Not everyone found their way around easily, but as these are consecutive on the film, maybe there was oil around?
Father and son, Nev & Glen Thompson left the MGBs at home and turned up with this Marina.
Not everyone found their way around easily, but as these are consecutive on the film, maybe there was oil around?
Father and son, Nev & Glen Thompson left the MGBs at home and turned up with this Marina.
Last edited by ERC; 09-10-2017 at 01:13 AM.
Is Escort #149 Dave Melina ( maybe spelt wrong ) ? RS2000? What ever happened to Dave, and to the car?
Albany Sprint. I'm not sure of the date as yet, but still in the middle of 1993
Taken at East Tamaki whilst Ed Vaughn was rebuilding the Marcos chassis. Thanks to John McKechnie, identified as a Plymouth.
Chelsea Hillclimb 1993. Ian's Singer
My favourite Austin 7 special - complete with Lion Red catch tank...
Last edited by ERC; 09-12-2017 at 02:14 AM.
January 1994 - Pukekohe
Nude Marcos
Ellerslie 1994
Is this a GTD? Built 1990
Last edited by ERC; 09-12-2017 at 02:53 AM.
Not sure whether or not this is still the scanner playing up or the original was slightly out of focus! Hamilton Street race 1994. (It is out of focus. I just checked...)
According to the programme, this is Steve Ward's Sylva Srtiker but that should be Sylva Striker... Some of my earlier pics from Hamilton were from slides. Those I have been posting for the last week or three have all been from negative film.
Last edited by ERC; 09-13-2017 at 09:32 AM.
Ray- thanks buddy, thats me in my Mustang- Dean Cameron has owned for 20+ years now a HMC car, even Dale owned it and raced it.
And Raydon with the ex Jim Richards car, also still running strong in HSC
The length of time Raydon has owned it is 30+ years- yet its still JRs ex., crazy world
The Healey [ BT7 ] was Phil Mules at the time, Hamilton 1994.
Ray I was there too !! and took a few photos including Phil's,car went to Bernie Huynen and has recently been refurbished, it is now Black.
The MGB the Red / White one is, I think, Derek Priors, not sure if in his ownership at this meeting,I photographed again in 1990 at the All British Day at Western Springs
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-20-2017 at 04:58 AM. Reason: 1994 typo ####47
See post #1709 Roger, re the Prior MGB. You may have missed it. Yes, he was running at that meeting.
Car #4 is Geoff Broadhead, a long time MGCC official. I bought an MG Metro off him that had done over 250,000 kms - and the head had never been lifted.
I did find my Hamilton race programme - eventually. I think Philip Mules owned the McDonald's franchise in Rotorua at the time. I'm pretty sure he also joined Maurice O'Reilly (creator of Chicane Racewear) with a Kiwi race team at the Nurburgring, a trip Maurice made more than once.
I didn't buy a car from Maurice, but did buy Chicane, with Shane Drake, in 2000!
Incidentally, Roger, you may have missed the book Maurice wrote - 'A Series Of Small Explosions'. Hilarious. I'm sure you'd appreciate it, so if you want a copy, I'll contact Maurice, as I'm sure he distributed it himself. The only disappointment is that the proof reading was less than perfect. Pet hate of mine is not so much the factual errors in any book, but basic spelling/typo errors.
Sadly, it happens even in books where you would think that the proof reading would be spot on. Currently well through the 700 page book 'Shunt' by Tom Rubython. Seeing 'bare' rather than 'bear', or 'sowing' instead of 'sewing', is fairy amateurish. One or two facts are also incorrect, as James Hunt couldn't have been the 37th name on the F1 trophy, 27th, yes, but not 37th. An interesting read though.
Added later: Reading the 2014 Mini owner's handbook today and they put 'curb' instead of 'kerb'... BMW obviously missing the finer points of the English language.
Last edited by ERC; 09-15-2017 at 09:39 AM.
Second to last line, should that be "fairly" not "fairy"?
LOL. Yup, I'm as guilty as anyone with typos and often find them later - but I can't correct it now can I. But there again, 'fairy amateurish' could refer to lightweight proof reading?
Sadly, neither of these guys is still with us. Jim Chrystall (Wolseley) and Bryan Wyness (Mini). Bryan was one of the early winners of our series top trophy, for sportsmanship on and off the track.
Bryan died in a motorcycle accident. These pics were from what was then the BMC Series for 4 cylinder cars - and I'm sure that Healey is a six!
