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Thread: Dunedin Street Races - revival meeting January 1984

  1. #201
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Haig Citroen Special - 1956 another photo.

    Interesting field of cars in 1956 .. NZ Championship Beach Race ..Pines Beach Thanks to John McDonald for the archive photo.

    The Haig Citroen, driven by Vic Blackburn - also seen here the Ransley Riley, and a couple of Austin Healey's
    - I think Arthur Kennard ** in the front row - this would be before the V8 was fitted, but the bonnett has been fitted with louvres.
    Back row the Duncan Rutherford Lycoming left next to the famous #77 Special now owned [ since 1965 ] by Peter Leversedge - would have been driven by Bill Harris at this time [ note from Peter L ] and a Midget style car,another Special, and a Healey
    Front row the Haig Citroen, ** Arthur Kennard Healey, Ransley Riley, another Midget style car - not sure about the " single seater " on the right - front row - looks familiar .. with the white painted snout !

    some notes are from Peter Leversedge John McDonald and others.. from the South Island Motorsport and Old New Zealand Motor racing facebook pages.

    Name:  Cars Haig #4 NZ Championship Beach Race 1956, Karaki, Pines Beach. Driver Vic Blackburn. John Mc.jpg
Views: 2030
Size:  135.5 KB

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    I gather the circuit changed a lot over time, here are three variations.
    1954 the Initial NZ Championship Road Race, Easter Monday April 1954.

    Attachment 32257
    Start / Finish on Fryatt St, left into Halsey, right into Jutland left Wickliffe over the bridge onto Ward then kink into Burns left into Willis then right onto Fish left into Rattray and to the Start Finish.

    1961 Festival Road Races Saturday January 28th 1961. a very different course.

    Attachment 32258
    Not much detail just names for the corners from the start ascent to the kink then descent to the Glen - hairpin, then curve around to kink at Service Station another kink at Kensington School the Railway to a sharp left at Tramshed corner, back to Start / Finish

    1965 The Final Road Races - prior to the Revival meeting in 1984 from Scott Thomson's book " Racing Round the Houses "

    Attachment 32259

    A better map the course runs around the Railway Yards.

    Here is a description of the course from Scott's book.
    Attachment 32262

    Hope this is some use ;, and good to put the information here on the thread.
    I've just read through this book which is interesting although it shows three tracks one 54-56 one 1960-62 and one from 1960. the book starts at 1953 also shows results from 1957 1958 but doesn't tell us what circuits were used which is a little confusing.

  3. #203
    Jelly, I can't be bothered going back through the 11 pages here, but I am pretty confident the answer to what you have posed is in this thread.

  4. #204
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    I've just read through this book which is interesting although it shows three tracks one 54-56 one 1960-62 and one from 1960. the book starts at 1953 also shows results from 1957 1958 but doesn't tell us what circuits were used which is a little confusing.
    I have a couple of Dunedin Programmes, mentioned in the thread but think that they are 1954 and 1961 so probably the maps shown already. Will have a look later, cheers.

    Oldfart - thanks for the comment, I can't remember what I have posted - have a fine day here so no time today cheers to you too !!.
    PS thanks for the info on Ivy Stephenson - via PM ..

  5. #205
    Jellywrestler. These are the maps from the programmes I have.

    This is the circuit used in 1955 and 1956
    Name:  img351 (2).jpg
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    A new circuit was used in 1960 and used again in 1961
    Name:  img349 (2).jpg
Views: 1180
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    Name:  img350 (2).jpg
Views: 1163
Size:  171.9 KB

    This circuit was used in 1984
    Name:  img352 (2).jpg
Views: 1340
Size:  167.3 KB

  6. #206
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    Jellywrestler. These are the maps from the programmes I have.

