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Thread: Bucklers!

  1. #161
    I think the timing is approximately correct for the beginnings of the de Joux bodies, the first dated one I have a record completed is 1957. It's possible the person you are thinking of is Bruce Sutcliffe. It was quite common for de Joux bodies to use the rear screen of a Humber 80, that may be what you have.That hard top looks very much like Healey.
    I have no photographic evidence to show any raced with a hard top, doesn't mean they weren't though, and of course if was a road car, which the cast head and such may suggest possible, then finding evidence if it's needed may be a bit difficult.
    Last edited by Oldfart; 05-17-2018 at 12:51 PM.

  2. #162
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Thanks for that. Ex Alan Stott NZ. Now painted red.
    Last edited by ERC; 05-17-2018 at 08:36 PM.

  3. #163
    Weekend Warrior
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    Alan and Pam Stott, have only known them since I was 10 years old, brain fade as I'm getting older. Do'ah

  4. #164
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waznot View Post
    Alan and Pam Stott, have only known them since I was 10 years old, brain fade as I'm getting older. Do'ah
    Waznot, great to see your pics of the before and as Oldfart says, others will know more about the car .. you should join the Facebook Group " Buckler Cars and Karts " run by David Montgomery in the UK, " Oldfart " is a member and in the UK too !!
    Good luck Mate,


    Roger D

  5. #165

    AX 69

    Waznot, you have a beautiful car. Worth restoring! I believe yours may be the blue ‘mystery’ car in this thread posted in May 2017. Has a license plate starting certainly with AX and what follows MIGHT be 69, although it’s really hard to tell. Oldfart, Roger - would you agree?

    BTW- i have also found some video footage somewhere of this blue AX car.

  6. #166
    Hi guys, i finally figured out how to join TRS. For those who’ve not seen my name before, i’m Bart, the dutch owner of ex NZ Buckler 90/1.

  7. #167

  8. #168
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjonkers View Post
    Hi guys, i finally figured out how to join TRS. For those who’ve not seen my name before, i’m Bart, the dutch owner of ex NZ Buckler 90/1.
    Bart.. well done and welcome.. I have posted a few of your recent photos as mentioned on Buckler Cars and Karts.. keep the photos coming..
    Roger D

  9. #169
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    The Orchid Special

    Quote Originally Posted by David McKinney View Post
    I recall the Orchid as being light blue. I'm pretty sure that white and red car is Andrew Buchanan's Buckler (ex-Mayo/Gill)
    Just going back through this thread and have a B and W photo of the Orchid Special, believe the car is now in Europe [ Switzerland ] with a Michael R Rohrmoser. Have seen a recent photo of the car on Facebook.

    This was in the paddock area at Pukekohe in April or May 1966.. along with a Buckler or two and other Sports Cars.
    Cannot help with the colour, except must have been a dark colour !!

    Name:  Pukekohe April 1966 Sports cars Buklers Daimler and others CCI12102015_0002 (800x799).jpg
Views: 1251
Size:  140.2 KB
    Please ignore the spelling and details on the photo, as when edited I didn't even know about the " Orchid Special ", thought it was a Buckler - the De Joux style body used.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-22-2018 at 03:51 AM. Reason: Spelling Rohrmoser ####47

  10. #170
    Waznot, as you have the reg plate (or did have) you might be able to get Land Transport NZ to do a search for you. If it's the car posted a pic of then you would possibly find evidence of the pale blue.
    AX plates were, I believe, issued in Northland when the change to permanent plates occurred, and Northland car club was a real hot bed of specials. Without being too sure, what you might have is a Billington car. Roy went on to be (Sir) Jack Brabham's lead mechanic, so that would be great providence.
    FWIW I am not in the facebook group at this time, nor any other FB.
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  11. #171
    Weekend Warrior
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjonkers View Post
    Name:  6A855E4D-9B9D-4A67-A824-B608F28ADC0F.jpeg
Views: 827
Size:  44.7 KB
    Interesting if we can find further photos of this car, a closer photo of car when found, look at colour under peeling top coat in doorway and in hollows in bonnet when sanded.

