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Thread: Images From My Past - Nigel Watts Collection

  1. #781


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  2. #782
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    What make of car is this?
    So even the boss would like to know a car make.........

  3. #783
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    You know what Terry,
    It takes a lot of time and research to put in the cars and information into EACH photo.
    Let us just enjoy the great photography that you will not find anywhere else at no charge.
    I took the time to get the information for you and if I can do that from California perhaps you can take the time to put the information in for Nigel and Ray etc and we can work as a team and not nitpick. Ok ?
    Ken Hyndman

  4. #784
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Ken H, I agree, Nigel has some great photo's. -
    I made a mistake in calling one of my threads " Pukekohe the early years 1964 - 71 .. .. " , when I actually first went to the track in 1965, that confused the said Gentleman. A lot of stuff we do, well I do, is from memory, as many photos I cannot date, as the processing was not dated, not even a receipt on the envelope .. this one has details, but only know the year, not the date ..

    Name:  A H Sprite yellow, Woodhill 1975  5-02-2014 11;38;31AM (3) (780x616).jpg
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  5. #785
    Quote Originally Posted by Terry S View Post
    So even the boss would like to know a car make.........
    Terry, Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of your photographs on this forum so I can see how it's done. Thanking you in anticipation.

  6. #786
    World Champion
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    Yandina, Queensland
    Completely agree with you, Ken. I know personally I have around 1000 photos from 3 of the last 4 Lakeside Classics that I have not even touched yet, what with sorting and resizing, its too much to then go back and try and find every single car as well, especially as has been noted, when there are late entries. If you do not know who or what a car is, that is where I fall back on Larry Page and Sergey Brin's excellent product. Thank you Nigel, Steve, Ray and everyone else who takes the time and effort to keep this site interesting and relevant, I know how much time it takes me, so, I would hate to guess at the overall time from everyone on here who makes the effort, only for one to... (fill in your own space!!)

  7. #787
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Auckland, North Shore
    As I pointed out earlier, I name most of my photographs before posting. Date first, then make. Someone, not sure who, made a statement that Mac users didn't see the info when running the mouse over the image.

    If you click on a pic and elect to save it, guess what? The make shows up, not the attachment number.

    The cameras usually save the images as IMGnnnn or DSCnnnn, sequentially, so all have to be renamed afterwards, either in bulk, or individually.

    I'm still working on the Kenny Smith Festival pics as most need cropping, to a greater or lesser degree as well as naming, and my lens probably isn't as long as Nigel's. Certainly isn't as good. As an aside, my camera shutter packed up at the 101 meeting with just 23,000 shots taken. Dad's Leica is still pretty good, but it wouldn't have taken that many pics since 1939!

    Great stuff Nigel and maybe it could be worth publishing a book? I'm sure a volunteer could write the captions for you? Cough, cough....

  8. #788

    Historic Touring Cars - only 5 or 6 cars entered

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  9. #789

  10. #790
    Quote Originally Posted by nigel watts View Post
    Without wanting to appear stupid (or blind), can someone tell me what this car's number is so I can see if I can track down details about it?

    Or is it supposed to be 008?

  11. #791
    Alan....i googled her, and she ran 208

  12. #792

  13. #793
    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Alan....i googled her, and she ran 208
    Obviously came from the same design studio as TV3's new logo!!

  14. #794
    It is an unusual font, maybe it replicates one from back in the day : could be Radio Luxembourg's call sign. Looks pretty snazzy in the pits, but is hard to decipher from trackside. Everything else about this car is outstanding though, real swoon material.

    Edit : 208 was Radio Luxembourg's medium-wave frequency.
    Last edited by GD66; 02-10-2017 at 05:48 AM.

  15. #795
    Cheers guys - so it's the ex Lella Lombardi Lola T330 (I can sound knowledgeable now that I've had a read of another excellent Primotipo page:

    That airbox threw me a lot and I swear I could not see her name on the end plate while looking on my work PC...

  16. #796

  17. #797
    I lifted the info below from the excellent site. The ex-Lella Lombardi T330 HU18 belonged to Allen Karlberg in west coast USA before before sold to Peter Brennan in Oz and undergoing an amazing restoration.
    Coincidentally I was chatting to Allen last week about the damage to HU 18 after a workshop fire, the car was initially thought to be beyond recovery at the time ( economically).

    Lola T330
    Invoice date 12 Mar 1973 (sold to 'Epstein', colour 'Yellow'). Jackie Epstein's Shellsport Luxembourg (UK) 1973: driven by for Gijs van Lennep, Tony Trimmer, Clive Santo and Ray Allen; Shellsport Luxembourg (UK) 1974: driven by Lella Lombardi; Shellsport Luxembourg (UK) 1975: driven by John Turner (Stalbridge, Dorset), Keith Holland and Richard Scott (R15 Mallory Park 12 Oct only). Turner finished fifth in final race but the car does not appear again. Turner cannot remember where the car went but is pretty confident that it went to the US where someone was planning to use it in Can-Am.

    The next steps in the car's history are still unclear but in 1977, HU18 was bought by Allen Karlberg (Portland, OR) for Jim Burnett to race. Karlberg cannot remember who he bought the car from. It did not race and was damaged in a fire when the right front of the monocoque was melted away. It would not have been economic to repair at that time so spent the next 36 years sitting in storage. Unlikely though this story sounds, there are a number of features on the car that suggest that this is indeed HU18.

    In February 2013, Karlberg sold it to Peter Brennan (Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia) and the car was shipped to Australia, arriving at Brennan's garage in August. Restored over the next year, and had its first outing in November 2014. Raced by Brennan at the Phillip Island Classic in March 2016.

  18. #798
    World Champion
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    Oct 2013
    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    Thanks for all the information on Lola HU 18. I can understand Alan's question about the number.
    It must be the new math but when I was in school and in England in 1973 the number Two zero eight looked like this.
    Name:  1973 # 208 at Mallory Park.jpg
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    Tom Belso at Mallory Park. Lola T330 (HU 2). Shellsport Luxembourg # 208. July 1973. (Tempest photo )

    Not like this Two Zero Eight !
    Name:  Lola F5000 @ Taupo..jpg
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    Shellsport Luxembourg had a strong team in 1973 and their cars were often competing for the leads against our Trojans and Chevrons etc.
    At one of the last races at Snetterton in Oct 1973 the Shellsport Luxembourg # 3 of Clive Santo in Lola T 330 ( HU 21 ) can be seen on the right as Teddy Pilette in the VDS Chevron and race winner Bob Evans in the McKecknie Trojan T 101 prepare to go out to the starting grid.
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    ( Ken Hyndman photo )

  19. #799

  20. #800

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