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Thread: SCCA regional events in Texas etc. 1960s-70s through the lens of Jerry Melton

  1. #161
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Just when you thought you had got rid of me, I have come across some more Jerry Melton photos of racing at a small Michigan track named Waterford Hills, these cover a decade from 1969-1979 and I enjoy his many, mostly B&W, photos and I enjoy presenting them with sometimes adding a bit of extra information along the way. These are mostly unheard of drivers but they seemed to enjoy having this opportunity to compete. The bigger classes were mostly American cars and the smaller classes were mostly British or Porsche.
    Even some of the cars in the parking lot were interesting.
    July 1969. Waterford Hills. Michigan.
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    A beautiful Ferrari 340 Mexico 0224 /AT

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    "American Iron" race.

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    Austin Healey 3000s coming and going ! (Around.)

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    The smaller classes BS, D and E dominated by the British and Germans.

    (Jerry Melton photos.)

    Ken H

  2. #162
    Is that because America was not building anything smaller than a Mustang..except for the Crossley Hotshot?

  3. #163
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Is that because America was not building anything smaller than a Mustang..except for the Crossley Hotshot?
    From memory John they actually raced the Ford Pinto in under 2.5 Litre Challenge.

  4. #164
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    Remember this is 1969 and the Pinto first came along in 1971.

  5. #165
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Remember this is 1969 and the Pinto first came along in 1971.
    Meanwhile the " Big Healey "a small car by American standards had been around since 1953 !! Thanks for the photo's Ken H.

  6. #166
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    So Roger, what is the number on the first Healey 3000 ? With some white paint it could easily be 20 or 26 even 23.
    The car looks like it had had a bit of a rough life !

    (Ken H.)

  7. #167
    Maybe it's a rough attempt at '28'?

    Funny, I never considered the Austin Healeys to be 'big Healeys' until the 3000 came along.

    Corvairs were smaller than Mustangs, by the way, as were Falcons but not your average Valiant/Dart (225), Crosley Hotshots were long gone by the sixties. And while Corvairs were also out of production by 1969, I'm sure some were still racing.

    Then there might be a 4-cyl Chevy II, maybe a 4-cyl Tempest?

  8. #168
    At last, someone who gets Crosley Hotshots,thank you Ray.

  9. #169
    There's one in the Ford Museum in Detroit...

    A little way across from the Ford-Ferguson tractor.

  10. #170
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    So Roger, what is the number on the first Healey 3000 ? With some white paint it could easily be 20 or 26 even 23.
    The car looks like it had had a bit of a rough life !

    (Ken H.)
    I'd have to hedge my bets obviously " 2 " first which appears to be partly covered over the the second number is ;
    Zero " 0 "
    Three " 3 "
    Six " 6 "
    or an ...
    eight " 8 " ..
    a timekeepers nightmare .. it seems that some more tape needed.
    A bit like a digital clock the default number is Eight " 8 " ..

  11. #171
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    It is no wonder the foreign makes dominated the small capacity fields in 1969 when the only US opposition would have probably been the 4 cylinder 153 cu. in.(2.51 L) engine Chevy Nova which was too big a size for those classes and was a slug and most of those engines were used in US Postal trucks to deliver the mail !
    So I guess being competitive in small bore class racing was not of importance to US auto manufacturers in 1969.

  12. #172
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    This C-2 Corvette Stingray had some difficulty at this corner as a Triumph TR 4 glides past.
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    A Corvette and a Shelby GT 350 battle it out.
    (Jerry Melton photos.)

    Ken H

  13. #173
    Even after the spin the Corvette's ahead of the TR4...

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    At last, someone who gets Crosley Hotshots,thank you Ray.
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  15. #175
    The Crosley at the Ford Museum:

  16. #176
    World Champion
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    Not a common sight on US tracks in 1969.
    A Saab Sonnet.
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    (Jerry Melton photo..)

  17. #177
    As you say Ken...thats not a sight you see every day.,yet you must have seen many of them as the car was made for the lucrative USA market and not really for the ABBA home keepers..
    It is actually spelled Sonett..translates from Swedish to English as ..its so neat.
    This will be a Sonnett 2 with the power bulge in the bonnet to accommodate the V4 1600cc from the Ford Taunus.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 04-14-2019 at 06:51 PM.

  18. #178
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    The Saab Sonett # 97 seemed to be able mix in well with the others including some specials.
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    This CSR special looks like it is Lotus Seven based.
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    This is a neat little DSR class special perhaps based on the previous Kawasaki engined special.
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    This is a Devin Special with some added information.
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    (Jerry Melton photos, July 1969.)

    (Ken H.)

  19. #179
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Just when you thought you had got rid of me .. Ken H

    " Just when you thought you had got rid of me " your comment from several posts ago on this thread.

    Ken H, please don't go. we need your " inputs " !!

    PS ; love that Devin SS too !!

    PPS going to borrow those AH photo's and probably a TR or Two,Too !!

    PPPS ; as mentioned on the Car Show thread - Moss Motors had a stand at the LA Car Show recently - were you there ?
    This TR6 was on the stand.

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    This car was also there -Jay Leno owns it !!

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    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-16-2019 at 04:51 AM.

  20. #180
    World Champion
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    Thanks Roger,
    I sometimes feel that I take up too much TRS space so I slowed it down a bit but then I need my "fix" and start up again much to the despair of some of my workmates who see me on TRS during the day!

    I also did not go to that LA car show although that TR6 is just in the next building as they try to sort out some running gremlins.

    Your inputs and humour are also appreciated.

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