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Thread: Dunedin Street Races - revival meeting January 1984

  1. #141
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Roger- the wikipedia probably covers only the American market.- thus left hand drive
    All right hand drive were Canadian assembled, usually base models- different specs to USA.
    Safe to say I remember Diplomats, but not many of these shapes.
    Agree John Mck, and I also know it is only as good as guys like us who contribute information which gets picked up by Wiki .... !!
    as you mention NZ had a lot of US cars that were actually assembled or CKD packed in Canada - unlike Australia where many were chassis and front boywork - to scuttle then local coach builders [ like Holden ] finished them off with there own but similar bodywork.

  2. #142
    John, this De Soto is one never seen in Australia...

    And Roger, I doubt that GM pressed panels for any US models after Holden production started. All CKD stuff in Chevs and Pontiacs, with Pontiacs having Chev running gear in the latter stages, probably from about 1961 onwards.

    Pommy Fords (Prefects, Anglias) might have been pressed in Broadmeadow or Geelong. Likewise Vauxhalls at Fishermens Bend.

  3. #143
    Adding some more NZ content about Aussie cars., I hope no one minds-
    I am a Motor Trimmer-40 years at it-, so I get to see details about different country cars that most wouldnt-.
    1-1936 Austin 8 sedan...had Holden plate where Austin usually is on firewall
    2-LIP and EIP Vauxhall , were only available as Roadster in Aus.
    3- Have trimmed 1937, 1938, 1939 Ford V8 and Chevrolet Roadsters...not convertible. Aus only model.
    A roadster has side curtains, a convertible has wind up windows

  4. #144
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    John I think Vauxhall also made in Aussie a Ute ....Vagabond ?

  5. #145
    Vagabond Utes are the support class at Bathurst 1955..
    Late night Vagabond drifting Parramatta road Saturday nights.
    Duna derbies with Vagabond utes with the trays full of yahoos at Bribie Island sunday afternoons?

    Long live Utes.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 12-29-2018 at 12:26 AM.

  6. #146
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vagabond by Vauxhall - surrogate Holden ..

    Quote Originally Posted by Spgeti View Post
    John I think Vauxhall also made in Aussie a Ute ....Vagabond ?
    Bruce, I thought the Vagabond was an EI series Vauxhall Convertible 53-57 [ two door ] Holden also did a LI series 47 - 52 ?? Ragtop too !!

    a 1953 Vagabond - P.S. - Vauxhall EI series was also built in Switzerland !! as a Van ..??

    Name:  Cars #115 Vauxhall Vagabond 1953-55 Australia.jpg
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    The comment re the LI series - think they may have been coachbuilt - not by Holden ??
    Could be the start of some other thoughts -
    Not a Vagabond but the Australia only Vauxhall Caleche ..

    Name:  Cars #117 Vauxhall LI Caleche convertible  (640x431).jpg
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    John Mck - could just imagine drifting an EI Ute .. a mate had an LIP, he was in Northern Sports car club, had wide rear wheels under grafted on Escort Mk 1 round flares, an inline Hurst shifter for the Vauxhall gearbox - took the tree of the column.. had twin carbs - went well in a straight line and sounded good 2262 cc of sheer power ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-18-2024 at 10:27 PM. Reason: more info and pics ####47

  7. #147
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bell View Post
    John, this De Soto is one never seen in Australia...

    And Roger, I doubt that GM pressed panels for any US models after Holden production started. All CKD stuff in Chevs and Pontiacs, with Pontiacs having Chev running gear in the latter stages, probably from about 1961 onwards.

    Pommy Fords (Prefects, Anglias) might have been pressed in Broadmeadow or Geelong. Likewise Vauxhalls at Fishermens Bend.
    Ray, would agree the built bodies would have been pre - 1948 when the 48-215, later FJ came along .. although look at the Vauxhall stuff, was that Holden bodies or another " Coach Builder " .. Caleche and Vagabond ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-02-2019 at 12:10 AM.

  8. #148
    To be honest, I am only guessing about these things. I know some strange things happened, particularly pre-war. Willys bodies became Vauxhall bodies and so on. But by mid-1949 the demand for Holdens would have stopped anything much happening with body pressing other than for the home-grown cars. All the same, I seriously doubt that any GM car had a body made in Australia other than one made by GM-H.

