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Thread: Motoring pics Vintage cars - early years, events from 1960's 70's and 80's

  1. #21
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Vintage Car Rally 1971 - Hawkes Bay, New Zealand was actually early 1972

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    During a trip around East Cape and down to Hawkes Bay in 1971 came across the competitors in a Vintage Rally, photo's taken in Napier from memory

    Attachment 32534

    Attachment 32535

    Attachment 32536

    Attachment 32537

    Not on the Rally, seen at the roadside a Chevrolet truck which appears to be a cut down car, looking at the door edge.
    Attachment 32538

    Our transport was more modern a 1966 850cc Mini, the sprint, hillclimb trial and gymkhana car on the weekend, daily driver during the week.
    Have found 36 colour photos of the same Rally - taken on the ex-wifes camera from memory indicates the event was early photos of the same car in the same place .. memory fade obviously in the original posts.

  2. #22
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Car Rally 1972 - Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

    Have now acquired [ June 2020 ] the 1972 Booklet that was published with the Rally - three of the Routes include Napier ;
    Route 011 Auckland to Nelson - via Tauranga and Napier and Wanganui,
    Route 012 Auckland to Nelson via Rotorua, Taupo and Napier
    Route 022 Hamilton to Nelson via Tauranga, Rotorrua Taupo and Napier.

    Some of the coloured shots, have the list of the photos so names should be accurate.
    A friend of mine was competing in the 1919 Dodge, pictured previously, thought I recognised him.
    That helped me realise the same event as did the " GENTS " toilet block in some backgrounds. taken in Napier.
    It was an International Vintage Rally; in fact the "13th International Vintage and Veteran Rally

    1929 Graham Paige
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #11 1929 Graham-Paige CCI11022016 (800x557).jpg
Views: 2338
Size:  121.8 KB

    1929 Essex and others leaving the restart ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #12 1929 Essex #053 CCI11022016_0001 (800x558).jpg
Views: 1968
Size:  137.6 KB

    1928 BSA and sidecar
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #13 1928 B.S.A. and sidecar CCI11022016_0002 (800x564).jpg
Views: 3791
Size:  121.9 KB

    Model A Ford nosing out into the street.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #14 Model A Ford CCI11022016_0003 (800x558).jpg
Views: 2591
Size:  154.4 KB

    Don Osborne's 1919 Buick which featured in a B & W shot earlier.
    I worked with Don at one stage as did my ex-wife, and he actually helped us shift house using his 1963 Ford Galaxie convertible and a trailer as the moving " van ", was a fine day, as I remember so top down from Westmere to Mount Albert.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #15 1919 Buick - Don Osborne CCI11022016_0004 (800x576).jpg
Views: 2088
Size:  143.5 KB

    More details to come on the event now i have acquired the Souvenir Booklet
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-09-2020 at 02:42 AM.

  3. #23
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    These photos were taken at Nelson Park Napier. It still looks much the same except there are a few more grandstands now. Used for cricket and rugby.

  4. #24
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rf84 View Post
    These photos were taken at Nelson Park Napier. It still looks much the same except there are a few more grandstands now. Used for cricket and rugby.
    Should have guessed as " the Local TRS Man " that you would know, cheers

  5. #25
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Car Rally 1972 - Hawkes Bay, New Zealand inside the Hall ..

    A few photos from inside the Hall in Napier where the cars had an overnight stop, the owners / drivers off to Motels ;

    an unknown in the group - please identify .. photo #4, [ #18 in the series ]
    some cars didn't have the yellow " Shell " logo plates with their Competitors number on, unsure why, some may have been local cars at the display only, or they had the plate on the back .

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #15  The Hall ; Bentley CCI17022016 (800x550).jpg
Views: 2556
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    Vauxhall Hurlingham Roadster
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #16  The Hall ; 1929 Vauxhall CCI17022016_0001 (800x565).jpg
Views: 3232
Size:  159.5 KB

    Model T Ford a later model 1926
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #17  The Hall ; 1926 Ford T CCI17022016_0002 (800x552).jpg
Views: 4106
Size:  145.6 KB

    unknown Vintage looks early 1920's or 1919 !!
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #18  The Hall ; early '20's !! CCI17022016_0003 (800x568).jpg
Views: 3365
Size:  142.4 KB

    My friend Don Osborne's 1919 Buick
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #19  The Hall ; 1919 Buick - Don Osborne CCI17022016_0004 (800x545).jpg
Views: 2229
Size:  154.0 KB

    to follow more scenes at the stadium ..

  6. #26
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Been ignoring this thread, still have quite a lot more from the 1972 International Rally, just need some time as have focused on the Austin Healey thread recently.

