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Thread: Just A Mix Of Pics - Ray Green Collection

  1. #781
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    2002 again. These 'shark nose' Ferraris were a favourite for any teenager who liked drawing cars. Instantly recognisable.
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    I think this is the Jaguar closely associated with Rowan Atkinson.
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    It says MG, but I'm pretty sure there is far more Lola than MG in in it...
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    On to 2004 briefly, referring back to recreations. Two of the best known.
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    Note: This first hall at Donington is now full of Kevin's military collection. Yeuk... I haven't been in since the Collection was diluted and probably won't go again, as I doubt there are any new racing car exhibits in there. I last visited the collection September 2009, but due to a weird computer hiccup, lost every single picture I'd taken that day. Even though I bought an image recovery programme, the pics were never recovered.
    Last edited by ERC; 11-27-2015 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #782
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Not a replica, but a car that Tony Vandervell virtually ignored, wasting time and resources resuscitating the outdated front engine car instead of developing this rear engine car, much to Tony Brooks' obvious disappointment.
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    Back to the mini theme of recreations and replicas. Not sure, but this could also be a replica driver... (2005)
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    A bit closer to home...
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    Last edited by ERC; 11-27-2015 at 08:22 PM.

  3. #783
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Back to Goodwood 2002. Renault were the principal sponsors and the featured marque. Gives you some idea of the number of spectators - now capped at 50,000 per day I believe and ticket only. Remember, this is a hillclimb, not a race meeting!

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    The sculpture in the front of Goodwood House is always spectacular.
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    Lotus Renault - still in JPS colours.
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    The soap-box Derby cars are works of art - and often produced by company apprentices.
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    Last edited by ERC; 11-30-2015 at 03:02 AM.

  4. #784
    #782- the 28 SSk Mercedes.
    I made up the headlamp covers with the Merc Tristar emblem stitched in.
    Car is a replica, previous owner spent a lot of years making this with Merc motor, Bedford front hubs.
    Great car, amazing to drive.

  5. #785
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Not a lot of action photographs maybe, but I still enjoy the diversity of machinery.

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    Porsche Festival coming up in January...
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    Last edited by ERC; 11-30-2015 at 07:29 PM.

  6. #786
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Name:  202_0712_205 Jaguar XJR 10.jpg
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    What sets Lord March's invitation list above so many other events is that he embraces the real diversity without any snobbery whatever.
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    Last edited by ERC; 11-30-2015 at 07:36 PM.

  7. #787
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Lola 1
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    Lola 2. Although Mick Hill was best known for his super-saloon creations, right from his Janglia days, this Lola must be one of the few cars he didn't create! However, the history behind this particular car is very interesting as it isn't exactly in factory spec.
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    Where the engines are the key...
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    Another of those America sports cars that we haven't heard of. But what a stunning looking engine. No matter what my engines or cars look like when first assembled, or how much care is taken, it seems that the random effects of water, oil and hydraulic problems conspire to make them look very second-hand very quickly! Just had a minor issue with the Rover V8 engine's water system. Rusty water has stained my nice under bonnet area...! I only put the full strength antifreeze/anti corrosion stuff in when everything is water tight and has settled down.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-01-2015 at 03:42 AM.

  8. #788
    World Champion
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    Yes absolutely agree on that Ray........I would say that this machine leads a VERY sheltered life living in an airconditioned room and never started.......otherwise as you say oil and water crap gets everywhere.

  9. #789
    Seeing the Silkcut Jag reminds me of being at Nurburgring 1000km when they ran. The "split race" with Parc Ferme version. On the restart one of the Sauber Mercs was a little "energetic" (no rubbing is NOT racing IMHO) and took out the leading car from the previous part. Late in the race we heard the then lead Jag drop power heavily coming on to the finish straight with a fair few laps to go. Drivers nursed it to the end but lost their lead on the penultimate lap. I expected the German crowd to go nuts as "their" car won, but polite applause, and a rousing reception for the ailing Jag which stopped not far over the finish. Great meeting to go to, lots of variety and superb Gluvine (sp?) from the merchants under the grandstands.

  10. #790
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Last few from Goodwood 2002.

    The very popular Win Percy enjoying a bit of banter with the spectators.
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    I remember so well the fire at Jaguar that destroyed all the remaining unsold Jaguar XKSS...
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    More for Spgeti
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    Despite the huge crowds at UK events, I have to say that invariably, the spectators are very considerate and aware of those wishing to take photographs. Now everyone seems to be clutching a phone or an i-pad, usually oblivious to all around them, often blocking their views, I wonder if it will be the same next time I'm at Goodwood? However, I do tend to take 'snapshots' quickly, rather than fluff around hogging the prime spots, something which many of the phone and the i-pad warriors need to learn!
    Last edited by ERC; 12-02-2015 at 05:19 AM.

  11. #791
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    I'm guessing here at January 1994 but again, no programme so no confirmed details. This was probably the beginnings of the annual January Festivals, held then at Pukekohe. Lola's I presume for the first 2 pictures.

