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Thread: Northern Sports Car Club - the early years.

  1. #61
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978

    Route Book and Regulations for the events - front cover who owned the Mazda HK6998 ??
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 1 07-05-2015 02;23;43PM.jpg
Views: 1738
Size:  46.8 KB
    The Officials
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 2 07-05-2015 02;26;22PM.jpg
Views: 1731
Size:  43.8 KB
    The Drivers, note 28 entries but only 23 turned up and only 18 went on from the Gymkhana, Rob Williams in Brutus was also a DNF
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p2 List of drivers CCI21122015_0001 (562x800).jpg
Views: 3162
Size:  117.8 KB
    Gymkhana test and regs
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p5 Gymkhana regs tests CCI21122015_0003 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1743
Size:  90.3 KB
    Trial ASRs and Route instructions - Part One
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p6 ASR's and Trial  CRI's CCI21122015_0005 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1738
Size:  155.0 KB
    Trial Part one continued and part of the Sprint regs.
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978  p7, trial & Sprint briefing CCI21122015_0004 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1683
Size:  141.5 KB
    More of the Sprint Regs, Trial Part 2 and the Hill Climb to follow, plus the results.
    Imagine co-ordinating an event like this today nearly 40 years on.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Route Book and Regulations for the events - front cover who owned the Mazda HK6998 ??
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 1 07-05-2015 02;23;43PM.jpg
Views: 1738
Size:  46.8 KB
    The Officials
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 # 2 07-05-2015 02;26;22PM.jpg
Views: 1731
Size:  43.8 KB
    The Drivers, note 28 entries but only 23 turned up and only 18 went on from the Gymkhana, Rob Williams in Brutus was also a DNF
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p2 List of drivers CCI21122015_0001 (562x800).jpg
Views: 3162
Size:  117.8 KB
    Gymkhana test and regs
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p5 Gymkhana regs tests CCI21122015_0003 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1743
Size:  90.3 KB
    Trial ASRs and Route instructions - Part One
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p6 ASR's and Trial  CRI's CCI21122015_0005 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1738
Size:  155.0 KB
    Trial Part one continued and part of the Sprint regs.
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978  p7, trial & Sprint briefing CCI21122015_0004 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1683
Size:  141.5 KB
    More of the Sprint Regs, Trial Part 2 and the Hill Climb to follow, plus the results.
    Imagine co-ordinating an event like this today nearly 40 years on.
    On the driver list, no.28 is Warick Ashton. We had a mate of that name in our little group in the Wellington Car Club in the early '70s. He ran a Fiat 850 Sport in the '73 Heatway, then bought a Fiat 127 to do more rallying. Around the mid 70s he moved to Auckland and we've never heard of or from him since. Did you know him?. I'm wondering if it is the same guy. The 903 cc Fiat fits.

    David Hunter

  3. #63
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noo Noo View Post
    On the driver list, no.28 is Warick Ashton. We had a mate of that name in our little group in the Wellington Car Club in the early '70s. He ran a Fiat 850 Sport in the '73 Heatway, then bought a Fiat 127 to do more rallying. Around the mid 70s he moved to Auckland and we've never heard of or from him since. Did you know him?. I'm wondering if it is the same guy. The 903 cc Fiat fits.

    David Hunter
    Warwick only did the Gymkhana in the Fiat, I probably did know him, The car being 903cc would have been an 850 Coupe.

  4. #64
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 the event continued

    Sprint regs and track plan
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p8 sprint regs and track planCCI22122015 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1625
Size:  134.0 KB
    The Trial part 2
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p9 Trial part 2 p1, CCI22122015_0001 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1640
Size:  112.0 KB

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p10 Trial part 2, p2 CCI22122015_0002 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1678
Size:  120.7 KB

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p11 Trial part 2 p3 CCI22122015_0003 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1700
Size:  117.8 KB

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p12 trial Instruction end section 2 CCI21122015_0007 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1648
Size:  111.1 KB
    The Hillclimb
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 p13 Hillclimb briefing Cosseys Farm CCI21122015_0006 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1645
Size:  137.3 KB

    ASR's and Results to follow - no pictures though, does anyone have some.

  5. #65
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978 the event continued ASR's and results.

