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Thread: Motor Racing pics - my early years, 1964-71 ; Pukekohe Racetrack ;by - Roger Dowdingl

  1. #341
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    But Trevor I doubt your car would have had half the seat springs removed to save weight !
    Imagine racing around Pukekohe for 3 hours with that handicap ! LOL
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 12-23-2018 at 03:49 AM.

  2. #342
    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    But Trevor I doubt your car would have had half the seat springs removed to save weight !
    Imagine racing around Pukekohe for 3 hours with that handicap ! LOL
    In actual fact my car was a stock and legal production car complete with spare wheel, as required by the regulations. The Mustang was far from legal and should not have been running. I would have enjoyed another comfortable straight arm hour or two no sweat and the car would have happily finished the course without changing the brake pads. LLOL

  3. #343
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - 1963 and 1964

    Aerial photo of the track with a car superimposed - 1963
    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #201 race track 1963 image (2).jpg
Views: 1968
Size:  182.1 KB

    NZIGP map 1964 - back in the days when they ran trains, and you got off the carriages straight through the gate and in - then the long walk to the stands or Rothmans Hill.
    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #202 track in 1964 (2).jpg
Views: 2315
Size:  125.3 KB.

    As has been mentioned on this the thread the curve to Railway was a late 1966 addition,giving Pukekohe three layouts.

    The original as seen here at 2.2 miles, the 1.75 mile GP circuit first used for the NZIGP in 1967 and the small Club Circuit.

  4. #344
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - the Track ..

    A couple of " Stickers " owned [ collected ] by Milan Fistonic that feature the Track ..

    one from an NZIGP meeting with BP as the sponsor. The original track layout so pre 1967..

    Name:  Car stickers #13 NZIGP Pukekohe BP M Fistonic .jpg
Views: 1767
Size:  80.7 KB

    another from Milan - his Club - Auckland Car Club .. with both [ all 3 ] versions of the track.

    Name:  Car stickers #14 ACC Pukekohe Shell Sport M Fistonic .jpg
Views: 1754
Size:  89.6 KB

    and Finally also from Milan - I would have had one of these as was a regular at the Business in Mt Eden - top end of Dominion Road - the owner had been a neighbour in the 1950's/ 60's - a customer when I worked in Newton in the late 1960's and I was his customer in the 1970's /80's - including making up some good pipework for that TR4A ..
    Not Pukekohe, but he raced there often !!

    Name:  Car stickers #15 Woolf Mufflers M Fistonic .jpg
Views: 1740
Size:  83.0 KB

    Thanks Milan - have " borrowed " your stuff .. as opposed to " Stealing " It..

  5. #345
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe - 1964 at the Elbow - Saloon Car Race the GP meeting

    Photo from Allan Dick archives

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #14 Allcomer field 1964 Allan Dick archives .jpg
Views: 1712
Size:  67.2 KB
    Rod Coppins 38/39 ! Ford Corvette, Ivan Segedin Anglia, Garth Souness 32 Ford Corvette,
    then one of the Lotus Cortina's Paul Fahey or Alwyn Marshall ??
    Is it a Ford or a Chev. for Rod Coppins - not in the entry list if the same meeting

    Entry list from Graham Woods

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #15 Allcomer field 1964 entry list Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1687
Size:  125.5 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-22-2024 at 03:24 AM. Reason: Ford or Chev ###47

  6. #346
    In the 1964 photo check out the wheel destroying curbing. Imagine how the V8 supercar guys would deal with that. A curb strike would really be a curb strike.

  7. #347
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe 1965 - busy at the Elbow again

    Photo from seaqnmac archives the 1965 Shell Annual
    a colour shot at that Elbow ;

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #21 Elbow Bedlam 3 Shell Book Sean Taylor -McBride .jpg
Views: 1680
Size:  36.9 KB

    posted before ?? at the same corner Jack Inwood photo's from Steve Twist archives.
    " Auckland Star " photographer on the Stables roof
    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #17 Saloon field 1965 Coppins Jane Steve Twist Jack Inwood pic .jpg
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Size:  71.9 KB

    Name:  Pukekohe 1965 #18 Saloon field 1965 Fahey Jane Steve Twist Jack Inwood pic.jpg
Views: 1704
Size:  66.0 KB

