2008 - Chevron
2019 Suzuki
1937 - Donington. Varzi. Note the track safety, with a St John's ambulanceman ready for action... plus the well dressed flag marshal. At least my dad was on the safer side of the track.
2008 - Chevron
2019 Suzuki
1937 - Donington. Varzi. Note the track safety, with a St John's ambulanceman ready for action... plus the well dressed flag marshal. At least my dad was on the safer side of the track.
Last edited by ERC; 08-31-2019 at 03:06 AM.
The previous page stayed available all the way to the last post. I can see them all Ray
I have been trying to spot where some of the old Donnington photos were compared to how it is now, has the track changed that much? Of course nobody there is any help now!
There are various references and comparisons between the original track and the current one Rhys, but you might have to dig into some of the older books. Generally, the track follow the original pretty closely, but with so much vegetation cleared, I'm not sure about several places, from the photographs I have.
The bottom straight, after the Craner Curves was shifted to the right, to avoid Starkey's bridge, as obviously, it was far too narrow for a modern track. The original hairpin (Melbourne) is in Derbyshire whereas the rest of the track is in Leicestershire. We all know about the hassles of dealing with one council, let alone two.
Tom stuck to just Leicestershire, where the majority lies. I seem to remember even the Melbourne Loop track wasn't without external hassles.
Way back in about 1971, the Melbourne loop was sealed and opened and many club and kart events were run on there. It now appears to be the site of the Sunday markets.
Not a bad article:
Last edited by ERC; 09-01-2019 at 04:02 AM.
Thanks Ray, I need to go up on a day when nothing is happening and take a long walk!
MGCC day at Pukekohe.
Dave Mallin's MG BV8 (an original car, not a conversion) came to a halt at the hairpin on the first familiarisation lap. Brakes locked on. Master cylinder failure.
As an aside, Mal Clark's By'Gone Autos will be Be'Gone Autos in three weeks. Sad that our nearest garage looking after classics will be no more. So many well known cars have passed through By'Gone over the years, some total rebuilds, some conversions and many basic maintenance. Mal rebuilt my Marcos engine and the Rover V8 in the Magnette.
" Be'Gone " Sad indeed. knew Mal back in the early 1970's when he ran a Mark 3 Zephyr in Northern Sports Car Club events,[ way before the P6B Rover and the Mark Parsons TR7 V8 and others ] when I was running a Mini 1971 -74 then the Yellow Sprite 74-75 and on the the Triumphs GT6 and TR4A.
Will be sad, pity he didn't have a young fellow as an apprentice who could now take it over.
That is what happened with Absolutely British in North Los Angeles, that started in the early 1980's, and is now run by " The Apprentice " Eric Grunden, who ' Ken H ' knows well.
Where to now Ray ?? for your car(s) !!.
I hope that was not a Moss Motors supplied brake master cylinder !
Most of the failures are due to the lack of brake pedal clearance that would cause the brake pressure to build and eventual lock-up.
Hard to prove that issue so another master cylinder is supplied under our wonderful 2 year warranty coverage.
Also Roger,
Eric G is closing his shop soon and moving to Northern California, he will be missed.
(Ken H)
As the original owner was Harley Norager and he was around, I gather that the master cylinder was probably one of the few parts of the braking system that hasn't been renewed recently!
Grant Kern with one of his cars - the '24 Hours Lemon' survivor.
...and Mrs Kern with Cream Cracker
I wrote a response to Ken's comments about By'Gone, but the post disappeared!
A few more from the MGCC day. Also invited were Jaguars & Minis and as they were part sponsors, the Sampson Capris. As it was Father's Day...
Nev Thompson
and Glen Thompson - who had issues with a new gearbox oil seal.
Sampson Senior
and a Sampson Junior
Last edited by ERC; 09-03-2019 at 12:18 AM.
MG L2 Magna. Sounded nice as did...
Doug Dingle's MGF.
Clerk of the Course and recently retired Club Captain, the hard working Darryl Bretherton. The new Club President is Andrew Walbran and Club Captain, Paul Walbran, continuing a long time Walbran profile within the club. Paul was a bit shocked at the changes and requirements and responsibilities of officials running events these days, at a permanent race track...
Last edited by ERC; 09-04-2019 at 10:57 PM.
Most of the Jags were modern but one or two were being driven with enthusiasm and sounded great.
Last edited by ERC; 09-05-2019 at 09:38 PM.
Good to see cars out there in 100% road trim, just having the cobwebs blown out.
A couple more from the MG day to come, but on a bright and sunny Sunday morning and just coming back down to earth after a cataract operation, colours are now so vibrant (according to the left eye anyway), that I thought a block of yellow might be appropriate.
Triumph 250
Last edited by ERC; 09-08-2019 at 12:25 AM.
May as well post some reds...
Just looking at these photo's BMC BOY and ERC - this car looks similar to the " Hawaiian Corvette Special " that Mike Ryan - ex pat Kiwi living in California found and is restoring, when he is not working on others cars ..
The Hawaiian - photos from Mike Ryan - and a drawing of it.
as found
the drawing
Was actually looking for ERC's photos from the Telecom Classics - still doing that !!
note from post #481
" Possibly Steve Whitren or maybe even Andrew Thorne in the Rapier, but no date "
ERC the photo ;your ref on the image " 185 Untitled-4 Sunbeam
Think the car is /was owned by Owen Fausett - he raced at the Telecom Classic Motorfest both years.
In 1993 as race #159 or #59, and in 1994 as Race #54 - the other Sunbeam in 1994 was John Boyd in #54 -
I think that John Boyd's car was a similar colour scheme.
Owens car in 1994; the #59 covered up racing as #54
The entry list from Telecom
1993 Saloons Gp 1. John Boyd in Raper #54
Owen in Rapier #159 or 59 - probably the same numbers as on the car at Pukekohe - so maybe your photo is 1993 Ray ??
The 1994 event entry list with both John Boyd and Owen Fausett
Remember seeing Owen at Whenuapai in the early 1990's as well -
I knew him initially from working at ANZ Bank New Lynn, from 1985 -87 and again late 1988 to early 1992 - most of our " meetings " the conversation was on cars with the smaller part on the " business " - think I actually helped him buy the Rapier.
[ my numbering of the photos as " Telecom Motorfest 1994 # ?? 1993 " when for the 1993 event details. is confusing but suits my system - or lack of ?? ]