    Supplementary Regs
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Supplimentary Regs CCI21122015_0002 (564x800) (550x780).jpg
Views: 1692
Size:  174.4 KB
    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Class and overall results points CCI21122015 (564x800).jpg
Views: 1660
Size:  97.3 KB

    Times and results - Peter Levet did 57.75 in the Hill Climb and took the overall win.

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Times and final results CCI22122015 (780x550).jpg
Views: 1632
Size:  114.8 KB

    Trial Explanation of check and time - I am sure that a lot of the roads have changed but could be the basis of a Retro Event, using as much of the old roads as possible.

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day 1978 Trial explanations section 1 & 2. CCI22122015_0001 (550x780).jpg
Views: 1631
Size:  109.2 KB

    That is all from the event ;
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-22-2015 at 07:18 AM.

  6. #66
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    NSCC Hillclimbs 1960's

    I have a copy of the NSCC "Club Torque" of November 1965, courtesy of my brother being a member for a short time before moving permanently to Sydney. There is mention of work and working bees on a new hillclimb venue at Wharepapa, just south of Helensville, I presume. Did this venue ever eventuate? I don't recall any other mention of it.

    The articles on Cosseys Farm were only a year or so later, and are also talking about 'our own hillclimb venue', just wondering.


    PS : I have scanned part of a 1980 edition NZMS 260 topo map of the Cossey's area, but Postimage won't let me upload it for some reason - I'll try again tomorrow.

  7. #67
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    thanks for the article our man Tom Grace, always ready to help. never heard of the new Hill, but before my time, they may have run it once or twice, hopefully as putting in a lot of work.

    The map image would be great if you can get it

  8. #68
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Motorsport Day 28 January 1978

    No photos from the event but here is my car Triumph GT6 MK 3 [ 1971 ] model at a Jaguar Drivers Club invitation Drag meeting at Meremere.
    As I only had a restricted licence " closed Club " at the time had to run solo.

    Name:  Jag Drag April 1977 #1, My GT6, p1, CCI24122015_0002 (748x780).jpg
Views: 1512
Size:  164.2 KB

    Name:  Jag Drag April 1977 #2, my GT6 p2, CCI24122015 (752x780).jpg
Views: 1604
Size:  172.0 KB

    and yes rear tyres are bigger, ran 165 x 13 Dunlops on the front and 185 x 13's on the rear good for economy but not for acceleration

    Have pictures of a few of the Jaguars - will post on yards and yarns. later

  9. #69
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Whenuapai, NZ

    Cosseys Farm and Wharepapa Hill?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    thanks for the article our man Tom Grace, always ready to help. never heard of the new Hill, but before my time, they may have run it once or twice, hopefully as putting in a lot of work.

    The map image would be great if you can get it
    Here is the map - Edition 1980 NZMS 260 1:50000 scale. Nothing to indicate where Cossey's hillclimb track was, but contours might be a help to someone who knows the terrain out there.

    pic upload

    Someone must know about Wharepapa??


  10. #70
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Cosseys Farm the area

    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    Here is the map - Edition 1980 NZMS 260 1:50000 scale. Nothing to indicate where Cossey's hillclimb track was, but contours might be a help to someone who knows the terrain out there.

    pic upload

    Someone must know about Wharepapa??

    thats is great, roads have changed a bit now.
    I will post some of this on Facebook as John Coker, Rod Peat, Alan Boyle, Ron Brown and others some of whom were already racing in 1965 and had connections to NSCC and ACC may remember.

  11. #71
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Wharepapa and Birdwood Hill Climbs 1965 !!

    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    I have a copy of the NSCC "Club Torque" of November 1965, courtesy of my brother being a member for a short time before moving permanently to Sydney. There is mention of work and working bees on a new hillclimb venue at Wharepapa, just south of Helensville, I presume. Did this venue ever eventuate? I don't recall any other mention of it.

    The articles on Cosseys Farm were only a year or so later, and are also talking about 'our own hillclimb venue', just wondering.


    PS : I have scanned part of a 1980 edition NZMS 260 topo map of the Cossey's area, but Postimage won't let me upload it for some reason - I'll try again tomorrow.
    a gem from Bob Homewood, so It did exist, see below : we are getting lots of information..

