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Thread: Dunedin Street Races - revival meeting January 1984

  1. #221
    My memory is playing games, the first photo is in Broadway, and I don't remember a start line there at all. As usual could be wrong, but perhaps a dummy grid, as it's not too far from the pits exit?
    Colin Lumsden in the often mentioned De Soto behind the #35 Zephyr?

  2. #222
    The start finish line in 1964 was in Hohaia Street just before the Tawa Street intersection. In 1965 it was still in Hohaia Street but was moved to just past Tawa Street.

    In 1964 the pits were in a corner of the Domain opposite the Brethren Church in Meura Street. In 1965 they were moved to the opposite corner of the Domain bordered by Hohaia and Huia Streets.

  3. #223
    WOW Great new photos!

  4. #224
    The photo with a front row of Anglia, Mini, Anglia is absolutely Broadway, the 2 story building showing above the 4 men on the right is the "Wesley Building" where most Friday nights was what would later be a disco. It was where most teenagers in town spent Friday evenings. Being Wesley, it was obviously non drinking. The building is on the corner of Tainui and Broadway.
    Obviously Broadway didn't have the median centre islands which were already in the middle of town as far as Tainui St intersection.
    Likewise my memory says that going to the start was along the "non track" part of Meura Street while finished cars returned via the driveway about where the tennis courts are now. As always, memory caveat.
    Last edited by Oldfart; 08-20-2020 at 12:51 PM.

  5. #225
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1963 - 1964 - 1965 The comments ! Thanks Guys.

    " Oldfart " - Rhys and Milan,
    - Thanks for your notes. It helps with identifying the locations, the cars and their drivers. It will enable me to better date the photos.
    I put " 1964 " on many of them - which may be incorrect.

    Programme Covers from 1964 - Keiron Guinness archives, and 1965 Myle Hicks [ from the McLaughlin brothers ] archives.

    Name:  Matamata 1964 #21 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival Progamme Cover K Guinness .jpg
Views: 1301
Size:  78.2 KB

    Name:  Matamata 1965 #15 1965 Programme Cover 20 March 65 image5 Myles Hicks .jpg (579x800) (2).jpg
Views: 1620
Size:  107.0 KB

    More photos to come later - they were initially posted by Ross Cammick in three sets of 5 or 6 photos on " Old New Zealand Motor Racing " Facebook page - Have been in touch with Ross about " borrowing " them.

    Will be repeating some photos that have been on other threads.
    This will get them together in a group fairly close to each other.

    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-21-2020 at 12:25 AM. Reason: ###47

  6. #226
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 The Map and details

    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    The start finish line in 1964 was in Hohaia Street just before the Tawa Street intersection. In 1965 it was still in Hohaia Street but was moved to just past Tawa Street.

    In 1964 the pits were in a corner of the Domain opposite the Brethren Church in Meura Street. In 1965 they were moved to the opposite corner of the Domain bordered by Hohaia and Huia Streets.
    Milan, Thanks for this information - you had previously posted this Map which will help with locations - this show the pits in Huia Street so 1965.
    From your previous comments track was the same layout and direction

    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #10  1964-65 the Street Map M Fistonic B Homewood.jpg
Views: 1312
Size:  112.7 KB

    Angled for North
    Name:  Matamata 1965 #12 Track Map angled M Fistonic CCI21082020_0001 (483x640).jpg
Views: 1241
Size:  111.7 KB

    Current Map [ per Google 2020 ] angled for North

    Name:  Matamata 1965 #13 Map 2020 CCI21082020 (2) (800x550).jpg
Views: 1278
Size:  105.2 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-21-2020 at 02:16 AM. Reason: Modern Map added ###47

  7. #227
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65

    More photos from the Scott - Given archives - thanks to Ross Cammick - via Myles Hicks and Ken Smith.

