvin Brown .jpg
Views: 2832
Size:  142.4 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1963 #24 January 63 Speeds and entries McLaughlin AH P2 Kelvin Brown .jpg
Views: 3182
Size:  130.6 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1963 #25 January 63 Speeds and entries Yeats Orchid P3 Kelvin Brown .jpg
Views: 2944
Size:  45.3 KB

  18. #418
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1966 - the February meeting

    The full list of entries for the February 1966 meeting and a photo from the grid.

    Entry List by Graham Woods.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #24 C Feb 66 Entries List all cars Graham Woods  (552x640) (2).jpg
Views: 1233
Size:  164.9 KB

    The Robin Tanner [ RIP Robin ] Edelbrock Ford V8 with a group of Mini's and at least one Anglia - thought to be a Handicap race by Milan Fistonic.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1966 #19 B February 1966 Ford Edelbrock Robin Tanner Gerard Richards archives (800x468).jpg
Views: 1415
Size:  116.0 KB

    Note Kevin Hirst Austin A 90 in the entries #165 ..
    Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250 in the Sports Car entries too
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-15-2020 at 05:23 AM.

  19. #419
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - 1967 - random image and a photo

    Herald Advert 30th October 1967 for the November 1967 National Meeting. promoted and run by NSCC

    Name:  NSCC 1967 #26 Herald Advert 30 Oct 67 NSCC meeting Nov 1967 .jpg
Views: 1285
Size:  142.1 KB

    Club Circuit event - think this was an ACC event

    Allan Woolf and Jim Richards on the front row
    from 1967 Who is in the Commer Cob / Hillman Husky in fourth ?

    Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #021 Club Circuit 1967 Allan Woolf Jim Richards fr row Steve Jones NZHMR .jpg
Views: 1308
Size:  60.7 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-22-2021 at 08:36 PM.

  20. #420
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1970 - The Benson and Hedges 500 Race

    John Hartley was a mechanic who worked on one of the Cortina GTE entries - there were quite a few in the 1301 - 1600 cc Clas ;
    John asked " looking for the results for the 1970 B&H500 the years are catching up and I cannot remember who co-drove with Angus Hislop, Thanks John, my first Cross flow to prepare.".

    Graham Woods had the entry list for all the classes, plus the results and a comment about protests and scrutineering ;
    The 1301 - 1600 Class - with the Angus Hyslop Dick Langley GTE.

    Name:  Pukekohe 1970 #007 B and H Entry List 1301 - 1600 copy 2 Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 987
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1970 #008 B and H results October 1970 Graham Woods.jpg
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1970 #009 B and H scrutineering comment October 1970 Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 969
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    The other classes - the small cars ;

    Name:  Pukekohe 1970 #001 B and H Entry List up to 1000cc Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 989
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    Name:  Pukekohe 1970 #002 B and H Entry List 1001 - 1300 Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 964
Size:  111.4 KB

    The BIG classes to follow in the next post

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