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As you well know Trevor, as do many of those who have attended conference, 'one vote per club' totally overlooks the wishes of many larger clubs, with a very active membership (BMW would be a prime example) even though larger clubs were pouring in a lot more in the way of club levies.
When a 20 member club has the same voting power as a club with 400 members, the outcome is always going to be skewed. Attempts to get that changed have failed, as turkeys don't vote for Christmas. The only way to get that changed, would be for each large club to split into groups of 20, so you'd have BMW 01, BMW 02 etc., each with 1 vote, but running under the same overall club constitution.
That is why the MGCC Auckland - with over 400 members, pulled the plug on MSNZ membership. Only a small percentage of members held competition licences anyway, so there is now MG Motorsport, a small sub-section of the MGCC, who will be paying the annual levy.
In theory, yes, MSNZ control the sport, but if you built a private track, didn't bother with MSNZ, there is nothing stopping the owner of that track running whatever events it so desired. `
It appears though, that over recent years, that MSNZ has assumed a life of its own, instead of supporting the clubs and more importantly, the club members.