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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #2081
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Feilding NZ
    Hi Ray, great selection of your Dad’s photos and the modern photos of the cars today.
    What a lucky man to of been able to witness that era.

    I just love the ERA’s and the MG’s from that time.

  2. #2082
    Retaining original parts for longevity and originality is fair enough, but the replacements shouldn't give a performance increase and maybe revs need to be limited to original? ( Quote from Ray above)

    There is a great solution. Organiser to supply the limiter, sealed. Damn another cost ! But it really is a solution, and might stop the spending. Then again I actually think a lot of these folks LIKE to be able to tell everybody how much it costs!

  3. #2083
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Quick diversion - back to the last of the ERA's tomorrow.

    Leadfoot Sunday. Admittedly, we weren't there by 8am, but somewhat ruined by so many stoppages, from cars going foraging in the undergrowth, to a major diesel spill. Somewhat ironic as the programme stated that the errant diesel (1990 Nissan Safari) has an injector pump that puts out three times as much as the standard issue. Having liberally coated much of the track, not that long after the lunch break, I missed several cars I really wanted to see, as we were due to leave at 3pm.

    One of my favourite spots for photographs, the right side of the track at the start, was blocked off (according to one official, on safety grounds, as the event is now run under a MSNZ permit...). Shame. The backdrop of caged camper vans somewhat ruins the shots from the other side of the track.

    Just a taster - starting with a TRS regular:
    Almac Cobra
    Name:  218_0204_026 Almac Cobra.JPG
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    This tribute car (not really a replica) was one I was really looking forward to seeing and hearing. Alas, I never saw it on track nor did I hear it run.
    Name:  218_0204_128 Auto Union r.JPG
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    An ex-ERC driver car combination. Bert Dove reunited with his Triumph TR3A.
    Name:  218_0204_123 Triumph TR3A.JPG
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    However, this stunning Bugatti replica was just fantastic.
    Name:  218_0204_136 Bugatti r.JPG
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    Greg Murphy was very impressed with it too.
    Name:  218_0204_014 Greg Murphy.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 02-04-2018 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #2084
    Ray, some time back you asked about Donington Collection. We went today. When you go in it's now largely German military vehicles in the first 3 halls, with a fair bit of the multitude of US military too. You then get into the F1 stuff. Many of the Williams thrugh to 2011, several McLaren, more the obtuse ones, loads of Force India, then the very last hall has the Vanwalls, and BRM. Then you have to turn round and come all the way back. Worth a visit. For me never again, but it's a maybe. Good to see the last hall and some good video presentations.

  5. #2085
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Looks as though they have painted the Donington floors light grey Rhys, which may make it a lot lighter. It appears as though the really interesting stuff to me (ie 1930's to 1970's) is now down to just one hall, as the more recent F1 stuff is just very samey. I might go again in September, but not too sure that I'd get any real value from it. Just imagine how good it was without the military vehicles and with more interesting single seaters, especially the one offs, instead.

    I just don't see any synergy between WW2 Military and F1, but hey, it's now Kevin's collection and he can display what he wants. I just don't see it being worth $25NZ of my money having been so many times previously. The only advantage would be getting better quality photographs of a few cars.

    Last of the ERAs.

    R12B - Whenuapai 1984! Sadly, due to family commitments, I never got to hear it run.
    Name:  184_0226_147 R12B ERA.jpg
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    R12B - Goodwood 2000
    Name:  200_0915_021 ERA R12B.jpg
Views: 872
Size:  110.7 KB

    R12C - Donington 1939
    Name:  139_0610a ERA R12C.jpg
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    R12C - Goodwood 2016
    Name:  216_0909_216 ERA R12C.JPG
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Size:  124.1 KB

    R14B - Silverstone 1948 - Bob Gerard.
    Name:  148_1002_14  ERA R14B  Gerard.jpg
Views: 904
Size:  77.3 KB
    Last edited by ERC; 02-04-2018 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #2086
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I should add the two ERA E-types

    ERA GP1 - Duncan Ricketts has made an excellent job of making this car go well and now has a couple of race wins to his credit. Sadly, it failed at Goodwood 2016. Fingers crossed for 2018.
    Name:  216_0909_024 ERA E Type GP1.JPG
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    ERA GP2 - ex Donington collection... Goodwood 2009.
    Name:  209_0918_078 ERA GP2.JPG
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Size:  162.0 KB

  7. #2087
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    ERA at Whenuapai, New Zealand, 1984

    Ray, the R12B at Whenuapai in 1984, Presume this car at Dunedin in 1984.

    Saw it in a Motor Cycle Shop on display, then at the Racing

    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #34 ERA on display CCI28102015_0004 (800x537).jpg
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    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #35 ERA cockpit - display  CCI28102015_0005 (800x545).jpg
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    In the Pit Area
    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #33 ERA in the pits v2, CCI28102015_0003 (2) (800x511).jpg
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    Racing with the 260M My photo
    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 #30 ERA and 260M v2, CCI28102015 (2) (800x614).jpg
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    Racing with the 260M "Otago Daily Times "photo -a better camera and operator I think ??
    Name:  Dunedin Festival 1984 ODT photoCCI23092015_0002 (800x576).jpg
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Size:  127.6 KB

  8. #2088
    Interesting Russian sign behind.