  8. #348
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The " Humber Zephyr " that became the " Humber Jaguar " - Frank Radisich

    A photo I had not seen before ;
    [ ** don't remember would be more correct as would have bought the magazine from the shop across from Kelston Boys High ]
    - from the NZ GP meeting January 1965.
    Photo from Milan Fistonic [ ## correction - please ignore note on the photo's - my error ]
    Milan commented that he hadn't seen any mention of the crash or a photo in Motorman. maybe Don was elsewhere.
    Did it fall over [ yes ] - or were they just - servicing it [ no ] ??..

    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #113 1965 GP Humber Zephyr Frank Radisich on its side Motorman G Woods arc.jpg
Views: 1630
Size:  149.2 KB

    Doesn't look any better this way up either ..

    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #115 1965 GP Humber Zephyr Frank Radisich adj-resize  Motorman G Woods arc.jpg
Views: 1597
Size:  158.5 KB

    It fell over - there is damage to the fence

    Here in Humber - Jag guise in May 1966 - by then Frank had moved on to an Anglia Twincam.. Terry Boyle driving
    Bigger engine needed "Bigger " wheels ..
    my own photo.

    Name:  Pukekohe May 1966 #13, Humber -Jaguar  T Boyle v2, CCI13102015_0001 (2) (800x785).jpg
Views: 1624
Size:  134.5 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-04-2019 at 01:06 AM. Reason: ** further ## correction ###47

  9. #349
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe - Programmes - more recent 1985 - 86.

    A couple programmes I was sent by BMC BOY - thanks Ross.

    1985 Benson and Hedges;


    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #  B and H 1985 Programme Cover CCI30052019_0001 (800x564).jpg
Views: 1512
Size:  159.8 KB

    Entry List - including a friend John Trigance in a Corrolla GT

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #  1985 B and H entry list CCI30052019 (800x564).jpg
Views: 1497
Size:  147.2 KB

    1986 NZ Grand Prix


    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #  1986 NZ Grand Prix programme cover CCI30052019_0002 (800x564).jpg
Views: 1521
Size:  176.7 KB

    List of Officials - with the recent MSNZ awards a few of these Old names were there :

    Name:  Moror racing #  1986 NZIGP Officials Programme P 4 5 CCI30052019_0005 (800x564).jpg
Views: 1506
Size:  146.3 KB

    Previous winners Ardmore and Pukekohe - and First New Zealander home

    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #  1986 NZGP List if Winners Programme P 24 25 CCI30052019_0003 (800x564).jpg
Views: 1501
Size:  164.6 KB

  10. #350
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Photo from Allan Dick archives

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #14 Allcomer field 1964 Allan Dick archives .jpg
Views: 1712
Size:  67.2 KB
    Rod Coppins 38/39 ! Ford Corvette, Ivan Segedin Anglia, Garth Souness 32 Ford Corvette,
    then one of the Lotus Cortina's Paul Fahey or Alwyn Marshall ??

    Entry list from Graham Woods

    Name:  Pukekohe 1964 #15 Allcomer field 1964 entry list Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1687
Size:  125.5 KB
    A photo of # 108 G.P.McRae Humber would be a find for the history book!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Kwaussie; 05-30-2019 at 11:56 AM.

  11. #351
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Fleetwood Mustang, some photo's and things

    A few photos have emerged recently of the Fleetwood Mustang .. so will put a bit of a story together.
    In the meantime a photo.
    Photo by Peter Bruin - from Ross Cammick's archives ..
    Start of the 1965 Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge Race for Imported / Modified Cars that preceded the Wills Six Hour race for Standard Production Cars [ NZ assembled CKD cars I think ]

    Name:  Fleetwood Mustang #9 1965 Gold Leaf 3 hour race the start Field Peter Bruin R Cammick archives .jpg
Views: 1452
Size:  113.4 KB

    The Red Austin Healey of Bill Dunster is a 1959 BN7,3000 which BMC BOY has owned since 1973 and restored in 1978, - it has had some refurbishment more recently.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-03-2019 at 05:08 AM.

  12. #352
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Track Changes - from 1964 to 1986.