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  12. #792
    Ray, the first red F5000 car is ( I believe ) Ken Smith in a Matich A50 or A51. We have a photo that Dad took of it sitting lop-sided on a standard car trailer, possibly from the same meeting as your photo. The Matich was too wide for the trailer and the tyres on one side are sitting up on the trailer side rails. I've always wondered what happened this car.

    #41 is a Lola T430, which David Abbott owns ( 2 of them, both ex team VDS, one of which Ken Smith drove for a few years ). Only 3 ever made, Todd Stewart owns the 3rd one ( ex Haas ), it was on display at the NZFMR last year.

    The white car, and the next photo yellow and black car are Lola T330 or T332's.

  13. #793
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Brilliant. Thanks JAFA. Didn't Racing Ray Williams race the Matich at some stage?

    I think I had the restored, powder-coated Marcos rolling chassis on display, (when it looked pristine...) as I certainly wasn't flagging and it was pre my ERC involvement.
    Last edited by ERC; 12-04-2015 at 01:26 AM.

  14. #794
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    The 1989 Otaua Hillclimb. (See Roger's thread for earlier years.) Just a few as many weren't of publishable quality! I forgot to correct the colour balance on #2, 3 & 4...

    This looks like TR stalwart Paul Reynolds, who ran a TR7V8 in the early days of the ERC series, but was refused a CoD as someone didn't like it's chin spoiler...
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    Is this a Fraser?
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    I think this might be motoring journalist Adrian Blackburn's Jaguar D Type replica, that he'd run at the Ardmore January event. Seems to be sitting high for a fairly short bloke, so may not be Adrian driving?
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-05-2015 at 08:43 PM.

  15. #795
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
    The 1989 Otaua Hillclimb. (See Roger's thread for earlier years.) Just a few as many weren't of publishable quality! I forgot to correct the colour balance on #2, 3 & 4...

    This looks like TR stalwart Paul Reynolds, who ran a TR7V8 in the early days of the ERC series, but was refused a CoD as someone didn't like it's chin spoiler...
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    Is this a Fraser?
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    I think this might be motoring journalist Adrian Blackburn's Jaguar D Type replica, that he'd run at the Ardmore January event. Seems to be sitting high for a fairly short bloke, so may not be Adrian driving?
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    again thanks for the photo's I only have a few more to come.
    and love your other photo's - some absolute gems, cars I have never seen.
    Have models of the Castrol and Silk Cut Jaguars and the MG Lola LMP car

  16. #796
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Just the ERC cars that didn't manage to run until the end of the Sunday TACCOC meeting!

    Robbie Halliday (Jnr) was going really well, but had a head problem later in the day. Car was fine, but Robbie wasn't feeling so good.
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    I'm not sure why Derek didn't do the later races.
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    Paul's car had a gearbox issue.
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    Mike's Escort threw a fanbelt which managed to slice through a water pipe/hose of some sort.
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    John's MGB broke a front suspension bolt.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-14-2015 at 02:43 AM.

  17. #797
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Two more who didn't finish the day. Tony Roberts had a rough day and didn't finish any of the races.

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    Phil's Rover had been going much better in recent times, but not too sure why he didn't start the last race.
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    The French invasion is adding a more European flavour and all are going well. The 2 Peugeots are refugees from the U2K Cup, as they have fallen foul of their tight regulations, but being European, no reason why they shouldn't run with ERC. Whilst some may grizzle about the inclusion of the slightly newer cars, without them, the entries would be lower.

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    Last edited by ERC; 12-16-2015 at 09:03 PM.

  18. #798
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Must add a couple for spgeti... (One older one from Otaua). Two from the weekend.

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    Although ERC are at both Festival weekends (the latest HRC newsletter doesn't mention ERC for the first weekend...), Paul may be bringing a Porsche to weekend 1 but I gather from JB, that Paul may be racing that glorious 250 GTO Ferrari recreation for weekend 2. As I am only racing weekend 1, hopefully I'll get some decent photographs weekend 2!
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    A car with a NZ history.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-17-2015 at 02:22 AM.

  19. #799
    Semi-Pro Racer Spgeti's Avatar
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    Thanks Ray. I have been privileged to see Paul's beautiful GTA up close a few years ago at The May Madness race meeting that AROC hold every year at Manfeild. A beautiful and very rare car and we can thank Paul for saving it from going overseas. cheers

  20. #800
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Morning was very greasy and Adrian's car set up at the rear left a lot to be desired. Sadly, he had a touch with Bruce Manon's freshly rebuilt car during the last lap of the last race, resulting in a bit of minor damage to the front left of the MG and the rear right corner of Bruce's Escort. At least with both cars having in car video, trying to sort out who was in the right or wrong was a made a bit easier.

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    Northin #1
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    Northin #2
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    Bruce Manon's car just before the ding
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    Turn 1 is scary on your own. Heart in the mouth stuff on just about every lap. Ford (UK & SA replica) vs BL - Ford winning this one.
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    Last edited by ERC; 12-18-2015 at 01:01 AM.

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