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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #1541
    World Champion
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Grimwood View Post
    Your picture from 1971 Brands Hatch, i wonder if this is the same car at Taupo this Year. Travelled with the English F1 contingent.
    At Taupo this year I had the pleasure of chatting with a gentleman in a wheel chair who was looking at Bretts car and his wife mentioned he had worked for Surtees on F5000s, so I took them nex door in the pits and introduced them too the now owner. The look on his face when he saw the Surtees was unbelievable and after discussion It was the car he worked on and he burst into tears, it was an amazing moment to witness, and all those years coming back. They spent a while talking and was great to think history meeting again.
    I believe that this kind of meeting is what we all do this for and why we love these special cars, as every one of them has and is something special and a part of some persons and in most cases alot of peoples life.
    That is a wonderful story and I can relate to all the memories coming back.

    Ray, thanks for all that you post and I will miss your inputs hopefully not for long and wishing you safe travels.
    That 1971 photo you took of Mike Hailwood at Brands Hatch in the Surtees TS8 (005) is the same car that he drove in the 1972 Tasman Series.
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    (Sergent collection ) (Mike Hailwood. Surtees TS8. Finishing 2nd at Pukekohe. Jan. 8. 1972 )

    (Ken Hyndman )

  2. #1542
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Still in tidy up mode, but also tripped over a couple that I'm sure I haven't posted earlier.

    Production Invictas at Thruxton 1968
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    When paddocks had a sprinkling of interesting cars. You may well have noticed that in all the paddock pics I have posted so far, there is rarely anything other than British cars around.
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    I had to ferret in the pile of race programmes to confirm the year - January 1971 Racing Car Show. Easy to then get side tracked, skimming through the programmes... There is plenty of good reading to be had with some very interesting articles and often relevant to NZ, at a time when several kiwis were competing in the UK.
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    British Car day at Western Springs. I think, 1992.
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    Goodwood Revival 2000. Terrible weather on the Friday and a biting wind on the Saturday. I have a pile of negatives still to be scanned from this meeting.
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    Prototype Invicta at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, 2004. This must be the only event where I have relatively few action pics but loads of statics. Still a worthwhile event, even if you can't see much of the track.
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    Last edited by ERC; 05-13-2017 at 05:52 AM.

  3. #1543
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    A non-motoring trip away this time, but a couple of opportunties. Just two samples.

    1) The 'Route 66 Show' alongside Hurn Airport in Bournemouth (UK) July 2nd.

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    2) The Petersen Museum in Los Angeles

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    I'll post more later.

  4. #1544
    Ray's back!

  5. #1545
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    ...and he watched Michael on the McLaren film, shown on Air NZ!

  6. #1546
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    From the Route 66 show. Not really a lot for the purists but certainly a mix. Just the one batch.

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    Before you ask, Bonito kit car. Originals were VW based but later cars were not. This one is used regularly and possibly in competition.
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    Last edited by ERC; 07-10-2017 at 06:37 AM.

  7. #1547
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Three from the archives to clear what was ready to post before we went away.

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    Geoff Daryn's Turner, 28th June 1970. This will please Dave Smith in the UK...
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    Digital - Landar at Goodwood during the 2009 Mini celebration. Any in NZ I wonder?
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    Last edited by ERC; 07-10-2017 at 03:48 AM.

  8. #1548
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    The Petersen Museum on the edge of Hollywood has been on my bucket list for a couple of years and I finally managed it, but, staying at the Marriott at LAX, getting there (and back) was a mission, which seemed to swallow up most of the day.

    I know that some of you aren't keen on museums and I understand the reasons and they do vary. Brooklands for example, is one of the most interesting, but so cramped, that many cars are almost wheel to wheel, a narrow roped off passageway corridor denying access to anything but the very front, so decent photographs are almost impossible.

    Caistor Museum in Norfolk has the most amazing range of vehicles - but photography is not allowed.

    Donington is a pale shadow of what it once was, and so on.

    The Petersen Museum is worlds apart from any of the others on several counts. The vehicles on display are well spaced and 360 degree access is possible for well over half of them. For those who like to see any real patina of age, you'd be disappointed, as just about all are in concours condition. This is almost a museum of cars as art.

    The museum contains several personal collections and also has a cellar vault, containing another 100 or so vehicles, which I may visit in the future, but as no photography is allowed, less of an interest to me, regardless of what is in there.

    The exterior of the building is very impressive and if you are fans of the Ho-Ho buses, (HopOn-HopOff), stop #10 on the red route from Hollywood.

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    These exhibits are in the foyer! Seniors access to the three floors was a very, very, reasonable $12US.
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    Their Bugatti project.
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    Last edited by ERC; 07-10-2017 at 07:53 PM.

