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Thread: Old Programmes, movies and memories from the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies.

  1. #361
    World Champion
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    Here is a bit a "blast from the past" from newspaper clippings Dec. 1961 to Jan 6 1962 regarding Bruce McLaren and his
    Mini Cooper.

    Name:  Bruce Mclaren with Mini Cooper.jpg
Views: 2346
Size:  181.5 KB

    Name:  Bruce with Mini Cooper.jpg
Views: 2245
Size:  182.3 KB

    Name:  Mini Coopers at Ardmore Jan 6 1962.jpg
Views: 2185
Size:  174.9 KB

    ( Ken Hyndman ..thanks to Jan McLaren for some of the newspaper cuttings )

  2. #362
    Nice finds Ken.


  3. #363
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    1962. I think this is at Levin. Look how easy it was then to meet up with Stirling Moss and have a chat. I wish it could be like that today.
    Also Stirling's Rob Walker Lotus 21 arriving by trailer towed by a Borgward Isabella.
    The Lotus 21 was certainly a vastly different and improved design over the previous year's Lotus 18.
    (Thanks to Stephen Page for the coloured photos. Revived wonderful memories.)

    Name:  Stiling Moss. 1962.jpg
Views: 1899
Size:  112.4 KB

    Name:  Stirling Moss. Lotus 21.jpg
Views: 1915
Size:  41.4 KB

    Name:  Stiling at 1961 NZGP.jpg
Views: 1877
Size:  109.2 KB

    (Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 06-01-2016 at 07:58 PM.

  4. #364
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    Is it really 46 years since the tragic news came through from Goodwood about " Our Bruce" ?
    I was in Sydney at the time and will always remember a workmate telling me what he'd heard on the news. It seemed unbelievable at the time.
    The first time I had seen Bruce McLaren drive was at the first real motor race meeting I attended, the 1959 NZGP at Ardmore.
    I remember my uncle took photo slides of that day and I wish I knew what became of them.

    These two sites give a good summary of that day and of how close we came to seeing Mike Hawthorn driving here instead of tragically on the Guildford By-Pass a few days later.

    plus Bruce Sergent's excellent site;

    (Ken Hyndman )

  5. #365
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    June 2nd 2016,
    Two of my favorites in one photo.
    One I got to know well and the other I always wished I had had the opportunity to meet.

    Name:  Bruce with the Mini ..jpg
Views: 1835
Size:  84.5 KB
    (NZ Herald Motoring Page photo. Dec. 12. 1961 )

    Thanks Bruce. R.I.P.

    ( Ken Hyndman )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 06-02-2016 at 08:10 PM.

  6. #366
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Weetbix cards Hot Rods..

    Mentioned on the Allan Porter collection is the cover for a set of Weetbix Hot Rod cards, Steve Holmes says there were two issues and I have most of the first series from 1971..

    This post seems the best thread to put them on..

    a few to start with .. front and back ..

    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series 1971 '23 Ford T CCI06102015 (510x800).jpg
Views: 1768
Size:  183.8 KB

    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series 1971 '27 Ford T pickup CCI06102015_0003 (491x800).jpg
Views: 1754
Size:  152.8 KB

    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series 1971 '36 Ford Coupe CCI06102015_0002 (501x800).jpg
Views: 1795
Size:  160.3 KB

    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series 1971 '63 Zodiac Corvette CCI06102015_0001 (501x800).jpg
Views: 1709
Size:  172.4 KB

    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series '31 Ford Deuce CCI06102015_0004 (495x800).jpg
Views: 1745
Size:  166.8 KB

    these are where I had duplicates .. unfortunately don't have the full set.. any takers for a swap !!

  7. #367
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Weetbix cards Hot Rods.. the rest in pairs..