    Name:  colour under top coat sm.jpg
Views: 814
Size:  117.6 KB

    Still in my possession.

    Name:  Number Plate sm.jpg
Views: 784
Size:  87.6 KB
    Last edited by Waznot; 05-22-2018 at 05:57 AM.

  12. #172
    I was sent a scan of a whole page of Northland car club photos, one page I was told are all Billington. They don't copy well to media. Old B & W photos from Brian Skudder. The Billington car doesn't show a scoop.
    There are quite a few minor differences between the light blue car and what photos you have posted Waznot, eg the position of the front indicator/park lights, hood scoop. Of course they could have been changed along the way, but why would anyone do that?

    For a bit more on the blue car, refer to post #42 which says who owned it, info from the photographer who is named and was a friend of the Northland club members. (I knew I had it somewhere and was too lazy to look)
    Last edited by Oldfart; 05-22-2018 at 06:16 AM.

  13. #173
    Weekend Warrior
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    Are you sure the car (128) in post 42 is the same car as above in post 167, different bonnet scoop, wing mirror, screen, I don't have access to my car at the moment, stored next to my workshop so cant have a look at bonnet to see if any indication of a bonnet scoop at some point. I am intrigued that mine was blue earlier though.

  14. #174
    Simple answer to that question Waznot is no I'm not sure! Bonnet scoops were changed, particularly if an owner changed to an Elva head as the carbs went to the other side. I'm not saying that happened with that car but just another thing that makes being totally definitive a risky place to be.
    With over 60 years having passed the colour might not be too helpful! The peeling paint looks a bit more metallic to me than what was around in the early 60s? As you point out a number of differences.

  15. #175
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    My photo is a scan from my photo album done when I got the car, from memory the blue isn't metallic, will climb over the fence and see if I can get some new digital photos. lost a whole lot of digital ones from 7 years ago when my computer died with no backup. I would be very surprised if 2 De Joux bodied cars have a AX6? number plate though

  16. #176
    According to my recollection the AX69 plate would have been issued in or around Christchurch

  17. #177
    Weekend Warrior
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    Have just watched the video of the Austins Rd Hillclimb on YouTube, the car 21seconds in looks like the blue car in the photo including the white bonnet scoop. The video says 1959 or 60 but in a history of Australian and NZ hillclimbs says Austins Rd only used 1962 - 65. Does anyone know where Austins Rd is as that may help in where the car is from, North or South Island.

  18. #178
    Austin's Rd is North Island. It was a Northland Car Club event. If you note a bit further on from the 21 second spot you will see a Buckler with no front, that is Stan Benbrook, photos he posted appear in the first few pages of this thread. He had that car in 72 and it's registered DG, and he got it in Dargaville. Shows my memory of North to South isn't totally correct!
    My memory differs from Allan's, as I went and collected the 2 number plates from the Post Office for our 2 cars. My memory says they were alphabetical from the top of North to foot of South in 1964. Matamata was BP, ours being 2089 and 2090.
    .I don't see why 2 cars would not have AX if they were done at the same post office, but who knows. When I enlarge the photo I think, but very unsure, that the first number is 4.
    As I said a post or two back, there were several de Joux bodied cars in and around Whangarei, at least 4 I know of.

    That video can't be 59/60. A number of post 64 number plates, and Stan didn't own the car then.
    Last edited by Oldfart; 05-22-2018 at 11:47 AM.

  19. #179
    I have gone back through some old emails to clarify a few things.
    From Brian Skudder; "The car at Pukekohe (with the Healey alongside) is Owen Cullen, beneath picture is Vic Simkin scoop on the bonnet proving Humber 80 motor".
    Still no further ahead with the "mystery" car, it's a few years since I spoke with Brian so have asked if he can help.
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  20. #180
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Austins Road is heading out of Whangarei on the road to Dargaville.
    It was one of the roads the Northland Car Club used for hill climbs along with Doctors Road out at Ruakaka.

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