    The Vagabonds existed in the earlier shape as well, like the Caleche body, I'm pretty sure. There certainly were utes in the Vauxhall range, but mostly labelled as Bedfords IIRC, at least until the later shape came on the scene (like the cream car above). A lot of that stuff would have come from England as CKD packs and been assembled in Australia.

    I am pretty familiar with the Chrysler stuff in the fifties because of contacts I've made over the years and stories I've written for Australian Classic Car magazine which required some research.

  9. #149
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Happy 2019 ..seen on the AH thread too !!

    Name:  Cartoon #17 Vintage Restoration Rotorua VVCC John Vevers .jpg
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  10. #150
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Caffeine and Classics Smales Farm Auckland..

    January 2019, Good turnout but the overflow carpark was not full, there were two other events on though ; at Orewa and Hampton Downs, plus the 30 year rule - didn't seem to be imposed strictly.. UN7284 was there as a young 28 year old !!

    Here from a previous event; August 2017 ;

    Name:  MX5 #5 NA at C and C Aug 2017 2017_08_27_0018 (640x427) (2).jpg
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    No photo's downloaded yet, ERC [ in a modern ] and Kevin H [ in the 80's Celica ] were there and I think I saw Geebeez too in the distance.

    Photo's will follow in a few days as away from home and using other peoples Wifi and data.

  11. #151
    Seeing you have been discussing utes I thought I should post shots of this Ford Prefect Ute that was at the Thames Wings and Wheels on Saturday.

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  12. #152
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Specials ; Furi Cars - the Jim Bennett story

    Jim Bennett a well known car builder and racer from Dunedin has kindly sent me his story of the Furi cars and their racing.
    I am in the process of converting the document so it can be shown here ;

    As a start - here is a photo from Jim of his cars at Dunedin Autospectacular in 2010 ;

    Name:  Jim Bennett Furi Cars #50 Dunedin 2010 JB838c (640x477) (2).jpg
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    The idea of a story all started when I published photos of a " Jaguar powered - supercharged Special " I had seen in Dunedin in January 1984 at the Fryatt Street Sprints ; from that the Bennett Family commented on what the cars was, the fact that Furi 2 only did the Otago Sports car Club Sprints on the Saturday - The Vinatge Car Club Races were on the Sunday in January 1984.
    - posting the photos again. [ must correctly rename the " Special "ones

    Scene of the Sprints

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #54 The sprints - gone .. CCI24112015_0003 (800x526).jpg
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    The Car - Furi 2 apparently ;

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #57  Special Sports - Jag powered !! CCI24112015_0002 (800x536).jpg
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    The Jaguar engine - Supercharger - from one those wierd horizontally opposed Commer engines TS3 2 stroke Truck engines.

    Jim Bennett wrote of the engine in Furi 2 well one of them as both GMC 6 and Zephyr were consdiered.
    " Parts were being gathered for this car when I was offered a cheap Mk 7 Jaguar engine and about the same time was given a big supercharger off a Commer TS3 2 stroke diesel. These unusual engines had 6 pistons horizontally opposed in 3 cylinders operating through a series of connecting rods and levers to a crankshaft under the cylinders "

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #58 Jag with Supercharger - the Special !! CCI24112015_0003 (800x539).jpg
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    More to follow once I have printed and scanned the article - which has photo's inserted - I have some of the same photo's separately from the Bennett Family.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-28-2019 at 04:40 AM. Reason: TS3 #### 47

  13. #153
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    F. U. R. I. the Jim Bennet Cars - Wolseley 6/80 GMC

    Working on the story - which not only includes cars called FURI - the Specials but includes a couple of modified Wolseley's
    a 6/80 that became a BMC / GMC and a 4/44 too !!.

    6/80 " 6/80 used a 2215 cc 72 hp (54 kW; 73 PS) straight-6 single overhead cam. "
    GMC 6 advert - the car for sale - says " 276 ci GMC 6 " - think that it was actually a 270 ci - which is 4520 cc so twice the capacity of the Wolseley "

    The BMC / GMC Wolseley 6/80 - that must have been a 6 / 100 something
    The GMC 6 engine had been used by Gerald Hoare in a dragster [ rail ] before Jim decided use one - they were readily available.