Neil Goodwin had acquired the Magnette from Steve Whitren by this time and later scaled back to Classic Trials. I could be wrong here, but I think the Magnette also sported a cross-flow head, just like the Wolseley. Somewhere I do have a photograph of the under bonnet.
Tucked in behind Derek's MGB I think is the late Tony Sturm's MGB. No doubt Tony had no inkling that one day, he would later own the other car.
Graham Elstone Austin A35 - in the programme as an Autin... I haven't seen that car since.
Dave Mallin is still campaigning this MGB - in additional to the V8
Last edited by ERC; 09-13-2017 at 11:52 PM.
A bit of fast forwarding here as many of this period have already been scanned and some have been shown on this thread earlier.
Marcos now fully clothed and en route to its post rebuild debut, November 1995. Paula's MR2 after its rebuild following a crash when a young lady panicked on a wet road corner in Browns bay, braked, locked up her Honda and slid straight into it. The MR2 was one of the very earliest made, with the 1500cc engine - which to be honest, was totally underpowered and less economical than my 2 litre MG Montego Efi.
I am not sure of the date for this meeting, I need to check the diary again... I suspect the undated negative file has been incorrectly labelled.
Dianne Sharpe's Marcos was originally a V4, then converted to V6. The person who bought it passed away and it hasn't been seen since. On my list of things to do, is to try contact his widow and maybe rescue the car, but I fear it will need a full restoration. If anyone has any later news of it, I'd be pleased to hear from them.
Last edited by ERC; 09-14-2017 at 08:12 PM.
In the latest issue of Classic Driver is an advert for the sale of this Healey. Reg # BT7.
Also an article on the Dave Silcock / Steve Millen Clive Gott Peter Sundberg Mark 11 Jaguar,now rebuilt and reunited with Peter Sundberg - worth the read..
Western Springs 1995 November
But this is Chelsea and I have no diary note as to when this was!
I don't seem to have a programme for Whenuapai 1996 - even though I was running... This is Maurice O'Reilly with a Ralt RT4. Sold to Australia - and Maurice wishes he'd never sold it!
Last edited by ERC; 09-16-2017 at 09:53 PM.
With the new 14" wheels and better front brakes. The 149 number relates to 1 more day of being 49 before hitting the big 50! Also before getting the car dinged by an over exuberant overtaker (in a slower car!) who forced another car into a spin and I clipped it, taking a chunk out of the left rear wing.
Some well known cars in the background.
On to the UK and the Goodwood festival of Speed 1996. A damp stop for breakfast before Goodwood itself, and the Ecurie Ecosse transporter across the road from the little Chef car park! It was the usually UK Goodwood weather as you can see.
Last edited by ERC; 09-17-2017 at 05:17 AM.
There is always a lot to see off the hill-climb and a day there is never wasted, but not in the same league as the Revival, but still a sell out.
The first NZ owner of this V8 Mantula brought it around for me to sample. Later, I bid for it at auction and although I was top bidder, it didn't make reserve and I was unwilling (unable!) to go higher. I haven't seen it for a while.
Last edited by ERC; 09-18-2017 at 12:14 AM.
Back in 1997 was when I was asked to take over the BMC Series as convenor and it was with some trepidation that I attended my first meeting at Taupo. At that stage we had a committee which consisted of Derek Prior and Kerry Bowman, with input from Peter Burke (who had a lot to do with building Derek's MG) and Paul Reynolds (Triumph TR8).
We had relaxed the rules from just 4 cylinder BMC cars as there were by then, too few drivers and a series wasn't viable in my opinion. By opening it up to British Leyland, we had a good influx of drivers. At that stage, the format for points was still one scratch race and one handicap.
I had no scanner in those days (who did?) and the guy across the road was a graphic artist. He scanned about 4 pics for me for the early BMC Series newsletter.
The original BMC Series instigator, ten years earlier, was Donn White - black and lime green Clubman.
Nick Wilcox in 'Fanta', the equal winner that year. The car is still running in the ERC Series with John Palmer.
Equal first was Jim Chrystall - and we look forward to that car returning to the track, with Arthur Vowles.
If ever I get around to finishing a book on the first 30 years' history of the series, some of these pics will no doubt be useful.
Last edited by ERC; 09-19-2017 at 12:31 AM.
Arthur had the car out testing last month at Taupo. Still in this livery and with #57 as well.
Chris Watson
When Derek retired from assisting with the series, I fished out the paintbrushes...
Last edited by ERC; 09-20-2017 at 03:55 AM.