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Thread: Dr Ken Orr

  1. #1

    Dr Ken Orr

    Doctor Ken Orr, for very many years a Chief Medical Officer at motor race meetings, died on April 15, aged 93.

    This photo, taken at an "Oldies" reunion at the Auckland Car Club in 1987, shows Ken on the left with two legends of New Zealand motorsport; Ross Jensen and Tom Clark.

    Name:  Orr Jensen Clark.JPG
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  2. #2
    I chose Ken Ore as my GP and attended him for several years before he turned to specialising in Musculoskeletal Medicine where he established a substantial following.

    Years ago I recall him describing the desperate boring of a hole in the head of Ken Wharton after his fatal accident, in order to relieve blood pressure to the brain and using makeshift gear while travelling in an ambulance from Ardmore to Auckland hospital.

    He was one very down to earth practitioner and it was only some ten or so years ago that I again consulted him. At the time I expressed surprise that he was still practicing, to receive the simple reply. “why not” ? Enough said!
    Last edited by Trevor Sheffield; 05-02-2016 at 06:35 AM.

  3. #3
    He was a great man,treated me for quite a few major injuries with out surgery his methods were considered unothodoxed my many of the medical profession but they worked.

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