    Name:  Specials #5 Wolseley 6-80 with GMC 1970's photo Jim Bennett  (2).jpg
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    Jim wrote about the car
    " GMC engine was fitted with one of Gerald’s milder cams, I did a bit of work on the head including planing of 4mm off the face to bring the compression ratio up to 9:1. Two borrowed SU carbs, from a Mk7 Jaguar, and a free flow exhaust completed the engine modifications while a "bullet proof" Packard 3 speed gearbox was adapted "

    just part of the story
    The car was listed for sale after Jim owned it for a time ; Graham Woods archives

    Name:  Specials #6 Wolseley 6-80 with GMC Jim Bennett - for sale Autonews G Woods  (2).jpg
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    More to come - have read the whole story from Jim Bennett - just having fun with the photos.
    - " Watch this Thread / Space "as they say

  14. #154
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Furi 14 the BMV [ BMW 328 inspired Sports car ]

    A couple of photos from Jim's collection.
    of the BMV - Built from " Bits of Many Vehicles " - Furi 14.
    The car is well used

    2019 a tour
    Name:  Jim Bennett Furi Cars #64 Furi 14Topdown Tour Mt Cook 2019 Jim Bennett .jpg
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    2011 an earlier tour
    both in the South Island.
    Name:  Jim Bennett Furi Cars #65 Furi 14 Topdown Tour Queenstown 2011 Jim Bennett .jpg
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    Article from a recent issue of " DriveSouth. " - Jim shared the article on his Facebook page.

    Name:  Jim Bennett Furi Cars #66 Furi 14 Newspaper article April 2019 Jim Bennett .jpg
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    Still working on a bigger article on all the Furi's #1 to 14 and beyond.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-05-2019 at 02:23 AM.

  15. #155
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Marlborough Car Club archives - Renwick 50 and other races.

    The Marlborough Car Club have ' digitized ' and posted much of their archives - including lots of photos of the Renwick Road Races of the 1960's -including the Renwick 50.

    a couple of photos one from MCC archives and some programme details.
    These are of the Saloon Races.
    Mixed field as this was practice
    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #16 1963 practice A Buchanan Brabham P Gillem Chev Marwood Humber ..jpg
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    This from Floyd Dini ; 1963 Austin Prattley in the Herald - the Mini must check that out.
    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #13 1962 Herald Austin Prattley and Mini the kink Floyd Dini archives.jpg
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    Race 5 from 1963 -Graham Woods archives Allcomer Saloons Scratch Race

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #3 1963 Race 5 Allcomers Saloons Scratch Graham Woods.jpg
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    Race 7 from 1963 Graham Woods archives Allcomer Saloons again Handicap Race

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #15 1963 Race 7 Allcomer saloon handicap Graham Woods.jpg
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    Front cover of the programme - the 3rd National Renwick Races - Ron McPhail archives

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #8 1962 3rd RRR Programme cover 10 Nov 62 Ron McPhail.jpg
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    Map of the track - there were apparently 3 variations - this is 1962 - Ron McPhail archives

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #10 1962 the course R McPhail .jpg
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    There is a Video recently uploaded from U -tube of the 1965 Renwick 50.
    Will try and post it here - in a future post.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-05-2019 at 02:44 AM.

  16. #156
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Renwick Road Races Saturday 16 November 1963 - the Saloons

    Two sets of photos of the Allcomer Races. from the Marlborough car Club archives.

    " Renwick Road Races Saturday 16 November 1963
    The start of Wellington driver Wayne Fuller's action on lap 4 during the all-comers race in which he finished 9th in his Humber 80 1592cc, after his spin
    Thanks to John Penny for scanning, Marlborough Car Club historian Barry Voss and John Pierson for these images and notes "

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #17 1963 Wayne Fuller Allcomer saloon Marlborough CC archives .jpg
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    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #18 1963 Wayne Fuller The spin lap 4 Marlborough CC archives .jpg
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    " Timaru driver Ernie Sprague, MK3 Ford Zephyr, 2553cc has a moment coming off the West Coast Highway into Alma street on lap 4 of the all-comers scratch race. Sprague went on to win this race. Also in the action is Wellington driver Wayne Fuller having a spin. He recovered to finish 9th in his Humber 80 1592cc.
    Thanks to John Penny for scanning, Marlborough Car Club historian Barry Voss and John Pierson for these images and notes. "