    Again date may be incorrect - having issues definatively sorting out Race Numbers and Cars with events.
    Need the full programmes from all years - Can anyone assist with that.
    Jaguar 3.8 MK II C Keegan #55 , Chev Coupe, Ford B V8 Garth Souness, De Soto Colin Lumsden [ had race #61 and #63 according to entry lists - different years ? ]
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #38 1964 C Keehan Jaguar 3.8 Chev - Saloons corner Ross Cammick Scott-Give.jpg
Views: 1366
Size:  76.8 KB

    Kato Special Race #18
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #41 1964 Sports Cars Kato Spl Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2051
Size:  61.8 KB

    Sports cars Daimlers and a Lotus 7 style car others ;
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #42 1964 Sports Cars Daimler others Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1515
Size:  58.2 KB

    Willys Corvette I W "Red Dawson #59, and Humber 80 - followed Ford Zephyr and Ford Consul 315 D Jurie has Race #36 in another photo.
    - Alan Boyle and Ron Brown with others are in the Car Dealers Building - the big window - you can just see the people.
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #43 1964 Willys Hillman other corner A Boyle in building - Ross Cammick Sc.jpg
Views: 2048
Size:  62.7 KB

    Sports Car Roger Smith Austin Healey 100 Race #27
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #44 1964 27 AH 100 R Smith Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives.jpg
Views: 1956
Size:  58.9 KB

    Sports cars Steve Oxton Daimler #24, AH Pat McLaughlin #28, TR3 M Lucas #94 and a Daimler #26 ! [ T Sheffield ]
    The McLaughlin AH 4000 has Race #34 in the entry lists I have
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #45 1964 24 Steve Oxton 28 Pat McLoughlin 3000 94 M Lucas 25 Trevor Sheffi.jpg
Views: 1328
Size:  69.3 KB

    More to come - including a couple of extras from Bob Homewood and Ross Cammick that were not part of the original post.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 03-12-2025 at 03:39 AM.

  8. #228
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 - Photos part 3

    More of the Scott - Given archives - They were a photographic Studio in Matamata at the time.

    Steve Oxton in the Daimler
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #46 1964 24 Steve Oxton Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2186
Size:  71.0 KB

    1964 Saloons Fiat 1500 #34 and Mini Cooper #109 - 1961 - 64 Number Plates
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #51 1964 Saloons Fiat others Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2237
Size:  66.1 KB

    1964 Saloons - Souness Ford B V8 Coupe #155, Humber 80 [ not Hillman] Zephyr and Fiat 1500 - 1961 - 64 Number Plates.
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #52 1964 Saloons Souness Coupe Hillman Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1743
Size:  56.2 KB

    Mistral !
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #54 1964 Mistral Sports car Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2081
Size:  67.3 KB

    1964 Saloons - Ford Zephyr Mk2 #30, Anglia #33, Humber 80 , Mini - 1961 -64 Number Plates
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #55 1964 Zephyr other Saloons Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1819
Size:  91.6 KB

    Sports cars TR3, Daimler
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #56 1964 Sports cars TR 94 and Daimler Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives.jpg
Views: 1895
Size:  61.3 KB

    That is the rest of the sets of photos - a couple of the late Kerry Grant in a Triumph to follow
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-25-2020 at 03:15 AM. Reason: more info Race No's and years #### 47

  9. #229
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 The Kerry Grant Triumph Spitfire and some results.

    Ross Cammick archives from the Scott - Given photos.
    Kerry Grant #31 Triumph Spitfire - features in an Alan Boyle photo in a group 1964 races
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #39 1964 31 Spitfire Kerry Grant  Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives.jpg
Views: 2063
Size:  65.0 KB

    A Bob Homewood photo of the Spitfire #31 - 1961 -64 Number Plates

    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #40 1964 31 Kerry Grant Spitfire Bob Homewood.jpg
Views: 1265
Size:  88.8 KB

    The 1964 Report - results from Graham Woods archives - probably from Motorman.

    Name:  Matamata 1964 #13 1964 Mar Results G Woods photo (2).jpg
Views: 1215
Size:  121.4 KB

    The 1965 Report - again results from Graham Woods archives.

    Name:  Matamata 1965 #20 1965 Results G Woods photo (2).jpg
Views: 1292
Size:  101.4 KB

    To follow - The Alan Boyle photos - taken from that Car Dealers Showroom - some from inside some from outside.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-25-2020 at 03:17 AM. Reason: more info #### 47

  10. #230
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 The Alan Boyle photos

    Posted before [ I think ] - puts them all together.

