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Thread: Baypark ; lost tracks - Australian Muscle Car issue 83

  1. #21
    Roger, if all it is a cut and paste effort, then their card needs to be marked 'Could do better'. So indeed point it out.

    It is of course another classic scenario whereby once something goes into print then other facts emerge.

    And not that I wish to sound too critical, it could also be put down to the Mark Oastler era of AMC is a hard act to follow.


  2. #22
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cooper997 View Post
    Roger, if all it is a cut and paste effort, then their card needs to be marked 'Could do better'. So indeed point it out.

    It is of course another classic scenario whereby once something goes into print then other facts emerge.

    And not that I wish to sound too critical, it could also be put down to the Mark Oastler era of AMC is a hard act to follow.

    Stephen, just heard back from Luke West and a correction is coming, mainly about the closing era, final meeting and Peter Hanna's passing, he was apologetic, Watch the next issue if in time..otherwise the following one # 85..


  3. #23
    Talking of passing on- Uncle Jack (Nazer) dropped in today, while talking he mentioned the recent passing on of Mark Jennings.
    Mark had the Cylinder Head Engineering shop in Newton, also built up the racing Topolino V8.
    It all went wrong for him on a quad bike.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    I wasn't expecting to find "Australian Muscle Car" anywhere in the West or Northwest of Auckland, but found one in a superette at Hobsonville. It took only a couple of minutes to flick through the 2 pages of the article - it was a distinct disappointment.

    A mutual friend had given me a dozen or so earlier issues and there were some very interesting articles on "Circuits of the Past" - Orange/Gnoo Blas, Amaroo Park, Catalina, Calder Thunderdrome, and a street circuit at Toowoomba(where a Falcon raced for the first time ever). I have since passed these on, but I kept one which had a fascinating story called "The Great Ruse" about the origins of Mt Panorama, and the correspondence between the Mayor of Bathurst and the NSW Minister of Works about the "tourist road" over the Bald Hills (renamed Mt Panorama) when everybody in the area knew it was to be a motor race circuit.

    Against this background the Bay Park story was a complete let-down. Perhaps we should nominate a volunteer to write the proper story for them.

    Stu Buchanan
    been in touch with Luke West, at Chevron Publishing, and now have his own, E-mail, there will be a correction, and hopefully more research before, saying it in the old way, putting " pen to paper ".
    they outsourced the article !!


  6. #26
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Australian Muscle Car magazine issue 84 is now out, a correction !!

    There is a letter from Mike John - of Targa fame - organiser supreme, and an apology from " the Editor " Luke West, presumably, I will scan and post the page as it shows some of the TRS post info,
    The last Programme, The Peter Hanna Funeral - front page of the service note, and a couple of photos small but there.

    Thanks to those who provided the images.

  7. #27
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Australian Muscle Car -issue #84. the letter

    Name:  Baypark letter Aust Muscle Car issue #84 v2, CCI09112015_0002 (2) (800x791) (640x633) (550x544).jpg
Views: 1566
Size:  157.6 KB

  8. #28
    I bought the souvenir programme last week from the second hand bookshop in Devonport. There was a second programme for sale. Shop is called BookMark.

  9. #29
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Australian Muscle Car issue # 85 out this week in Australia

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    Australian Muscle Car latest issue No 83, out this week in Australia, watch out for it.
    Not trying to help sell the magazine, but an article of Tracks that didn't happen : A half page on the attempt to runs the V8* Supercars around Victoria Park and up to the Casino / Sky City..

  10. #30
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Australian Muscle Car issue # 85 article on Auckland CBD race track

    Name:  AMC issue 85 front page CCI30122015 (451x640).jpg
Views: 1404
Size:  146.2 KB

    Here is the article, remember having a huge argument with a Mate who worked at Auckland City Council at the time.
    I didn't like it, being a Pukekohe supporter and even a driver at the track many years before.
    I think that the Harbour Bridge access was the main issue as the Victoria park viaduct took the traffic North and South, no tunnel back then for one way running underneath.
    Here is the article ;

    Name:  AMC issue 85 Auckland track p116 v2, CCI30122015_0001 (700x548).jpg
Views: 1368
Size:  172.5 KB

    Thought I would save you guys having to buy it,** seems to be less of a magazine these days, and from reading the letters to the editor, full of errors, so the Baypark article is just one of many that were incorrect

    ** Ken H, no chance unless you subscribe !!, and I forgot Happy New Year to you and all the US based TRS followers, and others of course.

  11. #31
    Here are some shots from the final Bay Park meeting on April 16 1995.

