Quote Originally Posted by Alan Hyndman View Post
Steve, you’ve motivated me to rifle through the box of stuff that my club got from Nissan NZ a few years back when they were getting rid of, well, stuff.

So amongst other things (like framed photos of B&H 500 class winners) are the following that might be of help (bear in mind that not everything has a year on it so I did some internet free deducing to figure out the year):

Programmes for:
29/11 - 02/12/1990
01 – 03/12/1989

Media Clippings books for:

Block mounted posters:
01 – 03/12/1989
22 – 24/10/1989

A different sort of block mounted posters:

Heaps of photos from the 1990 event (ideal for those who like Sentras)

A Nissan Mobil 500 flag

The Dominion pre-race souvenir guide: 22 – 24/10/1988

Corporate Profile sheets: 1994

Is any of this of use to you?

Also, you probably already know of: https://www.facebook.com/wellingtonstreetrace/
Wow Alan, I would absolutely love to be able to use those! Thanks so much. I'm hoping to include a cover shot and entry shot for event event. This would really give it a huge kick start. Thanks again.