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #20 1963 Wayne Fuller Humber Ernie Sprague Zephyr Marlborough CC archives.jpg
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    " Renwick Road Races Saturday 16 November 1963.
    Coming into Alma St off the West Coast Highway, Timaru driver Ernie Sprague, Ford Zephyr MK3, 2553cc holds a slender lead over Christchurch’s Ray Archibald, Jaguar 3.8, 3718cc.
    Sprague went on to win this all-comers Saloon scratch race with Archibald 2nd. Archibald had won the earlier over 1300cc saloon car scratch race with Sprague 2nd.
    Thanks to John Penny for scanning, Marlborough Car Club historian Barry Voss and John Pierson for these images and notes. "

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #21 1963 Ernie Sprague Zephyr Ray Archibald Jaguar Marlborough CC archives.jpg
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    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #22 1963 Ernie Sprague Zephyr Ray Archibald Jaguar Marlborough CC archives.jpg
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    Race 3 the First Allcomer Race - entry list - Graham Woods archives;

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #23 1963 Race 3 Allcomer saloon first race Graham Woods.jpg
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    Not a big field but many well known Drivers.

  17. #157
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    But wait there is more [ one more ] - Renwick 1963

    Humber faces Chev - Giff Tait in the Chev Coupe, after Wayne had Spun the Humber. see previous post - tried to have 7 photos.

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #19 1963 Wayne Fuller Humber Giff Tait Chev Coupe Marlborough CC archives.jpg
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    Story from the archives - which are being posted on Facebook and shared to "South Island Motorsport" and Old New Zealand Motor Racing ".

    " Nelson driver Giff Tait in his 4640cc Corvette V8 powered 1938 Chevrolet Coupe arrives on the scene of Wellington driver Wayne Fuller’s spinning Humber 80 on lap 4 of the all-comers race.
    Tait went on to finish 4th and Fuller recovered to finish 9th.
    Thanks to John Penny for scanning, Marlborough Car Club historian Barry Voss and John Pierson for these images and notes. "

    The link to the Renwick 50 video - 4;30 minutes long.

    " "
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-06-2019 at 12:47 AM. Reason: Renwick Video details #### 47

  18. #158
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Renwick this time 1962

    " Renwick Road Races Saturday 10 November 1962
    Barry Cottle (Dunedin) in his Lola Climax 1098cc takes a look at the photographer as he passes.
    He was placed 3rd overall in a sports car race early in the day and first in Class A up to 1500cc.
    In the “Renwick 50” race Cottle finished 3rd behind 2nd placed Chris Amon (Bulls) driving a Maserati 250F 2495cc, second (Amon’s Cooper Climax did not arrive in time for the meeting) and the race was won by Angus Hyslop (Hastings) driving a Cooper Climax 2495cc.
    Thanks to John Penny for scanning, Marlborough Car Club historian Barry Voss and John Pierson for these images and notes "

    Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #24 1962 Barry Cottle (Dunedin) Lola Climax 1098cc Marlborough CC archives.jpg
Views: 1099
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  19. #159
    #147- Giffs Coupe....Nice Coupe, lovely Coupe..Great Coupe...283 small block.We need to breed these and get more on the track

  20. #160
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Chev Coupe's yes yes yes John Mck.

    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    #147- Giffs Coupe....Nice Coupe, lovely Coupe..Great Coupe...283 small block.We need to breed these and get more on the track
    Chev Coupe's yes yes yes John Mck.
    Would love to see them again. I once as a young 20 something looked at buying a 1938 Four Door sedan, in the early 1970's.
    Closest I actually got to owning a Chev was this one in 1;24 scale - needs a bit of rebuilding, orginally put together in 1969/70 still have it. As I have told Chaindrive and others - on my list of things to do, a winter job. Glue and Paint and a lot of care required.
    Kits by AMT -made in New Zealand by Tonka - have an unmade too!! - hence the two boxes in the photos - another task.

    Name:  Models #2239 1;24 Chev kit 6 ls IMG_1346 (2) (800x533).jpg
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    Name:  Models #2240 Chev kit 7 front IMG_1348 (2) (800x533).jpg
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    I built it with the Six and twin carburettors, made the V8 motor - just for display on a stand - or in another car.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-06-2019 at 03:57 AM.

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