  7. #27
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    1972 International Vintage Rally at Napier

    More scenes and motorcars and motorcycles ;

    unsure what this car is nor the actual road;
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #20 Street scene  2   CCI02052016 (800x533).jpg
Views: 2857
Size:  128.7 KB

    An American, need help here too !! [ my notes were OK but missed a few ].
    Name:  Vintage Rally #21 American Tourer 12 CCI02052016_0001 (800x548).jpg
Views: 1797
Size:  121.3 KB

    Harley Davidson and sidecar, Military version !!
    Name:  Vintage Rally #22 Harley Davidson & sidecar 13 CCI02052016_0002 (549x800).jpg
Views: 2644
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    A very different Harley a Service Trike
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #23 Harley Daividson service trike 14 CCI02052016_0003 (800x541).jpg
Views: 1818
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    A couple of FIAT's entrants from overseas
    Name:  Vintage Rally #24 Fiats 15  CCI02052016_0004 (800x529).jpg
Views: 1726
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    An American - 1930 Franklin at Centennial Hall, interesting Bus in the background, the parking area was full of commercials, as seen in a couple of the B & W pics earlier in the thread.
    Name:  Vintage Rally #25 1930 Franklin 16 CCI02052016_0005 (534x800).jpg
Views: 1745
Size:  126.1 KB

    another 20 to follow, the usual note ; need to scan and resize. all takes time, ask ERC and others

    rf84 any help with the geography - street names etc ..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-02-2016 at 05:54 AM. Reason: rf84 request #### 47

  8. #28
    First in that series looks like the road from Hastings with the old fert store. Long time ago I travelled this road but???

  9. #29
    Nelson photos harvested from this site some time ago!
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  10. #30
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    1927 Chevrolet !!

    Post #27, second picture, believe the car is a 1927 Chevrolet AA Capitol, they GM made a similar chassis " AA " car for the Oakland and Pontiac brands, according to Wikipaedia. help from a Facebook post !!, some comment over whether Chev had 5 or 6 stud wheels !!


    Name:  Vintage Rally #21 American Tourer 12 CCI02052016_0001 (800x548).jpg
Views: 1703
Size:  121.3 KB

  11. #31
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Vintage Car Rally 1972 -Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

    A few more English Sports Cars and a couple of Americans.

    HRG 1939 model
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #26 1939 HRG 17 CCI03052016 (800x541).jpg
Views: 1901
Size:  154.2 KB

    Big American a Stutz
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #27 1928 Stutz 18 CCI03052016_0001 (800x531).jpg
Views: 2520
Size:  142.5 KB

    Morris Oxford Tourer, 1925, the basis for an MG perhaps ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #28 1925 MG - Morris Oxford 19 CCI03052016_0002 (800x543).jpg
Views: 2376
Size:  140.1 KB

    1931 Chevrolet Tourer .
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #29 1931 Chevrolet 20  CCI03052016_0003 (549x800).jpg
Views: 1782
Size:  116.2 KB

    MG and MG, 1932 J2, and behind a 1936 .
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #30 1932 MG J2, '36 MG behind 21 CCI03052016_0004 (800x538).jpg
Views: 2599
Size:  127.1 KB

    The J2, again early 60's Mercedes 200 in the background, nice to have one now the Merc, could tow the J2, to meetings ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #31 1932 MG J2 22 CCI03052016_0005 (800x539).jpg
Views: 3304
Size:  141.0 KB

    another dozen to finish a bakers one ..

  12. #32
    If the Stutz had a strange boat tail at that time, then in the early 90s it had a new dual cowl Phaeton body built.
    I trimmed the whole project including hood, side curtains and tonneau.
    A rare car and he has taken stateside to tour

  13. #33
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Car Rally 1972 -Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand American and English

    1929 Chevrolet Tourer a couple of views
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #32 1929 Chevrolet 23 CCI06052016 (800x542).jpg
Views: 1523
Size:  143.6 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #33 1929 Chevrolet  crew on board 24 CCI06052016_0001 (800x541).jpg
Views: 2173
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    1930 Bentley getting ready
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #34 1930 Bentley 25 CCI06052016_0002 (800x538).jpg
Views: 3009
Size:  133.4 KB

    talking to the Marshall, Don Osborne and his Buick are in the background
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #35 1930 Bentley moving off 26 CCI06052016_0003 (800x533).jpg
Views: 4724
Size:  126.0 KB

    Armstrong Siddeley [ an " um tum tiddeley " as I apparently said when very young, our friends from Walton, near Matamata owned a 1950's one which I traveled in a few times when about 5 or 6 ]
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #36 Armstrong Siddeley 27 CCI06052016_0004 (800x539).jpg
Views: 1802
Size:  184.9 KB

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    1929 Chevrolet Tourer a couple of views
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #32 1929 Chevrolet 23 CCI06052016 (800x542).jpg
Views: 1523
Size:  143.6 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #33 1929 Chevrolet  crew on board 24 CCI06052016_0001 (800x541).jpg
Views: 2173
Size:  145.1 KB

    1930 Bentley getting ready
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #34 1930 Bentley 25 CCI06052016_0002 (800x538).jpg
Views: 3009
Size:  133.4 KB

    talking to the Marshall, Don Osborne and his Buick are in the background
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #35 1930 Bentley moving off 26 CCI06052016_0003 (800x533).jpg
Views: 4724
Size:  126.0 KB

    Armstrong Siddeley [ an " um tum tiddeley " as I apparently said when very young, our friends from Walton, near Matamata owned a 1950's one which I traveled in a few times when about 5 or 6 ]
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #36 Armstrong Siddeley 27 CCI06052016_0004 (800x539).jpg
Views: 1802
Size:  184.9 KB
    I was from walton Roger, just wondering if you could give me a name & year, I might know them.