    Zephyr MK1 2553cc #144 J Armstrong and Chev 6 Coupe 3700cc #54 P Clarkson
    Name:  Motor racing Matamata #5 1964 Chev Coupe and Zephyr Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 1319
Size:  24.8 KB

    Plymouth Coupe
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #6 1964- 5 Plymouth Alan Boyle photo.jpg
Views: 1078
Size:  41.8 KB

    Sports cars - Kerry Grant Spitfire, an Austin Healey, Daimler and TR3
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #8 1964 Sports Cars Alan Boyle photo.jpg
Views: 1263
Size:  36.4 KB

    Coupes having an..Oops ! Ford Coupe #141 Chev Coupe Rod Coppins
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #9 1964 Ford Coupes Alan Boyle photo.jpg
Views: 1306
Size:  34.2 KB

    Ford Zephyr that #30 Mark 2
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #12 1964 Ford Zephyr Alan Boyle photo.jpg
Views: 1216
Size:  59.7 KB

    Reposting the first photo as have lightened it - enabled me to see the car Race numbers

    Name:  Motor racing Matamata #65 1964 54 Chev Coupe Clarkson 144 Zephyr Armstrong Alan Boyle  (2).jpg
Views: 1268
Size:  47.9 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-25-2020 at 03:59 AM. Reason: more info #### 47

  11. #231
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65

    The Single Seaters - These from Keiron Guinness archives - unsure who was the photographer !.

    Race #7
    Name:  Matamata 1964 #41 Sat 23 May 1964 #7 single seater K Guinness.jpg
Views: 1092
Size:  69.1 KB

    Race #4
    Name:  Matamata 1964 #42 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival #4 single seater K Guinness.jpg
Views: 1291
Size:  68.1 KB

    Race #18
    Name:  Matamata 1964 #43 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival #18 single seater K Guinness.jpg
Views: 1256
Size:  65.8 KB

    Front engined - an older car can't see the Race number
    ** a Lola that was later with Ken Smith,
    see a Lola with Spencer Black on the handwritten Entry List.

    Name:  Matamata 1964 #44 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival front engine single seater K Guinness.jpg
Views: 1334
Size:  63.3 KB

    Keiron also had this a handwritten list of entries for race #13 The Matamata Festival Road Race;

    Name:  Matamata 1964 #33 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival Race 13 Libre and Sports K Guinness .jpg
Views: 1289
Size:  148.7 KB
    Unsure if the same event /year
    Experts on the single seaters - please comment
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 03-12-2025 at 03:42 AM. Reason: Notes added Lola ###47

  12. #232
    The front engine car is, I believe, the Lola FJ car, according to Keiron Spencer Black (Spinner), although I thought it was Histed at the time. I have no documents to confirm or deny.
    I would say these photos of Keiron's are taken from a little further down Tui St from where Alan Boyle's ones were taken, the building opposite almost on the corner, was originally a car sales, according to Google Earth now the Pancake House.
    Now I'll make a guess, I know Milan will correct me.
    18 Dawson? 7 is a Lotus, maybe 4 is a Lola?
    If Boyd is in the Lycoming, that list is 65, the previous year the results in post 230 say he was in the Valour.
    Last edited by Oldfart; 08-21-2020 at 05:11 AM.

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    More of the Scott - Given archives - They were a photographic Studio in Matamata at the time.

    Steve Oxton in the Daimler
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #46 1964 24 Steve Oxton Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2186
Size:  71.0 KB

    Saloons Fiat 1500 and Mini
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #51 1964 Saloons Fiat others Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2237
Size:  66.1 KB

    Saloons - Souness Ford Coupe, Humber 80 [ not Hillman] and others
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #52 1964 Saloons Souness Coupe Hillman Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1743
Size:  56.2 KB

    Mistral !
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #54 1964 Mistral Sports car Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 2081
Size:  67.3 KB

    Saloons Zephyr Mk2, Anglia, Hillman/Humber, Mini
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #55 1964 Zephyr other Saloons Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1819
Size:  91.6 KB

    Sports cars TR3, Daimler
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #56 1964 Sports cars TR 94 and Daimler Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives.jpg
Views: 1895
Size:  61.3 KB

    That is the rest of the sets of photos - a couple of the late Kerry Grant in a Triumph to follow
    Morrie Given photographer was my uncle

  14. #234
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Kevin Hirst - what a small world mate. Good you get to see the photos
    " Oldfart " Thanks for the information on the streets, and helping with the year.
    I am actually at Te Poi at the moment only 15 minutes from Town - may have to visit tomorrow and take photos of the streets and corners.
    Staying on a farm that was owned by Cyril Tuffey, now with his son Jeff, Cyril has lived around Matamata for many years and now lives in " Town ". As well as dairy farming, Cyril was also a Spraying Contractor in the Hauraki Plains [ Kerepehi ] and Matamata area.
    He may well remember the Races.