    This is the circuit used in 1955 and 1956
    Name:  img351 (2).jpg
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    A new circuit was used in 1960 and used again in 1961
    Name:  img349 (2).jpg
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    Name:  img350 (2).jpg
Views: 1163
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    This circuit was used in 1984
    Name:  img352 (2).jpg
Views: 1340
Size:  167.3 KB
    Milan - Thank you for that - had not seen the 1984 circuit for some time, well somehow lost or gave away my programme. have the Cover and Entry lists for most races [ gained from others ] but not the full programme

    I have another version of the circuit I think - as mentioned before will have to go back through my stuff - they are probably on this thread though back a few pages ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-20-2020 at 10:03 PM.

  7. #207
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Dunedin Circuits 1954, 1961 and 1965

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    I gather the circuit changed a lot over time, here are three variations.
    1954 the Initial NZ Championship Road Race, Easter Monday April 1954.

    Attachment 32257
    Start / Finish on Fryatt St, left into Halsey, right into Jutland left Wickliffe over the bridge onto Ward then kink into Burns left into Willis then right onto Fish left into Rattray and to the Start Finish.

    1961 Festival Road Races Saturday January 28th 1961. a very different course.

    Attachment 32258
    Not much detail just names for the corners from the start ascent to the kink then descent to the Glen - hairpin, then curve around to kink at Service Station another kink at Kensington School the Railway to a sharp left at Tramshed corner, back to Start / Finish

    1965 The Final Road Races - prior to the Revival meeting in 1984 from Scott Thomson's book " Racing Round the Houses "

    Attachment 32259

    A better map the course runs around the Railway Yards.

    Here is a description of the course from Scott's book.
    Attachment 32262

    Hope this is some use ;, and good to put the information here on the thread.
    The 1965 circuit again - this is from the Vintage Car Club Otago Branch book written /edited by Scott Thomson
    The image above added again - brings them to the same Page.

    Name:  Dunedin Street Races Circuit #333, 1965 circuit CCI22122015_0002 (700x515).jpg
Views: 1305
Size:  182.7 KB

    Jw - hope it helps, and I am pleased the thread is being used.

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Jelly, I can't be bothered going back through the 11 pages here, but I am pretty confident the answer to what you have posed is in this thread.
    have been through and it's not clarified mr Oldfart. There's a missing link with a shortened fryatt street circuit that i know was used in 1958 as i have the program. It was an observation, rather than a critiscism, a history book with some very well researched stuff but gaps as i saw it. I've found this too with the Levin circuit book, there were two tracks, it was lengthened to meet trans tasman series requirements and clearly the author had all the programs on hand, yet there was only the latter circuit diagram in there. I'm currently writing a book on motorcyle road racings circuits in new zealand, looking at approx 130 different circuits including variations. I'm only covering bike years and luckily I have got the data i need.

  9. #209
    what year were these as it seems this circuit ran two different directions?

  10. #210
    interesting corner at dunedin late 1960's, railway lines a meter from the curb terrible on a bike, not much fun on a car either i'd expect
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  11. #211
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Jw - Graeme - thanks for that image - have seen a couple of photos of the 1950's /60's version of the Street Circuit where the surface changes dramatically and is rather bumpy.. must see if I can find them .. and repost !!

  12. #212
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Dunedin Street Races in 1969 Motorcycles

    Those Railway lines through the middle of a corner of the track in 1969 - caused some problems.

    Graeme Staples photo of the corner.

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1969 #312 railway lines corner G Staples .jpg.JPG
Views: 1738
Size:  67.0 KB

    Graham Stoot and another rider on the corner - the lines causing a problem.
    Graeme Staples archives photo

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1969 #313 Motorcycles on corner (800x577) Graeme Staples .jpg (2).jpg
Views: 1769
Size:  135.8 KB

  13. #213
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Dunedin 1958 a couple of corners and an entry list

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Jw - Graeme - thanks for that image - have seen a couple of photos of the 1950's /60's version of the Street Circuit where the surface changes dramatically and is rather bumpy.. must see if I can find them .. and repost !!
    Not the Railway lines but the exit from a bridge in 1958 - The Sports Car Race with change of camber

    Name:  Dunedin 1958 #4 Sports Car Races corner off the bridge Jim Bennett .jpg
Views: 2369
Size:  82.0 KB

    another corner with a Morgan in the sandbank while a couple of 500cc single seaters and a Cooper go past.

