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Thread: Motorsport History In Minature

  1. #121
    Yes Roger, Just adjust to the size you want on your PC and print as normal.
    Another tip is if you are looking for something specific try Pattos Place in Australia. If they haven't got it nobodywill
    Last edited by chaindrive; 07-05-2017 at 04:40 AM.

  2. #122
    Name:  Breadvan 3 001 (Small).JPG
Views: 1067
Size:  127.6 KB
    Another trial and error. Ferrari Breadvan

  3. #123
    Weekend Warrior
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    Oct 2014
    Nelson, ex Palmy North, Taupo
    Thanks for that, how close would your pic be to full size? From memory that appears to be close to it. Is it my imagination or did the early sixties/seventies ones have a simple white steering wheel with less detail and different wording?

  4. #124
    Rob, Think that's it and the size is about right. Another thought............ print it off or download pic to a stick and see an auto signwriter. They could print it off on vinyl.. Just a thought

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by chaindrive View Post
    Rob, Think that's it and the size is about right. Another thought............ print it off or download pic to a stick and see an auto signwriter. They could print it off on vinyl.. Just a thought
    I think they might have been bigger than that.

    The earlier Shell Sport ones were 400mm x 160mm.

    Name:  IMG_4633.JPG
Views: 1028
Size:  129.2 KB

  6. #126
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Here is the great Jimmy Clark at Pukekohe Jan. 1968 in his Lotus 49 displaying the Shell Racing sticker.
    Note the difference.
    Name:  Jim Clark. NZGP. Jan. 1968..jpg
Views: 978
Size:  81.7 KB

    (Ken Hyndman )

  7. #127
    Oh dear, got it wrong again!

  8. #128
    Weekend Warrior
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    Nelson, ex Palmy North, Taupo

    Yeah, that's it !

    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Here is the great Jimmy Clark at Pukekohe Jan. 1968 in his Lotus 49 displaying the Shell Racing sticker.
    Note the difference.
    Name:  Jim Clark. NZGP. Jan. 1968..jpg
Views: 978
Size:  81.7 KB

    (Ken Hyndman )
    Thanks Ken, that's the one. Quite different, was beginning to have my doubts. That is the one I'm after somehow....

  9. #129
    I am searching through my stuff for originals. There were different versions different years from memory.

  10. #130
    There were at least 3 versions of this Shell decal Rob, depending on year and the reds and yellows changed too. I had mine printed into vinyl after checking the correct item for what was 1973 in my case.


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Brown View Post
    Would like to find a source for the Shell Racing New Zealand decals as used in late sixties/early seventies which featured Shell logo and white steering wheel on red background. They were on just about every NZ car raced in the era. I had a couple on my Lotus when I raced it in Historics. Full size or scale are ok.
    Cheers, Rob 021 1875697

  11. #131
    Talking of years- what colour was car registration sticker for 1969 ?

  12. #132
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Perhaps if you can get a copy of this 1968 NZ Shell Motor Racing magazine there might be some suitable photos within.
    Looks like at Teretonga in 1968 that the Jim Clark sticker had changed but the Amon Ferrari and McLaren BRM had the Shell sticker.
    Name:  1969 Tasman.jpg
Views: 1328
Size:  70.9 KB

    (Ken H)

  13. #133
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    A stunning front page when the cars looked different and a sounded different!

  14. #134
    Ray- they only really looked different when Tyrells P-34 6 wheeler arrived in 1976 to win a race ...LOL

  15. #135
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bry3500 View Post
    not in the same league but cool nevertheless
    Bry3500, they are cool I had the Zephyr and Anglia [ Matchbox ] left the Zephyr standard but turned the Anglia into a Breadvan type .. then unscrewed the base and put in on a Faller 1;72 scale slot car chassis, was no good, body too heavy,
    my brother in his Porsche alway2 beat me.. s

  16. #136
    Weekend Warrior
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    Nelson, ex Palmy North, Taupo

    Shell decal

    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Perhaps if you can get a copy of this 1968 NZ Shell Motor Racing magazine there might be some suitable photos within.
    Looks like at Teretonga in 1968 that the Jim Clark sticker had changed but the Amon Ferrari and McLaren BRM had the Shell sticker.
    Name:  1969 Tasman.jpg
Views: 1328
Size:  70.9 KB

    (Ken H)
    Thanks for suggestions guys. I do have those Shell year books among others showing these decals on various cars, but none are good enough to use as a reference. Your photo is the best I have seen Ken, and as luck would have it, the very car I am modelling, the 49T as raced at Puke and Levin 1968 ( I was there) before the big change to Gold Leaf colours at Wigram. Will scale it off as best I can and consult a graphics dude. Good work team!!

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Brown View Post
    Thanks for suggestions guys. I do have those Shell year books among others showing these decals on various cars, but none are good enough to use as a reference. Your photo is the best I have seen Ken, and as luck would have it, the very car I am modelling, the 49T as raced at Puke and Levin 1968 ( I was there) before the big change to Gold Leaf colours at Wigram. Will scale it off as best I can and consult a graphics dude. Good work team!!
    Hi Rob,

    I guess I haven't been looking at this thread for a while! I've got an original Shell Racing sticker from around 1972, which I had copied and digitally repaired by a graphic designer friend a few years ago. I emailed it to Dale Mathers when he was looking for it (he confirmed it was the version he was after) and I'll happily forward it to you too - just PM me your email address.

    The one thing I'll highlight with it though is that the red in my jpg is a little too orange, but that sort of thing can be digitally altered (apparently).


  18. #138
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    The Hyndmans will assist you as best as we can.

    Name:  1968  Jim Clark_0001.jpg
Views: 1151
Size:  61.6 KB

    Ken Hyndman

  19. #139
    I'll have a go at uploading the image (last time I tried the image was too poor quality to upload once it was small enough to be allowed).

    Here's the original sticker:

    Name:  ShellRacing01a.jpg
Views: 1149
Size:  183.8 KB

  20. #140
    And here is the tarted up version (I still can't find a way to maintain the quality of the image):

    Name:  ShellRacing rescanned 2.JPG
Views: 1629
Size:  78.1 KB

    As I said earlier, the red is not the correct shade.


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