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Thread: Photos: The Allan Porter Collection - Part 4

  1. #21
    Thunder Park, helicopter view.

    Name:  13512119_1015236071893038_3962222797186108555_n.jpg
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  2. #22

  3. #23

  4. #24

  5. #25

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Jim Crane Altered. Not sure about the driver though?

    Name:  13445275_1015236991892946_6137606325984338181_n.jpg
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  8. #28
    Not sure who this is, maybe someone here can provide an ID? Look how the convertible roof is ballooning from the pressure.

    Name:  13528947_1015237235226255_1293481237659163530_n.jpg
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  9. #29
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Havelock North
    Fantastic shots Steve! Looks a LOT different now. It would be great to take photos from the same perspective today-it would be a sea of green (grapevines) with (maybe) an "island" of brown. I have been told that there is a small area where they have not managed to get grapes to grow-apparently it coincides almost exactly with the position of the start line/burn out area and is attributed to the chemicals used to treat the tyres during burnouts.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by rf84 View Post
    Fantastic shots Steve! Looks a LOT different now. It would be great to take photos from the same perspective today-it would be a sea of green (grapevines) with (maybe) an "island" of brown. I have been told that there is a small area where they have not managed to get grapes to grow-apparently it coincides almost exactly with the position of the start line/burn out area and is attributed to the chemicals used to treat the tyres during burnouts.
    Its interesting you say that. I recall some years ago I visited the old Levin race track and noticed the grass was growing slightly different in many of the areas where the track used to be. Even after all these years.

  11. #31

  12. #32

  13. #33

  14. #34
    Warren Armour (in shorts), with Mike Gearing in the car.

    Name:  13502055_1015246705225308_8288937659253403563_n.jpg
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  15. #35

  16. #36
    Brilliant piece of balancing from the camera man.

    Name:  13507121_1015247348558577_2916254967600239793_n.jpg
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  17. #37

  18. #38
    In the mid 80’s a friend of the family put shares in the track with Garth Hogan and a few others to get it going again.
    I was in my teens but remember going down to Hastings and helping out. My job was being a runner from the pits to the control tower. I may still have some photos of various cars floating around. Will have to have a look. I know I did take one of a VW with a 350 Chev in it, and possibly a jet car that came from overseas.

  19. #39
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Thunderpark 1984

    Ran there once in a borrowed Austin - Healey a 100 / 6 I think with a 3 litre motor,my 100 / 4 was not up to the task, no photos, just my time cards.. not that quick, not my car !!

    Name:  AHCCNZ events #86 Drag Strip results & Rego's CCI22042016 (800x564).jpg
Views: 984
Size:  129.0 KB

  20. #40
    Semi-Pro Racer
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Havelock North
    What years did Thunderpark operate? The NZHRA website says 1976 to 1997 but I have my doubts about the closing date-I would have said it was earlier than that.

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