Trevor, thank you for the comments - looking at the pictures taken only a few months apart the car was a light colour at Muriwai, and darker colour at Orewa where the set of photos were taken.
The photo I have had since the 1970's is in the darker paint.
Did George Sellars Own or Drive both Cars ?
Or was it repainted - looks a bit scruffy at Muriwai.
One of the Austins was driven by George Smith - photos appear in other publications.
The comment
" It would be interesting to investigate the history involved. "
Indeed, may have to expand the search to some of the " Vintage Car Club " guys around the Country.
Will go and have another look at the " Ralph Watson " link you attached.
More comment will follow.
Appreciate the " inputs " as Ken H would say.
Thanks, Trevor.
Post Script;
An image from Trevor Sheffield article on Ralph Watson- show Ron Roycroft in the Austin Seven - looks the same as the latter photos and the one of the Engine and Cockpit - that photo shown again
The car quote " Supercharged Austin Seven No.1, Ron Roycroft. 1949 Wigram 105 mile, Championship Road Race. "
The photo won't upload - will try later.
Number Plate looks to be " 216 775 " and with Black letters on a light background
Very different from the car in this photo though
Number Plate " 224 ... " White letters on a dark background - the 1941 - 46 Issue Plates.
The other car - similar view.
Interesting as " Number Plates " would have changed in July 1946 - the Muriwai event being earlier in the year on the previous issue plate.
The Plates
1941 - 1946.
1946 - 1951