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Thread: SCCA regional events in Texas etc. 1960s-70s through the lens of Jerry Melton

  1. #1
    World Champion
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    SCCA regional events in Texas etc. 1960s-70s through the lens of Jerry Melton

    In the last series of Jerry Melton's photos I just presented the major events such as Can Am, F 5000 etc. events.
    I will try to put some of the many SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) photos in this thread starting in 1962-63.
    There will be some cars and drivers that will not be identified but if anyone has some information please enter it.
    Some of these photos may be repeats but it will add to the experience.
    Again thanks to Cliff Reuter ( allowing these photos to be presented.
    Please be patient as this may take a while.
    So away we go.

    Ken H
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-13-2018 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #2
    World Champion
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    Where else but in Texas, could you have a certain type of track Marshal/ Ranger armed and with handcuffs as he watches Ed Tucker and his crew prepare his Lotus Super 7 # 37 to get out on the track.
    1963. Green Valley Raceway. (GVR ) Texas.
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    I need help already. Is that a Fairthorpe Electron # 7 RHD in front of the Austin Healey ?
    Also what is the Healey roll bar protecting or was it just something to put the stickers on ?
    Ken H

    (Jerry Melton photos..)
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-09-2018 at 05:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
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    Not sure if it is a Fairthorpe Electron Ken, The tops of the doors look different. Very hard to tell.
    The car in front of that #55 looks like it could be a Victress. Nice looking fiber body.
    Interesting hoop placement on the Healey.

  4. #4
    World Champion
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    The same Austin Healey at a later event, note how # 33 has become # 83.
    Perhaps our Healey expert Roger, can explain the roll bar /hoop arrangement.
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    A Fairthorpe Electron in the paddock area. (Don't let Paul B see the tow car in the background !)

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    A little Fairthorpe Electron in action.

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    Another tiny racer, a Berkeley # 44.
    with a brief description at this site.

    (Jerry Melton photos..)
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-09-2018 at 04:11 AM.

  5. #5
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    See post #1

    Green Valley was a road (or street course) wasn't it - cropped in something I was reading from the Auckland library system recently.


  6. #6
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Roll over Bars -

    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Where else but in Texas, could you have a certain type of track Marshal/ Ranger armed and with handcuffs as he watches Ed Tucker and his crew prepare his Lotus Super 7 # 37 to get out on the track.
    1963. Green Valley Raceway. (GVR ) Texas.
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    I need help already. Is that a Fairthorpe Electron # 7 RHD in front of the Austin Healey ?
    Also what is the Healey roll bar protecting or was it just something to put the stickers on ?
    Ken H

    (Jerry Melton photos..)
    The Roll Bar for the Porsche is square - would seem suitably German,
    The ones on the Healey's are rounded - placement must be optional either on the left or in the middle - guess the driver would lean into the middle in the corners and in the event of a " rollover ".

    Roll bars were always a favourite place for scrutineering stickers in NZ - instead of one the side windows - these cars " What Side Windows ?? "

  7. #7
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by khyndart in CA
    QUOTE(Don't let Paul B see the tow car in the background !)

    1962 Galaxie 2 door (Steve Holmes recently sold one) optional 292 Y block, 352 or 390 FE big block.
    The High performance options were big block 390ci with 3 x 2 bbl carbs or the same as a 406ci. later in 1962 the very first 406ci crossbolt main blocks were released as top oilers some early engines were cast as crossbolt engines but never drilled at the factory.
    There's some blurb for those who haven't had a yawn yet.
    Last edited by Paul B; 08-09-2018 at 05:14 AM.

  8. #8
    The #7 looks like an MGA to me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    See post #1

    Green Valley was a road (or street course) wasn't it - cropped in something I was reading from the Auckland library system recently.

    Jerry Melton took many of his photos at the Green Valley Raceway which was a motorsports park located near Dallas-Fort Worth in Texas.
    It was built on a former dairy farm and designed by Bill McClure. It opened in the early sixties and closed in 1986 and has now of course been overtaken by urban development.

    Ken H

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    The #7 looks like an MGA to me.
    That is what I first thought but then noted that the MGA had rounded corners on the boot and the boot hinges are on the inside
    whereas # 7 has external boot/trunk hinges and sharp corners plus the fuel / petrol filler is in a different location than the MGA.
    Name:  '62,%20AUSTIN%20HEALEY%2033,%20AUGUST - Copy.jpg
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    Ken H

  11. #11
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    The #7 looks like an MGA to me.
    I first thought I would be with you on that Rhys, excellent spotting!
    But now upon reading Kens next post the boot/trunk appears different to MGA.

    Jury still out?
    Last edited by Paul B; 08-09-2018 at 08:09 AM.