    Pukekohe 1964.

    Name:  Motor racing Pukekohe #202 track in 1964 (2).jpg
Views: 1415
Size:  125.3 KB

    Pukekohe in 1967 added the Elbow to railway section creating the 3 circuit configuration " Club " using the loop,the new shorter track and the Original - now the long track.

    In 1986 there was this proposal
    Copy of Sunday Star article 23 November 1986 - Milan Fistonic archives.
    As has been noted only the Pit Lane entry was created and slightly different to this plan.

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #43 1986 Plans for revised Track Sunday Star 23 Nov 86 TRS Milan Fistonic .jpg
Views: 1360
Size:  157.7 KB

    The Map /Plan only

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #45 1986 Plans for revised Track Map only Sunday paper Milan Fistonic  (50.jpg
Views: 1452
Size:  130.8 KB

    It didn't happen and the Club Circuit disappeared also. Must check the year of that.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-04-2019 at 03:52 AM.

  13. #353
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    150,000 views and growing ..Thanks Guys !!

    Been on the track a few times myself as seen here !!

    Ross " BMC BOY" Cammick photo from 1979.

    Name:  TR4A #9 Pukekohe Sprint 1979 Ross Cammick .jpg
Views: 1453
Size:  112.4 KB

    Photo my own camera - may have been the same event. Sprints, two cars away at the same time about 16 - 20 cars on track at the one time.
    Some Sprint events used the full circuit, others the " new " part Elbow to Railway - been on both.

    Name:  TR TR4A Pukekohe Sprint 1979  on the grid.jpg
Views: 1353
Size:  77.7 KB

    Have run out of my own photos, Sharing others on the Track and the Cars that Raced on it.

  14. #354
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Pukekohe 1968 Big Chev and a Vauxhall

    " John Riley in his Chev Impala at the Pukekohe Club Circuit in August 1968. From the Auckland Car Club Bulletin. "
    - Milan Fistonic archives.

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #36 1968 Dawson Chev and Victor Milan Fistonic .jpg
Views: 1372
Size:  141.5 KB
    ( note disregard the " Dawson " reference on the photo - my oops - now corrected on my file.

    My own photos of a Chev and Victor - same meeting ? If so will enable me to correct dates on some pics of mine.
    Presume the Victor was the 3.3 litre Six version not a 2 or 2.2 litre 4 cylinder..

    coming :

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #37 1968 Chev and Victor the loop fr Roger Dowding .jpg
Views: 1350
Size:  70.3 KB

    and going :

    Name:  Motor Racing Pukekohe #38 1968 Chev and Victor the loop rear Roger Dowding .jpg
Views: 1347
Size:  60.9 KB

  15. #355
    With that grille, it is a Ventura 3.3

  16. #356
    Weekend Warrior
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    Mar 2015
    The later Victor 3.3 litres had the Ventora grille fitted. I do remember in the UK they never had a 3.3 Victor, you could only get the 3.3 litre 6 cylinder in the Ventora. New Zealand was probably the only market in the world where you could get the base model Victor with the 3.3 litre motor, that was in the days of local assembly.
    General Motors NZ probably thought after seeing the PC Crestas racing in the 66 and 67 Wills 6 hour race being fairly competitive with the Ford Zephyrs and Zodiacs, they might have a potential winner for the annual long distance race at Pukekohe.
    The Victor 3.3 won both the 68 and 69 B&H race.

  17. #357
    Roger... same meeting pix August 18 for this meeting 0n Club circuit
    ...Don Davie or Barry Phillips in the 3.3. Was a warm up for B&H 500 coming up
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 06-12-2019 at 07:13 AM.

  18. #358
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Milan... same meeting pix August 18 for this meeting 0n Club circuit
    ...Don Davie or Barry Phillips in the 3.3. Was a warm up for B&H 500 coming up
    Jim Palmer also had a drive in the Don Davie Victor. Don and Jim shared the car in the 1968 B&H.

  19. #359
    I recall Leonard/Hawes won in '68 - who won in '69?

  20. #360
    Milan...have Motorman 1968 ,they give results for the first 6 races of 32 action packed races...56 competitors.
    So no mention of Jim Palmer

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