  9. #1549
    Ray-I assume that the no photo rule is to-
    1-protect Intellectual Property.
    2-prevent damage from photographing- usual museum caution.
    3-stop people photoing security arrangements.
    4-so the pix cant be used in a scam to sell cars.

    What other reasons do they give you?


  10. #1550
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    Was that the # 5 McLaren M8F that Chris MacAllister has been driving in recent years, at the Petersen Museum?
    Name:  # 5    McLaren M8F.jpg
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    (Ken H)
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 07-11-2017 at 02:15 PM.

  11. #1551
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Hi John,

    No idea of the reasons for Caistor, but I don't think damage from photography is normally an issue with cars. Yes, security or scams could be an issue, but I suppose the old adage applies. "My sandpit, my rules".

    Often no reasons are given. At the Peterhof Palace in St Petersberg for example, they are shifting $1USD worth of paying customers a day through - and they don't want people dawdling taking photographs. They just want more people going through.

    Hi Ken,

    It could well be the same car. The Petersen website is quite a good one, but somehow or other, I didn't get a catalogue.

  12. #1552
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Still in the lobby...

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    Then up to the 3rd floor. Cisistalia, with a recreated Benz in the background. This shows pretty well the spacious settings. Unlike the UK's Coventry Transport Museum, or even the National Motor Museum, no attempts to create a diorama.
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    A Boyd Coddington concept car (The Aluma) built for Mitsubishi in 1992.
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    Last edited by ERC; 07-11-2017 at 02:44 AM.

  13. #1553
    I visited the Petersen museum about 4 weeks ago (thanks to a 24 hour flight delay) and did the vault tour. The main reasons photos are banned related to security, including the fact that many of the cars in that area do not belong to the museum. Even though the tour went for 2 hours, at least half of the area was off-limits and a security guard followed the group at all times to make sure they didn't stray. The guide was a former assistant of Mr Petersen, and talked almost non-stop for the 2 hours, without any drinks or other aids. Impressive (although some of her info was at times wide of the mark). Well worth a visit. The McLaren was actually down there in the off-limits area at the time of my visit.

  14. #1554
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Interesting post librules. I'll probably get there again one day. It appears they rotate exhibits more often than most museums, as Google search or even their own website, shows many cars either not currently on display or no info for some that are. This may well mean it is well worthwhile going again - a lesson that could be learned by other establishments.

    More from the Petersen - but occasionally, there I can't identify the cars I snapped! As I have mentioned before on this thread, I'm not too good on Americana, so would appreciate anyone filling in the gaps when I ask.

    'Roscoe' Fatty Arbuckle's Renault, in a section showcasing cars with a movie link.
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    This is one with a movie or star link that I haven't identified.
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    The glamorous Duesenberg. Always the car that the real stars aspired to!
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    A nice feature of the exhibition was the opportunity to clamber into the Ford and have your photograph taken.
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    I make no apologies for the 'boring' front three-quarter views, as many shots are purely for personal 'library' interest and are not taken as 'art'.
    Last edited by ERC; 07-12-2017 at 08:40 PM.

  15. #1555
    Semi-Pro Racer Paul Wilkinson's Avatar
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    "This is one with a movie or star link that I haven't identified."

    Thelma and Louise. Here is the poster behind it.

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    Last edited by Paul Wilkinson; 07-11-2017 at 09:29 PM.

  16. #1556
    The Plymouth......Christine , by Stephen King ?

  17. #1557
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    Next to "Herbie" the Volkswagen racing Beetle # 53 from the 1968 movie "The Love Bug."

  18. #1558
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    So maybe the Ferrari,is the Magnum PI one .. next to Herbie

  19. #1559
    Cant be the Ferrari from Gumball Rally- this still has the rear vision mirror
    Also wonder whats the Dukes of Hazard poster doing in the bay next to the Duesi ?
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 07-12-2017 at 05:52 AM.

  20. #1560
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Yes, the Magnum Ferrari & Herbie.

    The Thelma & Louise car (thanks for that) is a Ford Thunderbird, but I hadn't recognized that model Thunderbird. As I said, I'm not so good at American cars, probably because when growing up, apart from the early Corvette, driven by Sir Gawaine Baillie (sp?), then later, the Ford Galaxie and early Mustangs, we never saw many American cars around.

    It was many, many years later that I saw a real Cunningham, though I did have the Dinky model.

    John, the Dukes poster is probably there as one of their 'rotating' exhibits is from the Dukes.
    Last edited by ERC; 07-12-2017 at 06:02 AM.

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