    Name:  Dunedin 1958 #6 Sports Car Races Morgan in bank and sungle seaters Jim Bennett .jpg
Views: 3255
Size:  97.3 KB

    Both photos from Jim Bennett archives - his brothers were racing Morgans at the time.
    one photo appear in the Scott Thomson book " Racing Round the Houses "
    - published by the Vintage Car Club of N. Z. Otago branch in 1983.
    It credits the photo entitled " down we come " of the three sports cars of R J Blackburn ( Mistral ) Lawrence in the middle car and Edmiston in the #44 Morgan to the " Star 1958 "

    The second photo is the Edmiston Morgan #44

    Entry List for the Sports Car race

    Name:  Dunedin 1958 #13 Event 3 Sports Car Races Entry List Jim Bennett Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 2480
Size:  123.9 KB
    Car #50 must have been a late entry - as not shown.
    A good collection of Healey's in the Race George Lawton in his 100/6, Graham Pierce in the ex Seabrook Fowlds Ross Jensen 100S that is still in New Zealand, Arthur Kennard in the recently [ 1957 ] repowered Healey 100 - now the Healey Corvette R B Langley in a Healey 100 - is that Doc Langley ?. M Stewart in another 100/6 the 100 Six cars would have been quite new then- introduced in 1957.

    Have put Jim Bennett and Graham Woods as credit for the entry list- part of both Guys archives.

    There was another part of the track in the 1950's where the road was for a few yards [in old money ] metal then back to seal which caught a few out -now to find the photo !
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-21-2020 at 02:47 AM. Reason: Photo added and more info ###47

  14. #214
    so was this a one off meeting in 1984 or part of a new wave of meetings please folks?

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    so was this a one off meeting in 1984 or part of a new wave of meetings please folks?
    I have programmes for meetings in 1992,1995, 1996 and 1998.
    Last edited by Milan Fistonic; 07-11-2020 at 11:09 PM.

  16. #216
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    [QUOTE=Roger Dowding;73138]

    another corner with a Morgan in the sandbank while a couple of 500cc single seaters and a Cooper go past.

    Name:  Dunedin 1958 #6 Sports Car Races Morgan in bank and sungle seaters Jim Bennett .jpg
Views: 3255
Size:  97.3 KB(QUOTE)

    Unusual to see Railway Station Tower in Dunedin road race photos. The sandbank seems to have been a fixture at all Wharf Circuit races; probably the only place on the track where cars were likely to hit a building. The building by the Morgan perched on the sandbank looks like a former pub on Google Street View - has a door exactly on the corner of Tewsley St where the cars turned right and back towards start/finish. Maybe that's one of the patrons leaning on the upstairs window sill.
    Other years the track turned right towards railway and then left along Thomas Burns St.

    Could car 14 be Merv Neil in the Cooper Climax he had just bought from Brabham?


  17. #217
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Dunedin Festival - Fryatt St Sprints 1964 and the Track 1959

    This from " Dunedin Photo Review " - which must be like the Town Photo News publications like " Nelson Photo News ".

    Graham Woods found this piece and the source led me to a Website on Museums of New Zealand.
    I could not find the actual Magazine on the site.

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1964 #122 Fryatt St Sprints 1964 OSCC Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1582
Size:  160.1 KB

    Map of the Track 1959 and details of the event. from OSCC Wheelspin Magazine - courtesy Graham Woods.

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1959 #111 OSCC Wheelspin newsletter 1959. The track Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1191
Size:  144.9 KB

    Must get back to the Jim Bennett story and his FURI cars. its been a while.