    Yes I went to both Birdwood Road and Wharepapa at different times ,I think the Wharepapa venue came about because of Tom Grace's efforts he lived just around the corner ,trying to think back and add what I can ,there are quite a few well known names there from those times ,Dud Badham from memory he worked for one of the Engine Reco firms at that time ,some one can correct me if I'm wrong .I see Bill Stone there in the ex Levis / Hollier Cooper Ford ,I think I actually tried to help him with his woes that day ,Jamie Aislabie I'm sure he can add a bit more to it all

  12. #72
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC Wharepapa and Birdwood Hill Climbs 1965 !!

    The location of Wharepapa " Hill " , just South of Helensville, would have been right in Tom Grace territory as he had a farm that backed onto Woodhill Forest and Muriwai Beach the scene of NSCC's first forest Rallys .. before that were grass sprints on Tom's farm.. here are photos by Dennis Green, the Mini in 1971, the Sprite in 1975, same driver same helmet, hopefully more skill..

    Name:  Mini Woodhill 1971-2, 18-04-2015 11;44;04AM.jpg
Views: 1560
Size:  52.7 KB

    Name:  A H Sprite yellow, Woodhill 1975  5-02-2014 11;38;31AM (3) (780x616).jpg
Views: 1642
Size:  165.0 KB

    patch of bog on the sill of the Sprite, used to leak and fill up with water inside - under the carpet, drove well though, one of those you wished you had kept.. like my TR4A, some of the others maybe..

    sideways was a theme.. same driver same helmet but 1979 at Bald Hill, nr Waiuku ..

    Name:  TR4A Bald Hill 1979 MG CC Hill climb V3..32, CCI03082015 (3) (800x643).jpg
Views: 1586
Size:  154.8 KB

    Anyway, It is now nearly time for the big Guy in the Hot Rod sleigh, so Merry Christmas ..

  13. #73
    Any of these yours?
    Name:  tr6.jpg
Views: 1419
Size:  80.9 KB

  14. #74
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    Any of these yours?
    Name:  tr6.jpg
Views: 1419
Size:  80.9 KB
    Wrong Country Allan all left hookers, lots of Spares though and that SCCA sticker , cheers.
    My car was rebuilt however with a second hand bonnet from Eugene in Oregon purchased in 1982 while on my " USA Road Trip "

  15. #75
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    NSCC ACC MG Triumph AUCC HCMC PCC HCC an others - The Bardahl Hillclimb Series

    Have found a few of the results sheets from 1979/80 series.
    Can anyone remember how many clubs ran events .. I thought 10 ..??

    Answering my own Question = 8

    Auckland Car Club
    Auckland University Car Club
    Hamilton Car Club
    Hibiscus Coast Motor(sports) Club
    MG Car Club
    Northern Sports Car Club
    Pukekohe Car Club
    Triumph Car Club - Auckland.

    here are results from NSCC's Round [ round 2 Cosseys Farm ] 4 November 1979

    Name:  NSCC Bardahl Hill Climb results p 1, 4 Nov 79 21-05-2015 01;26;37PM (2) (483x800).jpg
Views: 1541
Size:  154.3 KB

    Name:  NSCC Bardahl Hill Climb results p 2, 4 Nov 7921-05-2015 01;37;56PM (2) (756x800) (700x614).jpg
Views: 1574
Size:  176.9 KB

    Name:  NSCC Bardahl Hill Climb results p 3, 4 Nov 79 v3, 21-05-2015 01;35;57PM (2) (642x800) (562x700).jpg
Views: 1552
Size:  169.8 KB

    The results overlap as on Foolscap pages - times in the mid 50's, so quicker than 1967 when 62 / 63 seconds was best, now 53.35 was best my time of 60.42 was better than the GT6 the year before at 65. seconds
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-24-2015 at 11:15 PM.

  16. #76
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    TR's - some posted before

    Quote Originally Posted by Allan View Post
    Any of these yours?
    Name:  tr6.jpg
Views: 1419
Size:  80.9 KB
    Interestingly my car almost went to a place like this after this accident, tendered and got it back from the Insurers to be rebuilt and later sold to another Racer who did some modifications / improvements [ twin D'ell Orto's and a hot camshaft ], we kept in touch and he told me had to rebuild the engine at around 100,000 miles, had done 85,000 approx when i sold it in 1985, to help buy a house, pity that had to happen.