    #2, & #6, the cars
    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series #2, # 6, 1971 '23 Ford, '36 Ford  ;front CCI06102015_0005 (515x800) (502x.jpg
Views: 1778
Size:  172.9 KB

    the details
    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series #2, #6, back 1971 '23 Ford '34 Ford ;details CCI06102015_0006 (521x800) (.jpg
Views: 1684
Size:  175.7 KB
    #8, #12
    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series #8, #12, 1971 Morris and Plymouth ; front CCI06102015_0007 (514x800) (501.jpg
Views: 1705
Size:  170.0 KB

    the details ;
    Name:  NZ Hot Rod card series #8, #12 1971 back Morris and Plymouth CCI06102015_0008 (515x800) (483x750.jpg
Views: 1684
Size:  180.3 KB

    Need numbers ; #5, #7 and #11 ..
    can swap #1, #3, #4, #9, #10, with a bonus extra #9..
    anybody have the second series, as mentioned by Steve..
    Thanks Ken I used your thread, but thought it appropriate and also these things have travelled, all around Auckland from 1971 to 2008, then to Sydney in 2009 and to Bellara, QLD in 2011..

  8. #368
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Number Plates, Car Registration Stickers and Warrant of Fitness stickers..

    Putting this request here as is about the 1970's. there is an inquiry on Facebook that I am following
    " So if a 1940 American style truck was around and about in 1967 would the truck then have a 1967 plate as I understand it back then a plate was issued each year and it was 1964 that the black and silver plate as we know them as came in? ". Plate was of course not issued each year but the Rego Sticker was, and the warrant 6 monthly.

    A Lady has the above truck - presume a light / pickup truck, so on a Private Registration.
    from my memory in 1967, the year I got my first car Warrant Stickers were White with Black printing and handwritten details of the vehicle put on in either Black or Blue pen..Ballpoint pens had hit the market in the 60's ..

    Licence Plate seen in this picture are Pre- 1967 when permanent plates were being issued - from 1964 to 1966;
    Name:  NZ Number plates #3, 1937 - 1966 - 64-66 permanent plates intro..jpg
Views: 1676
Size:  91.7 KB

    Registration Sticker -
    Name:  NZ Number Plates #8 & Rego, Carless days .sticker . Ben Hutchinson 30072016.jpg
Views: 1912
Size:  130.2 KB

    Warrant of Fitness sticker on the vehicle .. looks like an American 1940's style vehicle
    These would be newer than the 1960's - look more 1990's to me .. none of my photos show enough detail ..
    Name:  NZ Number Plates #10 Warrant Sticker front K Lynn.jpg
Views: 1682
Size:  90.2 KB

    Name:  NZ Number Plates #11 Warrant Sticker rear K Lynn.jpg
Views: 1643
Size:  62.7 KB

    Ken hope I haven't hijacked your thread ..

    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-30-2016 at 07:09 AM.

  9. #369
    World Champion
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    Not at all Roger,
    That's what the thread is for. The more the merrier.

    BTW.. You did not answer some input I put in on page 7 of the Old race transporter thread that I "hijacked" !


  10. #370
    Those WOF's came in in the mid 1980's,they replaced the old white paper with black number WOF's.The old WOF's were too easy to photocopy,or people used to cut numbers off calendars and stick them over the numbers to extend their warrants.The new design was a step backwards as the numbers were hard too read from a distance and you had to put your head in the car to read the expiry date.I was in the MOT back then.A WOF cost .50c at the testing station back then.

  11. #371
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gearbox Grinder View Post
    Those WOF's came in in the mid 1980's,they replaced the old white paper with black number WOF's.The old WOF's were too easy to photocopy,or people used to cut numbers off calendars and stick them over the numbers to extend their warrants.The new design was a step backwards as the numbers were hard too read from a distance and you had to put your head in the car to read the expiry date.I was in the MOT back then.A WOF cost .50c at the testing station back then.
    Thanks for that info .. cheers Roger

  12. #372
    Here is one I stumbled on to recently. The program from the 1969 Riverside Trans-Am race. Note that Mark Donohue's Penske Camaro is still wearing its vinyl top. The two team cars appeared with these tops in the early rounds, but the paranoia of the competition was such that they eventually got the SCCA to have the team remove them.

