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Thread: Jim Clark 1968

  1. #1

    Jim Clark 1968

    It was Jim Clark's birthday on 4/3/36 .
    Here are a few of my favourite photos of Jim Clark at Longford in 1968.

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    Jim at Newry Corner, entering the Flying Mile, and at the end of the Flying Mile - lining up for Mountford Corner.
    Although he finished fifth, he was presented with the Tasman Cup as championship winner. This was his last title, and was dead on 7 April.
    Last edited by launchpad; 10-01-2017 at 09:22 AM. Reason: correction to result

  2. #2
    Semi-Pro Racer kiwi285's Avatar
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    Pretty rough times back then and the roll of drivers killed is shocking. So many great drivers never made it through that period. I guess that we were lucky to see such top flight drivers here racing and for that we are thankful. I was in Australia in 66/67 and took in the Warwick Farm and Sandown Park meetings. I remember spending about 20 minutes talking to Jim whilst we watched his mechanics working on his car. Magic times.

  3. #3
    I often reflect on how lucky we were to see the great drivers of the time, and how easy it was to talk with them. At Pukekohe he asked if my friend and I could give a hand to carry wheels from the paddock just below the grandstand across to the pits. I know we didn't need to be asked twice, and spent the rest of the day in his pit. Magic memories. We would have been 15 or so at the time!

  4. #4
    And you call yourself 'old'?

    One of the best races was the previous week at Sandown, dicing all the way with Chris Amon in the little Ferrari for the Australian Grand Prix. I was there for that one but I missed Longford.

  5. #5
    World Champion
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    Mike, Ray and Rhys,
    Those are really wonderful memories that you have of Jim and thank you for sharing them.
    I was not good with history at school but April 7 1968, June 2 1970 and May 1 1994 will always be etched in my brain with the memories of Jim, Bruce and Ayrton.

    Name:  1968. Amon & Clark. Sandown Park.jpg
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    Ken H
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 03-06-2017 at 06:37 AM. Reason: .

  6. #6
    I spoke to Pears Courage in the pits. I was a little freaked out with such a posh accent but he seemed friendly enough. He was in the little McLaren that year. Was that the same year as these photos? Great photos thanks.
    Last edited by John H; 09-05-2024 at 05:10 AM.

  7. #7
    Yes, that was the year Piers drove the M4a...

    I'm sure launchpad has some great pics from that race too.

  8. #8
    This natty Lance J Ruting (god how I wish that had been my name) shot from WF
    is on

    Name:  courage m4a wf 68.jpg
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    Last edited by GD66; 03-07-2017 at 12:51 AM.

  9. #9
    Heading straight towards me!

  10. #10
    "Interesting" cockpit cooling scoop! Post #8

  11. #11
    Cooper had similar in the late fifties, probably into 1960...

  12. #12
    World Champion
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    49 years ago today we learnt the dreadful news that Jimmy Clark had died at a F 2 race at the Hockenheimring circuit in Germany.
    Here is a photo of Jimmy as he enters his final lap. April 7. 1968.
    Name:  Jim-Clark-Hockenheim-Lotus-48-F-2.jpg
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    We will never forget him.
    I think Dan Gurney towards the end of this tribute sums it up well when he emotionally states that motor racing was never the same again after Jimmy died.
    R.I.P. Jimmy.

    (Ken Hyndman )p.s. This was a tough time as just 2 days later the "Wahine" ferry sank in Wellington harbour. I remember all this very vividly.
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 04-07-2017 at 06:49 PM.

  13. #13
    And we will never really know what happened. I feel there was a lot of "butt covering" in many places.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    And we will never really know what happened. I feel there was a lot of "butt covering" in many places.
    Hi Oldf.. Was it not just a case of flat tyre? Do you have a theory? What a sad photo...

  15. #15
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Chris Amon had a very firm idea of what happened!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SPman View Post
    Chris Amon had a very firm idea of what happened!
    Care to share?

  17. #17
    World Champion
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    April 7 1968.
    From the crash site photos it does seem that the right rear tire has a lot more stress than the left rear which could be due to deflating before the accident ?

    Name:  Clark's Lotus after 1968 crash.# 2jpg.jpg
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    Although in this clip it seems Graham Hill is very interested in what I believe is a damaged front hub assembly. (Is that correct ? )

    (Ken Hyndman )

  18. #18
    Name:  imagejpeg_2_9raoring season.jpg
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Size:  51.7 KB Die cast model of Jims car my father bought me for my birthday as a Clark fan , Wigram about 1968...while we were getting the bread van anglia read for practice , the Rindt lotus painting was a gift from my father ..
    Last edited by Grant Sprague; 07-04-2017 at 02:18 AM. Reason: add words

  19. #19
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    Care to share?
    ...suspension failure.

  20. #20
    I think at Chris Amon's cricket match.
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