Looking Good " Tony " a k a Chaindrive ..
Looking Good " Tony " a k a Chaindrive ..
Where did you get the wheels Chaindrive? Still trying to get some Herb Deeks wheels for the Talbot & The Alfa SMER kits that arrived last week, ex Germany. Postage was just 8 Euro.
Think they were Fujimi wheel sets. Used the Merit/Smer wheels with centre removed and inserted those
Just had this response chaindrive:
Hello, unfortunately I am currently out of stock of those wire wheels. I plan to do another run, however it will not be until the end of this year, or the beginning of next year.
Thank you for your interest,
Herb Deeks
Thanks bry3500, but they are more for the Ferrari GTO than the 1949/50 single seaters. At $35 a pop, not exactly cheap either!
Hi ERC, these are worth a look but expensive too. They mention the SMER in the description
I know someone who used these on the Smer Alfetta to good effect
Seeing as it is Bathurst weekend - not watching as no free to air service for the " Great Race ".
Some of Brocks car and others from Bathurst 1968 69 and in the 2002/03 for the 24 hour race and the Targa Monaro that came to NZ in 2002 or 2003 for Targa New Zealand,I saw the car on a stage near Clevedon- went with John B the SPR Guy ..
Kiwi connection with the Monaro 427 at Greg Murphy was one of the four drivers for the 2002 24 hour, think he was there for 2003 too Car came second to the Yellow 427 in 2002 and won in 2003.
Saw that 427 at the Indy Carnival in Surfers Paradise in 2003 with Brock there too !!
The Targa car ..
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-13-2019 at 05:18 AM. Reason: more info #### 47
What happens to these fantastic models when you keel over chaindrive? Family keen to inherit, or donated to the Southward Museum?
These are national treasures.
Make sure your will is up to date!
Possibly on the market soon---------to keep the debt collectors from the door !!
ERC and Chaindrive ..
ERC re " These are national treasures. ".
They are indeed and should be in a Museum at some time in the future - or even given to those who now [ as in at the time ] have the vehicles.
With regards your last line - could I join the queue, Chaindrive (Tony), to get one or two of them donated to a worthy cause - Me !! Assuming that when I enter Gods waiting room at the " Home for the Bewildered ", that I actually have some faculties left and some facility to store them .. especially after Snoopy and I have been busy .
Keep up the good work ..
" Chaindrive " - watch out for " Buspass " - a new TRS member, who has an interest in " Sniffing Glue " as they say..
An Austin Healey 100 Six is being made from a Revell Kit - you know who I mean.
I have the Instructions for the kit - printed in German and English by Revell GmbH, but no car ..
Have "borrowed" these two pics ..
Welcome to " Buspass " willwait for some ' inputs ' as Ken H would say..