    Name:  _Riverside-1969-10-05.jpg
Views: 1475
Size:  80.7 KB

  13. #373
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    I don't know how long this has been happening but it is very pleasing to see Gearbox Grinder's great " Photo Bucket" photos back on this thread (Starting on page 8 ).

    Name:  Frank Gardner. Pukekohe. 1965.JPG
Views: 1121
Size:  70.2 KB
    Frank Gardner. Pukekohe. 1965

    (Ken H)

  14. #374
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    I don't know how long this has been happening but it is very pleasing to see Gearbox Grinder's great " Photo Bucket" photos back on this thread (Starting on page 8 ).

    Name:  Frank Gardner. Pukekohe. 1965.JPG
Views: 1121
Size:  70.2 KB
    Frank Gardner. Pukekohe. 1965

    (Ken H)
    Have they given up their holding you to ransom because you use their service to store photo's then charge you to use them ??

  15. #375
    This is in reply to the post on ...PAGE 17 .... 30.08.2015 by Roger Dowling & 31.08.2015 By Milan Fistonic

    The Meeting is from 1968
    Pukekohe Club Circuit .....Sept 1st 1968 Northern Sports Car Club

    Photo # 1 (top working down)
    My old album, has part of a program listing
    #61 as Brian Pellow--- Brabham
    #4 is Graeme Morley----ex McRae U2
    # ? Could be M Mc Donald ----Mini Minus Special or R Duirs MER
    # 3 is Rob Allen .Spencer Allen Motors- Manurewa / Begg & Allen Manuewa ---- Almen Formula Vee
    # 6 is Ivan Berry, No Number on the nose --- Ike Formula Vee

    Photo # 2
    # 6 is Ivan Berry's Ike Vee ----This Vee was the 2nd in the country after Barry Munro. The Ike Vee was built in Australia in 1966
    by the owner Ivan Berry. The car was a copy of an Elfin space frame chassis, The body was an a altered Elfin body also built by the owner. The car was raced in Victoria at various tracks before
    being shipped to N.Z. mid 1967.
    # 3 is Rob Alens Almen Vee.

    Photo # 4 answer by Milan Fistonic
    The photo of the advertisment "FORMULA V DEVELOPMENT" The photo used by Ken McQueen Motors in the Add was
    taken by Jack Inwood for "Motorman Magazine" at a track test for an article published in the January 1968 issue of
    Motorman... The photos used in the add is being driven by the Editor of Motorman Don Anderson.
    Ken McQeen motors sponsored the "Ike Vee" for the 1967/68/69 season and used the chassis design as the basis for the subsequent
    McQueen Vee. Ivan Berry was supplying the bodies, seats and windscreens for the McQueen Cars.

    Some other memories.......

    Peter Bruin ...Bright yellow Cooper Vincent was always competing ..... Dark Blue overalls - Red Helmet!

    Ken Flashman... Went on to drive a Formula Vee for Lynn Motors in a "Rebel Vee"...... Ken was unfortunate to damage his hand badly in the intake fan of the VW motor.
    Last edited by Ike; 03-10-2019 at 06:17 AM. Reason: To date & name the original post

  16. #376
    The "Mini Special" looks very MER like to me, could also be Les Reisterer? He had the first one of several built by Matamata Engineering.

  17. #377
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldfart View Post
    The "Mini Special" looks very MER like to me, could also be Les Reisterer? He had the first one of several built by Matamata Engineering.
    Oldfart and Ike - thanks for the details - I will use that and repost the photos, with your comments Gentlemen !! .
    Oldfart yes think the MER was mentioned elsewhere when the posted - I must have had two cameras that day as some photos are square, my Brownie Starlet and some rectanguar, some one must have used that camera too as I appear in one of the photos- before the Selfie was invented !!

  18. #378
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Club Circuit Races 1st September 1968 - details by IKE.