    A couple of Aztec cars

    Name:  Wills BP 95.JPG
Views: 1383
Size:  56.9 KB
    Kieran Wills Mazda RX8

    Name:  Bowler BP 95.JPG
Views: 1297
Size:  58.3 KB
    Andrew Bowler Nissan Coupe

  12. #32
    More from Bay Park

    Name:  Huxford BP 95.JPG
Views: 1378
Size:  50.9 KB
    Wayne Huxford Capri V8

    Name:  Merc BP 95.JPG
Views: 1299
Size:  53.5 KB
    Tim LaTrobe Mercedes Benz 280E

    Name:  Salter BP 95.JPG
Views: 1276
Size:  56.1 KB
    Ron Salter Volvo White Aero

    Name:  2endcar BP 95.JPG
Views: 1268
Size:  65.1 KB

  13. #33
    Wow, great shots Milan. You can see the encroaching houses in the background.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milan Fistonic View Post
    More from Bay Park

    Name:  Huxford BP 95.JPG
Views: 1378
Size:  50.9 KB
    Wayne Huxford Capri V8

    Name:  Merc BP 95.JPG
Views: 1299
Size:  53.5 KB
    Tim LaTrobe Mercedes Benz 280E

    Name:  Salter BP 95.JPG
Views: 1276
Size:  56.1 KB
    Ron Salter Volvo White Aero

    Name:  2endcar BP 95.JPG
Views: 1268
Size:  65.1 KB
    Confucius said; " Man who build close to race track bound to hear lots of noise"
    We were there first.
    Spinner Black's Camaro at Bay Park in 1969. (No houses in sight )
    Name:  Bay Park 1969_0001_NEW.jpg
Views: 1235
Size:  160.9 KB

    (Ken Hyndman photo )

    Confucius also says : "Woman who fly aeroplane upside down bound to have crack up !"

  15. #35
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Confucius also says, Confucius - werry wise man ..

  16. #36
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    December 1975.
    Baypark F5000 field about to start a race. Back in the good old days !
    (I know some one will accurately name the field in the correct order..thanks )

    Name:  Bay Park. F5000. Dec. 1975.jpg
Views: 1103
Size:  61.1 KB

    (Ken Hyndman photo )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 04-13-2016 at 03:35 PM.

  17. #37
    Weekend Warrior
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    I wasn't expecting to find "Australian Muscle Car" anywhere in the West or Northwest of Auckland, but found one in a superette at Hobsonville. It took only a couple of minutes to flick through the 2 pages of the article - it was a distinct disappointment.

    A mutual friend had given me a dozen or so earlier issues and there were some very interesting articles on "Circuits of the Past" - Orange/Gnoo Blas, Amaroo Park, Catalina, Calder Thunderdrome, and a street circuit at Toowoomba(where a Falcon raced for the first time ever). I have since passed these on, but I kept one which had a fascinating story called "The Great Ruse" about the origins of Mt Panorama, and the correspondence between the Mayor of Bathurst and the NSW Minister of Works about the "tourist road" over the Bald Hills (renamed Mt Panorama) when everybody in the area knew it was to be a motor race circuit.

    Against this background the Bay Park story was a complete let-down. Perhaps we should nominate a volunteer to write the proper story for them.

    Stu Buchanan
    Stu (and others)...your ref to a road racing circuit in the Woomba got my interest...

    Scroll down to 20 Sept 1958 below...

    PS I have been told that the MotoX cct at Echo Valley was a former blacktop circuit as well.
    Last edited by 275 GTB; 04-20-2016 at 06:12 AM. Reason: more info

  18. #38
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 275 GTB View Post
    Stu (and others)...your ref to a road racing circuit in the Woomba got my interest...

    Scroll down to 20 Sept 1958 below...
    275GTB, was down your way a week or so ago, stayed at Tallong in the Tallong Park Estate with friends, on the road saw a couple of Vintage cars on Trailers towed by moderns but being followed by a P76 Leyland V8 .. cheers Roger D

    P S just clicked on the link a good read, lots of interesting stuff, the Leybourn Sprints question the comment a Jaguar XK120 was in a different category to some Healey's the XK was a Racing Car the Healey's Sports Cars, maybe a capacity thing !! great stuff, thanks
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-20-2016 at 06:18 AM. Reason: add question ?? #### 47

  19. #39
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Baypark ; lost tracks - Australian Muscle Cars - issue 83

    started this thread as there was an article in AMC magazine about Baypark which had a few " cough " errors, well 6 months and over 4000 views later it has all sorts of good info on it, thanks Guys !!!

  20. #40
    Semi-Pro Racer Steve Emson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    December 1975.
    Baypark F5000 field about to start a race. Back in the good old days !
    (I know some one will accurately name the field in the correct order..thanks )

    Name:  Bay Park. F5000. Dec. 1975.jpg
Views: 1103
Size:  61.1 KB

    (Ken Hyndman photo )
    Gee, that really doesn't look like Baypark.

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