I could say "I told you so" Ray. It's gutting isn't it. A shadow of it's former self.
I could say "I told you so" Ray. It's gutting isn't it. A shadow of it's former self.
From your photos Ray - I am puzzled - English ?? with SU's looks like a Triumph but the body looks Sunbeam !!
Raymond Mays cylinder head on a Mk2 Ford Zephyr Ken (whoops, edited to Roger...).
Trojan 101 and 103 were in Donington and will post photos in the coming weeks no doubt.
Thankfully, the Goodwood entry does have plenty of cars that weren't there in 2016 so I'm happy that there will be a lot of additions to my photographic library.
Had a sad email from Alan Horner (who is in GB) and was expecting to do the whole 3 days of Goodwood but has done his back in, so if anyone knows of anyone in the UK wanting to purchase tickets at face value... Saturday tickets sold out weeks ago.
Last edited by ERC; 09-01-2018 at 07:40 PM.
Geez Ray,
I would have loved to spend those days at Goodwood with you..oh well, another time perhaps.
If you see Patrick Head there do not show him any of your Trojan T101-103 photos as I think that was a time in his life he would rather forget ! But if you do have a chance, remind him that he still owes me for the petrol for the Morris Minor on our trip from Croydon to Silverstone return, July 1973 !
Safe travels, looking forward to your photos etc..
(Hyndman & Patrick Head at Williams headquarters, Grove, Wantage. Oxfordshire, England. June 1996. )
This was when Williams was at their peak winning 12 of the 16 F 1 races that season with the FW 18 powered by a 3.0 Renault V-10 engine. Drivers; Damon Hill and Jacques Villeneuve
Ken H
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-30-2018 at 06:26 PM.
Apologies Roger... Can I blame jet lag, or advanced senility - or both?
Here you are Roger - and another car with a link...
Last edited by ERC; 08-31-2018 at 02:35 PM.
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-02-2018 at 05:29 AM. Reason: spelling aarrghh
Heading home - just for two days, then away again and a mountain of stuff to wade through.
A taster for the regulars, from Goodwood
1) Roger:
2) Spgeti:
3) For others who like rare (although a recreation - Lancia D50 - announcing its failure, not to be seen on track again and quirky. (Keift with a prototype Coventry Climax engine which sounded fantastic too.
4) For the Brits
5) For the Porsche brigade
6) And for the odd few who are into Americana
Last edited by ERC; 09-15-2018 at 03:14 AM. Reason: o
Hi Ray, hope you enjoyed yourself over there.
The Lancia of that model is one of my favourite Italian cars.
Interesting Spgeti, but in the two weeks in the UK, I saw just one Marcos (in a museum) but several Lancia Aurelias.
Even more surprising, more Facel Vegas (French, not Italian of course). One in a museum. One on the open road two days before Goodwood; the Rob Walker Facel Vega in the tribute parade and three more in the pre '66 car park at Goodwood.
At six picture posts a time, it will be a while before I have posted the pic of the crop(ped) on here.
Last edited by ERC; 09-24-2018 at 06:25 AM.
Plenty to come Roger... However, I seem to have a (owner?) problem with the camera focus point moving. I need to have another read of the manual, as I unfortunately have to ditch what would have been excellent pics, as although I have it set for a single point focus, that point seems to move around at will, so I have several (far too many!) with in focus backgrounds but the subject is a bit fuzzy. Very frustrating. Difficult to tell at the time without wearing glasses and expanding the pic. The net result is a load of duff ones.
Pity, as watching the cars four wheel drift through Madgwick with the sun in exactly the right place is a dream position.
There are always cars I have never seen before, such as this Lightning Envoyette-Ford, Formula Junior
I'm out of date order here so might revert to the correct sequence...
Last edited by ERC; 09-14-2018 at 07:16 PM.
They sounded superb too! The green one on the left is I believe the ex Jack Sears' car. They were celebrating the first touring car season of 1958. Jack Sears famously won it after an equal points race off, in Riley 1.5s... Can't see that happening today.
Probably because the only saloons in 2016 were Austin A30s/A35s, this year, the St Mary's Trophy race and the Jack Sear's race were right up my street - and some new pictures for the library.
This is the original prototype Ford GT40.
Back to Grimsthorpe, August 26th. (Amilcar)
One for Oldfart.
One for Ken. Trojan 101 at Donington
Goodwood. One of the two Alta's racing
That is it for now as I am off overseas again for a week, this time with my lovely wife, who very kindly allowed me to go to the UK without her.
Last edited by ERC; 09-15-2018 at 01:50 AM.
Yes they were really a wolf in sheeps clothing. They sound awesome as when I stated work in Whangarei one of the mechanical apprentices had a hot A90.
Sad that the Riley 1.5 of Arthur’s went down south.
Safe trip Ray.
Last edited by Spgeti; 09-15-2018 at 03:35 AM.
Thanks Ray,
Where else but at Brands Hatch in 1973 could you find :
" The Trojan slips through on the inside as it enters Bottom Bend !"
A fond memory of John Watson at work in the Hexagon of Highgate Trojan T101. # 44
Ken H
Last edited by khyndart in CA; 09-15-2018 at 03:47 AM.
I presume you mean the ex-Jimmy C Wolseley Bruce?
The Sears 1958 cars were fantastic to watch at Goodwood and they didn't sound very standard at all! Personally, bog standard cars of that vintage aren't very appealing and although limiting modifications may keep costs down, purely from a spectator viewpoint, bog standard cars don't sound right or look right on a race track especially of that vintage.
The Hooter's series in NZ appears to be little more than a classic trial and maybe they need a class for period modified and a class for standard? Those 3 big Austins were very impressive on the track, as were several other cars, including the noisiest MG Magnette I have ever heard. Using cross ply tyres, there were many examples of four wheel drifts across several classes.
Plenty of pics now to be posted over the next few months but getting RSI from several long sessions of mouse work - not housework.
Incidentally Ken, Hexagon of Highgate actually built my Marcos! I have copies of the original build paperwork.
Last edited by ERC; 09-15-2018 at 04:43 AM.
Yes I do mean Jimmy’s Wolseley.
I really love that era.
Up early so a bit of time to upload a couple more…
Grimsthorpe Castle again - Raymond Mays.
Frazer-Nash BMW
Goodwood - Ferrari - subject of an article in one of the British car magazines last year.
Part of the tribute to Rob Walker parade. Apparently he was managing the Surtees team.
Note the attire. Rob was famously a gentleman who drove in a lounge suit and word has it that at Le Mans, he came in to change into an evening suit...