    Name:  TR4A accident 1980, #2 CCI03082015 (2) (764x800).jpg
Views: 1383
Size:  151.8 KB

    Name:  TR4A accident 1980, #2  partial stripdown CCI03082015 (3) (786x800).jpg
Views: 1419
Size:  171.4 KB

    as it was before the accident

    Name:  My Cars #4 1967 Triumph TR4A 2138cc Pukekohe Sprints 1978-9 v3, CCI28122015_0005 (2) (700x542).jpg
Views: 1468
Size:  110.7 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-15-2016 at 09:57 PM.

  17. #77
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Pukekohe meetings were shared between Auckland, Northern Sports NZIGP and ACU

    In the 1960's meetings at Pukekohe were run by Auckland Car Club, Northern Sports Car Club, NZ International Grand Prix Association [ for cars ] and the Auto Cycle Union [ for bikes ], sometimes the Car Clubs and ACU would run joint meetings as happened in other parts of NZ.
    With the introduction of the Wills Six Hour and Gold Leaf Three Hour Challenge, in October started a busy year
    With NSCC meeting in November, ACC in December NZIGP January then NSCC and Auckland again
    This is the details of Auckland Car Clubs Autumn Meeting, there last one for the year 4th April 1964
    programme provided by John Hatton. thanks John.

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #1, front cover - John Hatton CCI31122015 (589x750).jpg
Views: 1502
Size:  159.5 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #2 cover and p1, CCI31122015_0001 (588x750).jpg
Views: 1508
Size:  167.4 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #3 Programme & race 1 CCI31122015_0002 (750x506).jpg
Views: 1488
Size:  124.1 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #4 Races 1A & 2 CCI31122015_0003 (750x391).jpg
Views: 1553
Size:  111.4 KB

  18. #78
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Auckland Car Club April 1964 meeting continued

    the race entrants continued.
    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #5 races 3 & 4 v2, CCI31122015_0004 (2) (750x378).jpg
Views: 1554
Size:  104.1 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #6 races 5 & 6 CCI31122015_0005 (750x422).jpg
Views: 1485
Size:  111.7 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #7 races 7 & 8 CCI31122015_0006 (750x355).jpg
Views: 1499
Size:  103.8 KB

    Name:  ACC Autumn Meeting 4 April 1964 #8, race 17 & 18 p20- John Hatton CCI31122015_0007 (750x375).jpg
Views: 1479
Size:  84.8 KB

    Well known names here including the Man who did the legal work for my first House purchase Hugh Kettelwell in a Mini Cooper, Trevor Sheffield in his Daimler SP250, the aforementioned John Hatton in his Zephyr, some Big names in saloons over 2001cc field.

  19. #79
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    NSCC Motorsport Day 1978

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    No photos ** from the event but here is my car Triumph GT6 MK 3 [ 1971 ] model at a Jaguar Drivers Club invitation Drag meeting at Meremere.
    As I only had a restricted licence " closed Club " at the time had to run solo.

    Name:  Jag Drag April 1977 #1, My GT6, p1, CCI24122015_0002 (748x780).jpg
Views: 1512
Size:  164.2 KB

    Name:  Jag Drag April 1977 #2, my GT6 p2, CCI24122015 (752x780).jpg
Views: 1604
Size:  172.0 KB

    and yes rear tyres are bigger, ran 165 x 13 Dunlops on the front and 185 x 13's on the rear good for economy but not for acceleration

    Have pictures of a few of the Jaguars - will post on yards and yarns. later
    ** Found a couple of " distance " shots of the GT6 at the Motorsport Day at the sprints at the club circuit Pukekohe.

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day the sprint GT6 p2, CCI04012016 (781x800).jpg
Views: 1383
Size:  161.0 KB

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day the sprint GT6, p1, CCI04012016_0001 (763x800).jpg
Views: 1359
Size:  155.4 KB

    Name:  NSCC Motorsport Day the sprint GT6 p2, v3, CCI04012016 (3).jpg
Views: 1408
Size:  49.7 KB

  20. #80
    I remember two incidents on the "club" circuit as it was known. In the first one one of the competitors was too far forward according to the start official and was asked to move back a few feet which he did, only to leave the car in reverse so when the flag dropped he went one way and the rest of the field went the other. I don't recall too much damage. In the second incident a competitor came round the stables corner, got into a major tank slapper, then veered across the grass in the centre of the track. There was only one car parked in the area and the un-named competitor got that car dead centre between the doors.

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