    Quote from IKE regarding the posts back in August 2015 - the details with the photos added

    " This is in reply to the post on ...PAGE 17 .... 30.08.2015 by Roger Dowling & 31.08.2015 By Milan Fistonic

    The Meeting is from 1968
    Pukekohe Club Circuit .....Sept 1st 1968 Northern Sports Car Club

    Photo # 1 (top working down)
    My old album, has part of a program listing
    #61 as Brian Pellow--- Brabham
    #4 is Graeme Morley----ex McRae U2
    # ? Could be M Mc Donald ----Mini Minus Special or R Duirs MER
    # 3 is Rob Allen .Spencer Allen Motors- Manurewa / Begg & Allen Manuewa ---- Almen Formula Vee
    # 6 is Ivan Berry, No Number on the nose --- Ike Formula Vee

    Photo #1
    Name:  NSCC Pukekohe Club circuit meeting 67-68  #3, single seater dummy grid   CCI30082015 (3) (800x55.jpg
Views: 1042
Size:  144.4 KB

    Photo # 2
    # 6 is Ivan Berry's Ike Vee ----This Vee was the 2nd in the country after Barry Munro. The Ike Vee was built in Australia in 1966
    by the owner Ivan Berry. The car was a copy of an Elfin space frame chassis, The body was an a altered Elfin body also built by the owner. The car was raced in Victoria at various tracks before
    being shipped to N.Z. mid 1967.
    # 3 is Rob Alens Almen Vee.

    Photo #2 - That is me looking at the engine knelling down and another Roger [ Rog Allport ] and another Mate Ron Lucka - standing by the car - photo probably taken by Richard or Steve Fowler - we probably all went in the Blue Beast - Rog A's 1960 Vauxhall PA ..
    Name:  NSCC Pukekohe Club Circuit meeting 67-68 #4 single seaters dummy grid 2. CCI30082015 (3) (1).jpg
Views: 1014
Size:  171.3 KB

    Photo # 4 answer by Milan Fistonic
    The photo of the advertisment "FORMULA V DEVELOPMENT" The photo used by Ken McQueen Motors in the Add was
    taken by Jack Inwood for "Motorman Magazine" at a track test for an article published in the January 1968 issue of
    Motorman... The photos used in the add is being driven by the Editor of Motorman Don Anderson.
    Ken McQeen motors sponsored the "Ike Vee" for the 1967/68/69 season and used the chassis design as the basis for the subsequent
    McQueen Vee. Ivan Berry was supplying the bodies, seats and windscreens for the McQueen Cars.

    Some other memories.......

    Peter Bruin ...Bright yellow Cooper Vincent was always competing ..... Dark Blue overalls - Red Helmet!

    Ken Flashman... Went on to drive a Formula Vee for Lynn Motors in a "Rebel Vee"...... Ken was unfortunate to damage his hand badly in the intake fan of the VW motor. "

    Re ; Ken Flashman - built the Mini-Max, which both he and later Ross Hollings raced and Hill Climbed - there is a photo of Ross in the car at Cosseys Farm, Drury on the Northern Sports Car Club thread.

    IKE, as the event was an NSCC event - am posting the details there too.
    Thanks so much for the information

  19. #379
    Re ; Ken Flashman - built the Mini-Max, which both he and later Ross Hollings raced and Hill Climbed - there is a photo of Ross in the car at Cosseys Farm, Drury on the Northern Sports Car Club thread.

    The Mini Max was built by Max Rutherford in 1965. I don't recall Ken Flashman ever racing the car

  20. #380
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    Re ; Ken Flashman - built the Mini-Max, which both he and later Ross Hollings raced and Hill Climbed - there is a photo of Ross in the car at Cosseys Farm, Drury on the Northern Sports Car Club thread.

    The Mini Max was built by Max Rutherford in 1965. I don't recall Ken Flashman ever racing the car
    Thanks Milan.. I know Ross had it,may have got a bit Maxed up ..

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