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Thread: Speedway saloons from the late 60's to the mid 70's, any pictures, memories...

  1. #101
    Weekend Warrior Go Slideways's Avatar
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    Who is this? John Sharpe photograph from Jac Jac's collection.

  2. #102
    Weekend Warrior Go Slideways's Avatar
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    It was Ian Easton that put these stars and stripes on the Monaro

  3. #103
    Weekend Warrior Go Slideways's Avatar
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  4. #104
    #101- Gene Welch 2nd car ?

  5. #105
    Weekend Warrior Go Slideways's Avatar
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    Yes thats what Jac Jac just told me, at Forest Lakes he thinks.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Go Slideways View Post
    I have many photo's of Jac Jac's Camaro which I will scan and post here, after I've talked a bit more to him about his car.

    In the mean time - USA legend Gene Welch raced in New Zealand during the 70's. He had many very cool cars, I think that this one might be a shortened Camaro on a Sprintcar chassis.
    From Jac Jac's collection - a John Sharpe photograph.

    Awesome photos of the Camaro.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Go Slideways View Post
    Yes thats what Jac Jac just told me, at Forest Lakes he thinks.
    Went there in the weekend,man it has changed.
    Bought my HK Kingswood from Forest Lake Promotions- a.k.a. Black/Scott.
    last time i was there with a friend and his racing pink AP5 Valiant.
    Now its a real lake again with swans......

  8. #108
    Weekend Warrior Go Slideways's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Its amazing so little is known of the Easton car. A high profile driver in what should have been a high profile car, its interesting there is so little known about it.
    These are from Jac Jac's personal collection.

  9. #109
    Awesome to see pics of the Camaro. Thanks for posting. Its amazing how beat up these things got. Back when speedway saloons were real cars, seeing a near-new Camaro on the dirt must have been like seeing a space ship.

  10. #110
    Looks like it was this car 26p John McIntyre.Name:  26p John McIntyre Camaro.jpg
Views: 1281
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  11. #111
    Great photo of the Peter Woods Camaro next to Wayne Andrews Mustang not sure who took photo was found on the web.Name:  21 Peter Woods Camaro 57 Wayne Andrews Mustang pits.jpg
Views: 1349
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  12. #112
    Cool photo of the Robert Brown Monaro photo found on the webName:  12 Robert Brown Monaro.jpg
Views: 1279
Size:  142.4 KB

  13. #113
    The Peter Woods Mustang that went through a few owners before ending up buried on Boultons farm racing the Torana of Don Black. image found on the web.Name:  21 Peter Woods Mustang 112 Don Black Torana.jpg
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  14. #114
    Norm Butler in Camaro entering the track,image found on the web.Name:  54 Norm Butler Camaro parade lap.jpg
Views: 1208
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  15. #115
    The Wayne Andrews Mustang image found on the webName:  57dn Wayne Andrews on trailer.jpg
Views: 1226
Size:  115.5 KB

  16. #116

  17. #117
    These are awesome photos ^^. I never cease to be amazed when I see cars that would now be quite valuable converted for speedway racing. I have to assume most were wrecked road cars. Back in the 1970s, Mustangs and Camaros (and even Monaros) were extremely rare in NZ.

    First time I've ever seen the Norm Butler Camaro. Great looking car.

    And yes, I believe the John McIntyre Camaro is the same car later raced by Ian Easton. His son Shane now builds the hugely successful HyperMac race cars in Cromwell.

  18. #118

    McConnachie Mustang

    My 1/18th scale model of the McConnachie Mustang after being sold to Ken Johnson of Hawkes Bay.
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    Last edited by oppositelock; 10-03-2018 at 02:28 AM.

  19. #119
    Thank you for putting up my all time favourite mustang, that colour scheme was bold at the time..has got me thinking.

  20. #120
    Wow, that is just so cool! Awesome job.

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