  15. #35
    World Champion
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    Roger, I would be interested also as we lived on Walton Road just a few miles up the road in Kiwitahi.

    Geez that might have been one of the cars that stopped when we would put an old purse on the side of the road with play money hanging out and with light fishing line attached from different angles we would lie hidden and as they approached the purse we would move it away and they would report us to dad who was usually on our side as I think he played the same prank when he was a kid !
    Anyway that was one form of entertainment before TV etc for us country "bumpkins"!

    (Ken Hyndman )

  16. #36
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Walton and the Fawcett family.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
    I was from walton Roger, just wondering if you could give me a name & year, I might know them.
    Kevin, and Ken H, the Fawcett family, there was Chris and Rose [ friends of my grandmother ], their son Bruce who married Betty, and they had three children Garth, my age, Kit [ young Chris ] and a daughter, name escapes me, had a dairy farm, which we used to stay at in school holidays in the 1950's and into the 1960's, was actually staying with Bruce and Betty in 1968 when the Storm that caused the Wahine to sink struck, split a huge window in there house ..
    Chris and Rose who owned the " Um Tum Tiddeley ", used to take us to the Mount, where they had a bach !! went there in the Siddeley on a couple of occasions, and later on in new cars, mainly Vauxhalls I think.. small world.
    Bruce had a PB Vauxhall in the late 60's which Garth and I borrowed and did laps of the roads and the back paddock, Garth had a Mk 11 Zephyr - Zodiac with a Raymond Mays head and a twin choke Weber, when I only had a Mini or an A40 [ around 1970ish..]
    The Fawcetts stayed in Walton a long time, I think the farm was bought in the 1930's, by Chris and the Bruce took it over, Garth may have followed on I am not sure.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-02-2018 at 09:29 PM. Reason: Wahine disaster 1968 correction

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Kevin, and Ken H, the Fawcett family, there was Chris and Rose [ friends of my grandmother ], their son Bruce who married Betty, and they had three children Garth, my age, Kit [ young Chris ] and a daughter, name escapes me, had a dairy farm, which we used to stay at in school holidays in the 1950's and into the 1960's, was actually staying with Bruce and Betty with my cousin in 1967 when the Storm that caused the Wahine to sink struck, split a huge window in there house ..
    Chris and Rose who owned the " Um Tum Tiddeley ", used to take us to the Mount, where they had a bach !! went there in the Siddeley on a couple of occasions, and later on in new cars, mainly Vauxhalls I think.. small world.
    Bruce had a PB Vauxhall in the late 60's which Garth and I borrowed and did laps of the roads and the back paddock, Garth had a Mk 11 Zephyr - Zodiac with a Raymond Mays head and a twin choke Weber, when I only had a Mini or an A40 [ around 1970ish..]
    The Fawcetts stayed in Walton a long time, I think the farm was bought in the 1930's, by Chris and the Bruce took it over, Garth may have followed on I am not sure.
    Yes, remember them well,about two miles down the road from our farm [ Campbell's road ] as they say small world. We used to do the same trick on the Ngarua bridge with nice shiny 10 inch crescent tied to fine nylon & hide up under bridge

  18. #38
    World Champion
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    Los Olivos, California, 93441
    I think our world just got a little bit smaller. This shows where we lived on Walton Rd and the quarry. So where were you Campbell's Rd ?
    1 inch = 1.5 km.
    Kiwitahi to Walton

    Name:  Kiwitahi_NEW.jpg
Views: 1320
Size:  176.8 KB

    (Ken Hyndman

  19. #39
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Walton and the Fawcett family. Kevin Hirst and Ken Hyndman small world !!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
    Yes, remember them well,about two miles down the road from our farm [ Campbell's road ] as they say small world. We used to do the same trick on the Ngarua bridge with nice shiny 10 inch crescent tied to fine nylon & hide up under bridge
    Campbell's Road, now that brings back a memory or two, very small world Kevin and Ken ..we used to do the run up Campbell's to the T junction Right then Right at the crossroads through the kink to the next crossroads then right and right, and back to the farm gate .. last bit sedately. Think there was a bridge there too !! that is probably where the railway line is .. main rail traffic to the Waharoa Dairy Factory ..

    see correction we did the run anticlockwise - all left hand turns, less stopping !!
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-08-2016 at 12:29 AM. Reason: ooops #### 47

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    I think our world just got a little bit smaller. This shows where we lived on Walton Rd and the quarry. So where were you Campbell's Rd ?
    1 inch = 1.5 km.
    Kiwitahi to Walton


    (Ken Hyndman
    half way down Campbell's Rd. a small rd. goes off to the left. Cuff's Rd. we were first on left down there. Railway ran through Walton village more in Ken's area from Morrinsville to Whaharoa

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