  12. #12
    World Champion
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    The jury has finally gone to bed. Before today I hardly knew what a Fairthorpe Electron was, now I will see them in my dreams.
    Will the jury have a final decision in the morning ?
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    " Donald Bennett, CB, CBE, DSO (14 September 1910 – 15 September 1986) was an Australian aviation pioneer and bomber pilot who rose to be the youngest Air Vice Marshal in the Royal Air Force and is probably best know these days for leading the 'Pathfinder Force' (No.8 Group, RAF) from 1942 to the end of the Second World War in 1945. He has been described as "One of the most brilliant technical airmen of his generation: an outstanding pilot, a superb navigator who was also capable of stripping a wireless set or overhauling an engine".
    Those legendary mechanical skills were put to good use in the 1950s when he formed Fairthorpe Cars in Chalfont St. Peter planning to build lightweight sporting cars that could achieve 60mph and 60 mpg. Success came quite quickly with the Fairthorpe Atom, a little coupé that featured one of the earliest applications of glass-fibre and a twin-cylinder motorcycle engine In 1957, this was replaced by the front-engined Atomata, however, both these cars sold in low numbers. But Don Bennett was also working on a more sophisticated car built around a Coventry-Climax 1098cc engine, a new chassis and a Microplas Mistral body that was sourced externally. This car was the 1956 Fairthorpe Electron which did well in motor racing but was too expensive to sell in numbers. In 1957, Fairthorpe launched a cheaper version; the Electron Minor; which saved money by using a tuned Standard Ten engine and transmission. The 'Electron Minor' was good enough to stay in production until 1973 with upgrades in engines, brakes and chassis from the Triumph Spitfire and GT6. Because of their light weight and nimble handling, they were very successful at club level, but for more serious racing something else was needed. To address this, Don used the suspension, brakes and axle from the Triumph TR3 and the legendary FWA Coventry Climax engine, which had been very successful in international competition. He dropped the 'Minor' from the name and it became, simply, the 'Electron', however, only 21 or 22 cars were built, and with only seven believed left in existence, they are now very rare cars."

    As per Silverstone Auctions.

    (Ken H )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-09-2018 at 10:55 AM.

  13. #13
    I don't think the Electron has enough "hump" in the guards. I hadn't been able to spot those square corner edges, so, I tend to agree. Right now, either it's not an MGA, it's one that has had a modified rear from crash damage(?) or something else!

    BTW, what's with the strange tail lights on the A in post #10?
    Last edited by Oldfart; 08-09-2018 at 01:58 PM.

  14. #14
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    I don't know about that MGA taillight arrangement, I was just trying to show a RHD version and it was late.
    May have to give up on this # 7 question and move on but the research is fun.
    I took a photo of our old unrestored MGA in our shop and also a Fairthorpe photo I found from a similar angle.
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    Fairthorpe Electron Minor

    Ken H

  15. #15
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    Some shots of the A/C Bristol in action before Carroll Shelby got hold of them.
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    Battling with a XK 150 as the rain started.

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    They could be a bit of a handful on a wet day !

    (Jerry Melton photos )

  16. #16
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
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    Its a gooden, (trying to guess car #7 on post10) But have a look at this.
    Healey 100 race car, take particular note of the gas tank filler location, offset
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    But the Fairthorpe Electron Minor could be the winner
    Last edited by Paul B; 08-09-2018 at 08:22 PM.

  17. #17
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    I think you nailed it on the # 7 question. Thanks so much. A Healey 100 S (Sebring) sounds much more exciting than the Fairthorpe Electron Minor which I don't think raced on wire wheels. Can the jury now retire for the weekend and go home ?
    Roger may correct me but I think this car is chassis # AHS 3804. Body number 64 and was Red with Black trim which was unusual as most were two tone and the # 7 car at Texas looks Red with Black trim.
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    (Note the boot lid corner does not look as rounded as the car below..Hmm )

    Information from "Austin-Healey 100 In Detail"
    A beautiful car from any angle.
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    ( Ken H )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-10-2018 at 08:58 PM.

  18. #18
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    More from Texas in 1963

    A Porsche 356 B Super 90 Cabriolet # 14 ready to go racing. (These can be worth over $ 250,000 US in today's market.)
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    (Jerry Melton photos..)
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 08-10-2018 at 06:11 PM.

  19. #19
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul B's Avatar
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    Great pics Ken, On the bottom pic, the red #1 car looks like an AC ace? could be a 1955 or so.

    I see there are a few classes, CP, X, DP, HP etc
    Guess the smaller engines were HP
    Maybe under 2L was X
    Over 2L CP
    Anyone have any clues?

  20. #20
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    If you can read this it may give you some clues.
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