  18. #218
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Watched a Doco on TV3 CRC Motorsport about the 60th Anniversay meeting at Waimate - for the Waimate 50,the programme from 2019 was a replay but had been edited with a Tribute to Clark Proctor at the end.
    The cars were great - a few favourites -
    - the Lycoming Special,the Stanton Corvette, the recreation of the John Miler Dauphine Corvette and one of the Guys they interviewed was Joss Timms who raced there in 1959, and in an Austin Healey too - Joss later had the ex Fred Lossee Austin Healey 100S.
    Well worth another look ..

  19. #219
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Dunedin and other events, photos and stories thread ..

    wrote this comment a couple of years ago on this thread;
    " Further to September 2018 - Am going to use this thread for photos and news that doesn't fit into the Austin Healey or Northern Sports Car Club thread- will cover Specials and other events I come across that should be shared..
    Roger 17th December 2018 ".

    Have gathered more photos from Matamata, Waharoa Mt Maunganui, Northland events and was thinking of a new thread but -perhaps I should get this one renamed and used for " Lost Events " " Specials " that as mentioned don't fit with the AH or NSCC stories.
    Also somewhere to put photos from Caffeine and Classics, Greerton Vintage Fayre and other shows I get to

    Best get Steve Holmes or his Admin guys to retitle the thread - the photos don't really fit with lost race tracks !

    --- " Dunedin 1984, other events, Lost Events and Specials and Shows "


    Have started to post the Matamata photos on this thread and will follow with the Waharoa Grass Track races too !!
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-21-2020 at 01:22 AM.

  20. #220
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Matamata Street races - 1964 - 1965

    The Scott - Given archive photo's - apparently the negatives were with Kenny Smith who gave them to Myles Hicks as he has the " Ruddspeed 3000 " Austin Healey, which was the Austin 4000 Healey by the time of the Matamata events. Car #34 in an entry list I have and #28 in the photographs

    Here are the first set. #31 - #37 [ #34 missing ? ]

    Saloon Cars - the Start
    Front row - Anglia #44, #71 Mini, #85 Anglia
    Second row - Mini and Mini
    Then Anglia Mini A40 and at the back, Mini and A40 ?
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #31 1964 Saloons the start Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1495
Size:  62.9 KB

    Sports cars - the Start - under the Bardahl Banner.
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #32 1964 26 Daimler Sheffield 28 McLaughlin AH 3000 TR3 the start Ross Cam.jpg
Views: 1039
Size:  79.6 KB

    Ford Consul 315 - Classic #36 D Jurie
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #33 1964 Ford Consul 315 Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1149
Size:  58.1 KB

    Zephyr, De Soto Colin Lumsden and a couple of Anglias - Cleaver Motors corner - where Alan Boyle took his photos - photos to follow
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #35 1964 Ford Zephyr other corner Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1539
Size:  68.7 KB

    Small capacity Saloons the start A40 Devon and VW in front - under the Bardahl Banner - 1965 as look like new plates Aluminium letters Black background !
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #36 1964 A40 Devon VW - Saloons the start Ross Cammick Scott-Given archive.jpg
Views: 1122
Size:  91.8 KB

    Humber 80, Fiat 1500, Anglia and Mini - Cleaver Motors corner [ says Hillman on the photo now corrected on the original scan ].
    Name:  Motor Racing Matamata #37 1964 Hillman Fiat - Saloons corner Ross Cammick Scott-Given archives .jpg
Views: 1506
Size:  59.3 KB

    Photos may be from different years as Start Line is different - see first two photos.
    The Daimler in photo 2 stated as Trevor Sheffield - I need to verify this.

    Will add details later as cars are identified from entry lists and note the year of the race(s) - have added some detail today 22/08/2020

    More to come [ around another dozen - plus a couple more pages of entry lists from Keiron Guinness - who still lives in Matamata. He and his family were neighbours of my nephew who now lives in Brisbane - that small world again.

    Reposting the Alan Boyle photos too - Alan was in the Showroom of Cleaver Motors.

    Details added from comments recently by Rhys " Oldfart " and Kevin Hirst - whose Uncle took the photos as we have now discovered.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-21-2023 at 04:29 AM.

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