  15. #235
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 - Entry Lists

    Small Saloons Race 1,
    and Sports Cars Race 2,
    March 1965 - same field of Sports Cars as Race 10 below
    Name:  Matamata 1964 #23 Sat 23 May 1964 Festival Entry Race 1 Allcomers Small 2 Sports cars K Guinness.jpg
Views: 1502
Size:  142.4 KB

    Saloons Heats 1 and 2
    Name:  Matamata 1964 #16 1964 Entry list Saloons Heat 1 and 2 G Woods  (2).jpg
Views: 2066
Size:  119.9 KB

    Saloons heat 1 - The same entry lists from Milan Fistonic
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #14 1964 Entry list Saloons Heat 1 1300 cc M Fistonic  amd (2).jpg
Views: 1210
Size:  76.8 KB

    Saloons heat 2 - The same entry lists from Milan Fistonic again.
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #15 1964 Entry list Saloons Heat 2 M Fistonic  (2).jpg
Views: 1290
Size:  68.7 KB

    Sports Cars - Race 10
    The Austin Healey 4000 #34 1965 I believe as the number is in the following Lap Charts
    Name:  AH 3000 #275 Ruddspeed 3000 Matamata 1965 Car #34 Race 10 Entry List image6 Myles Hicks .jpg (80.jpg
Views: 1311
Size:  120.1 KB

    Lap Charts 1965 meeting Race 10
    Name:  AH 3000 #276 Ruddspeed 3000 Matamata 1965 Car #34 Lap times and placing image1 (2) Myles Hicks ..jpg
Views: 1108
Size:  132.9 KB

    1st R McNair, 2nd W " Bill " Dunster AH 3000 #28 3rd B. C. " Charlie " Conway AH 100 #40 ? , 4th Pat McLaughlin #34 AH 4000
    Can't see McNair in the entry list 1965 - late entry perhaps ?
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-25-2020 at 03:23 AM.

  16. #236
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata - A bit of History

    Had a bit of a drive today coming from the West - Kaimai - Tauranga Road, along Broadway, past Hohaia Street, Meura Street and Tanui Street - used in the course before turning into Arawa Street and heading North-ish.
    No photos as the Navigator was in the car and it was raining.

    At the time of the Race Meetings the "Town " was a " borough " - as noted in this Wiki.. post

    " In 1865 Josiah Firth negotiated with Ngāti Hauā leader Wiremu Tamihana and leased a large area of land, including the future site of the town which he named after the pā.
    Firth constructed a dray road to Cambridge and cleared the Waihou River so that it was navigable by his (small) boats.
    Peria, on the outskirts of Matamata, was the scene of the Kīngitanga meeting of 1863.
    Firth's estate later failed and by 1904 had been wholly obtained by the Crown and was subdivided into dairy farm units to take advantage of the new technology of refrigeration.
    It became a dependent Town District in 1917, an independent Town District in 1919 and was constituted a borough in 1935. With the re-organisation of territorial authorities in New Zealand in 1989, Matamata became part of the Matamata-Piako District.

    I notice in the photos by Alan Boyle of the Ford Zephyr Mark 2 Race #30 which is on the corner by the Library and Memorial Hall building [ must have been just across from Cleaver Motors as can see the Morris sign reflecting in the window ] - in the background is the Regent Theatre which is / was on Broadway on the North Side.

    Name:  Matamata 1964 #47 1964 Ford Zephyr #30 Mk 2 Alan Boyle .jpg
Views: 1170
Size:  66.3 KB

    The Regent Theatre and the AA Direction signs from this circa 1950 of Broadway shows a central median with the signs.