  9. #2089
    I think you might find the Russian writing is the name on a ship John.

  10. #2090
    Thanks Allen, also explains why it is on a slant.
    Dont know the layout of Otago, so didnt know wharves were so close

  11. #2091
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Back to the Bathurst meeting. Not quite the magic of the above, but at least it was a good grid.
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  12. #2092
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Thanks Allen, also explains why it is on a slant.
    Dont know the layout of Otago, so didnt know wharves were so close
    John Mck - yes wharves were close and the Sprints that weekend were run close by them too !! shades of the Wellington Street Races.

  13. #2093
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    Name:  218_0113_241.JPG
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    I now struggle with naming/identifying the sports cars. So easy when it was Austin Healeys and Triumphs... Now, trying to track down in what country a car was built is a problem, as dear old Google doesn't always come up with the answers. This is down as an ARES...
    Name:  218_0113_275 ARES.JPG
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    Early Radical.
    Name:  218_0113_276 Radical.JPG
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    Formula Suzuki.
    Name:  218_0113_279.JPG
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Size:  127.8 KB
    Last edited by ERC; 02-06-2018 at 08:37 PM.

  14. #2094
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    French get support from the British...
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    We are now getting some decent support for Formula Libre - at long last. We have so many formulae that have dropped by the wayside over the years that this class deserves support from those who just want to blow the cobwebs out of cars that would otherwise just be gathering spiders.
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    Name:  218_0113_307 Swift.JPG
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    Name:  218_0113_315 JRM.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 02-07-2018 at 08:19 PM.

  15. #2095
    There is a place for those Formula Pacifics

  16. #2096
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    Warwick Mortimer
    Name:  218_0113_317.JPG
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    Donn White's Mini
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    A pair of identical Falcons...
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    Warwick Mortimer - again BMW
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    Kevin Burke - Valiant Charger - no year stated in the programme... Its bad enough when the programme doesn't have the info we require, but surely, those in charge should at least fill in the gaps rather than leave spaces? I presume they didn't use HRC's on line entry system?
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    Long time Holden driver, Veen Smith.
    Name:  218_0113_343.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 02-09-2018 at 08:48 PM.

  17. #2097
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    French mix.

    Dad's plastic Merit kit - I could never afford the Merit kits - especially the super-kits, where there was an engine! I was limited to the 2/- Airfix kits, which was 4d short of a full week's pocket money. Dad gave me 1s 4d - which was supposedly index linked to what he got(!); 6d from Mum; 6d from the lady across the road for doing her shopping on Saturday. I suppose that total equates to about 20c NZ.

    Found my first pay packet yesterday. Four pounds 10s before tax and NHS bringing it down to just over four pounds. About $8NZD. Whole pay packet tipped up to my parents and they gave me 25% after paying me back for any lunches I had to buy. No wonder that at 16, I couldn't afford a motorbike or to date girls! I couldn't afford a Ferrari 250 GTO at $10,000NZD either...
    Name:  162_1000_24 TWG.jpg
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    British F1 Grand Prix meeting 1977.
    Name:  177_0714_310 Talbot Lago.JPG
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    Goodwood 2000
    Name:  200_0915_015 Talbot.jpg
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    Monaco 2012. This is either a different car or the mirrors have been changed.
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    Goodwood Festival 2002. The sculptures located in front of Goodwood House are always impressive.
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    Monaco 2012 - Matra F1
    Name:  212_0513_439 Matra.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 02-09-2018 at 09:01 PM.

  18. #2098
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Another mix. Recently scanned slides (except the last pic).

    Basil Dagge's rapid Imp at Prescott. Occasionally, we'd be in the same class at a sprint, when they threw road modified cars (mine) in with race saloons, (Basil's).
    Name:  171_0502_658 Hillman Imp.JPG
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    Lyncar. Nicholson engine... Formula Atlantic race Mallory Park, August 1975.
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    Name:  179_0720_850 MGA.JPG
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    Whenuapai February 1998
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    Name:  218_0113_354 Holden.JPG
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    Last edited by ERC; 02-10-2018 at 07:39 PM.

  19. #2099
    Name:  007 (Small).JPG
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    The Old Merits don't scrub up too bad

  20. #2100
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Yours looks so much better with decent wheels and rubber tyres Chaindrive. The originals weren't so hot! I do remember Dad mixing gloss grey and matt black paint to try and get a better look on the plastic tyres. He also tried to get the 'blued' effect on the exhaust. I must dig out his model and take a colour pic.
    Last edited by ERC; 02-11-2018 at 07:37 AM.

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