On to Caffeine & Classics, Smales farm, Feb 25th. First arrivals received a free gift of a safety triangle. I was early... At about 8:30, the first car park area was already about three-quarters full and by the time I left at 11am, the whole of the Smales Farm area was full with cars still filtering in and being parked anywhere the hard working marshals could slot them.
Many are regulars so I tried to take photographs of cars I hadn't seen before or were in a better location than previously.
In the 'not what it seems category', this Austin had a tranverse engine fitted - or so I was told. As can be seen from the lack of crowds, this was first thing in the morning.
Many of you locals will have seen the current Mercury Energy TV ad featuring this very car, driven by a couple of old codgers, sneaking out at night and doing a bit of good old fashioned hooning. Whilst at C & C, there was a bit of further filming going on, for a TV spot a night or two later.
A peek under the bonnet explains the reason why. All electric.
This engine was sitting in a vehicle so far removed from the engine's origins. A tatty ute and I can't remember now what it was! East German maybe?
Back to basically genuine cars, but you never really know...
Down as a custom built Talbo on carjam, but that should really be Talbot. However, I'm assuming it is an English built not French built but if anyone really knows, it would help me with the filing! Until then, it is in the ever growing pile of 'not able to be filed'.