Originally Posted by
Chris, clearly you have a few more dollars in the bank now.........remember the old days when you couldnt afford to mend your shoes and carried a piece of linoleum, or was it cardboard around with you to put under your shoes to stop the rising damp ! Have a great pic somewhere of you posed by your MK4 half in a deep drain by the side of the road........you were giving the Victory signal of course. You were what I call a real enthusiast, as anyone who has read your post above will see by the sort of cars you drove. My MK4 and SS long gone.....into sensible cars now like Hondas........Anyway, love the XK120, and the colour........I believe this was a factory option as I had a friend with a MK5 painted the same. I know this is way off topic for the Archibald cars, but too bad, it was 660864 that started it all.