Agree chaindrive!
Labelled as a Mazda, but is it a Datsun? Sorry, not so hot on many Japanese cars of that era - or any other era for that matter.
Agree chaindrive!
Labelled as a Mazda, but is it a Datsun? Sorry, not so hot on many Japanese cars of that era - or any other era for that matter.
Last edited by ERC; 08-28-2017 at 11:35 PM.
Would that be Brian Tasker in the red Mini ?
Sorry John, I have no idea! No doubt others will know.
Skip forward to October 1985 - and my first ever race! An Allegro Equipe might not be everyone's first choice of a race debut car, but it was all I had at the time. A little nose heavy and not as balanced as the 1300cc Allegro, but I loved that car to bits. A genuine 100mph out of the box with the twin carb 1750cc motor. In the whole time I owned it, the only failure was a 50c circlip on a driveshaft.
I'm not sure if the car still exists but I keep saying I'll contact the last owner to see what happened to it. I'd even consider restoring it!
I have no idea of the car makes here...
Last edited by ERC; 08-29-2017 at 11:34 PM.
I don't have the programme for the the November meeting but this one from December 8 1985 should help you identify some of the cars.
LJ1459 is no longer registered.
Sorry Andrew, it later had the personalised plate "EQUIPE", but hasn't been on the road for a few years now.
Since 1 Feb 1999!! Good luck finding it.
Great photos, love the Riley Elf.
Who remembers reading about the MG Gnat ? Which was a normal Mini body with a Elf / Hornet type bonnet and a grille with an MG badge. It ran in the UK in the 1970's looked great, always thought the extra room in Elf bonnet would be great for the carbs in a cross flow head Mini.. work like an air scoop
Ray- thought I saw that EQUIPE plate on Rays dark blue Bond when it was in my workshop 10 years ago
Still on the CARJAM site as on the Allegro, but as Andrew states, been off the road for a fair time.
Yes Roger, remember the Gnat. My intention with my last Elf, was to do a Broadspeed rear end but pressure on garage space when we bought the modern Cooper S in 2002, saw both my Riley Elf shells go for scrap. When you look at the bodywork behind the rear wheels, the Elf/Hornet shape would have been better than the standard Mini.
Last edited by ERC; 08-30-2017 at 08:38 PM.
I'm guessing this was about November 1985.
Paul Walbran in 'Joseph'.
Mr Walbran in the MGB ( Joseph ).
Last edited by Andrew Metford; 08-31-2017 at 02:32 AM. Reason: Spelling
I think these might have been about February 1986
End of the film so the next two are tatty images from less than perfect negatives. I think this was the first time I'd actually got excited about photographing a specific type of car and the pity is I didn't have the modern digital equipment to do it justice.
This famous Lola 212 as mentioned once before, was bought in the UK by my lodger at the time, on behalf of a Kiwi, and is now owned by Billy Apple. Towing that car behind an 1116cc Mini from Cheshire to Nottingham was an interesting exercise.
Dave Walker's youngest daughter was best mates with my wife's daughter. Dave, Richard Atkinson (below) and Alan Lacey (TVR) seemed to have similar car collections as all were also members of the Reliant Scimitar Club. To date, I think these are still the only Volvo 3 Litre Marcos in NZ.
Little did I know that 5 years later, this Marcos would be mine... To this day, the only car that I have ever owned that wasn't a direct descendent of the old BMC/BL/Rover/MG/Land Rover stable. Oh, and the only RWD car I have ever owned other than the Magnette.
Last edited by ERC; 09-06-2017 at 05:41 AM.
Yellow Mazda is Peter Yates and Brian Connell, Red Chevette is Rex Rattenbury with V8 Rover power, this car is still rallying and winnig class in Australia. Holds rally car lap record for Bay Park which is for ever now. Think black RX3 is Possum, only did couple events in this car.
Dave Smythe, quick Escort and well driven. He still has this as well.