    Photo from Richard Armstrong archives - Richard is a Motoring guy who took many photos in the 1960's 70's 80's of Rally and Racing meetings particularly in the Waikato area.
    Checked and the image is Photo Stock when you Google " Matamata " - there are many images of the town in the 1950's 60's.

    Name:  Matamata 1950 #21 around 1950 R Armstrong archive.jpg
Views: 1274
Size:  70.3 KB

    Based on the current map the Regent Theatre building is still there, but not as a Theatre at Number 90 Broadway.
    It closed in 1988.

    Name:  Matamata 1988 #21 Regent Theatre closure Newspaper article Stuff.NZ .jpg
Views: 1254
Size:  96.2 KB

    Another photo of the Theatre and a photo of the Memorial Hall which I first thought was the Council Chamber being next to the Library and where the current Matamata Piako Council Building is in Tainui Street.

    Name:  Matamata 1988 #22 Regent Theatre frontage NZ Library Stock .jpg
Views: 1694
Size:  10.4 KB

    Name:  Matamata 1950 #26 The Memorial Hall Tainui Street by Library .jpg
Views: 1398
Size:  5.6 KB

    Looking for any more photos and information on the Matamata Race Meetings, Programme pages - entry lists, Newspaper cuttings etc..
    Please post on here or PM me

    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-07-2020 at 01:13 AM. Reason: Memorial Hall correction ##47

  17. #237
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races 1964 -65 A newspaper cutting from 1965

    Newspaper or magazine article from the 1965 meeting Glen Ducey archives.
    Head Photo - Johnny Riley #17 2.5 Lotus #17 Graeme Park Plymouth Coupe #92 spinning
    Middle photos - D Jeffries Cooper Norton #6, Brian Innes Morris Cooper #85 and a Zephyr
    Bottom Row - Jim Boyd Lycoming #41, Andy Buchanan 1.4 Cooper #8, Cortina GT spinning R Elmiger [ spelling ] Cortina GT #76

    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #17 1965 Photos from Mag Glenn Ducey archives .jpg
Views: 1452
Size:  102.3 KB

    A photo of Johnny Riley #17 Lotus at Matamata from Graham Woods archives

    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #18 1965 John Riley single seater Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1350
Size:  133.9 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-07-2020 at 01:20 AM. Reason: more info #### 47

  18. #238
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    Spinner stated that the Lola he drove at Matamata was one that he got from Johnny Riley in a deal for a boat !
    The car a (Lola Mk2 / Ford) was first brought into the country by John Histed so it could be ready for the 1962 NZGP at Ardmore meet.
    The car was then sold to Ken Smith and then onto John Riley before reaching Spinner.

    Name:  Ken Smith. Lotus Junior. 1962.jpg
Views: 1690
Size:  147.6 KB
    Ken Smith about 1963 in the Lola that S. Black drove at Matamata in 1965.

    (Ken H)

  19. #239
    Roger, my Dad was the Town Clerk of the Borough Council when the races were run. He was appointed the day the DC3 crashed on the Kaimais.
    In the pic you have in post #231 of the coupes in a cloud of dust, you can see the Council offices (where locals booked their appointments for driver licence tests etc). Dad's office was right on the corner diagonally across from Cleaver motors. Next building following the race course was the little Public library, clad in fibrolite, then the Memorial Hall.
    Ivan Toomey, one of the organising committee was on the council and perhaps Doug Turner too. Ken Gouk was the Mayor (Owner of Gouk Motors which were on Broadway.

  20. #240
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Roger, my Dad was the Town Clerk of the Borough Council when the races were run. He was appointed the day the DC3 crashed on the Kaimais.
    In the pic you have in post #231 of the coupes in a cloud of dust, you can see the Council offices (where locals booked their appointments for driver licence tests etc). Dad's office was right on the corner diagonally across from Cleaver motors. Next building following the race course was the little Public library, clad in fibrolite, then the Memorial Hall.
    Ivan Toomey, one of the organising committee was on the council and perhaps Doug Turner too. Ken Gouk was the Mayor (Owner of Gouk Motors which were on Broadway.
    I started my apprenticeship at Cowling Bros, ford dealer's on broadway in 1957 Maurice Cowling,of speedway fame was the bosses son who had just started primary school about the same time. bradford truck was shop hack. parts guy had brough superior 100 commute bike.

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