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Thread: Historic New Zealand Racing Cars Book

  1. #1

    Historic New Zealand Racing Cars Book

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    This is it folks. I spent a good chunk of 2017/18 working on this project; Historic New Zealand Racing Cars. Its now finally in the shops or available to purchase online.

    Historic New Zealand Racing Cars is 192 pages long, hardcover, and includes the histories of 18 race cars covering the late 1940s through 1980s. The cars featured were either built and raced in NZ, or built internationally but with NZ history. They include single seaters, sports cars, and saloons.

    I chose the cars based on their interest level, and/or creativity, rather than their on-track successes. The variety is pretty broad, from Denny Hulme's 1968 Can-Am Championship winning McLaren M8A, right through to the little Paton Ford.

    The retail price is around NZ$40. The book is available in all good book stores, or online through MightyApe:

    The following are a small number of images for the opening spread for each car.

    I couldn't have achieved this without the help and input from so many Roaring Season members, so this is something we can all take pride in. Thanks to you all.

  2. #2

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  8. #8
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Looking Good Steve - a copy will be finding its way to my place soon [ Birthday in a couple of months - sorted ].

    There is an article on the Lycoming by Donn Anderson [ Motorman Man ] in the latest " NZ Classic Car ", and off course that article in the UK Magazine " Classic and Sportscar " on the RA Vanguard.

    A Big effort - Cheers

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Looking Good Steve - a copy will be finding its way to my place soon [ Birthday in a couple of months - sorted ].

    There is an article on the Lycoming by Donn Anderson [ Motorman Man ] in the latest " NZ Classic Car ", and off course that article in the UK Magazine " Classic and Sportscar " on the RA Vanguard.

    A Big effort - Cheers
    Thanks Roger, much appreciated. And yes, its good these old NZ Specials are getting wider recognition. Seeing the RA Vanguard in Classic & Sports Car was a really neat thing.

  10. #10
    Good news Steve, I will order a couple of copies online, obviously I'm especially looking forward to the Bennett A40 article!
    And regarding the A40, I've optimistically booked for Watkins Glen historics event this September although realistically have a slim chance of prepping the car in time because of the slow progress here repairing last Septembers hurricane damage.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Grant Ellwood View Post
    Good news Steve, I will order a couple of copies online, obviously I'm especially looking forward to the Bennett A40 article!
    And regarding the A40, I've optimistically booked for Watkins Glen historics event this September although realistically have a slim chance of prepping the car in time because of the slow progress here repairing last Septembers hurricane damage.
    Grant, we know the A40 is fast, but dont tell us you were out chasing Hurricanes in this....excellent pursuit vehicle though.

  12. #12
    Hi Steve, Does the book have a page on the Coppins Zephyr corvette? Colin

  13. #13
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Thanks Roger, much appreciated. And yes, its good these old NZ Specials are getting wider recognition. Seeing the RA Vanguard in Classic & Sports Car was a really neat thing.
    Good also to see the acknowledgements in the book include a number of us TRS guys, thanks and Cheers.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Grant, we know the A40 is fast, but dont tell us you were out chasing Hurricanes in this....excellent pursuit vehicle though.
    Hopefully no more hurricanes the size of Florence to deal with! I plan to register the A40 for road use as Peter Bennett did in NZ, so I can give it a run/systems check before heading off to the track.

    Regarding the books, I'm expecting a couple to be in my PO Box when I get back to North Carolina this weekend. Looking forward to stretching out on the couch with the books, Brit GP and Toronto Indycar TV.

  15. #15
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Bought yesterday and a wet weekend read this weekend. Great addition to my book collection.

    Thanks Steve.

  16. #16
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    My reply is the repeat of Bruce " Spgeti " message above except ;
    " Bought today and a wet weekend read " and when I get home again to read further.
    Have glanced at the Lycoming article and a couple of others.
    The list is great but believe you have left enough for a second book;
    Zephyr Corvette
    MacMillan - Logan / Northland Special
    are but three i can think of
    Cheers Steve.

    P.S. You can send my " Sports Car Talk " Magazine back now - If all finished with.

  17. #17
    Weekend Warrior
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    Mar 2015
    Picked up a copy today. unfortunately I can not put it down ( luckily it is wet) Am enjoying it, thanks Steve.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Thanks Roger, much appreciated. And yes, its good these old NZ Specials are getting wider recognition. Seeing the RA Vanguard in Classic & Sports Car was a really neat thing.
    Great interview on National Radio on Sunday morning Steve !

  19. #19
    World Champion
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    I think I almost made it onto the cover of Steve's book. How close was I Steve ?
    At the December 1975 Bay Park meet I had the privilege of being able to stand on the back of a blue/white Bedford tow truck and take some photos as the events took place. A 24 frame film, so limited shots in slide form.
    The first Philip Robinson photo shows Leo Leonard and in the background is the above mentioned tow truck.
    Name:  Baypark_%20Dec_%201975_.jpg
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    (Philip Robinson photo)

    This is the cars on the first warm up lap on the back straight.
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    Later we moved to the turn leading onto the start/ finish.
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    (Ken Hyndman photos.. )
    Anyone recognized in the crowd ?

    Best of sales with the book Steve.
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 07-15-2019 at 10:29 PM.

  20. #20
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    The Book and other matters !!

    Ken H - you should qualify for the Long Distance Award and Steve should send you a copy P and P free.

    Mac -your question - No the Zephyr Corvette - the Coppins Car is not in this book.
    There are stories on 18 cars in it.
    The photo shots in the first few posts by Steve show all 18
    [ 3 at a Post ]
    - so Steve has room for at least a couple more books..We are hoping..

    Here is a car that could appear in one the next book(s)..There is mention that a South Island Book would be good- as an ex-Jafa, now in the Bop maybe the next two books could take an Island each to be fair to us all - just thinking

    Recently restored [ 2014/15 ] the ex Briggs ex Leversedge and others Briggs Mercury Special.
    Photo from restorer and current owner Steve Day.
    Could be a bit of a feature on the car on my Dunedin thread, after I have finished the Jim Bennett stories.

    A Monochrome shot
    Name:  Cars #185 C Briggs Mercury rebuld 2014-15 B W Steve Day ,jpg (640x480) (2).jpg
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    and in colour - as Steve's photo is.
    Name:  Cars #185 B Briggs Mercury rebuld 2014-15 Steve Day ,jpg (640x480).jpg
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    The photo from the Nelson Mail of Peter chasing Wally Darrell ACE in the Briggs Mercury in the 1960's at Tahuna.
    Looking up the Graham Vercoe Book " Historic Racing Cars of New Zealand " rather than " Historic New Zealand Racing Cars " of Steve Holmes - the Briggs Mercury gets only a small 2 paragraph mention and no photo..

    Name:  Motor Racing South Island #61 B Tahuna Beach Races 1965 06021965 issue p2 Nelson Photo news  (2).jpg
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    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-16-2019 at 02:09 AM.

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